Chapter 4 : A little adventure

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Being a cooper ain’t a way to be a rich man in Incaras, but it pays enough. Me and me mates knock off in the evenings and go to the taverns and inn’s for good times, song, drink and jollies.  It were Jorvi that started it, like most times.  Jorvi is an elf- one of the forest ones called Pookah. You can tell by the ears- Pookah ears are pointy and go up.  Sidhe are  swept back. Dark elves have ears that stick out sideways.  Forest elves like Jorvi can’t help but to tell tall tales and make wild suggestions. It's just their nature.  And he heard that there were a place in the Fountains district we could test our metal as men with bedding a monster.  Us being just ‘prentices, we don’t got coin for swanky jaw dropping pretties.  Jorvi pointed out it were probably just as cheap as some poxed doxie, with the danger of claws, sharp teeth and savage disposition and maybe fleas but maybe not the clap.  Course, he’d be laughing it up either way and even if it just got us into a brawl.


And that is how we ended up walking into a tavern called the “Ball and Chain” that takes up a corner of a tenement building, with three floors above. There be bouncers - Ghenid, in chain mail.  Ghenid is kinda like if dogs stood on their back legs. Stood up and were about seven feet tall, and muscled. The tails be short, triangular things. The faces kinda square, muzzles short and dark, with red eyes. The ears are tall and rounded, and they have a mane sticking up between them and down the neck. Most have brown coats, some are more blonde and with black spots. 

Lookin 'round, there is only a few folk in the room, mostly humans with drink and food.  Must have a kitchen out back.

Jorvi, Pik and me got a table and a round of ales.  The barman and maid is humans.  Jorvi asked and was pointed to a back corner. He’s up and waving us to follow, half laughing as we slowly comply.  And in that back corner is another Ghenid wearing the green and yellow sash of a working girl over a simple tunic. Her spots was in rings. As we approached she lifted her head from the table and gave us the eye.  Jorvi pushed Pik and me at the chairs and sets himself right down. 

“Hey, how much for my friends and me?” says he with a smile.

She tilted her head to the side and looked us over.  Took a drink from her cup. “Twenty each or all three at the same time, I do for fifty.”  The voice is not the deep rumble I expect -it’s high and kinda squeaky.  I look at the sharp tipped black claws on the hand holding her cup.  The big fangs. 

“Silver or gold coin?” says Jorvi. He's dressed flash, with green vine embroidered sleeves on his tunic and leggings. 

She laughed, a kinda wha-wha wha sound. “Gold.”

Jorvi looked at us, quirking up an eyebrow as he took a drink.

She leaned over, rubbing her head against Pik. Pik is a human like me.  She rolls those red eyes, with black around the edges, up at him and runs a clawed hand over his chest and down. “Good time, yeah?”

Pik grabbed his mug and hid behind it taking his drink. I did the same.

“You guys feeling private or what?” asked Jorvi with a chuckle, enjoying our discomfort.

Pik is almost shaking as she makes a slow lick at his neck. “First time for elf, fifteen for you.” she said to Jorvi. Her eyes and mouth are on Pik, but her ears are turned towards Jorvi. And I feel a big hand on my leg, rubbing and creeping up towards my groin.

Jorvi is grining like a fool. “Well guys?”

“Ok!” I gulped with that hand on my crotch. Just held myself from swatting at it.

The big head turned to me with a smile barely showing those big teeth. She smelled of ale and a sorta musky garlic scent. Her eyes took a moment to focus on me.

Pik piped up. “All together!” he said with a quavering in his voice.  It's Incaras, and we all been at the baths before, so no shame is being all naked and stuff together. 

The hand left me and she pushed back her chair. She downed the last of her drink. “Come boys.” she said, pushing herself up with her arms and slowly standing.  An she were looking down at us from her near seven foot. Turning and limping to a back stair and another Ghenid bouncer.  I see that her foot is kinda twisted up and the whole leg is sorta  locked up. The tail is wagging. She put a bit of sway in the gimpy gait.

“You pay Lhaekhnoa.” she pointed to the bouncer. “Seventeen each, except the elf- him fifteen- ya?”

We paid up and followed her as she made her slow way up the stair. Pausing a second as she swings up the bad leg and leans against the wall as she pushes up with the other. We came to a small room with a lantern’s light, cushions and a mattress. She ushered us in with light swats to the butts of Pik and me. Then she pulled off the sash, the tunic and dropped an underthing from the waist. 

We stood staring at this towering creature now naked before us. The bad leg makes her shift her weight from standing on the curved twist of her foot, swaying a little. Light tan body fur on the front, darker on the back.  Thick strong arms, longer than her legs. Six small swelling tits down the chest with square black nipples poking up from islands of bare skin, tight muscled belly and a short black prick sticking out where girl parts is supposed to be.

“Whoa!” Says I, “Thought we’d paid a girl not a guy!”  Jorvi busts out in laughter. I'm glaring daggers at him. Pik is wide eyed with his back to the wall.

“I’m girl!” says the great beast before us, reaching down to show that the folds part behind the little pecker. 


It took a bit for us to get worked up. Her licking and us half fearing she’d bite off parts. Hands with rough pads and sharp claws used to trace ticklish tracks or massage us instead of shredding us. This was what we paid for. A chance to bed a savage monster.  She coaxed us to touch her and things eventually got to business, even if she did have a small cock that got bigger when we was occupied.


And that is how I met Rhauk.  Though I didn’t get her name until later.

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Jun 12, 2023 01:25

I really like the different 'tone' for this. It struck immediately and had my attention - dragging me through the story while I pieced it together through the view of the narrator. I particularly appreciate the way he describes / views the world around him, though it was a little jarring when it turned a bit more clinical in the second paragraph where it seemed to lose some of that 'twang' that the rest of the story carries so well.   I think it can be hard to write something with an 'accent'. Keeping it consistent, different, but still readable and conveying the detail and mood. I think you did that really well, here. Especially during the moment when they actually meet Rhauk, though I'm particularly attracted to Jorvi. Can't help it - love me an elf.   All in all, a very entertaining and amusing read. Especially for how it ended.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jun 12, 2023 01:52

Thanks. Yeah, the trick of balancing the narrator's voice vs proper tenses! I'll have to do some more with the characters. Maybe they would be good guides to exploring the city.

Jun 12, 2023 03:18

New characters new to a city are the best way of getting around :3

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jun 12, 2023 03:30

That didn't workout well for Dracna in "Dracna comes to the city". I can't link here. I'll post it to your messages.

Oct 27, 2023 21:16

Guess they should have learned a bit of anatomy of other creatures first XD. Glad everything turned out well in the end.   I agree with everything Sanctified said, though I would like to add that I thought there should be more reaction to things (especially the leg since they pointed it out) by our main character. How did they feel about it, did it turn them off/on, etc   The pacing felt really good in this chapter, everting flowed together very nicely.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Oct 28, 2023 03:42

Thanks for the comments. I need to do an edit. Or at least re-read and think about how to edit it.