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Chapter 6 - The Invite

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Karik walked toward the Lord's Tower. He noticed that this was commonplace now for him. Before, Karik would take side streets. Now he had to stay hidden in the crowds. That meant no more side streets. Karik walked into the Lord's Tower. It was finally time to cash in those plans. Karik stood at the back of a line, there were about three people ahead of him. The line stood still while Karik observed the room. He had never actually been here before. The walls had a gold trim, whiles the walls carried a coat of yellow paint. Karik noticed that the lobby was a lot larger than most. He had never realized how big the Lord's Tower was because he had never been inside. The line moved up.

The walls were adorned with paintings from all over the world. A western painting in a minimalistic style that Karik had studied. It depicted the Duel of the Sunken Cave, the cave itself having a dark texture. Meanwhile, the people were much brighter. It created a stark contrast that was talked about for centuries after the painting was made. The line moved up. Karik looked around and saw there were two elevators and a staircase. The elevators were to be expected. The empress's servants would need efficient transport. The stairs were surprising to Karik, as he elevators were far more efficient. Karik stopped pondering though, because the line moved up.

"State you business," the clerk said. "Karik Zhala, two hours after mid-day, with the vizier." Karik said, "Ok, the vizier will be able to meet with you shortly." She said. Karik sat down in one of the chairs. It was also gold-fringed, with a red-wood to contrast. The time was one and a half hours after mid-day. Karik had some time. He pulled out his book and continued reading a passage from earlier.

The second major battle was at the city of Iv. The battle was a siege that lasted about three weeks. In the first week, Salktum pushed to the city's walls. In the second, they were pushed back, but not all the way. In the third week, the Zhruleans finally pushed the Salkin out for good. A victory for Zhrulaz.

The third major battle was a front along the Giázhuan Mountains. Eventually, it erupted into a conflict between the two sides; once Salktum realized Jámtri was on the other side. The battle conditions were terrible on their own. The battle happened in early winter when high amounts of snow poured on the mountains. This was combined with the cramped battlefields of the mountains, only a dozen men wide at their largest, created some of the worst conditions ever seen in a war. Salktum, won the right flank, Zhrulaz on the left. Governor Chashry sent a fifth of his men along a narrow pass in the mountains. With this, he could encircle what was left of the Zhrulean army. It worked. Although Zhrulaz fought to the bitter end, they could never stand up to Salktum.

The two sides entered peace negotiations. Governor Chashry wanted everything south of the Giázhuan Mountains, and Zhilu wanted them to have something about the size of Bi'n. Eventually, they both agreed on a territory between Samni and Kah Tede, about the size of the latter. To this day, the War of Mishin, as it is known, has echoed throughout the time after its end. For example, all citizens of Jámtri are citizens of the Kuy Mishin province; but not of Salktum as a whole. Zhilu snuck this into the treaty as a benefit for Jámtri.

Karik closed the book, undoing the dog-ear on the page. The time was now two-hours after mid-day, the vizier was likely done. "Karik?" The clerk said, "The vizier will see you now." She said. The two walked in the right elevator, which assumedly went up. The ride was short. This elevator was one of the first installed. The clerk walked through the grand halls and into a small room, equally luxurious.

The vizier was a short man, with a small light-blue turban and a slightly darker shade of blue on his coat. He also had green eyes and a grey goatee. Karik sat down in one of the chairs. The vizier sat in a yellow chair. The four colors of Salktum each represented something. The red wolf was the Lord of Salktum. The blue lion depicted the nobility. The swords were the military. Finally, the yellow background was all Salkin citizens. There was a version of the banner, many years ago, that had a green gateway in the background. It represented those who travel outside of Salktum, but no one knew why that was. So, they removed it. The color of the chair was to show his status. There was also another red chair, another blue chair, and a dark wood table. Karik had instinctively chosen the red chair, he was nobility after all. "You have come to see me, nobleman?" The vizier said. His tone was inquisitive and rather ominous. "Yes, I have knowledge to sell," Karik said. "Show this to me first," he said. Karik placed the rebellion plans on the table. "How did you get these?" The vizier asked, "Magic!" Karik said, waving his hands in an arc. "The secretive type I see," the vizier said. "I was hoping to get 40,000 salms out of them," Karik said. "Forty-thousand salms!" The vizier exclaimed, "I can only give you 15,000." He said. "Well then I will pass on that offer," Karik said.

He wanted the vizier to give him 20,000 salms. Being moderately good at manipulating people, this was easy. It came with the job of a nobleman. As Karik was about to step through the door, the vizier spoke, "Twenty-thousand," he said. "I can give you 20,000 salms." Karik was happy. "I will accept that offer," Karik said. The two shook hands. Karik opened up his coin purse as wide as he could. He brought ten with him, each one could hold about two thousand. The vizier dumped the coins into each pouch. When each was full, Karik left, not bringing the plans. The vizier didn't know, of course, but Karik had actually made a copy of that map. He would use it for his war room.

Karik walked out of the lord's tower, and towards Zhala Tower. The coin purses could magically shrink, so Kairk didn't have to worry about pickpockets. He took the direct route this time, Akior Sien would be there any second. Karik was going to make good on his promise, giving ten thousand salms to him. When Karik finally reached Zhala Tower, Akior Sien had just walked in. "Akior," Karik said, "You are right on time." Akior also looked surprised that Karik was here at the same time, "Yeah, I was worried I about being late." He said. "Would you like to come in?" Karik asked, "Sure." Akior said. The two walked into Zhala Tower. Su'i was surprised, Karik explaining the situation. "I don't mind, it makes my job easier, master," she said. All three walked into the elevator and out to the penthouse.

Karik and Akior sat down in their respective chairs. "Tell me Karik," Akior said, "Did you get the invite for the Jakliai Banquet?" He asked. "Oh!" Su'i said, "That is on me master." She handed him a scroll, bound with a pin. The pin itself was purple, with a yellow dagger pointed down. The sigil of House Jakliai. The scroll read,

To all of my fellow noblemen,

I invite you for an excelent night of feasting and revelry. Bring up to 5 guests each! The banquet shall be held at the most grand of banquet halls, the Center Square Gardens. All of the food and drink shall be provided. Alongside entertainment! The feast shall happen on the seventeenth day of the fourth month.

In Jakliai Tower,

By the hand of Governor Jakliai

Karik had several thoughts flowing through his head. "What would this be for?" Karik asked, "He never gave a reason for this feast." He said. "I don't know," Akior stated. He wasn't exactly the wisest of nobles. Karik had an epiphany, which showed on his face, "This must be about Zakra and I." Karik said. "What now?" Akior asked. Karik had only mentioned him and Rupred, but not him and Zakra. So he explained it all. First, he explained the Jakliai plot, to assassinate him and Zakra. Then, he explained him and Zakra's counter scheme. Afterward, he told Akior about the possible alliance between the Jakliai and Kanfut.

Akior had a look of realization on his face, "Oh," he said. "Do you suggest they are trying to kill you and her?" Akior asked, "Yes, I am." Karik said. "How will they do it?" Akior asked, "I think they will use Kanfut gunbows, having seen that Zakra and I are unable to be beaten at close range." Karik said, "It's likely no coincidence that a week after House Jakliai tries to kill us, that's when they decide to throw a feast." Karik said.

"I have a question from earlier, not really pertaining to this," Akior said. "You and Hesan are cousins by a parent house, correct?" Akior asked, "What was the house before that?" he finished. "I actually don't know," Karik said, "That era of Salkin history was burned when the grasslanders invaded." Akior was seemingly unsurprised by Karik's knowledge in history. "Another question," he said, "Yes?" Karik asked, "What are we going to do about this?" Akior asked.

"I am glad you asked," Karik said, "I have a plan." Akior was intrigued, "I will place a decoy of myself using Thaumaturgy." Karik explained, "Then I will need your help in notifying guards while I chase after the assassin." Karik said, "Finally, I will use magic cuffs to cut off any of the assassin's escape plans." Akior was seemingly impressed, "So you want me to alert the guards while you chase him?" Akior asked, "Ok, but can I get the guards and then run after the assassin with you?" Akior asked, "Sure," Karik said. "As long as you warn the guards, then sure," Karik said.

Karik and Akior shook hands, and Su'i walked him out. At this point, the sun was almost down. Karik sat in his chair and read a passage from his book. Before that, Karik waited for Su'i to come back upstairs. When she did Karik told her, "Have the cooks make Garfroen Soup." Karik enjoyed drinking the Garfroen Soup while reading at night. "Right away master," she said. Karik actually opened his book and read a passage.

In the year six hundred thirty-seven of the Fourth Era, a group of five nomadic clans in the western grasslands formed a coalition. Each clan in this alliance contributed five thousand men. This army of nomads, now controlled by one Hlrtu Jav, was the largest nomadic consolidation since the Third Era. Salktum, having just conquered these nomads, was not prepared for this. When the nomads were conquered, they only summoned a thousand men. There was still bad blood between these clans as well, so they did not ally.

Hlrtu Jav hated the Salkin and sought to expel them from the grasslands. He was able to settle the differences between each clan. This took several years; but when all was said and done, he had one of the largest armies at the time under his control. The king at the time, Felir the First, thought this army would go away. It did not. Hlrtu had made it to Sálmpy at this point. Felir divided his army in two, sending the stronger half north, and the weaker half south. He went with the stronger half, being a coward of sorts. Felir thought that Hlrtu would go north because the south was heavily fortified. Hlrtu didn't realize the south was fortified at all, this led him to destroy the fortifications of the south and the weaker army.

Realizing his mistake, Felir had his men turn back, going straight through the western mountains. However, it was all too late. Hlrtu laid siege to the capital, a few nomads even burned records of the nobility from this era. Felir's men eventually made it back, right when the city was near starved. The battles were fierce. Each one took a whole day, the nomads fighting to the death, and the Salkin wanting to protect their kingdom. When it was finally over, half of the nomads were dead, a quarter injured. Most of the Salkin were injured, but few died. This spurt made Felir realize that the empire would take a lot more work than he thought.

Karik sat in his chair, the Garfroen Soup was nearly gone. Karik closed his eyes and fell asleep, wondering about that grandparent house.

Karik walked through the city center, for a third time this week. He was walking toward the market. His plan required Thaumaturgy, a magic from the Far West that made illusions out of few materials. The bigger the illusion, of course, the more materials needed. Zakra's stunt, with the scroll for the guards, was so small that the paper required nothing. Karik needed something big though, a replica of himself. It required several things. Karik had most of them, only three remaining ingredients. The first was Essence of Magic, a semi-legal drug that helped those previously incapable of magic. The illusion was quite complex, so Karik needed the help of a drug. The second was an elephant's heart, it would instill Zhala ideals for this brief illusion. Finally, assorted spices that Karik did not have at Zhala Tower. First, would be the drug.

Karik wandered around the market, smelling the aromas of each vendor's items. One was selling perfume of ivory. It made those who applied it smell like the feeling of spotting a baby elephant. Karik was walking through the row of vendors, when he took a left, into a more underhanded part of the market. The Essence of Magic was only semi-legal. Often, it would be legalized by corrupt officials, only for it to be made illegal again by the king or his vizier. Right now it was legal, but none knew how long that would last. Karik walked up to one of the crooked men, "What'd you want?" The man asked. He was wearing a dark-grey cloak, with a brown smuggler's hat --small, curved hat, worn to show they wanted or had goods-- and a light-grey tunic underneath that. The man also had pale white skin, likely a dealer from the Capital West; where the drug originated.

"Do you have Essence?" Karik said. He was confident in voice, trying to match the man's tone. "How much platinum you got?" The man said, "A few dozen stacks," Karik said back. "I'll give you five packs for three." The man said back, "I'll give you two stacks for four." Karik said, "Deal." The man said, "I'll give you the packs, you give me the stacks. You get it?" He explained, "Yeah, I get it." Karik said. The man placed four packs of Essence on the ground, Karik placed two stacks of a dozen Salms each. The man pocketed the coins in his trousers, and Karik placed the essence in his coin purse. He had a leather bag around his shoulders, but that would be for something else. Karik then walked back to the regular market. Second, would be the heart.

Karik was walking down the aisles of merchants selling their wares. Karik continued past these men, going toward the Butcher's Aisle. This was where traders would bring their animals to be cut. The section itself was filthy. That was what Karik first noticed walking in. It reeked of animal manure and raw meat. Karik just needed to be in and out, an elephant's heart, that was all. Karik walked up to a butcher. His sign read, "Elephant Parts, Tusks and All!" Karik was disgusted but didn't let it show on his face. "I can find elephant ears here, correct?" He asked the man cutting. The butcher wore a white apron and a folded hat. He had a bushy, brown, mustache, and a plaid shirt. "I've got several of those. What size?" He asked, "Anything small. Something the size of a human's?" Karik asked. "Give me one second," The butcher said. He put his knife down and bent over.

After a couple of minutes, the butcher stood back up. He was presenting a large heart, clearly about twenty pounds in size. It was truly a vile thing, stained red from blood. "Is this good," The man asked, "Perfect!" Karik exclaimed. "How much is it?" He asked, "About eight-dozen Salms," the butcher said. Karik had looked into the price of elephant hearts beforehand, this was about right. He had brought about twenty-dozen Salms, figuring the Essence would cost more. "That's worth it," Karik said. He handed the butcher eight dozen Salms and channeled Flosku. Flosku was a magic able to keep objects cold. The magic required the user to take heat from the object, heating the user, or heating an object the user puts the heat in. Karik froze the elephant's heart, making it cold to the touch, and placed it in his leather bag. Karik could feel his temperature rise. It wasn't too much, but it would linger. Third, were the spices.

Karik walked toward the all-spice soup vendor. He was unsure of where he could find the three spices he needed. Basil, rosemary, and cayenne. "Hello, Governor!" The man said, "Here for more soup?" He asked, "I wanted to know where I could find some spices." Karik said. "Well, most of my spices are fresh..." he said. "Just tell me what you're looking for." The vendor said, "I need basil, rosemary, and cayenne." Karik said, "Well, for the rosemary, check with anyone selling Zhassl." The man explained. Zhassl was a Khliri roasted hen. "For the basil, check with some of the variety farmers. In fact, you can buy rosemary from the farmers," he said, "and I can give you some cayenne, I ordered too much of it." The man handed Karik a large vial of red powder. "How much for it?" Karik asked, "Just a couple of salms." The vendor said back. Karik handed the man two salms, "Actually, I will have a soup to go," Karik said. "Coming right up." The man said. Shortly afterward, Karik was handed a mug of all-spice soup.

Karik walked up to a variety farmer, one who grew and sold many crops instead of just one. He was a highlander, who wore overalls and a burlap sunhat. "What're you lookin' for?" The farmer asked. Despite being a highlander, he had a central islander's accent; abbreviating most of his words. "I am looking for basil and rosemary." Karik said, "Basil and rosemary? I can grab some of that." The farmer said. A few minutes later, he brought some vials out from his camel pack. They were both slightly smaller than the cayenne vial. The first was a vial of dark green shreds, basil. The second contained a greenish-brown powder, rosemary. He put the two vials in his leather bag.

Now all Karik had to do was make the Thaumaturgy pack. The pack would separate all of the materials that were needed. When Karik pulled the pack's string, the ingredients would mix and Karik could dump the product out. This would create the illusion Karik wanted.

Karik walked back to Zhala tower. Surprisingly, it was uneventful. He walked into the waiting room, "Hey Su'i," Karik said. He passed the bag to Su'i. Karik walked into the elevator and exited into the penthouse. Now, he would prepare for the Jakliai Feast.

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