Moria Talks to Shen

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Arend Shen walked from the bar to the seating area in his penthouse on cloud city sipping on his drink, once again fuming about the message he received from Jedha a while back.  Not only did the Black Suns fail to capture the individuals who stole his ship, Venture, but it appeared that the individuals didn’t even have his ship anymore.  He had immediately put out an official bounty on them after receiving the message, but they seemed to have all but disappeared again.

As he sat down the door to his apartment opened his expression turned from annoyance to terror as a tall female inquisitor confidently strode in, her cape billowing behind her.  “No, no please don’t get up Arend.”

Arend leapt to his feet as he fumbled to pull out his blaster pistol, she activated her lightsaber and cut down the two security droids with a quick double slash.  He fired a single wild shot at her before she yanked the blaster out of his hand with the Force and caught it in her outstretched hand.  She tilted her head slightly sounding almost amused, “Is that how you treat all your visitors?”

Arend tried to regain some composure as he held up his hands.  “Most usually knock first.”

The Inquisitor smiled evilly behind her helmet as she casually tossed the blaster off to the side and started walking over to him.  “True, though I doubt you would have let me in.  You would have tried to run and I’m not in the mood to chase you, please sit back down.”

Arend nervously sat back down on the couch as the Inquisitor shut down her lightsaber as she walked over to the other couch across from him, adjusting her cape, she sat down casually crossing her legs.  “Where are my manners?  Do you mind if I call you Arend?”

He quickly nodded his head, “That’s fine.  May I ask how I should address you?”

“You may.”  She tilted her head again, “You may call me Inquisitor, or ma’am.”

Arend swallowed hard, wishing he hadn’t spilled his drink. “What can I do for you ma’am?”

“You recently put out several bounties.  How did these individuals wrong you?”

Arend leaned forward slightly, trying to put on his best convincing demeanor as he quickly tried to think of a way to explain it, “They stole one of my ships a while ago.  While I tried to handle this in a quiet and more dignified fashion for a while, I felt the option was no longer viable.”

The Inquisitor smirked behind her mask.  “Very noble of you.  Though I would like you to consider rescinding one of those bounties.”

Arend looked at her strangely, “Only one of the bounties?”

The Inquisitor nodded, “Only one.  The Pantorian Ar’lissa.”

Arend huffed, “I’m not sure she is Pantorian.”

The Inquisitor shrugged; she already knew that Ar’lissa was a Chiss, “Whatever species she is you know who I’m talking about.”

“I do, the markswoman of the group.”

The Inquisitor raised a finger in the air to correct him, “Former markswoman.  She walks her own path now with some new associates...”

Arend’s expression hardened a little as his resentment bubbled and he interrupted growling, “So why does she get a pass on wronging me?”

The Inquisitor did another head tilt, “Oh Arend, people in glass penthouse apartments high above gas giants should keep a check on their tone.  Did you think I just came here without doing any research?”  Arend seemed taken aback as she continued, “Also I don’t have to play nice or even have this conversation with you. If the client is dead, then the bounty is canceled.”

Arend swallowed hard again, and the Inquisitor smiled evilly behind her mask.  “Now do we continue having a pleasant conversation?”

Arend could only nod as the Inquisitor casually pulled out a credit chit and tossed it over to him, “As I was about to say I’m not unreasonable and would prefer that the holes the others have dug for themselves stay dug.  That is what you would have paid on her bounty.  I’ve seen her in action, you really set the bounty way too low if you ask me.”

Arend’s mind was spinning as he picked up the chit from his lap.  “I’ll cancel the bounty immediately.”

“Very good.  I’m glad we could come to an agreement.”  The Inquisitor casually got up and walked over to Arend, pointing her finger at Arend’s forehead, “Oh and just so we are very clear.  If I see any bounty on her that can even be remotely or casually connected to you.  I will find you and our next conversation will be far more ‘aggressive’.  She turned to the door gesturing casually to him, “Don’t get up, I’ll see myself out.  Wonderful to chat with you.”

As the Inquisitor walked out of the apartment, she smiled to herself.  Ar’lissa’s former associates would no doubt start wondering how Ar’lissa didn’t have bounties on her like they did when they found out.  It would likely drive a further wedge between them, something she could exploit later.  Even if it didn’t, Ar’lissa and the others would be far more useful to her plans if they weren’t hunted.

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