(Luthca) Betrayal and Bloodshed (1/2)

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"I have never dared to imagine that I would see a lizard cry during peace negotiations. I am unsure what is currently happening over in Nemthi, but it seems that they are doing far worse than imagined. I see that as an absolute win."

It was already very late when Queen Aléssla Goship entered the domicile of her ancestors; the Grey Palace. With a triumphant smile, she looked over her back towards her bodyguard. The young night elf continuously surveilled their surroundings checking every corner for possible assassins.

My dearest Luthca. Always on duty. I couldn't wish for a better bodyguard than her. But her reactions earlier were quite...unusual.

"Normally you agree with me immediately, Luthca. What is? ... Don't tell me you felt pity for that spineless emissary?"

But Luthca only mumbled an answer Aléssla could barely make out:

"If you would know what happened a few days before over the sea you would praise Envoy Ningenios. He held it together quite well, based on the fact that they are currently mourning over the loss of two-thirds of their Triumvirate. This is no war between two nations anymore. Etherium joined this week and bulldozed over Nemthi like it was nothing. Slaughtered thousands and assimilated in a single night half of Nemthi."

She looked over to her queen with questions painted all over her tattooed face:

"Why hasn't he mentioned any of this? I am sure they would have at least accomplished a temporary truce -"

"Sweety. Even if I had known of that a few hours before, do you really think I would have been able to convince the aristocrats to halt the war? They are investing billions into this and desire nothing more than to win the war and grab the riches of the lizardkin for themselves. I might be the queen of Scorzosa, but we have grown dependent on them. But -"

The queen opened the first button of her richly ornated doublet gasping for air:

"But that's unimportant Luthca. I think we have earned today a big dinner with my family. Maybe I can convince them this time, that you can eat with us in the same room. They are always so uptight regarding our stand."

The pair was now approaching the front gates. Two unusually high-grown night elves in full armour greeted them with a bow. Aléssla didn't bat them a second glance after nodding back:

"My queen!"

The guardsmen opened the huge gate and remained still until the two elves passed the entrance. Aléssla looked now to the side towards her protector, who suddenly looked very nervous remaining still and moving with her shoulders trembling. When they went around the corner Luthca suddenly grabbed her by the royal arm and pressed her hand on the queen's mouth. She felt her lipstick now smeared across her face, but before she was able to get angry Luthca shushed her. Surprised by that unusual behaviour Aléssla remained as calm as a tomb:

"Don't freak out my queen, but something is not right.", Luthca looked left and then right before continuing, "These guards are none of yours. I was able to spot the emblem of the Blerosh family on their armour. Call me crazy, but please, my queen, remain calm and in the shadows until I can give the all-clear. Please! For your sake, lady Goship."

Aléssla nodded in disbelief. If the Blerosh family is involved in anything then would this be a very bad sign. Especially as they didn't have an official audience. And replacing her guards? She looked deep into the purple eyes of her protector only to find deep concern and traces of fear. Remaining silent she watched Luthca unsheathing the two curved daggers on her belt peeking cautiously around the corner they just took. She relaxed her posture and sneaked back to her:

"The two knights are not chasing us. They are, however, aiming down the door, weapons drawn and charged up ready to blast everybody foolish enough to cross their sight. That way is off the charts for us. Follow me, majesty."

Luthca took off her cloak, cut it in half, and wrapped one part around her head intending to cover her pearl-white hair. Then she walked over to Aléssla intending on covering her hair as well. The queen couldn't help herself and nearly threw up imagining the dirty and cheap fabric of her protector's garb ruining her perfect hair. Seemingly annoyed Luthca rolled her eyes and focussed Aléssla with a sharp look.

"You do want to survive, do you?", she hissed silently, "If, then forget your pride for this evening alone and follow my doing. I accept any kind of punishment...if we manage to escape with our heads still residing on our shoulders. So let me cover your hair and turn your coat inside out so that we can sneak through the shadow-"

An explosion cut off Luthca's trying and they went silent hearing the ghostly screams of multiple people echoing through the night. Aléssla's blood froze and her throat dried out in terror.

These screams...these nuances in the voices. Oh god! No! That's not possible. That can't be possible!

"Explosion-The dining...room. I can hear my dad and my daughter as well. They are screaming in pain. Luthca! Please save them, I beg you!"

Luthca bit her lips trying to hold herself back. There was no gain in her breaking out in panic as well, so she shut down her emotions to blend out the screams dissolving her remorse and confidence. Aléssla needed her now with all her strength and wits to ensure their shared survival. 

With the explosion happening the whole palace awakened. I can hear the heavy boots of armoured soldiers on every floor. This is no small attack, this is an invasion with the goal of finally getting rid of my protegées. I have to save our queen!

"Luthca! Save my family! Please...please. Luthca! Lut-"

A knight in silver-plated armour suddenly appeared at the other end of the hallway immediately recognizing Luthca's partner:

"Telepathy network! Unit 12 has found the Queen in sector three. Requesting backup units into sectors four and two. The Goships will die today! Long live the Collective! Long live the Rev-"

Her eyes burned in pure anger! This sorry excuse of elvenkind had just announced their intentions when Luthca threw her knife like a boomerang towards the traitor. With quick movements of her hand, she influenced the flight curve pulling at the handle with her telekinetic powers to further accelerate the knife bending the path to her advantage. The shining blade spun now so fast that it nearly resembled a buzzsaw sizzling through the aether with blinding speed and one goal alone. Piercing that helmet and ending the transmission. A grim smile of satisfaction widened on Luthca's round face hearing the satisfying sound of the helmet splitting apart and the last gurgling sounds of this fanatic trying to finish his speech. 

Luthca grabbed her queen roughly at her arm forcing the thunderstruck woman to follow her ignoring the sound of Aléssla's delicate slim-cut dress ripping apart with her trying to keep up with the assassin's speed. In any other situation, Aléssla would start cursing empty-threatening her to replace Luthca as personal guard. But she stood silent trying to keep the tears in forced to audible witness her family's last moments.

I will certainly get scolded by my majesty after this night, but if I don't ignore my queen's needs this time we will both kick the bucket. My prayers to the remaining Goships for a quick and painl-ok, they are screaming already...quick end.

The pair ran silently through the many floors of the castle. Whenever they heard the heavy boots of a knight approaching they dodged the encounter. Luthca's goal was to get to a window in the backside of the palace and take a leap outside trying to escape the death pit through a secret underwater path connecting the palace moat with the haven. She just hoped her queen would cooperate with her until they reached the breathing spot of the tunnel. The last thing they needed was her drowning or not wanting to dive down. In a moment of caution, she looked back and her eyes met the light-blue double moon clouded by doubt and sadness. But Luthca still saw a spark in them, her queen was not yet ready to give up accepting her fate. She would follow her. A grim smile ran across the elf's face trying to regather the last confidence in her troubled heart:

"My queen! You will from now on do everything as I do. We have only one chance to escape and survive and we should use it. For your people! Firstly ditch these stiletto-heeled shoes, we need mobility and them breaking could be our end. We will now run towards the big window on the other side of the southern hallway and you will be close behind me. If we have the time I will open the window and we will jump into the moat. Otherwise, I will leap through the glass and you follow. A few bruises are worlds better than death. Your majesty will swim after me following me closely. If I dive, you will dive as well. We have to vanish before they figure out our plans shooting us out of the water. Understood?"

A single sad nod of the now barefooted queen. She needed a hug, that's for sure, she looked miserable. Assuring words that everything will turn out ok, that her family will turn out ok. Luthca bit her purple lips so hard that her pearl-white teeth turned red.

I can't give you any of that...not your family, nor encouraging words, not even a comforting hug. Later...if we survive- we will survive!

Many feet were now stomping towards their position, shouts echoed through the palace and all of them wanted the queen's head. They were out of time. Luthca screamed a sharp 'GO!' and the women sprinted towards the window. Luthca braced herself, crossed her arms and leapt through the air intending on shattering the richly ornated glass. Glass shattered and Luthca's mind suddenly went numb feeling sharp glass maiming her skin with a thousand little cuts. But she didn't allow her to give in to the darkness and dove into the ice-cold water head-first her violet eyes shut to grim slits. A second later a second impact Aléssla! immediately followed by a third, an unlucky knight, whose armour's weight caused him to dive down to the ground with incredible speed.

One less prosecutor to worry about! Good!

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May 23, 2021 17:00 by Morgan Biscup

Why is Luthca so intent on saving the life of someone who will punish her afterwards for the actions needed to save her life? The queen seems rather petty and heartless if she can't recognize it's not Luthca's fault these things were necessary.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
May 24, 2021 02:17

It seems a very profound caste system difference or prohibitions on many levels. Is the queen subject to mood swings? Punishment for doing the job or is it the status insult of a lower rank touching a higher rank? That needs to be cleared up a bit. Also expand on what the aristocrats want and how it helps/ hurts national diplomacy. Why would they consider revolution?

May 24, 2021 04:31 by Soulwing

Ok, let me get down the list ^^     Aléssla is known for her emotional yet fair moodswings. She was loved for that by her denizen before war occurred with Nemthi. The Goship‘s suffered greatly from the shift in power. Rich aristocrat groupings started investing into a war, that got worse and worse with each day passed. You see, each followed different beliefs, beliefs that were clashing with each other. Especially the concept of war prisoners got handled differently by every family, a fact that made peace negotiations nearly impossible because the queen had no influence regarding what those private armies did with their prisoners (most were held like slaves or worse).     Punishment...yeah, I had that already with SolarCat. I have to revisit that for sure. Aléssla tends to educate her protégée‘s misbehaving with punishments. But see those more like scolding a bratty and socially inexperienced friend to work on their etiquette. Aléssla likes Luthca very much, but her personality was not very loved by Aléssla‘s parents hence why she wasn’t allowed to dine in the same room as they. So in short: Aléssla scolds her new private guardian in a Personal way to help her getting accepted by her very own family; her wish.     Lastly, why do the Aristocrats want the Goship‘s gone? Simple. Queen Aléssla’s goal with the peace negotiations is to return to a stable state of peace. A state, which means that the now thriving slave market the rest of the world is profiting from would cease to exist. Most Aristocrats have ties to the so-called Underground. A place, where they can establish themselves a powerful position in a coming new world order under the godking „Showrunner“. Prisoners of both sides vanish greasing the filthy gears of the deadbeat caverns. Best to be seen by what the aristocracy did after their Revolution. They painted their hostile takeover as act of aggression from Nemthi to ignite the will to fight for the lost. The self-exiled queen got used as propaganda demonizing her using her as channeling instrument to guide Scorzosa‘s anger. I mean they even reinstated a puppet queen afterwards; Tialthá Raymys, the amaurotic queen; an inofficial official statement, that the monarchy is now nothing more than a construct without powers.   ...   Is all relatively fresh to be honest. I still have to buff out many dents here ^^‘

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.