Chapter 2: father and son

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“What you do on the side, is your business.” 

“I don’t want it!’ His hand hammered the the table, rattling the glass and ink pot.

“You will do as your father demands, for the good of the family and honor! As it has always been!”  Father, stern faced, his ruddy skin slightly flushed with temper. Hair showing a touch of grey at the sides. Dark, combed, swept forward in the current fashion and pinned with a golden pin.

The young man spun, the tails of his coat swirling out as he ran for the door.

“You will do your duty!”  His father shouted after him.”I know everything.  The informers have been following you for months. I know about your trysts. Your buddies and where you go.”

The young man froze, hand on the door handle, looking back over his embroidered shoulder and the collar of his shirt sticking up from inside his coat. He stammered out “What...what?”

“The gambling room.  The dinners at the Lampsman’s club.  The elf you meet at the Centaur bathhouse. I know it all.  Keep it in your spare time, after your duty to family.”

“I can’t….. How could you?” His head down and his black hair touched with blue streaks hanging over his face. The young man stands frozen. “He didn’t mention…..” he thinks

“Walk away and you will be disinherited and cut off.  Obey and you keep it all.”  The father says. “A gentleman of certain status is free to do things that others are not.  Obey and you keep the status.”

“ But..”

“It is political.  She can also have certain liberties. You do not need to regard the personal as any more than a business deal, but you both must present a unified face. And children.  That is the job.”

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Oct 25, 2023 13:57

I think this chapter and the first chapter could have been interlaced. Dialogue followed by setting followed by dialogue would have helped break both of them up and give atmosphere to the people talking. And for the people talking, the backdrop would be more present in the reader's mind.   I like the description of the characters, it's showing their personality! Also shows their status of people with wealth.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Oct 25, 2023 15:15

This is just a scene that occurred to me. Not really set into any other specific narrative, though there are a few possibilities.