(Luthca) Betrayal and Bloodshed (2/2)

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The air beyond the surface was enlightened with deadly danger. Magic missiles of every imaginable element got shot in the sky to hail down towards their location. The burning palace provided the distorted look with an even more apocalyptic atmosphere; the aether was burning and turned against them eager to pierce the water with a thousand fine needles. They had to act quickly or they ended up as grotesque artworks depicting the effects of electricity, fire, acid and so much more at the same time. Luthca looked around and dove towards her disoriented queen upon spotting her. Tugging Aléssla at her torn and sogged rugs Luthca signalled her queen to ascend to the surface for a last deep breath. With strangely focussed eyes the noblewoman nodded and quickly swam upwards. Both took a deep breath in shock now seeing clearly what illuminated the sky. Armed knights continuously shot small salves in the air, 30 elves in total. With shock, Luthca spotted a small group of aristocrats standing on the southern balcony grinning sinisterly down to the escapists. Behind them, nailed onto wooden banners that resembled closely parts of the dining table, Luthca could spot...Oh god! No!...every member of the Goships neatly presented intended to finally break their spirit. With panic, she searched for her queen in the hope she didn't spot the grotesque scene yet. Having to witness this could render their escape virtually impossible. Letting out a silent prayer Luthca saw that her queen hadn't looked in that direction yet, and presented Aléssla a falsely confident smile ordering her to dive behind her. 

I will tell her everything...when we are in safety. Then she can mourn freely. But until then...

With strong swimming laps, Luthca dove downwards to the false panel embedded into the outer wall of the moat. She was glad, that she managed to convince her queen to take a few free-diving lessons with her lately. The dark queen wasn't too eager back then but Luthca's charm eventually succeded over her stubbornness; to their both luck in this night. Ignoring the fine needles of the arcane mortar blasts digging into Luthca's back, she opened the panel and shielded her queen until she passed the tunnel entrance. After Aléssla's feet passed the entrance Luthca, now seemingly weakened from all those blasts she took for her queen, quickly dove after her into the tunnel. 
Five meters in...8 meters...My air...spent...desire to inhale...Luthca felt her strength failing, her muscles grew weaker and weaker until she wasn't able to move an inch anymore. Hoping at least her queen managed to dive the full 10 meters she finally gave in to her need for fresh air expecting to taste the mouldy water of the tunnel. But she didn't notice the tug at her arms pulling her in time to the dry part of the tunnel. Luthca inhaled and felt air filling her lungs. Then a cold and strong hug pulled her fully out of the water. Aléssla was holding her now close whining silently.

"I gave you no permission to die yet...friend. Your orders are to organize our both escape, understood?"

Something in Aléssla's voice brought back Luthca's spirits. She never called her a 'friend' before. A grim smile ran across her tattooed visage and newfound confidence filled Luthca's dark eyes.

"I will do my best, my queen. Ok...quick plan. we will now pass that tunnel leading to the southwest trading port of Ri'ixk. We will smuggle us on a random ship that is about to leave the port. I have no idea how prepared the aristocrat's coup is planned, so expect us to have only a handful of boats to choose from. If you or I spot one, that intends to leave the country we will board it. We will stay low until we leave the territorial waters, and then bribe the captain with some of the riches that still reside on your dress, my queen. The last thing we want is to get in trouble on the lawless ocean, so expect some work to keep our skin unstabbed and in one piece. Understood?"

The military tone in Luthca's voice had a certain effect on her queen. She fully understood their situation, but seemingly was displeased with the thought to throw her pride and riches away for survival. The few remaining strands of her thin dress dangled unmotivated down her slender body but she still emitted the impressive aura of a natural-born leader. Neither torn attire nor sogged make-up could expunge her greatness, Luthca noticed in a moment of awe. 

Aléssla attempted to protest but closed her mouth without any words escaping her full lips. She instead just nodded and ordered Luthca to tie the loose rags tightly around her exposed body. An audible gasp escaped the queen after Luthca was finished and turned her back to her.

"So many...how are you still standing Luthca? I mean..."

"Sheer determination, my queen. I will carry out my orders until you are safe from the wrath of the aristocrats...please take care of me when the adrenaline fades."

"I will...thanks...friend."

Luthca cracked a wide smile, her round cheeks tinted slightly reddish. Then seriousness returned to her face and she ordered Aléssla to follow her through the tunnel, her single dagger drawn expecting their prosecutors to quickly approach when they realised that the elves didn't drown in the moat.

We might have a few minutes before they discover the secret tunnel. Better make our advantage count!

The girls stumbled through the dirty tunnel for a few minutes until finally seeing light. Aléssla turned her nose up after realizing what exactly the purpose of the repurposed canal was:

"Don't tell me we are currently located in the sewers, Luthca?"

"Dried up, my queen", Luthca looked through the exit searching for dangers, "Your forefathers had ordered to decommission this particular sewer tract to repurpose it as an emergency retreat for life-threatening situations...like what is currently happening. All clear, Your Majesty. On the right side is located a ladder, follow me closely."

Luthca grabbed the rusty ladder expecting it to crumble instantly. But Scorzosa's architecture was built solid, and under the rust of ancient decorative metals, she felt the comforting safety of stainless steel. She climbed upwards and peeked over the wall looking over a nearly abandoned port. This late in the evening most ships have already left the haven, but she could spot a large cargo ship only a few hundred meters away. Luthca gritted her teeth realizing where the ship would head towards.

Stiria of all places. I wanted to visit the primitive savannas of the cat and dog folks already a long time ago, but for sightseeing purposes...well, beggars aren't choosers. The aristocrats won't be able to track us down there and we will have time to plan. Alright!

Luthca helped her queen up the last steps and pointed to the cargo ship. Aléssla nodded and pointed at the same moment across the port to a group of soldiers holding torches. They had figured out their intention...or at least were trying to hold escapists off from entering the port Luthca noticed. 

"They are just standing there. Expecting us to flee to the port overland. We still have the advantage. Lay low, my queen and we might be able to enter the cargo ship unseen."

"Do we really have to take a ship to such a primitive place? Can't, we instead take a shipment to Duvara? I have relatives there."

Luthca looked over the empty port with a keen eye, but couldn't make out any fitting ships:

"No, can't do, Queen Goship. This cargo boat is the only one leaving Scorzosa at this time. We don't have options."

A second batch of soldiers advanced now to the first yelling orders. Luthca heard traces of the yelling and was able to make out that they were talking about the Queen:

"Aand we don't have the time. Onwards!"

After running along the wall towards the boat, Luthca noticed a thick rope leading down towards the ship. The perfect way across the waters to safety:

"I hope Your Majesty can hold the balance. We will take that rope."

Aléssla was seemingly upset about that sentence. She pushed her guardian aside and took the lead:

"I hope you were kidding, Luthca. You know, that I was taking courses with your predecessor on acrobatics. Peace was boring and I needed some time for myself. Watch and learn, disciple."

Nimble as a Speasel Aléssla balanced across the cable and jumped down to the deck. Without her restricting dresses, her queen was way more acrobatic than herself at her still quite young age. Luthca gave herself a fraction of a moment to admire the lady she vowed to protect. Then she followed her queen's doing. Landing moments later on the ship, Luthca silently pointed to a stairway leading downwards into the bilge of the cargo ship. The pair sneaked down and searched for a place to hide. Not soon after they found a dark place between two huge cargo boxes labelled as 'food'. 
Luthca started pointing towards that space but finally lost balance. Her vision blurred and got dark and she fell into the soft, open hands of her queen:

"I will take it from here, sweety. You did well. Take your well-deserved rest."


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May 23, 2021 17:07 by Morgan Biscup

The queen seems better here! But Luthca's constant thoughts about punishment last chapter, coupled with her lengthy term of service to the queen, implies that punishment is a regular occurrence even when unwarranted.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.