Chapter Sixteen

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Takashi and Sun, the ship's navigators, had plotted a course, guessing at the offset of the altered galactic zero that the second virus had affected. They were supposed to make it to the Amook home system, but once again that didn't happen.

"Does anything look familiar to you?" Jacks asked the Amook.

"No," he would have sighed if his race had been able, "It does not."

"Ship incoming," Takashi reported, "100,000 kilometers and closing."


"I don't think so sir. It's a single ship, and it's smaller than those attack ships."

"Breeken, any ideas?"

"Slavers," he said with disgust.

"Slavers? As in kidnapping and selling people?"


"Incoming message, Captain," the communications officer said, "audio and video."

"Put it on the screen."

The face that appeared looked more like a fox that anything else, but with human-like eyes that glistened with intelligence and cunning. When it spoke, it's mouth moved more deftly than any fox's ever had on Earth.

"Unknown ship, this is Captain Babok Siban. We are a scavenger vessel, and are looking to trade items. Please respond."

"Frang," Breeken spat, "I thought they were extinct."

"This is Captain Samuel Jacks of the Earth ship Wandering Star. What do you have to trade, Captain?" As an aside he whispered, "Ready the missiles and rail guns. I don't trust him."

"Yes sir."

The fox-man smiled, revealing a mouth full of small sharp teeth. "We have all kinds of merchandise, Captain. Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Star maps," Jacks said without pause.

"Do not admit to any weakness, Captain," Beeken said, "he will take advantage of any perceived need on your part."

"I know how to deal with conmen, thank you."

"We have a variety to choose from," Siban said, "Any region in particular?"

"This one for starters."

"Any others?"

Jacks pretended to think for a moment before saying, "how about the area around the Bloor star system. Do you have either of those?"

"Ah, the Amook. Quite a fascinating people, wouldn't you agree, Captain?"

"Indeed they are. That's part of the reason that we want a map of the area."

"Part of the reason," Babok was still smiling slyly, "what other reasons do you have?"

"Personal reasons. Do you have the maps or not?"

"No need to be short, Captain. I assure you that I have whatever maps you require."

"And what would you want in exchange?"

"Well now, let me see. Kree artifacts are always good for trade. Water, if you have any to spare. Why don't I come over to your ship where we can speak face to face."

"That would be acceptable. But only you. No bodyguards, no 'associates', just you."

"As you wish, Captain," and with that the screen went black.

"You have a very nice ship, Captain," Babok Siban said earnestly, if greedily, as he disembarked his shuttle in the Wandering Star's docking bay. "If only I had something valuable enough to trade for it, I would certainly make an offer."

"Sounds like you do," Jacks said.

"Oh no, Captain. I was merely complimenting you on your marvelous ship."

"I thought I told you to come alone."

"This?" Siban yanked on a small chain that led to a collar around, surprisingly, a large octopus that was walking on four of it's tentacles, "this isn't a person. No, this is a stowaway. A saboteur. A thief. It is more of a pet than a person."

"And you brought it on to my ship why?"

"I thought you might be willing to trade something for it. It is well trained, and can even speak occasionally."

"I'll think about it. In the mean time, shall we retire to somewhere more comfortable?"

"Lead the way."

On the way out, he said to his security guards, "stay here and keep an eye on that shuttle. Make sure nobody else gets off, and no drones come out."

"Yes sir."

"Oh now this is very nice," the scavenger said as they entered a small conference room.

"Would you like something to drink?" the captain asked solicitously.

"Water if you have it. A very large cup of water. Thank you."

Jacks nodded to Hermann, who sent one of his people scurrying for some water. Then they sat down around the conference table, Jacks at the head and Sibon across from him. Slivinski and Schmitt were on one side, while Gates and Park sat on the other side. The octopus simply hunkered down beside Sibon's chair on the floor.

"So Babok, what is it that you want for the star maps?"

"Those Kree amulets that you are wearing would be a magnificent addition to my collection."

"One amulet for both star maps? You've got a deal."

"No, no Captain. Not just one; all of them."

"No," Jacks chuckled, "that's not going to happen."

"Seven amulets then. I'll even throw in this Maroong to sweeten the deal," he kicked the octopod to show what he meant.

"Two amulets."

"Five and not one less."

He thought for a moment, then said, "you said something about water? How much would you need for the trade?"

"One hundred skreeks at least."

"Okay, what's a skreek? Apparently our translators don't know that one."

The scavenger considered, looking around the room for something to compare the amount to. "A container about the size of this room."

"So would you accept 25 skreeks of water and two amulets?"

"My dear Captain. I believe that we have reached an agreement," he showed his teeth again, which made Jacks wonder if had just gotten screwed on the deal.

"Do you think he'll notice that we gave him recycled water?" Adesina asked. She was the head of the Hydroponics department on the ship.

"I don't think he'll care," Jacks told her, "he was just desperate for water in general."

"And what are you going to do with the octopus?"

"First I'm going to let it out of this collar. That can't be comfortable." He reached down and unlatched the metal collar that had encircled it's body. "Is that better little fella?"

"Yes, thank you," it said. Apparently the translators were programmed for Maroong.

"You speak?" Jacks gasped.

"What's your name?" Adesina asked, getting down on her knees to be closer.

"I am N'tasha, named after the goddess."

"Natasha. That's a lovely name," she said compassionately.

"Where is your world, Natasha? Where can we drop you off?" Jacks offered.

"No! N'tasha belongs to you now."

"I understand that. But I am letting you go free. I'll even get you back to your people if I can."

"I belong to you. Please don't throw me away," it's tentacles waved towards him as if beseeching, yet very carefully never actually touching him.

"Okay Natasha. I won't throw you away," he reassured it.


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