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Prologue: 0 The Fool

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End of Days Session Reports

Prologue: 0 The Fool

Session 1

The session began with Gesiqu'h (Laine) jumping to talk to Radmar, but Radmar not knowing who she is. Patches tries to introduce himself to everyone, now calling Radmar "Radmar Today" due to Radmar referencing that he did not call himself Radmar recently. Patches also attempted to talk to Andrea who was reading and avoiding conversation. Eventually, she came around to the conversation. Laine was embarrassed and confused and ran out the door as it opened. In the line for residential tickets, Andrea recognized that the zone she was sent to and the timing were the same as last time. The Warden of City 20, Grimora's, speech was a little different, and so was the city.

Dianna had her interaction with her bosses as planned-- she left Very Awkwardly

When getting their tickets, Patches attempted to talk to someone else about a "wrong ticket" but no one was interested in it. Getting on the first car went easy, but going to the second one had some trouble. The party saw a mindflayer in the flesh, skeeving Radmar and Laine was bold and determined that shed be fine if anything happened. They saw Castor, Andrea and Laine both vaguely remembering Pollux and that he had a twin named Castor. Patches made him laugh a little with two very whatever handkerchief jokes. 

Dianna met Martin, and she got along with him very well. The two were very cunty together.

The van flipped and Dianna did not leave the scene, she stayed to watch. The scene went according to plan. Laine recognized Benji and Igna, but no one else. 

Upon leaving, Andrea sees Dianna and goes up to her. She doesn't remember her name but knows shes important to her. Dianna and Andrea hear the Overseer announce anti-civil activity, causing them to walk down the same alley. Patches immediately gets along with Dianna and the party moves through the city. When out of danger, the party conscripts Dianna as a guide. She says she will take them to District 5 to get their things.

The party arrives at District 5.

Session 2

The party began in the market place. Andrea and Patches went over to their assigned pickup spot and met Darsh Grohn and Joh. 

Gesiqu'h went to find Jarood and purchased the same scabbard as before. 

Radmar followed the scent of cigarettes to find Dave and B'nestre. Dave sold some cigarettes to Radmar and B'nestre pulled him away. 

Dianna walked down the side street that Andrea and Patches went down, looking for them. The duo got their things and met with Dianna outside the shop. They moved back to the market where Patches caught sight of Ceridwen and her fur coat. Dianna tried to get him away from her, but Patches insisted that she tell him where to find a coat like that. Maxwell showed up and took Ceridwen away.

Gesiqu'h was turning away from Jarood when she met Simon. Tensions were high at first, but Simon was impressed at Gesiqu'h's bold personality and aggression towards him. He purchased an owl carved of bone and walked off. 

The party then met up and debated either going back to the apartment or visiting Dianna's work. They ultimately went to the apartments. 

The party received their apt keys from Frederick, the House Keeper. Gesiqu'h and Andrea recognized the name of Frederick as the guy who gave them their keys and rations before. Patches left him a good review on a notepad.

The party went up to their rooms, except Andrea and Patches visited Radmar's room before going to Dianna's room to dance.

Gesiquh went to Ceridwen's room, already knowing what one it was. She dropped a massive lore bomb on her, explaining what happened with Caiphon, the other world, and her worries. She tried to comfort her with tea and explained that she should be safe as long as she avoids the Cult of the Dream Whisperers-- as well as any of the other Elder Evil cults. She also briefly explains the Dream of the Blue Veil theory, giving her the potential option of returning to her original world if she wanted to (and if she found a powerful enough caster).

Maxwell entered and introduced himself to Laine, and Ceridwen showed her out of the room.

Session 3

The session began with Patches following Dianna over to Studio 39. Andrea and Radmar shared a moment of intuitive trust. Gesiqu'h notices that her dagger gave a strange purple gleam when focusing on the universe of its origin. She also noticed a purple gleam in her own eye. She proceeded to have an existential crisis. 

Patches and Dianna arrive at Studio 39 where Patches changes into Pepper Babbage (not clown version of Patches). He meets Shapesphere and Michelangelo who aid him in finding Dianna. Dianna delivers her package and leaves, meeting up with Pepper. She gets infuriated and the two of them go outside and down the street for Dianna to yell at Pepper. Pepper is shy and meek and manages to convince Dianna that she should help him get home since he really only has her at the moment. 

The party is all in the apartment block and they all await 8pm. Andrea and Radmar leave, sparking Dianna and Patches to follow. Gesiquh lurked behind. The party reached the Historical District where Gesiqu'h tripped in front of some Whispers of Vecna. She exchanges some information about the QZ for guidance to the Ebony Fly on the Wall. The rest of the party, far ahead of Gesiqu'h, discusses asking if people can come with rather than just following people without permission. They all then go to the Ebony Fly on the Wall.

Patches gets told by the door lady that there are a disruptive sect of clowns in District 19, making him wonder if they could be his calling. 

The party is altogether in the Ebony Fly and Carrion whips up drinks for the party. Gesiqu'h notices that Andrea blushes when seeing Carrion and she encourages her to take off her scarf. She does, and then hands it off to Radmar. Radmar and Patches get the Daydream Believer. Patches immediately starts to hallucinate, while Radmar seems okay. 

The session ended with Betty Blight asking Patches what he is drinking.

Session 4

The party partied at the Ebony Fly on the Wall! Patches and Radmar saw many colorful apparitions. Both had strange visions of home and family after drinking the Daydream Believer. The party danced and discussed Andrea's Carrion crush. The party saw Shartruese and Sarah Morphosis perform as well. After crit failing a skill check, Andrea has a minor panic attack-- she briefly relived a memory from City 12 that was about escapees. Radmar attempted to comfort her during it, but his hand got swatted away by Andrea. 

Later on, Dianna put on a wonderful show on the pole-- catching the attention of Theresa who offered her a job and gave her some drink tickets.

The party was pressuring Andrea to talk to Carrion when Patches and Gesiquh got off topic and started to talk about the Whispers of Vecna. They spotted the table where they were playing blackjack and Patches was hard staring, getting the attention of Khondrand. He approached and talked with them. At first, it was a heated conversation-- calling him stupid and lame and a nerdy cultist. Eventually, Patches attempts to make a deal with him to teach him magic in exchange for the information Gesiquh gave to find the Ebony Fly. Khondrand pulls out his spellbook and notes and shows that he is a wizard of great knowledge. He briefly explains the history of the Scavenging Sages, and why there are three chapters. The party asks about the lost fourth chapter, and he explains that they did not have as much luck in the charismatic department to garner a following to be considered another chapter. He tells them the names of each of the chapter heads and their ideologies. Gesiquh accidentally slips that she left the city and returned while trying to explain that he should join the resistance in order to help free civilization. He explains more about how the world was at its prime with magic and technology and they stood no chance during the invasion. There would be no hope in him leaving and using his magic elsewhere-- even if he could cast it. 

Session 5

they finally left the bar and went home

andrea thought she saw civil protection, but they glitched out and disappeared. gesiquh did not notice them, but heard "not yet" from caiphon. the rest of the party was more focused on the strange announcer voice that was occurring. 

on their way home they saw an illithid brute who was on patrol and told them to go home. 

the next day gesiquh pulled aside andrea and talked to her about being from a different realm, sending andrea into a minor meltdown.

dianna met michelangelo in the apartment and recognized him. they chatted for a bit, showing off how *down bad* he is for dianna.

Radmar saw Qin'lal put up several posters seeking information about B'nestre. 

Session 6


The session began with Radmar and Dianna in the lobby, Radmar waiting for Andrea.

Patches awoke, knocked on everyone's doors and only Gesiqu'h was there. Patches managed to convince Gesiqu'h to go with him to the circus tents of the district 19 theme parks. They descended to meet with Radmar, Dianna, and Andrea discussing job opportunities. Andrea really wanted to go to the job board near the Ebony Fly on the Wall. They were all interested in the strange sounds from a basement. The party discussed their plans for the day, and the party got nervous about Patches going to the circus where there are rumors of killer clowns. 

The party set out, following Dianna to District 19. In D14 they met Phiphine who was looking for information about the appearance of Gith in the city. The party became very defensive and nearly attacked her after she insulted the party. 

Later they passed through an Illithid checkpoint, and Radmar's eye hurt a lot. Everyone dropped it.

A few briefly saw Castor down another street in the institutional district, but they decided not to interact. 

Eventually, they arrived on the far end of District 19 where the theme park and circus was. They came face to face with Buddy Buttons. Patches got extremely excited and introduced himself and shook Buddy's hand. He got zapped with its shock grasp and fell unconscious. Radmar moved to help Patches and Dianna ran up in the face of the clown. The clown pulled out a toy gun, shot and missed her. She tried to intimidate him, but it did not go as planned. He pulled the trigger of the gun again with it pressed against her stomach, she got slightly hurt but she succeeded in the WIsdom save. Andrea tried to distract the clown by giggling, but got shot instead. She did fail her save, critically. She had a moment where she was back in a preschool trying to hold back laughter looking at a clown. The vision cleared and she was laughing uncontrollably. Patches reawoke and Dianna knocked the gun from the clown's hands. He went to grab Dianna but he was kicked in the face by Nebthis (Coocoo Feathers) the acrobat. Zazara and Kharmen ran up to aid the party as well. Kharmen went to help Patches away on his pogo stick. Zazara led Gesiquh away. Radmar was carrying a laughing Andrea away and Dianna was running hand in hand with Nebthis.

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