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Chapter 8 - Ancestry

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Karik arrived at the docks, ten hours after dawn. He was not in Khuykir, but Imtashnu. He was going to the Feast of Shinkil, his plan with Zakra was going right. He stepped down on to the docks, Hesan Kassald was coming with him. He was already on the boat, wishing to see the Jakliai who nearly killed him brought to justice. Karik was finally at the boat, "Ahoy sailor!" he said, "Get on the boat already," the shoreman said. The shoreman muttered underneath his breath while letting Karik on to the ship. "Stupid nobleman..." he said, "callin' me a sailor..." the man trailed off as Karik's ship finally left harbor.

The ship was very typical, a long boat with two sails, a steam-powered wheel at the back, and quarters below deck. Karik lifted up the trapdoor right outside the quarter deck. The ladder went down a story, into a hallway. Of course, it went further, but Karik did not care for levels below the living quarters. He walked through the hall and into the second room on the right. The cabin was spacious, with a surprising amount of room inside. Karik saw Hesan laying on one of the beds. "Hey Karik," he said. He seemed okay right now, he hopefully wouldn't die before they got to Shinkil. "I'm going to get some food," Karik said. He placed his bag on the floor, not too far from the room's singular window. Karik walked out of the room.

He climbed down to the social deck, where the noblemen and women chatted about variouis things. They also served small foods at a buffet. Karik grabbed a plate and travelled along. The people to his front in line, someone from House Yastid and someone from House Jantai'i were gossiping, "Did you here about the Empress?" The Yastid man said, "Died only a day later from gunshot." The Jantai'i women put her hand over her chest, "Oh, and did you hear that we are travelling with Hesan Kassald?" The Jantai'i women said, "He got shot right in the chest, barely missed his lungs." She said. Karik looked at the person behind him, as he continued to gather more food from the buffet.

It was Akior Sien, "Akior?" Karik asked, "I did not expect you for this event." He said. "Yes, I heard you were coming," Akior explained, "and I honestly don't know a lot of other nobles." He whispered the last part behind his hand. "Well, it's great to see you," Karik said, "Would you like to join Hesan and I?" He asked, "Sure, I didn't bring anyone else." Akior said. The two finished up at the end of the buffet. Karik's plate was full of breads and fruit. Meanwhile Akior's was full of fish and strange plants. They lingered a little longer, wishing to overhear more. "Did you hear about the war in Zhrulaz?" Someone said, "I've heard that Jámtri is winning."

Another spoke up, "I've heard that the empress didn't have an heir," one of them said, "Are you kidding?" Another asked, "Of course she has an heir, the Empress just didn't have a big ceremony." Karik overheard more gossip on the way back to the cabin, the same Jantai'i woman and a new, Zhulijain man whispered to each other. Karik channelled a sense-enhancing magic to hear them, "Did you hear about Karik Zhala's lineage?" One of them said, "I heard he goes back to an emperor's heir." The other said.

Karik and Akior climbed up the ladder, arriving at Karik's cabin. Karik opened the door, and placed the food on the table. "It's going to be a long trip," Karik said. He pulled out his small book, opening to a passage.

The travel from Salktuymai to Zhrulaz has always been improving. The first time someone sailed to Zhrulaz, the famous voyage of Miku Talykuy, they used primitive one-sail boats. By 943 of the Third Era, two-sail boats were being used for higher efficiency. Eventually, coal-power became a reality. Coal power was standard for so many years because coal allowed for boats to travel faster than ever. It used two, giant wheels powered by coal to push the boat. Someone thought to combine two-sail boats with coal-powered ships, allowing speeds like no others at the time to be achieved. The last stage of evolution were steam-powered boats, which were invented by Tasnat Kanfut in the year 23 of the Fifth Era. Steam power was so much better than coal power because it was cheaper to use, easier to clean, and faster overall. While some may think that coal is better than steam, it is not so. Not just beacuse of the reasons above, but also because steam power can be enhanced by Kasiln, a magic system that toys with the properties of steam. Giving it a higher pressure, making more, increasing the hear, etc. Yes, boat travel has been around for millenia, but now is the time to make way for steam power.

Karik was not surprised reading that passage, House Kanfut was the leader in steam-powered boats. The Garfroen had actually copied the Kanfut design, and combined it with old Garfroen war ship designs, so that they could still have the best navy. Even after reading that, the question of that grandparent house lingered in Karik's mind. Was he distantly related to a royal heir? By the standard the empress had recently set, he would be eligible for the throne, "Hesan," Karik said, "Yes?" Hesan asked, sitting up. "Tell me this: Are we related to Klynter Zhasla?" Karik asked, "Yes, but it requires much more context than that," Hesan explained. "Long ago, the second king of Salktum named his heir to be Klynter Zhasla, a nobleman from the Shalaeki Province."

Klynter Zhasla rode in his palanquin. He was on his way to the Chamber of the Royal Court. He was being named the heir by his king, Felir the Third. It was only one decade after Hlrtu Jav had invaded the capital and burned many of the records. Klynter looked at Khuykir. It was still under construction, with three towers standing tall among the city. One tower belonged to the emperor, people were calling it the Lord's Tower. The second was Tower Vazliam, it belonged to Zasfly Vazliam, a powerful woman from the Capital East. Tower Zhasla belonged to himself, standing almost as tall as the Lords' Tower. It had a red orb on top, as a menacing show of power.

Klynter finally arrived at the chamber, no one else had. He was going to be in the backroom, letting the king present him as he walked to the pedestal. The king arrived shortly afterward, servants and bodyguards in toe. "My king," Klynter said. He bowed in respect to his king. "I look forward to seeing you crowned as heir," the King said. In Salktum, a male ruler was a king, and a female ruler was an empress. "You better get ready, guests are arriving," the King said. Klynter walked to the back room, he was wearing a traditional suit, but he needed a large cape being the heir. One of the attendants clipped the cape onto his back. It was quite heavy for a piece of cloth.

Klynter could see guests walking through the entrance, the king entered the backroom. Get used to this, it happens quite frequently. Klynter could hear the crier announce, "Presenting King Felir, First Named, The True Ruler of Two Continents, Purity in All Forms, Master of Four Dozen Magics, and First Marazu of Khuykir." The king walked out of the room while Klynter watched.

Four guards stood at the king's side, with one behind him. Two servants also carried his cape, keeping him from dragging it across the floor. Two of the guards moved the pedestal in front of the king, "I hereby declare my heir to be Klynter Zhasla, of House Zhasla." That was his cue.

Klynter walked out, with two guards on his sides, and two servants carrying his equally-large cape. He stepped onto the podium, bowing before the king. "Lord Klynter Zhasla, do you wish to take the Three Oaths of Heirdom?" The king said. "I do, on all three," Klynter said. "Lord Gapty Djunt, as Salktum's heir, will you promise to take all advice from your king?" The king said. "I promise so," he said. "Will you accept the role of the king upon his death?" The king said, "I will," Klynter said. "Finally, will you take all responsibilities of the king when he is unfit to rule? Giving them back when he is fit again." The king said, "I will," he promised. "Then I pronounce you Lord Klynter Zhasla, heir to Lord King Felir, First Named, Heir of the Two Continents, Purity In All Forms, Master of three-dozen Magics, and First Kandwe of Khuykir."

Hesan finished up the story. "Well, he sounds like a fun guy," Akior said. Karik was seemingly shocked. He was related to an heir. Karik was a valid candidate for the throne. "That means you could be on the throne,"  Akior said. "Yes it does," Karik said. A messenger arrived in the room, "I carry two letters for Governor Zhala," the man said. Karik took the letters and opened one of them. It was from Juchu Tali. The letter read,

To Karik Zhala,

I have infiltrated House Kanfut, as you instructed. I siphoned information from them and got something. House Kanfut is working against House Jakliai. They said there are spies in House Zhala and House Jakliai. They know about your plans to take over House Jakliai and are gathering forces. They do not see your rise in political influence and need to cut it off. Things in the west are stewing, and it is not looking good.

In Kanfut Tower, by Juchu Tali's hand

The spy had signed off with a nobleman's signature. He truly was in the role of a nobleman. The other letter bore a Qali spy's stamp. It was clearly from Zhiki Mutku. He pulled the letter out, she was spying for House Jakliai. Karik needed to know what was happening in House Jakliai. The letter read,

To Karik Zhala

I have successfully become a Jakliai noblewoman. You people of the east are weird with traditions. Men above women? I have heard it called blasphemous in Qal. Getting to the point, House Jakliai plots to assassinate you. They see your rise in political influence and need to cut it off. They so far have not plotted to kill anyone else. They also have several assassins in their employ. The one you and Lady Valazim killed was not one of them, likely from another house. I will have to dig deeper, give me a month, and I will have more information.

In the Castle Jakliai, by Zhiki Mutku's hand

House Jakliai was trying to kill him but had not tried yet. Who was that assassin that he and Zakra killed? If the Kanfut were not trying to assassinate him, and the Jakliai were trying but had not yet made a move, then who hired that assassin. It was certainly not Hesan or the Empress, as they were both shot by this assassin. The question bothered him, but he moved on to another question: Who is the spy in House Zhala?

The spy certainly wasn't Hessan, they were both relatives and had an alliance. Plus, he and Karik hadn't seen each other for weeks. It could have been Su'i, Karik had heard of attendants betraying their masters. Akior was a possibility. While he usually appeared wacky and fun in public, Akior often had a serious demeanor in private. Karik dismissed the option, opting to believe Su'i was the spy. Su'i was at home in Khuykir, doing as she always did. There was one last question, however, was Zakra trying to have him killed?

There was plenty of evidence for and against this. There was evidence for it. Zakra killed the assassin, possibly to keep Karik from prying him for information. As Zhiki said, House Jakliai has not plotted to kill anyone but Karik. Zakra and Karik were splitting the gains from the Jakliai takeover, maybe she wanted all of them. There was also evidence against this. Zakra had been avidly helping him in doing this. She walked up to him, asking to help in this plot against the Jakliai, so she probably needed him for something politically. On top of that, Karik had the army she needed. That last point made Karik believe she was working with him, not against.

He still pondered on the three questions. By this point, Hesan had fallen asleep, and Akior had left the room. Who had hired the assassins? Who was the spy in his house? Most importantly, was Zakra against him? The last question stung at him the most. The thought of Zakra betraying him was hard to think about. Karik sat on one of the beds and fell asleep, pondering on the last question.

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