Chapter Thirteen

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"This is not the Bloor system," Broognan said.

"Mister Mikasa, where are we exactly?" Jacks demanded.

"Right where we're supposed to be, Captain."

"Miss Parks?"

"He's right. According to the computer we're at the coordinates he gave us."

"Bring up the star map on the main screen."

A map of the entire galaxy appeared on the large screen, then zoomed in to a single solar system. The star was labeled as Bloor, and the fifth planet as Mook, the Amook home world.  A flashing green icon indicated the position of the Wandering Star on the edge of the system.

"Crap. Not again," Jacks breathed. "Miss Bines? Check the computer interface with the Kree systems. Our star maps appear to be off by a bit."

"Yes sir. I'll check it out immediately."

"Launch the drones. Scan the area. I want to know where we are and that there are no Imperials waiting to ambush us. I also want to know if there are any interesting objects that we can investigate while we're here. Let's go people!"


"Captains, please report to cargo bay 3." Breeken called over the intercom.

Cargo bay 3 was not where Bethamin had helped to haul the wreckage for Breeken; that was cargo bay 2, right next door. So Jacks was curious as to why they were being called to bay 3.

Breeken was 'standing' outside the door to bay 3, though he had shed his humanoid form in favor of a tripod form, small and round. He made a gesture with his hands that Jacks took to be a salute, because Broognan returned it. Bethamin was there as well, standing behind Breeken with a big smile on her face.

"Captain, thank you for the honor of serving aboard the Broognan."

"The honor is mine," Broognan replied formally.

"In memory of that service, and of the ship that we lost, I want to present you with this gift.

The door of the cargo bay opened to reveal a model of the Broognan, made from the pieces of the very ship. It was incredibly detailed, and even had lights on the inside that made the ship look exactly as it had when they first saw it.

Broognan shuddered, and the smell of flowers and rain filled the chamber, "I can never repay your honor and kindness."

"It was the least I could do. Bethamin was of significant assistance in this endeavor."

The smell intensified with the addition of a loam scent. "Bethamin, your kindness inspires those around you, especially me. Thank you."

"You're very welcome," her smile broadened, "you deserve a reminder of your baby."


"Captain, we have an unauthorized launch from shuttle bay two."

"Shuttle bay, this is the captain. What's going on down there, Mister Herschel?"

"Sorry Captain, we're launching the Amook model into space."

"And why are we doing that?"

"They asked me to."

"Are they there?"

"Four of them, yes sir."

"I'll be right down."

When he got to the shuttle bat, the scale model that Breeken had made was floating casually away from the ship as the four Amook watched solemnly. Breeken and Groon were there, as were the two bodyguards.

"Where is Captain Broognan?"

"He is on his ship, of course," Breeken informed him.

"What? Can he survive in space?"

"Of course not."

"Mister Herschel, get that ship back in here!"

"No Captain," Beth yelled, then calmed down, "it's a tradition for them. Since Broognan''s ship was destroyed in honorable combat, he was supposed to 'go down with the ship'. Breeken made a detailed replica of the ship so that the captain can literally go down with the ship. It's a great honor, Captain. Please don't stop them."

Jacks considered for a moment, then said, "very well," and saluted the replica ship solemnly.


"Why is there a gas giant in close orbit to that star?" Slivinski asked his team, staring at the computer generated model of the solar system.

"Because the star is expanding. It's on it's way to going supernova," said Leon Gates, the ship's Astronomer and Cosmologist.

"Supernova? Do we need to run?"

"If we did, it wouldn't help if it went nova now. We're too close. Luckily it won't happen for a few hundred years at least."

"Leon, please lead with that next time. You had me worried."

"Well I wouldn't want to do that. Sorry Boss."

"Send Snoopy in towards that gas giant. I want some footage of that."

"Snoopy is on it's way, Chief."


"You mean to tell me that we're close to a sun that's going nova?" Jacks demanded.

"Yes sir, but not for hundreds of years yet. It's still expanding and devouring the planets."

"Really? That would be interesting to see."

"Yes sir. We have a probe heading in to the gas giant that's about to be consumed."

"Excellent work, Gregor. Is there anything else we want to see here?"

"Not specifically. We're sending probes out in almost every direction to see what's what."

"Good. Upload everything to the database."

"As per usual, yes sir."


"Captain," Leon called, "I think I've figured it out."

"Figured what out?"

"How we were able to go so far in so little time."

"Okay, and?"

"I'm calling it the 'Einstein Bubble'. It's a field that surrounds the ship when we are using the EM drive and reach about 90% of the speed of light. I would use the term 'subspace bubble', but I believe that's been copyrighted by Star Trek."

"Okay, and what does this 'Einstein Bubble' do?"

"It's like lubrication for the ship. It allows it to travel faster than it normally should go. It's a phenomena that's never been recorded before, sir."

"I like that term; 'Einstein Bubble'. I think you may get the first Nobel Prize for this trip."

"I don't think so sir."

"No? Why not?"

"You're the one that met an alien race."

Jacks laughed, "I'll wait to publish until after you."

"Thank you sir."

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