Arlissa Revelations

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In the Tomb of the Families the Universal Analysis Group survey team was finishing up with the last of their scanning while Ar’lissa quietly walked into the chamber that had the sarcophaguses for Ray’la and Sar’ai.  She traced her hand along the side of the sarcophagus that was Ray’la’s as she spoke softly, “Are you sure we’re not weakening the defense of this place by removing artifacts?  If someone else finds the hidden access tunnel, they can bypass the passages.”

Ray’la’s voice sounded reassuring in her head, “The other Chiss guardian spirits still remain and can banish any intruder into the passages.  More to the point we also ‘closed’ and ‘locked’ the entrance to the World between Worlds.  No matter how powerful that Sith is who tried to capture you he will be unable to open the passage, if he even finds it, without your help.”

Ar’lissa walked over to the wall where the portal had opened and placed her hand on it, her thoughts flashing to her two experiences in the World between Worlds. She lowered her head and her expression saddened as she realized just how much of a threat she could end up being to her own people.  She quietly replied “Ok.”

Iz’aphine’s voice came from behind her, “You planning another jaunt though time and space?”

 Surprised, Ar’lissa’s hand reflexively snapped down and her head up, acting as if caught doing something she shouldn’t. She forced her expression to be more neutral as she responded.  “No, was just worried someone else might try.  But I have it on good authority that they can’t.”

Iz’aphine nodded as she walked up to her, “Good to hear. The UAG is packing up their scanning equipment now, I don’t think they missed scanning a spec of dust in here.”  She looked at the wall as she placed a gentle hand on Ar’lissa’s shoulder as she stood beside her looking at the markings on the wall, “I can’t imagine what it was like.  It would be so tempting to warn myself about some bad relationships I had.”

  Ar’lissa lowered her head again, “I…I was there for around three days after I left the future.  It can show a moment in time or even a possible future.” Her voice caught in her throat as the memories flooded her mind, “I…I saw Thrawn’s sentencing, the growing Grisk threat, Ar’alani privately upset about my assignment and trying everything she could to prevent it.  I also saw some of the Ascendancy’s past, among other things.”  She looked back up at the wall.  “It was so tempting to try and change things.  To go back and find some way to change the policy on preemptive strikes and other issues.”

She turned her head to look at Iz’aphine, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. “But what would be the cost?  Would the Ascendancy become warlike or even more susceptible to family politics tearing it apart?  I probably wouldn’t have been put into what amounts to exile, we would never have found this place.”  Ar’lissa reached up and gently squeezed Ia’aphine’s hand giving her a small smile.  “And we might not have ever met.”

Iz’aphine gave her a sweet smile back.  “Well, when you put it like that.  Maybe someday you can tell me more about what happened?”

 Ar’lissa gently took Iz’aphine’s hand off of her shoulder and still holding it, turned towards her, the small smile was still there but Iz’aphine could see the pain in her eyes. “Someday, I’m just not ready to talk about it yet.”

Iz’aphine nodded squeezing Ar’lissa’s hand back, “I’ll be here whenever you are ready.”  She sighed, “I suppose we should get back to the others.”

Ar’lissa nodded letting go of Iz’aphine’s hand and unslung her rifle.  “I appreciate it.”  The two walked together back to where the UAG analysts were packing up the last of their equipment.  The lead analysis turned to them still looking as excited as he did when they had led the team into the tombs eight hours ago, “This has been an amazing find!  I can’t wait to get this all back to the vaults for further analysis.  It’s too bad we can’t go up into the ruins above this tomb.”

 The painful memories of the passages again started to intrude on Ar’lissa’s mind.  She tried to push them back and keep her expression neutral but was failing as Iz’aphine stepped forward.  “I know that my report was vague in the regards to the tunnels leading up to and into the temple, but I’m not sure exactly what it was that messed with our minds.  All I can stress is it’s very dangerous to try and go back up there.”

He nodded looking a little disappointed, “Understood, and we’re already skirting across the line as it is with this.  The Syndicure would probably blow their collective tops if they truly knew where we were, neverminded what would happen if one of us got caught.”  

Iz’aphine gave a smirk, “I’ll let you guys fill out the report on this one then.”

The lead analysis gave her an exaggerated mock scowl back, “Thanks so much.  Alright let’s get the last of our equipment on your ship.  The sooner we’re out of your hair the sooner you can search for that force user.”

Ar’lissa glanced over at Iz’aphine, “We’ll do our best.”

“I know you will.  If we could, we’d put both of you in for honor chains.”

Ar’lissa nodded, “I appreciate the thought. I’ll take point so you guys can take down the com relay devices as we leave.”

“Yep, definitely don’t want to leave those behind.  Lead on.”

Three days later as their ship traveled through hyperspace through the edge of Imperial space Ar’lissa walked out of the galley taking a bite from the nut-paste and fluff sandwich she had made.  Iz’aphine was sitting in the lounge and looked up from her datasheet at Ar’lissa, “Another nut-paste fluff sandwich?  We could ask two-vee whip something up.”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “I used to love these when I was a kid, it was like one of the few comfort foods I had.  Unfortunately, the nut-paste I’ve tried in Imperial Space just isn’t as good and I wouldn’t normally have something like this outside of present company, a lot of people think it’s childish.”

Iz’aphine gave her a sweet smile, “Well I don’t.  I’ll be sure to remember to stock up more the next time we get back to Chiss space.” Iz’aphine set down her datasheet next to the BoSS datapad before rubbing her forehead.  “Took the Bureau of Ships and Services long enough but they finally changed ownership of this ship to us.  You’d think they would have been happier that the pirates who owned it were eliminated.”

Ar’lissa sat down next to her as she finished chewing on another bite, “They probably would have been happier if the ship was blown up in the process, less datawork.”

Iz’aphine rolled her eyes, “Well, we paid a large enough fee for the rights to it and to rename it.  The ship is now officially renamed Wandering Star and logged into their system update as an independent transport.”

Ar’lissa leaned against Iz’aphine, “Good to hear, now if only we could somehow erase my apparent notoriety by just paying a fee.”

Iz’aphine rapped an arm around her in comfort, “We’ll stay off the scopes as much as we can, maybe start putting some rumors out that it’s a bunch of bogeywoman stories.   Enough people start to question it and with luck the notoriety fades and the Empire won’t think twice about someone who looks like Pantoran that’s not even in the same armor.”

Ar’lissa nodded, “I’ll carry around the carbine for a bit as well unless we know we’re going into a tough situation.”

“Not a bad idea, we might try different hair colors as well.”  She paused looking across the room for a moment before looking aback at Ar’lissa, “Any thoughts where we should start looking for your sister?”

To her surprise Ar’lissa actually nodded, “I think I do.  Once we drop out of hyperspace and get the updated nav data there were a couple of systems she mentioned going to once she was done with trying to hide the shard pieces, she was going to try and find a system with some Pantorans in to blend in.”

Iz’aphine smiled, “We can ask Two-vee start researching that, hopefully he can narrow down the search.”

Two-vee’s voice came over the coms, “Mistress Ar’lissa, we are coming up on our destination.”

Ar’lissa pulled out her com and flicked it on as Iz’aphine removed her arm from around Ar’lissa, “Be right there Two-vee.”  Ar’lissa got up and Iz’aphine gestured to her sandwich, “You taking that to the cockpit?”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “Not going to let it go to waste.  If the BoSS did their jobs, I won’t need to do any fancy flying anyway.  Hopefully the nav update will be quicker than last time.”



Several weeks after working with the UAG survey team…

As the lift descended down to the Universal Analysis Group vaults below the surface of Sposia, Iz’aphine looked over at Ar’lissa and Va’lana, both were in their ancestral battle armor, using cloaks and baggy clothing to try and conceal the armor which so far seemed to be working despite having to give up their other weapons before entering the vaults. Standing in front of them was Lappincyk, Patriarch Lamiov’s senior aid and closest advisor.  “Thank you all for agreeing to meet us here.”

“You’re welcome.  We were surprised and honored to receive a direct request from your Patriarch’s office.” Iz’aphine glanced over at Ar’lissa and Va’lana, they all had a candid discussion when they had received the request.  They couldn’t hide that they had ‘found’ Va’lana, and both she and Ar’lissa were worried about what this request could mean, however Va’lana had convinced them they needed to go.

Lappincyk nodded, “You and Ar’lissa have been a great help to the UAG.  The information and Chiss artifacts recovered from the tomb have been an incredible find and now you have found Ar’lissa’s sister as well.”

All three stiffened, looking shocked, as the elevator slowed to a stop.  Ar’lissa broke the silence, “How did you know?”

Lappincyk glanced back to them with a little smirk, “I think the Patriarch should be the one to explain.”

Patriarch Lamiov stood in the hallway just outside of the elevator dressed in a formal dark-green outer wrap robe with gold filigree on the collar and down both arms, his face pale and wrinkled with age but there was a sharpness and intensity to his eyes.  “Welcome Agents Ar’lissa, Iz’aphine, as well as former Skywalker Va’lana to the Vaults.”

The three gave a polite partial bow as Iz’aphine spoke, “Thank you, your Venerante we are honored by the invitation.”

Lamiov nodded and gestured for them to follow him.  “This way.  I want to say from the start that we have been reading Ar’lissa’s mission reports and then Iz’aphine’s with great interest.  With Ar’lissa finding her sister as well as the three of you locating Sar’ai and Ra’lya’s resting place I thought it was time.”

The others followed as Ar’lissa cautiously asked, “Time for what your Venerante?”

Lamiov walked over to the large double blast doors for what looked to be an unmarked vault and keyed in a code.  “For some answers for you and your sister.  I’m sure you and your sister noticed that the Chiss Commando Armor you are currently wearing under those cloaks and baggy clothing seemed custom fitted to each of you?”

Ar’lissa and Va’lana exchanged glances before Ar’lissa spoke, “The thought did cross my mind.”

There was a beep, and the blast doors began to slowly open, “As you know gift of third sight and second sight are generally only found in children, mainly female, and they seem to lose the gift upon around the age of fourteen.  That wasn’t always the case.”

They stepped into the vault and found it filled with various artifacts and holo images of Chiss.  “A long time ago the Chiss were not quite so isolationist.  At one point during this time we allied with the Sith Empire, it was not one of our most glowing times I think most scholars will admit.  However during this time we had a few adult aged individuals that had great abilities.  Sar’ai and Ra’lya were reportedly two of our most powerful.  This vault contains everything we had and could later recover about that time period.”

The three looked around the room, there were lightsabers in various conditions and well as various sets of armor in varying degrees of conditions, including sets of damaged Chiss Commando armor.  Against the far wall there were several cold and frozen storage devices.  Lamiov continued, “The Stybla also had the foresight to catalog all they could about these individuals during this time, including genetic samples.”

Ar’lissa could feel Ra’lya getting upset and was sure Va’lana was feeling the same thing with Sar’ai as Lamiov led them into the room toward a table that had a terminal setup with a large screen as he continued, “In a rare show of unity the Ruling Patriarchs they had us try an experiment with some of the viable genetic samples and an alien device in our possession that we were studying.  We had four volunteers but only one success…”  He turned and looked at Ar’lissa, “You.  That one success led to us attempting again and your sister was born, though there were serious complications with both births.  It was decided after Va’lana was born that we would wait and see.”

Va’lana shook her head in disbelief as Lamiov punched in a code and the large display lit up with information.  “So, what, we’re some sort of copies of Ra’lya and Sar’ai?”

Ar’lissa looked more like she was trying to keep her outrage under control as she almost snarled out, “More like some sort of clones.”

Lamiov shook his head, “Not exactly, at least not how you would think.  We didn’t have any true cloning equipment to study.  Your mother is a direct genetic descendant of Ra’lya and Sar’ai which we speculate is why both of your births were successful.”  The screen displayed video of each of them entering the Skywalker program as children as well as various milestones in their training.  The screen then changed to Va’lana boarding a transport with several individuals, the techs prepping the ship were wearing the Stybla emblem on their uniforms.  “Va’lana’s dreams about Lesser Space led us to attempt an off the books expedition with her to see if there was something there that would extend her gift.”

Va’lana nodded looking melancholy, “We learned a bit about the nurturing of what they refer to as force users but unfortunately it was lost when our ship crashed after being attacked by pirates.  The surviving crew hid me in a cave before the attackers landed and massacred all of them.  They then looted the remains of the ship.”  Ar’lissa leaned over and rapped an arm around her sister in comfort as she continued.  “I had to grow up pretty quick to survive.”

Lamiov nodded looking sympathetically towards her, “My deepest sympathies for those hardships. As soon as we learned what happened a team was sent to the crash site, but we thought you had perished with the others.”  The screen changed to Ar’lissa’s last run as a skywalker, “Couple that with Ar’lissa seemingly losing her third sight at the normal age it was decided to end the experiment, but we still tried to keep an eye on Ar’lissa so to speak.  You can imagine our excitement when we figured out that her third sight had returned.”

Ar’lissa and Iz’aphine glanced at each other nervously and Lamiov smirked, “Iz’aphine was very careful in her reports, she just didn’t know how closely we were following you.  We also saw the recovered intel about the adult Chiss ‘force user’.   We hoped that meant your sister had somehow survived and you would find her so we delayed this meeting that way we could talk to you both together.”

Ar’lissa took a couple of calming breaths as she let go of her sister, “Your Venerante, you said we weren’t exactly clones, can you elaborate more?”  She gestured to Ra’lya’s holo image, “I mean we look like younger versions of them.”

“You mother caried the two of you to term and in so doing introduced a little of her own genetic makeup, not enough to be noticeable in outward appearances but enough to possibly change how you connect with your abilities.”

Va’lana nodded, her curiosity growing a little, “Ok so why not duplicate their upbringing and training?”

Lamiov sighed, “Unfortunately we didn’t have access to that.  Sar’ai joined the Jedi at a young age and the Sith also took Ra’lya at the same age.  Unless you have some way of talking to them from beyond the grave that knowledge is probably lost to us.”

Ar’lissa and Va’lana exchanged nervous glances before Va’lana looked around cautiously, her curiosity giving way as she started to feel like a bug caught in a web. “So, what happens now your Venerante?”

“Well first a I assumed we would check your commando armor and use the parts from the other damaged pieces if needed to repair anything that isn’t working.”

Va’lana and Ar’lissa look at each other in surprise.  Va’lana spoke up first, “I…That’s very generous of you.  My Optical Camouflage is damaged.”

Lamiov gave a sad smile, “While we can replace it, we never got it to work properly.”

Va’lana, Iz’aphine, and Ar’lissa looked confused as Ar’lissa gestured to herself, “Mine works just fine.”

Now it was Lamiov and Lappincyk turn to looked shocked, “That can’t be possible.  While the armors had the mesh there was something with either the refined cortosis infused amor plates or our own skin that inhibited the conductivity.”

Ar’lissa shrugged, “I don’t know what to tell you, it works, I’m just trying to work on being a bit stealthier so beings don’t hear me as easily.”

Lamiov and Lappincyk quickly walked over to her.  “Please, show us.”

Ar’lissa nodded as she removed her cloak and the baggy clothing covering the armor.  She flipped the protective cover up on her gauntlet, pressing a quick sequence in.  Obsidian and sapphire energy seemed to flow around her armored plates, and she practically disappeared showing up to their keen trained eyes as a faint distortion that could easily be dismissed as a mirage or a trick of the light if someone wasn’t paying attention.  Lamiov and Lappincyk’s expressions went from disbelief to excitement.  “That’s amazing!”

Ar’lissa decloaked.  “It’s been very handy in a couple of instances.” Lappincyk gestured to her gauntlet, “May I?”

Ar’lissa nodded holding out her arm. “Certainly. The field seems to just extend to my rifle, jetpack, some carried equipment, and the cloak that came with it.  We left those aboard our ship.”

Lappinck stepped over and flipped up the protective cover checking the primary controls and then the control panel itself.  “It looks like the original…”  He traced the connection, “Outwardly I don’t see any difference...”

Ra’lya’s voice was a whisper as if she was afraid they had something in the room that could hear her.  “I’m unaware of any changes other than modifying the power source to focus through the Chiss Heart crystal.”

Lappinck got to the power compartment slot on the back, “This looks different, more cylindrical, what are you using as a power source?”

Ar’lissa tried to look calm but her nervousness started to show. “It’s been modified to focus the power through a larger Csilla crystal.  My sister’s armor has the same modifications.”

Both Lappinck and Lamiov looked intrigued, “Really?”  Lappinck walked over to one of the lockboxes and opened it, pulling out a smaller crystal showing it to the three of them as Lamiov asked.  “Is it larger than this?”

Va’lana nodded, “Yes your Venerante, it’s about the size of a power cell.”

“Fascinating, we’ve yet to find crystals any larger than these.”  He gestured to one of the examination tables that had a privacy screen that could be drawn around it. “Va’lana, if you would please remove your armor our techs will try to repair it.”

Va’lana nodded as she walked over to the examination tables and drew the privacy screen before she began to remove her cloak and baggy clothing.  Ar’lissa glanced over at the screen and Va’lana’s slightly blurred silhouette before she spoke, “Honestly your Venerante I was worried we’d end up hauled into some lab getting poked and prodded for the rest of our days.”

Lamiov gave her a sly smile, “Well we did enough of that when you were children.  Though we would like to take a full medical examination and blood samples on both of you, a couple of hours at most and of course we would like to do a full analysis of your armor.  I would also ask that you stay with us here for a bit and fill in more details about your adventures as well, maybe even some of the details that for some reason were either ‘forgotten’ or left off of the official reports.  It could lead to more follow up missions for the three of you from the UAG.”

Iz’aphine looked apprehensively at Lamiov, “Your Venerante, I mean no offense, but Ar’lissa and I are technically under the command of the Expeditionary Fleet and Va’lana is technically a civilian.”

Lamiov nodded, “I’ve spoken to General Ba’kif and we both agree that we need all the tools we can get our hands on to deal with the Grysk threat.  If Va’lana is willing, the three of you will continue to work as a team.  It’s just your mandate will be broader than merely hunting Grysk and their surrogates, and you’ll also have a bit more autonomy when it comes to dealing with our other intelligence cells.”

Va’lana glanced over in their direction as she continued to carefully remove her armor and set it on the examination table.  “I would be honored to work with my sister and Iz’aphine.”

Lamiov smiled as he pulled a quetis and handed it to Iz’aphine, “We thought you might.  The three of you are now officially a specialist team codenamed: Nighthunters.   Iz’aphine will be the team’s official leader and point of contact with the various cells.  You will report directly to General Ba’kif, or one of his designated agents.”

Iz’aphine started reading the quetis as Lamiov continued. “The UAG will of course put their requests through them.  Understand the Council was already skirting over the lines on several mandates with deploying these cells and your new missions could put in positions that could cause you to step well past that line.”

Ar’lissa nodded her expression hardening, “I will do what is needed to protect the Chiss people.”

Iz’aphine could hear the dark tone creeping into Ar’lissa’s voice and looked over at her with concern, “With respect your Venerante, I think the three of us have stepped well past some of those lines already.  I’m willing to continue to do that to protect the Ascendancy.”

Va’lana set the last of her armor down, her voice sounded determined but less dark than Ar’lissa’s as she put her baggy clothes and robe back on.  “The Grysk are a threat to the universe and need to be stopped.”

Lamiov nodded giving a slight smile, “I commend the dedication the three of you have to the Ascendancy.  If it were up to me the three of you would be publicly honored for your efforts but for now, I can only offer the gratitude of the Styba family.  Once Va’lana is ready we’ll retire to a more comfortable room to talk about your adventures.”


Four days later they finally returned to their ship.  Two-Vee happily greeted them at the airlock.  “Mistresses, welcome back!  I’ve made sure the ship was cleaned, refueled and restocked with everyone’s favorites.”

Ar’lissa nodded as she smiled, “Thanks, much appreciated. How’d the program upgrades go?”

Two-Vee’s eyes glowed slightly brighter in appreciation, “Thank you for asking.  I now have a professional medical suite installed as well as updating my knowledge of current events.”

Ar’lissa patted Two-Vee on the shoulder as she walked past, “Glad it went well.  I’m going to get changed and start the first shift of our journey back to lesser space.”

Va’lana quickly caught up to her, “I can do that if you want.”

Ar’lissa shook her head giving a little self-deprecating smile, “That’s ok.  This part of space is a bit easier to navigate, so it’ll be less bumpy for everyone if I take it.”

Va’lana nodded, “Sounds good.”

Iz’aphine watched as Ar’lissa went into the captain’s cabin and then stepped over to Va’lana lowering her voice, “Maybe you and I could talk while she’s navigating?”

Va’lana looked at her curiously for a moment and then gave a small nod, “Certainly.”

A while later as they traveled through hyperspace Va’lana sat down in the lounge looking at Iz’aphine with a concerned expression.  “I know you’re not what they refer to as a force sensitive in lesser space, but you felt it too?”

Iz’aphine grimaced, “Not so much felt as picked up on the visual and voice cues.  Honestly, I haven’t known her for long, but it seemed like something changed with her when she came back.  She told me about the tunnels but doesn’t want to talk about her time in the future or much about her time in the ‘World between worlds’ other than the brief moment we were alone in the Tombs with the U.A.G. team.  I don’t want to pry, and I hope she’ll feel safe and comfortable enough with me to talk about it someday.  It just worries me that something happened to her and that she’s started to head down a dark path.”

Va’lana gave her a look, “You sure you’re not force sensitive?”

Iz’aphine gave her a small smile in return, “Pretty sure.”

Va’lana looked over at the cockpit, her expression thoughtful.  “I was barely in the ‘World between Worlds’ maybe an hour or two at most as I placed the shards.  My third sight with Sa’rai’s help is currently stronger than my sister and it allowed me to find my way out much quicker.”  She turned back to Iz’aphine and her expression changed to concern.  “I can’t imagine having to spend three days there and what she may have seen through those portals, let alone the temptation.”

Both were startled when Sa’rai’s spirit form appeared.  “Sorry to startle you and just pop into this conversation instead of the usual forced eavesdropping like we normally do, but in one of my talks with Ra’lya that very subject came up.”

Iz’aphine gestured to one of the open seats close to Va’lana, still surprised at how quickly everyone had gone from being wigged out by two force spirits appearing around the ship to now just being startled when they suddenly appeared.  Sa’rai sat down, glancing at the cockpit for a moment and then to the two of them, “I don’t want to break any confidences or talk too much about future events, but Ra’lya’s also concerned.  She could feel that Ar’lissa was more tempted than she lets on to have used the portals to interfere with past events and maybe because of that and the possibly the fact that she controls that lock to the ‘World between Worlds’ Ra’lya thinks Ar’lissa sees herself now as a possible threat to the Chiss people.

Both Iz’aphine and Va’lana’s eyes went wide as Sa’rai continued, “Ra’lya was for lack of a better term a ‘believer’ dedicating herself to protecting the Chiss people.  Those lines that shouldn’t be crossed became more and more blurred and justified.  The Sith Empire and to some extent our own government at the time preyed on that back then.  Ra’lya sees that same trait in Ar’lissa, only some of the events she saw possibly disillusioned her to the Syndicure.”

Iz’aphine looked concerned, “How did Ra’lya change?”

Sa’rai sighed looking in the direction of the cockpit and gave a small, sweet smile. “She says it was because of me.  We were each sent to the same world on opposing missions again, though we didn’t know it at the time and of course we ended up once again fighting each other.  Ra’lya was always the far superior swordswoman and normally my skill in the force would be able to counter it, but this time she had disarmed me, and I was at her mercy.  The next blow should have ended my life, cortosis armor or not, but she hit one of the cortosis plates with a glancing blow, deliberately shorting out one of her lightsabers.”

Sa’rai looked back at the others.  “The thing was I should have called my lightsaber back into my hand, but I didn’t.  Instead did the most reckless and possibly fatal thing I could have at the time.  I retracted the visor and faceguard, removed my helmet, and I just stood there.”  Sa’rai tilted her head back a little and looked up at the ceiling as if the memory of the day was flooding back to her senses.  “Her other blade stopped millimeters from the side of my face, burning a few strands of lose hair.  After holding it there for what seemed like an eternity, she just shutdown the blade and collapsed to her knees, dropping one saber to the ground and turning the other toward herself.  I could just barely hear her softly crying behind the mask.  I acted on feeling and gut instincts when I used the force to take the weapon out of her hand and then I just hugged her and whispered to her that she needed to forgive herself.  After a few moments I let go, put my helmet back on, retrieved my lightsaber, and just walked away.”

Sa’rai had a thoughtful smile, “I thought that was the end of it but a week later she defected specifically asking for me.  I helped her see the evil that the Sith were imposing, and she helped me see the flaws in the Order that I had blinded myself to.  It took us a while once we realized our feelings to admit them to each other, but I guess the rest you could say was ancient history.”

Sa’rai got up and walked over to Iz’aphine placing a spirit hand on her shoulder, “All you can do right now is be there for her when she wants to talk.”

Iz’aphine nodded reflexively reaching up to touch Sa’rai’s hand only to have it go through and hit her own shoulder.  “Forgot that we can’t really touch you in your minor spirit form.  Thanks.”

She walked back over to Va’lana, “And I’m always here for you too Va’lana.”  She then swatted Va’lana playfully on the shoulder, her hand passing through.  “Now get something to eat, I can tell you’re hungry.”

Va’lana rolled her eyes and said with mock exasperation, “Ok, MOM.”

Sa’rai grinned as she faded out and Va’lana laughed, “Now I have a wise spirit warrior monk mom I never knew I needed.”  She got up, “I’m going to grab something from the galley you want anything?”

Iz’aphine shook her head, her concern returning to her face, “No thanks.”

Va’lana nodded looking sympathetic, “Look, I know you want to be more proactive but if either of us press her on it we could push her away.  She has feelings for you, of the four of us you have the best chance of reaching her.”  Va’lana continued to the galley another two steps before stopping, her voice sounding cheery but there was an ominous tone to it. “And just so you know, if you hurt her in any way I will end you, and it won’t be pleasant ‘k?”

Iz’aphine’s eyes bugged out a little bit before Va’lana turned back smirking. “I’m messing with you.”

Iz’aphine let out an exaggerated sigh of relief to hide the actual huff of relief to get her nerves back down, “I’ve had parents of dates cleaning rifles in front of me that were less scary.”

Va’lana laughed as she turned and headed into the galley as Iz’aphine wondered if she shouldn’t use the refresher before having another conversation with Va’lana that involved Ar’lissa.


That evening on the ship Ar’lissa awoke with a start from yet another nightmare or possibly a dark vision, she was no longer sure she could tell the difference.  She wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and looked over at Iz’aphine who thankfully looked to still be sound asleep.  Ar’lissa quietly got out of their bed, trying not to disturb her.  Grabbing one of her lightsabers that she had tucked away in the stand next to the bed she quietly left their room and headed for the lounge area.  The lights on the ship were dimmed to simulate nighttime levels and there was the quiet hum from the ship as it traveled through hyperspace giving almost a peaceful feel as she walked to the lounge.  The only other sound was the quiet rustle of her nighttime clothing as she moved.

Ar’lissa quietly sat down on the couch holding the lightsaber hilt in her lap thinking about her latest nightmares or dark visions and what she saw in some of the portals during her time in the ‘World between Worlds’.  Her thoughts drifted back to the dark force vision of Va’lana and her own visions of her dark self which in many ways mirrored that vision.  She looked down at the shoto guard’s two hilts, turning it over in her hands.  A part of her telling herself there was an easy way to prevent what could happen, to protect Iz’aphine and her sister.  One last way to be of service…

“I…” she silently whispered before she forced herself to set the lightsaber down on the table in front of her and slid back on the couch, hugging her legs to her chest and staring at the lightsaber over her knees, her body trembling as her dark thoughts continuing to poke more and more to the forefront of her mind.  Iz’aphine called out in a soft voice. “Ar’lissa?” 

Ar’lissa didn’t move as she responded softly trying to regain her composure and stop the trembling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

Iz’aphine spotted the lightsaber sitting on the table as she walked over.  “Nightmare?”

Ar’lissa gave a slight nod, “Yeah.”

Iz’aphine quietly sat down next to Ar’lissa.  She leaned in and put an arm over her shoulder wondering if she should say something but just quietly sat there with her.  After about a minute, tears started to form in Ar’lissa’s eyes, her voice barely audible as she leaned into Iz’aphine. “I…I’m starting to regret that my Third Sight has come back.”

Iz’aphine held her tighter as she continued.  “I’ve been having these dark visions or nightmares. I’m not really sure what they are, only that I succumb to the darkness and hurt you and Val. I become one of the very things I swore to protect the Ascendancy from.  I accidently killed the vision Val in the passages because of what she had become and I’m going to become just like it.”

 Iz’aphine shook her head, “You don’t know that for sure, it’s just a nightmare.”

 Ar’lissa looked despondent, “Val, Sa’rai, and Ra’lya all say the same thing about the force.  When you are attuned to it like we are using the darker aspect of the force or even doing certain deeds can set you down a dark path and corrupt you.  I’m a soldier, a warrior.  As you know, sometimes we have to do things and make hard decisions that may be considered morally grey at best.  Shooting a retreating enemy in the back could start to corrupt my soul and yet if I don’t shoot, I could be endangering others by my inaction.”

Iz’aphine reflexively nodded.  As far as she knew all Ar’lissa’s life had been about service to the Ascendancy, from being a Skywalker to becoming a Warrior in the fleet to now being an Agent.  Ever since she came back for the possible future there was a hint of something constantly creeping into Ar’lissa’s eyes that she tried to hide. “You can’t just shut off who you are, you’ll take the shot.  But you won’t do it out of malice, you’ll do it to protect others.”

Ar’lissa leaned into Iz’aphine’s embrace, she actually looked a little scared, her voice starting to tremble along with her body, “Will it matter?”

Iz’aphine gave her a caring smile, “It will to those that care about and love you.”  Iz’aphine gently brushed some of Ar’lissa’s hair back and gave her a kiss on the side of her forehead. “You’re strong, brave, and beautiful.  You know that right?”

Ar’lissa gave a soft dismissive snort and Iz’aphine gently took Ar’lissa’s head in her hands.  She just as gently and lovingly turned Ar’lissa’s head so that Ar’lissa was looking directly into Iz’aphine’s eyes, some say the viewports to the heart and soul of a Chiss warrior, “You are all those things to me and more.  Don’t ever think otherwise, ok?”

They stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments and then Ar’lissa spoke softly, “Ok.” She gave Iz’aphine a loving smile, “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”  Iz’aphine blushed a little before she gave a crooked smile as she let go of Ar’lissa, “I know.”

Ar’lissa playfully pushed Iz’aphine a little but then got a serious, almost remorseful look. “I...I need to tell you what happened after, well after I met Ra’yla in the passages.”

Iz’aphine looked at her with concern, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

Ar’lissa shook her head and took a deep breath, “No, but you deserve to know...”

Iz’aphine listened quietly, a mixture of emotions running through her as Ar’lissa talked about her time in the possible future and her time in the ‘World between Worlds’.  Iz’aphine noted there were somethings Ar’lissa described in detail and others she glossed over or skipped stating concerns over having too much knowledge about the possible future and at times she tumbled over her words as if she was unsure how to describe it.  When Ar’lissa finished she looked down and away from Iz’aphine looking depressed.  Iz’aphine was at a loss for words for a moment, “Wow, I…I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that.”

Ar’lissa glanced over at Iz’aphine, “You still think I’m all those things you said?”

Iz’aphine nodded as she hugged Ar’lissa, “Even more so.”  Iz’aphine let go of the hug and got up.  She gently pulled Ar’lissa to her feet, “Come on let's go back to bed.  I’m surprised we haven’t woken Va’lana.”

Ar’lissa scooped up her lightsaber.  “She must be sleeping pretty soundly.  Not sure I’m going to be able to fall back asleep.”

Iz’aphine gently led her back towards their quarters, “At least we can lay there together.  It’ll be more comfortable than the couch.”

In Va’lana’s quarters, Va’lana quietly crawled back into her bed from where she had been eavesdropping.    Sa’rai, in her spirit form, shrugged as she walked over to the bed, “Well I honestly expected it to take longer for Ar’lissa to open up to Iz’aphine.”

Va’lana yawned, “Me too.  That stuff about the ‘World between Worlds’ was pretty crazy.  I’m glad I had your help navigating it.”

Sa’rai nodded, “Just remember to try and act surprised if she ever tells you about it.”

“I will.  It’s just a relief that Ar’lissa has Iz’aphine and they both seem to care so much about each other.”

“It is...”  Sa’rai gave a slight smirk, “Now we just need to find someone for you.”

Va’lana rolled her eyes before rolling over so she wasn’t facing Sa’rai.  She gave Sa’rai a mock dismissive wave, “Not having this conversation right now, going back to sleep, ‘night!”

Sa’rai gave a little chuckle before responding, “Goodnight.” and faded out.



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