
Table of Contents

From Humble Beginnings Discovery of the Multiverse Lost in the Woods

In the world of Kofos

Visit Kofos

Ongoing 748 Words

Discovery of the Multiverse

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Birds, Cops, and Tentacles


The party fell to the ground through the portal, feeling the rain on their faces. The first thing they noticed was the yelling, then the birds. So many birds. Their one mistake: being evil birds. They asked for the relic, but within thirty seconds they are engulfed by Lucian Staleus 's black tentacles reaching from the ground and the fire from the magical melodies of Aaron Urn . Moments later, the party was captured by the New New York Police and handcuffed. Lucian protested at first, but eventually submitted to the arrest.

Meanwhile, Ste-Van , having stayed out of the fighting on account of his utter confusion about suddenly being shoved into an armed confrontation, was completely ignored by the officers. Moments after the group was taken away, some members of the Interdimensional Protectorate rounded the corner and asked him about the group. They kept mentioning how he wasn't supposed to be there, and had a strangely detailed knowledge of who the party was. They asked Ste-Van to come with them back to their base so they could further gather information.

Back at the Rusty Dog Tavern, the Interdimensional Protectorate kept asking more about the group and their motivations, but soon realized that Ste-Van had no idea why he was there. They informed him that the Vangrian was attempting to contact creatures in other planes and have them build portals, so that it could escape their universe and consume the other. The portal to Kofos was incomplete which caused him to be sucked into it as well. They explained that they needed to send this information back with Lucian Staleus , and they needed the party's relic to make the portal back to Kofos.

Back with the rest of the party, they were locked into jail cells, and one-by-one started being interrogated. After numerous rounds of questioning and frustration on part of the interrogator, the New New York Police became convinced that Yahn Waggu 's bow was the relic they had detected. Frustrated, the interrogator Brad figured he had extracted as much information as he needed out of the party and led them to the back of the police station. He ordered the party to be taken out, but just at that moment, Ste-Van and the Interdimensional Protectorate ran through an open portal, blasting police officers back. They freed the party and grabbed their items, and proceeded to usher them all into the portal. Aaron Urn cast one final spell by slamming his piano into the ground, knocking Brad into Lucian Staleus 's magic pit. He ran into the portal with the rest of the party, and with a quick snap of the portal closing, the party was safe.

Birds and the Police


The Interdimensional Protectorate, after saving the group, explained the situation to Lucian Staleus. Seemingly confused, they hinted at his family's role in developing the Staleus Curve and said they had to send him back to tell Bocassius Staleus, Archmage of the Grand Mages of Balepeak, that the Vangrian are trying and getting close to traveling through dimensions. With that, they asked Aaron Urn where he traveled through the portal for the first time, and he remembered some letters, which to the Interdimensional Protectorate seemed like "New Broadway". However, Aaron realized that it was actually "Pew Paraguay", to which the Protectorate members remarked that they also had that one, as well as a Chipotle

The group, travelling to Chipotle, arrived and asked for food. Befuddled, the cashier motioned towards the bowl of guacamole and remarked that they only sold guacamole, as it was a fan favorite. Ste-Van, furious, threw the quacamole bowl on the ground and kicked over a chair, frustrated that he couldn't get his meal. Two patrons walked over from the corner to investigate, and upon confrontation with the group, were immediately annihilated. These two were later identified as Jorbald Korgann and Vexus Sherman, leaders in the Undercity Thieves.

The group then travelled to Pew Paraguay, and quickly set to work making the portal. Suddenly, the New New York Police broke through the windows, and the Interdimensional Protectorate members yelled that they needed a few more seconds to make the portal stable. The police were quickly taken care of, with Brad falling through a window and another being repeatedly shield-bashed into the ground by Ste-Van. The group ran through the portal, and found themselves in a strange, mystical looking forest, in a place they had never seen before.

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