Chapter 11

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Meyda didn’t fight him when he picked her up, right after they had set foot inside the Eldar mansion. Sayar hadn’t said anything about her new appearance, or asked how she was feeling after the attack on her person. But she had seen the repentance in his lingering gaze, he blamed himself for what happened. She was going to cure him from that as soon as they spend some time alone. Something that would only happen in the morning, if Ginat’s actions were any indication. He brought her to his own bedroom a place she has not visited often. The black walls, with a touch of blood red made her feel uncomfortable. Which was something Ginat knew, and still he brought her here. He closed the door with a kick, and placed her on the ground. But he didn’t gave her one moment to find her barrings, directly kissing her with a passion that could melt even the coldest iceberg. Slowly she started to lean into him, from her lips escape a few soft moaning sounds. He had already told her what he was planning to do with her, when they were inside the Imperial Palace. He was doing his best making that into reality. One of his hands went to the zipper of the dress, slowly pushing it down. The dress started to hang loosely, and he started to push with his free hands the dress from her body. The dress fall upon the ground, all of this without breaking off the kiss. He now started to undress himself, beginning with his overcoat. He softly shoved her towards the large bed that was covered with black sheets and blood red pillows. Forcing her to sit down, while he tried to lose his pants in the process. Meyda pushed him off her, trying to catch her breath.

You are so beautiful,” he said with a greedy grin on his face. “And I want you so badly that it hurts.” He started to kiss her forehead, her noise, her neck. While his hands cupped her breasts, his index and middle fingers were squeezing her nipples. “I am going to make you mine,” his breath tickled her skin. She closed her eyes, and let the whirlwind of pleasure take hold of her. Every move that he made, every piece of her body he touched made her feel like she was on fire. And she didn’t want a single drop of water to put it out, never knowing before this night how much she needed him. He had treated her so well all this time, spoiling her rotten, taking care of her, making sure that she eat well. But now they were both burring with this need. The need to be as close as possible with each other. It was not only about the sex, it was the way he treated her before, during and after that made her fall in love with him more and more. And she was not afraid to admit it. He groaned and fall down next to her on the bed, wrapping his arms, who were covered with sweat, around her. Pulling her naked, and also sweaty body against him. “I love you, Meyda.” he whispered. “I love you with all my heart.” She chuckled, placing a hand on his arm.

I love you too, Black Wolf.” she whispered back, before landing in the world of dreams. Or in her case the realm of Lotyx, the God of Nightmares.


There were some screams in the distance, the night sky without a moon and stars was covered with smoke. The screams blend in with the howling of a lonely wolf. Medya looked around her, the ground around her was covered with ash and blood. Bodies, upon bodies were laying on some kind of battlefield. The flags that weaved that once showed their houses where blackened and it was no longer possible to see what was on them. A large golden griffon landed in front of her, its head and front body was that of an eagle and it’s behind that of a lion. A large black wolf jumped through the smoke and growled at the griffon. Who in return roared, Meyda felt a sharp pain inside her chest. When she looked at it there was a dagger covered in her own blood, sticking out. She staggered, and wanted to fall towards the ground. But something was holding her upright. She wanted to scream, that is when the two creatures started to fight. They blocked each other, but also received some deadly blows. But none of the creatures fall toward the ground, even when the sun started to rise and fall again. Until the smoke covered everything and nothing was left of the world she once knew.


Her eyes shot open, a scream left her throat.. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

What, what is going on?” Ginat’s voice was thick of sleep, but he pushed himself up. Once again he wrapped his arms around her and comforted her. “Easy, sweetheart. It was just a dream.” But she shook her head, tears were streaming down her cheeks. This was not a dream, this was not a nightmare either. It was to real to be either of those, she was there. She was there on the battlefield, a battlefield between two houses. She was sure that it was between House Eldar and House Oran. The Wolf and Griffon, gave that part away. But the rest of it all made it so unclear, was this a vision of the future? No, no this couldn’t be. She didn’t have that kind of power, or rather she didn’t had it before this dream. But it was so real, she opened her mouth and told Ginat all what she was able to remember, which was all of it and she shivered. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “I am not going to say that this is a vision from the future, but a battle between the houses is not so far fetched as you might think.” He said, she looked at him. The blood red curtains were not closed, so the silver moon light had free rein to light up the whole room. He was thinking about something, maybe he knew something she didn’t. They were living with a man that is called the Silver Fox, a name he didn’t get for nothing. So her not knowing the full picture under the cover of protecting her, is not as far fetched. “Come try to get some sleep, you are going to need it.” She nodded and let herself sink upon the pillow, the warmth of his body loured her back to sleep. Although she wanted to fight it, afraid for another dream like this one. Only this was not the case, Weayr the God of Dreams and Lotyx the god of Nightmares, spared her this time.


The dark blue rings under her eyes didn’t get unnoticed, at least not by Sayar.

Son, I know that you were overcome with desire, but couldn’t you give her some sleep?” Sayar snapped. This comment made both their cheek blush a crimson red. Normally topic’s like once bedroom activities, was only between the couple, not with the rest of the family.

I suffered from a nightmare,” she quickly blurted out. And once again she told her dream, and Sayar frowned. Dorian had also entered the room, she didn’t know that he was staying here. But she gave him a soft smile glad that he was here. But he didn’t smile back at her, which was strange. Instead he focused on his father.

Father, she needs to know everything. If it those not come from us, then either the Gods will tell her, or someone we do not trust.” Dorian’s tone was harsh. Something she never heard before, normally his was soft like a blanket that is wrapped around you. Sayar sighed, and lowered his head.

I know, I know. But it is not an easy topic.” Sayar said with another sigh. He looked at her. “Let me explain this to you first. I rather not tell you this, but Dorian is right. In the short period of time that you have being here with us, I have become to see you as one of my children, someone I need to protect. But I see now, that I am not protecting you by keeping you in the dark.” Meyda nodded slowly. This warmth her heart, more then she would ever be able to express. But she wondered what the Eldar men were keeping from her, was it something similar to the secret about what her father had done? “Mizmor and I have discovered something about your lineage. Your mother was by the way not a maid, she was your father’s first wife. They were legally married, when you were born. So you are not a bastard, but that meant that your mother was a daughter of one of the houses.” Meyda’s eyes grew, her parents were married! So that meant that she was her father’s firstborn, but why did he tell her that she was a bastard. She was a girl, he probably wanted a boy and her mother was not able to give him one after she was born. That was why he married Aviv. But now she was wondering about her mother’s background. “Mizmor’s grandfather, was married to a lot of women. His last wife, a much younger woman, had sky blue hair and red eyes. Treats of a person with the blood of the demons. She passed away right after giving birth to a baby girl, who had sky blue hair and pink eyes. Does that sound familiar?” She nodded, according to Aviv she had none of her father’s features. So she always wondered what her mother looked liked, it was good to know that her stepmother didn’t lie about that.

That does mean that my mother was Mizmor’s aunt, a member of a Inaam family. So I am not able to see why you are keeping that from me?” she asked, Sayar looked at Dorian, she didn’t know why, moral support maybe.

It is not your mother, but your grandmother who is the problem.” Dorian said, instead of Sayar. “She was the youngest daughter of Chezi’s grandfather. In other words, she was a Princess. Which means that you are a Princess, and that you have a rightful claim to the throne. Especially now that you are married. Chezi is not. He would have been, if your father hadn’t interfered.” Meyda’s gaze went around the table, was she a Princess? A member of House Oran? But now she knew why they kept this from her.

But I didn’t knew anything about this,” she said. “And I do not want the throne.”

That does not matter, you have a claim. And that makes you a treat,” Sayar said, and he pointed towards Ginat. “You are Chezi’s cousin, by blood, what is giving you Meyda even a bigger treat. But right now he is not able to touch you directly.” She nodded. If the Emperor knows about all of this, then her father’s crime was just an accuse to get rid of…

There have being some rumors inside the temple, about another purge.” Dorian said, and he lowered his head. “The current suspects are, House Tzviel, house Moriel and House Inaam.” Ginat jumped up. “Yes, we already informed Mizmor, and Yofiel. They are planning to go to Sodora for the time being, under the cover of a business trip. So Katelin and our unborn nephew or niece will be safe.”

The same can’t be said for the other two houses, who are our allies by blood. House Moriel was your mother’s house and House Tzviel was your grandmother’s house. Even after yesterday’s display of disrespect, House Karniel will not be on the chopping block. They are just to loyal to Chezi.” Sayar said and he shock his head. “Dorian has also warned them, about the rumors and the heads me included will attend every social gathering from now on.” All of them nodded. Now Meyda closed her eyes.

Ginat, can you teach me how to handle a sword?” She asked. “I have been close to death all my life, and I do not fear it. But I will not be placed in the same situation as before, especially if there come a war between the houses.” He sat down and looked at her, worried. But she was serious about this, she will no longer be a damsel in the stress. And if she is able to fight, she will also be able to protect others. Sayar nodded slowly.

I agree with her on this. She needs to able to protect herself.” Sayar said. Dorian was clearly agreeing with his father. But Ginat was clearly not convinced, only this was not about him. This was about her, and she wanted to do this. She wanted to protect her family even if it was the last thing she do.

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