
In the world of Kofos

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Lost in the Woods

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Mushroom Kingdom


Falling onto the ground after the portal from New New York, the group look up to find Beetle Bob, who greets them with a smile. After a lengthy discussion, Lucian Staleus and Aaron Urn convince him to guide them to the nearest city, as nobody knows where they are. He cheerily meanders through the woods, but Ste-Van notices that the woods aren't quite as they seem at first glance. The trees creek eerily and the fauna glow a strange green light. The wind blows, but something feels off about it. The group stops by a pond, and find four Fae gathered on a rock. Yahn waggu sneaks up and instantly kills one of them, which alerts the other three.

"The queen shall hear of this!", says one of the Fae as they scurry away. Another raises its hand and a fire elemental appears from a nearby fire pit, then the wind gathers and forms an air elemental, and finally the water ripples and spawns a water elemental. Barely surviving, the group managed to fight them off, with Lucian Staleus scared of the power of the magic needed to summon elementals of that size.

Continuing on, Beetle Bob takes the group to Castle Ghastwell, explaining how it used to belong to Freyglen but has since been lost. Ste-Van notices a strange light from above the castle, but otherwise lets it be. Roaming through the castle, Lucian Staleus finds two books documenting events from Freyglen's time in the Whistling Woods, along with a reference to Fae artifacts. However, at the top of the castle they encounter a Fae of blinding radiance, who proclaims that she has been watching them and that they should leave. Yahn waggu decides they should fight the Fae after detecting that it was evil, and they dispatched it after a quick fight.

The group asked Beetle Bob if he knew the Fae was there, but he insisted he knew nothing. He then pointed in the direction of the city he was guiding them to, and started walking forwards. Nearing the city, Yahn waggu got distracted by a shiny cave and dragged the group towards it. Inside, they found lots of valuable items, and ended up finding a lamp. Yahn waggu rubbed the lamp, and a creature appeared. He offered everyone a wish for anything they wanted, but everyone refused. Aaron Urn and Lucian Staleus then came up with the idea of gathering the demon's true name from its memories, and Aaron proceeded to cast a Share Memories scroll. Distracted by its conversation with Yahn waggu, possibly about Courier Lions, the demon couldn't resist the scroll, and from Aaron, Lucian managed to pull out the true name in Abyssal: Bobert. With one word, the demon was under Lucian's control, and reverted to its true form.

Beetle Bob.

He tried to feign surprise, but he was now fulfilling his purpose in life. Being Lucian's coffee maker.

Amerin's Heart


The PC's managed to travel their way towards the nearest city, which it turns out housed the Lady of the Wood . She expressed concern and disssatisfaction with them killing her subjects, and decided to spare them. She explained how she suspects Freyglen stole Amerin's Heart from her throne room. This led to strange powers being called in the Whistling Woods , preventing anyone from leaving. The Archfey then explains how they should recover the Heart for her and all the fey, and she would spare their lives.

Then, the PC's traveled in search of Amerin's Heart . They stumbled across a Freyglen encampment, who they suspected had stolen the artifact. They snuck into a tent with the help of Lucian Staleus 's invisibility sphere, and managed to grab a letter detailing the theft of the Heart, as well as the location of their hideout. However, it mentioned how they might be overrun, but left no specifics. With that, the group traveled to the coordinates.

Yahn waggu investigated a ring of statues, and found that he was able to open a secret passageway. The PC's ventured into the tunnel, but were met with two Frost Worms. Tragically, Aaron Urn and Elric Al perished in this fight, with Ana barely escaping death. The group made the decision to keep venturing forwards, deeper into the dungeon.


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