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Chapter 5 - Mercenaries

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Karik walked to the entrance of the tavern. He was hiring mercenaries today, and this is where they agreed to meet. The bar was called, "The Lonely Goat," it was an upper-class bar. The tavern served people from all walks of life. The rich, the poor, foreigners, locals, upper-class bars served everyone.

He walked inside and found it was crawling with people. The tables were nearly full, and the front bar lacked available seats. The table in the back was where Karik and the mercenary captains would meet. He walked over to the front bar, "Hey Karik, haven't seen you in a while. What'll you be havin'?" The bartender asked, "I'll have a Jámiri Float, leave some Shikilli residue on the side." Karik said, "Ah, the usual. Comin' right up." She said. The years after Lupju's death were rough. He did find a way to cope, he found it every day at The Lonely Goat. She gave him the drink, with a small glass of residue, "There you go, Jámtri Float with side residue." She said. Karik paid her the cost and went to his table.

The drink was green in color, with ice that glowed within the liquid. Quickly melting and floating in the brew was a large dollop of Jámiri cream. This cream gives the drink a sweetness that, when combined with the Shinkilli residue, created a drink addicting enough to cause liver failure. The residue was the foam that gave it an extra punch. Generally, this was drizzled on the Jámiri Cream.

Karik would be meeting with three mercenary captains at the same time. The first was Talib Gotlaib, a man from Tlally who managed the Juklu Archer Company. This company of bowmen often wore blindfolds to 'heighten' their senses. More likely, they were just showing off. This company was five thousand strong. The second was Kuesi Falzy, captain of the Falzy Infantry Group. They were a group of swordsmen and spearmen from Shinkill that exclusively served nobility. It paid four thousand men. The last was Kistry Djyrar a woman from Garush who managed the 29th Infantry Division of her city. These were elite militants were all over. Some served in the Royal Guard and some served the Temple of Katnouan. This division was worth five thousand men.

The three captains opened the door, and Karik waved them over. Talib ordered drinks for the three of them, while Kuesi and Kistry. "Kuesi, Kistry, so nice to meet you." Karik said, "Yes, it is nice to meet you too." Kistry said. Kuesi had dark olive skin, blue eyes, and black hair. He wore light chainmail, with leather gloves. Kistry was fairly tall, with dark brown eyes and brownish hair. She wore steel plate mail and a gold-fringed helmet. They waited for Talib to come back with their drinks before talking anymore. Talib walked over to the table, he was Tlallyn; he was of average height with darker white skin and yellow eyes. Talib wore a blindfold and a cloth tunic embroidered with intricate patterns.

"A Jámtri float, nice choice," Talib said. He must be using see-through magic. It allowed you to see through anything that was a half-inch or less thick as if nothing blocked your way. "Yeah, it is a favorite of mine," Karik said, "Now, on with the meeting," Karik stated. "I will answer the immediate questions." Karik said, "I will pay each of your armies five hundred Salms a week," He explained. "The campaign should last from around the forty-third of Emuyk this year to the third of Jalazh next year." Karik was almost done, "Finally, it will be happening in Zhrulaz, with further instructions being sent when the campaign starts." Karik finished.

"Questions?" Karik asked.

"Yes," Kuesi said, "I can't fund an army on five hundred a week." Talib piped up, "Yes, I agree two thousand is a much more reasonable price." Karik knew this would happen and had given the lower number so that they would give him the higher number, "I can afford to pay each of your armies one thousand a week," he said, "Deal!" Kuesi said, "I agree," Talib said. "As do I," Kistry said. "Does anyone have any more questions?" Karik asked, "Nope," Talib said. "Same here," Kuesi said. "I certainly do not," Kistry said. "Then let us drink to glory, to honor, and to battle!" Karik said. They each clinked their glasses against each other. Karik only finished his original drink, he would let the three celebrate amongst themselves.

Karik walked up the road toward the Lord's Tower, he found that the streets were desolate. However, a mob crowded around the tower. The mob was on the backside of the tower, opposite the entrance. A man stood on a wooden platform, "Step right up! Step right up!" He said in an accent from the Far West. The man wore a black suit, with a white undershirt, and a black top hat. He also had a thin mustache just above his lip that curled slightly at the very ends. "The name's Kas, and I implore you to witness the miracle of the amazing, the astounding, Wish Crab!" He said, "Yes, folks, you heard it first. A crab that will grant any wish you ask for. Only five Salms." Kas said, "Who would like to try?" He asked. Several hands went up, "You there in the grey suit," Kas said. The man walked up there as if he had done this before. "Now what is your name dear sir?" Kas said, "Why, Jaly," the man said. He had the same far western accent, "Now Jaly, hold the wish crab's claws and say to dear folk what your deepest desire has always been." He said, "I have always wanted a fishing pole," Jaly said. A fishing pole fell from the Lord's Tower, Jaly caught it. "There you have it, folks, the miracle of the Wish Crab works again!" Kas said, "Who else here would like to try?" He asked.

Karik thought to stick around, he had the time. "You there, in the very front," Kas said. A timid man walked up on stage, shaking as soon as he got there. The man put five Salms in the man's hand. The crowd hadn't noticed that Jaly didn't pay. "Tell the dear folk your name," Kas said, "T- T- Tev," he said. "Now hold the Wish Crab's claws, and say your deepest desire." Kas said, "To be better at public speaking," Tev said, "Well you just did amazing talking to the crowd here, so it worked!" Kas exclaimed, "Yeah, I guess it did work," Tas said, "The Wish Crab works!" More hands went up, Karik didn't stick around.

He carried both his shortsword and sword-spear with him. The former on his hip, the latter his back. Karik walked toward the smithing district of Khuykir, where specialized blacksmiths used Kanfut technology to create intricate weapons and armor. The smithing district smelt of burnt iron and smoke. Karik walked toward one of the smith dens. It was a half-dome in shape, made entirely of stone. Karik walked up to the blacksmith, "Karik for three hours afternoon?" Karik said, "Oh yeah, the sword-spear," the blacksmith said. "You're early." He said, "I'll get to you in a few minutes," he said. Karik sat down on one of the few chairs and took in the environment. The half-dome shape was stone that Karik had never seen before. Several conveyor belts brought bars of iron and steel to the blacksmiths, and not one but five blacksmiths were scattered around the forge.

"I can fix you up now," the smith said, "What do you get?" Karik presented his sword-spear and its broken head. One of his armorers had broken it, so it just needed a repair. "Ah, a sword-spear, and a fancy one," The blacksmith said, "I can improve it, the metalwork is a bit sloppy." Karik may as well, "Sure, how much will it cost?" Karik asked, "A hundred Salms," he said. Karik had brought enough, but he wouldn't be able to go through the market. "I will take that deal," Karik said. "Good," the blacksmith said, "Meet back here in an hour." Karik sat down again on the chair, this time opening his book. He flipped to the Kuy Mishin passage, the one he hadn't finished earlier, and started reading.

This war would comprise most fronts, and on the twenty-ninth of Hibuy in the year forty-seven of the Fifth Era, the first Salkin step was taken on Zhrulean soil.

The first battles were skirmishes, simply for Salktum to see who had the upper hand. They did. Salktum had brought twice as large the navy and three times the infantry. The zhruleans would have a hard time. The leader of Salktum's army was Governor Chashry Ku'udu, the governor of Imtashnu at the time. The zhrulean commander was Zhilu Kastaky, the king of Jámtri.

The first major battle was at the Hill of Djintaik. Zhilu had taken an advantageous position on a hill, while Chashry surrounded the bottom of the hill. Zhilu had his swamp walkers used for raiding parties to kill off quite a bit of Chashry's men. Chashry managed to lure down most of Zhilu's swamp walkers --about fifty men-- and slaughter them on day three of the battle. It ended with a final confrontation, where Chashry won the battle by encircling the enemy and slowly moving up the hill until they had to surrender. Zhilu himself managed to barely escape.

"There you, go nice and done." The blacksmith said. Karik looked up,

the blacksmith had reforged the sword-spear entirely; keeping the intricate gravings while redoing the metalwork. "It looks amazing," Karik said. He gave the blacksmith his coin and walked off. Karik passed through the market on his way to Zhala Tower, just to marvel at the different things. Chefs, jewelers, spice traders all lined the streets of the market.

He looked at a vendor selling street food. Kazhrak. Folded food. A delicacy from the northern crowded isles. It was a large, folded layer of grain with various veggies, meats, and assorted rice. Generally, a green and red sauce was applied to it as well. A sign stood in front of the vendor, made of a beige wood from the food's origin. "Kazhrak, 10 Kuys," it read. Karik had about twenty Kuys. One of these things would fill you up until the evening meal. "A kazhrak, please," Karik said to the islander selling this meal. "Five minutes to give me please," he said. The man spoke the dialect of Seke-jy, an island off the coast of Shinkil. The island and its surrounding isles were famous for the produce they harvested.

A few minutes later, the man gave him a Kazhrak and a red-green tube of sauce. Karik held the Kazhrak together at a single point, putting the sauce in his shirt pocket. He bit into it, a burst of flavor. The vastness of flavor was a lot for him. Karik walked to a bench and poured some of the sauce on the Kazhrak. It was gone in only a couple of minutes, he had enjoyed it. He was full now, so Karik walked back toward Zhala Tower. A crowd was still stood at the Wish Crab, Karik walked past it and towards Zhala Tower. A man followed him, similar to about two weeks earlier, he was wearing a dark purple cloak with a hood. Karik walked into an alley to the right of Zhala Tower. Three more men surrounded him, in a matching uniform to his stalker. One on each flank, one behind and one in front of himself. Karik took out his sword-spear, holding it down with his right hand. A fight ensued.

The men to his flanks charged him, attempting to slit his throat quickly. Karik swiped with his sword-spear. It cut the hand of the man to his left off and caused that man to flee. Meanwhile, Karik exchanged blows with the man to his right. Karik each attack coming his way, a dagger lightly grazing his chest. A shock of pain went up through his torso, but he did not have time for that. Karik jabbed three times in rapid succession at the man in front of him, previously to his right. The spear end of his weapon was bloodied now, and that man collapsed onto the ground. Karik found several blows from the man who now stood to his left coming toward him. Karik made his weapon horizontal so that the blade on either side would cut both ways. He spun it around, lightly cutting himself in the process. His opponent fled, bleeding as he ran away.

Karik turned around to see his original stalker, this man had a special insignia on his cloak, an arrow through a gear. He also had a lavender scent, which briefly caught Karik's attention. Kanfut? Karik couldn't deal with that at the moment, his adversary was charging at him. He was using a small hand ax in his left hand, and a dual-edged short spear in the right hand. The man put his spear in front of him, hand ax raised high. Karik ran to the man's right flank, attempting to cut into his side. He spun around and blocked the attack with his hand ax. "So it is a defensive ax," Karik thought as he stepped back away from the man.

Karik took out his dagger, "This shall be a dual-wielded fight," he thought. Karik had his dagger in his left hand, matching his opponent. It was a risky move to do this, as he was partially-trained in dual-wielding. Karik swung overhead with his sword-spear, slicing on the right side of his opponent using the dagger. The man blocked the overhead swing with his short spear and narrowly evaded the dagger. He parried the attack, stepping back and sinking the spear deeper into Karik's wound. Karik pulled out the spear quickly, it was likely poisoned. The man simply grabbed another spear and created a gash on Karik's arm. As a last effort, Karik managed to use the spear from his chest and stab directly into the man's chest, killing him. He collapsed onto the ground from the wound. Karik collapsed from exhaustion.

The next few hours were a blur, his memory fading in and out, "We're losing him," they would say, "Stay with us," they often said. Karik woke up in an infirmary, laying on a bed, with Su'i and doctors looking over him. "He's awake," Su'i said. "Give him some space," the doctors said. "What happened while I was asleep?" Karik asked sleepily, "You were stabbed in several areas, you were also lightly poisoned." One of the doctors said. "Su'i," Karik said, "Schedule a meeting with Zakra Valazim, I have news to share with her."

Karik sat in the waiting room, behind Su'is desk on her chair. Su'i stood at the front door waiting for people to arrive. Zakra Valazim walked in. Karik walked up to her, "Zakra, nice to see you again," he said, "Yes, as to you," she said back. "I have knowledge to share," Karik said. They walked into the elevator as Karik explained, "You likely know by now that I was nearly killed by an assassin yesterday." Kairk said, "Yes, it was in the papers," she said, "Thankfully, I fought all of them off. However, the last one fought until I collapsed." By this point, they had reached the penthouse and sat down in the chairs, "What did I smell on that last person?" Karik asked, "What?" Zakra asked backed, "Lavender." Karik said.

"Kanfut!" Zakra said, "But why would House Kanfut give you a loan if they plotted against you." Zakra asked, "The interest," Karik said. "The loan was for over a hundred thousand salms, the interest would give them a profit of ten thousand salms." Karik explained, "They can use that money to pay assassins," Zakra realized. "Exactly!" Karik said, "I believe that House Jakliai and House Kanfut are working to assassinate us, using their vast wealth to pay assassins." Karik stated, "I actually had a similar experience a week ago," Zakra said.

One Week Earlier...

Zakra walked towards Tower Valazim, walking through the street. She took no notice at the different people walking around her, only seeing their heights. Zakra carried a Jamtwe. A large blade ridden with spikes. It was a greatsword in size, but a longsword in weight. Zakra did take notice of a man following her, wearing a dark purple cloak and taking every turn she did. She channeled her Thaumaturgy, a magic used to create visuals that could take a solid form. She channeled her Thaumaturgy, and created a scroll in front of her assistant. It read, "Send five guards to the alley right of the shop closest to the Tower." Zakra continued on, to the shop she wrote about. It was called, "Tyiniki's Western Medicine," the store was small. A market vendor who settled down in Khuykir owned the shop.

Zakra could see the five guards coming out from Tower Valazim while two people surrounded her. One was the stalker, with a dark purple cloak, a lavender scent, and a light purple gear with an arrow through it. His entire outfit screamed House Kanfut. The battle was swift, the guards Zakra had called over detained one of the assassins. The purple cloaked one got away, climing along the rooftops. Zakra walked into Tower Valazim and got on with her day.

Back to the Present...

"That is the whole story," Zakra said. Karik was not surprised, "That is a similar story," he said. "If House Kanfut and Jakliai are allied," Karik said, "Then we can take them all out in one move," Zakra said. "The feast will be in Shinkil," she said, "and we shall have assassins reign daggers from the rooftops." Karik said, "Then the troops shall come in and arrest all who are not dead." Karik had almost forgot to mention, "I have hired mercenaries, House Kassald will be transporting them." Karik said. "I know you have hired spies, but I need you to hire assassins as well." Zakra said, "I shall," Karik said. Karik stood and waved Zakra out as she left the penthouse. Their meetings were always quite short. Su'i and Zakra walked into the elevator. Soon, Zakra was out of sight.

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