Chapter 8

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Sayar Eldar, stepped out of his black carraige. Dark clouds were packing together above the Temple of Volaris. And the black, white and gray park that surrounded the temple. It has being a while since he has being here, the wedding of Ginat and Meyda to be precise. That was also the last time he had seen his second son Dorian, which was not surprising, both of them were very busy. Sayar with running the estate, and the household. A responsibility that normally belongs to the Lady, but that Lady is busy to learn years, upon years of education in a couple of weeks. And Dorian was busy running things inside the temple. It was not strange that the second son of a family joins the cleric, it is either that or the army. This all because the eldest son will inherit the whole estate, which in Sayar’s mind was a stupid rule, but there was nothing he could do about it, and he have looked for those ways. Not that it would have mattered, Dorian was born to be a priest. Volaris the Goddess of Honor and Strength, had chosen him to be her voice on earth when Dorian was only ten years of age. Which was to young, but there was no one on earth that is able to go against the Goddess’s will. Sayar’s gaze went over the Volaris trees that were planted on both sides of the path that led towards the temple. The looked so similar to birch trees, but their bark was black with white spots, and their leaves where dark gray. These trees were as old as the temple itself.

Father!” Dorian’s voice cut through the silence, and Sayar’s thoughts. His son who looked so much like him, except for his eyes. He had his mother’s eyes, gray with a hint of green. His beloved Orphaz, died a couple weeks after giving birth to Katelin, which was a huge blow upon Sayar and his young sons. But he tried to be there for all his children, and he still hoped everyday that he did a good job raising them. “Father, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?”

Do I need a reason to visit, my son and the temple. A reason then that I missed you, that is?” Sayar asked, and Dorian shock his head, a large grin on his mouth. “Good,”

But we both know that this is not the only reason,” Dorian said, he was just like a dog that wouldn't let go of a new toy. And he was right, it was not the only reason why he came to the temple. But he didn’t lie about missing his son. “You want to know about the blessing?”

Yes, and I want you opinion about some things Mazimor and I have discovered.” Sayar said, “But it might be better if we talked inside, I am afraid that Nytena, Goddess of Thunder and Wind is going to release her anger upon the world.” Dorian also looked up towards the sky.

I am inclined to believe that you are right,” Dorian replied. He turned around and went in the same direction from which he came. “It is funny, I was actually on my way to see you. How is my brother and his blushing new bride?” Sayar sighed.

Your brother is turned into a love stricken fool,”

Which I believe is a good thing, that means that he takes good care of her.” Dorian implied, and Sayar nodded, that was indeed true. But that also meant that Ginat didn’t attended his other duties as he did before. Which will change as the marriage goes on.

Meyda on the other hand is doing well, she is as sharp as Ginat’s sword and takes up information like a woolen cloth those water. According to your sister, and I have seen some things for myself as well.” Sayar said. “She will become a fine Lady of the house, she is going to make her debut in society during the Imperial ball.” Dorian stopped with walking and looked shocked towards his father.

Isn’t that a bit to soon?” He asked. “I understand that she is smart and all of that. But she is still a girl…”

You two are the same age,” his father cut him off. “And I know where she is coming from, and I know that not everyone will except the fact that she is still breathing.” Dorian nodded slowly and they went on with their journey towards his small office. Which had a simple desk with chair, two chairs oposit from the desk, and large bookcase filled to the brim with books. There was no windows, so a simple selection of lamps were lighting the room. Dorian closed the door and pressed a button, which activate a magical device. A device that was made by Dorian himself, Sayar still didn’t knew how it worked, but he knew that it prevents sound to travel outside this room. It was the first time that Sayar saw that Dorian used it, after demonstrating how it worked and this brought on an edge. “Is it that serious?” He asked as he sat down in one of the chairs. Dorian simply nodded, and he took place on his desk.

It is, but I first want to hear what you have to say.” Dorian added. Sayar sighed.


“Well you know that Meyda has blood of demons, that is clear to see with her strange hair and eye color. I only knew one other person who had those features, and that was a young bride of Mizmor’s grandfather, I now know that her name was Elia. Elia Oran, the youngest daughter of Chezi’s great grandfather. Her daughter Zohara, was married of to the Old Crow, but just like Zohara’s father, he married another woman, and Zohara died when Meyda was two years. So Meyda was not a bastard, Zohara and that Old Crow were married when Meyda was born. She was only never excepted by the Old Crows second wife. But that means that Meyda is related to Mizmor, and Chezi as well.” Sayar said.

Which would make her a thread, to Chezi. Because she through her lineage she can make a claim to the throne. And that might be another reason why Chezi reacted so strongly, after learning that she was still breathing.” Dorian concluded, he held his head a bit tilted and nodded. “Volaris is not surprised that you figured this out on your own. The Goddess, once again complaints you for your strength of mind.” Sayar knew that he didn’t have to say his thanks out loud, the Goddess is able to read his mind and heart. “It might be also one of the reasons behind some rumors I have heard, normally I wouldn’t pay much attention to those. I have enough on my mind as it is. But this made the Goddess and me uncomfortable.”

How that so?” Sayar asked. The Goddess is not the only Goddess in the Pantheon, but she is being worshiped by everyone inside the empire. Still the Goddess is not an all knowing being, she knew about the strength that houses in a person and she is able to judge someones honor. Which are her two divine domains, but beyond that she was just as blind as they were.

The rumors are about another PURGE, Dorian said, his face became pale when he said that. “And the rumors are all about three houses, House Tzviel, house Moriel and house Inaam.”

What!” Sayar jumped out of his chair. “Why those houses?” But he already knew the answer towards that question, they were loyal towards House Eldar, Loyal to him, Ginat and Meyda. House Moriel and Inaam where tied to House Eldar by blood. And those houses were easy to replace with houses that were loyal towards Chezi. “Katelin is pregnant.” He stammered. Dorian nodded.

I know, and here is where it becomes confusing, I have not seen any Purge warrant, come across my desk. And I know other members are allowed to sign the warrant as well, But then again I will sign them if it is the Goddess’s will. I personally didn’t agree with the purge of house Giora, and still I signed.” Dorian said, and Sayar knew that this was true. “But the rumors are so strong that it is unnerves.” Sayar looked at the wood floor, which was a bit worn. Which was not strange the building was quiet old and Dorian didn’t change the wood when he moved into the room. But Sayar was not going to comment upon it, not this time. This time his mind was racing, he hoped with all his heart that these rumors were just that, rumors. But he knew that his wishes were just that, if these rumors made the Goddess worry, there would be something to worry about. He was worried about his little girl and her unborn baby.

Does this ties into the reason why the Goddess has blessed your brother, and Meyda?” Sayar asked. Dorian nodded, slowly.

They are the couple that will change the empire, she is not willing to tell me how they are going to change it. But I hope they will change it before those Purge warrants are becoming more then just a rumor.” Sayar agreed with him there.


Ginat took Meyda by the hand, it was time for her horseback ridding lessons. And he had bought her a horse, something she didn’t know about. The black mare came from a stable breeder and had a very gentle nature. Which was the most important thing, in his mind. All the other horses inside the Eldar stables were horses trained for the battlefield and that showed in their temperament. Something that was sometimes difficult for an advanced rider, but Meyda was a beginner. So a new horse with a gentle character was required, and then there was the fact that she needed to learn how to control the large animal while sitting in a ladies saddle. Although he didn’t know what the purpose was of the ladies saddle, besides that it seemed highly unpractical. He knew that it was frowned upon a lady that was ridding horseback in a ‘normal’ saddle. The mare stood in a ray of golden sunlight, when they entered the field. With new saddle, and other new tag. The stable boy, he couldn’t remember the lads name, was holding the reins.

Good morning, My Lord, My Lady,” the boy said, he bowed without letting go of the reins. “Sasha, is completely adjusted to her new surroundings sir. She has eaten well, and she response well to the rest of the caretakers. I cave her a good brush before saddling her.” Ginat nodded towards the boy, thankful for the report. He was glad that the horse was doing well, and that the reports of her good and gentle behavior were not falsehood.

Thank you,” he said and then turned towards Meyda. “What do you think?” At first she didn’t seem to understand what was going on, but it quickly came to her. “I know what you are saying, I am doing to much for you. But hear me out,” he quickly explained his reasons for buying a new horse, specially for her. “And besides, what kind of husband would I be if I do not spoil my wife from time to time.” He said with a shrug, Meyda stepped towards the mare, her hand outstretched.

She is so beautiful, and big.” She said, while petting the horse. “How do I get on?” He smiled and showed her how it is done.

I can’t show you how to sit in this thing,” he added, when he came back down. She nodded, as she understood what he meant. She climbed on the horse, just as he had shown her and quickly folded her legs over the saddle. The stable boy handed her a long wooden stick that looked a lot like a whip.

This is used to put pressure on the horse,” the boy said? He clearly had more knowledge, so Ginat let him conduct the lesson. While he stood there, watching from the sidelines. The stable boy, who guided the horse at first let quickly go of the reins and let her ride on her own. She was doing great, Sasha was doing great and the stable boy, hows name he needed to learn, was doing great.. The golden sun light lost its grip on the world and thick dark clouds started to gather above their heads. It was going to rain, soon. He was sure about that.

Alright, that was enough for today.” he said, when the stable boy looked at him in surprise, he pointed upwards towards the sky. The boy then looked up and nodded.

It seems that Nytena, the Goddess of Thunder and Wind is being in a bad mood today.” The boy said, which was another round about way of saying that it was going to rain soon. The boy hold on to the rains, as Ginat helped Meyda off the horse.

You did great,” he said. ”All three of you did, what is your name?”

Gad Yiron, My Lord. I am Mister Yiron’s son.” Gad, the stable boy said. Mister Yiron was the horse master and the one who recommended the breaded from which Sasha, the horse came. But Ginat didn’t know that the man had a son, and that the boy was working for them as well. How old was he, and did they pay him enough for all his work? Maybe he was able to make this boy’s salary go up, if he made him Meyda’s teacher.

Well Gad, I need to talk to my father first. But what would you say if we make you Meyda’s teacher?” Ginat asked, and the boy’s face light up. It indeed made his day, twelve, thirteen at most. But he had clearly a love and good eye for horses.

Really, o, I would be honored, My Lord.” Gad said, and Ginat nodded.

Very well, then. But remember, I need to ask my father first.” Ginat reminded the boy, who nodded and took Sasha away for a good was and a nice treat after a good job. Meyda giggled when the boy was out of earshot.

He is a good teacher, and patient too. But I also want to learn how to take care of Sasha, I believe that it will creates a better bond.” She said, which was not far off the truth. He had a very good bond with his horse, and he knew that his men had the same connection with their horses. There were no stable boys on the battlefield, so knights need to take care of their own horses.

I will bring it up with my father, and you should ask Gad what he thinks of it.” Ginat said, but he quickens his pace. The first droplets were falling out of the sky, and he didn’t want her to get wet. The entered the manor just in time before Nytena unleashed her wrath. His father also just arrived home after his visit to the temple. “Meyda why aren’t you go sit in the sitting room and order some tea for us. I need to talk with my father alone.” She didn’t say anything about it, and just did what she was told. Maybe, no most likely that was a treath that still lingered from the past. Something he needed to address at a later time. His father and he entered his father’s dark and gloomy office, where his father enlighten him.

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