Chapter 6

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Meyda slowly opened her eyes, it was early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise, the birds in the garden were not even awake yet. She lifted her head and saw that she had fallen asleep upon Ginat’s chest. Her mind just went back what happened last night, he was so mindful and careful last night. He kept reminding her that she was in control, even when he was entering her and shot of pain went through her body. But they needed to consummate this marriage, and after the shot of pain, she had entered the sea with waves of pleasure. Something she hadn’t suspected that it would feel this good. She looked for the second day in a row at the sleeping face of the Black Wolf, he was rather handsome. And the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat and the slow rising and falling of his chest brought her back to sleep.


The next time she opened her eyes, Ginat was staring at her. With a huge smile on his face, she gave him a smile in return.

Good morning, did you sleep well?” He asked his voice was still thick of sleep, his iron gray eyes were a bit foggy as well. She nodded as a reply to his answer, his bare chest was a very good pillow. “So we are free today, no meetings, dress fittings, lessons. What do you want to do today?” She played with her mouth for a few seconds, that was a very good question. There were so many things she wanted to do, laying like this for the whole day was among them. But that could be viewed as lazy, and that was a word that didn’t fit her.

I think breakfast on the balcony, then you help me with my bath and a stroll through the garden.” She replied, his grin widened a little.

A stroll?” he asked, playfully. “Alright that sounds like plan, lets do it.” He pushed of the sheets and grabbed his pants that lay besides the bed. Quickly put it on, before he left the bedroom he turned around to say. ”I am going to warn the servants.” In other words get dressed, before they enter. She chuckled softly put on a robe, and opened the door to the balcony. A couple of Goldcrests, a small bird with a yellow golden cap on top of their heads, were sitting on the banner. Not paying any attention towards her, while singing their love song in the golden rays of the sun. She sat down as softly as she could and listened. Ginat knocked before he set foot on the balcony, quickly she placed her finger in front of her mouth and pointed towards the birds. He nodded with a smile and also sat down, they stayed silent until the servants scared the birds by setting foot on the balcony, with loud voices. “Do not worry, Goldcrests are very common inside this garden and they nest here often. You will see them, again. Or another couple of the same species.” She nodded slowly, while Aleen placed the breakfast tray on the small round table. It was the same type of food as the previous days, which she didn’t mind. Everything was better then plain old bread every two days. Only Ginat was not amused by this, “I know she need to eat well to gain some more weight and strength, but what happened to a variable diet?” Aleen bowed.

I do not know, my Lord. I asked the cook the same question, and he said that this were the good doctors orders. But he is willing to change it up a little, have the eggs baked instead of cooked, another type of broth.” Aleen said.

It is fine Ginat, and Aleen thank the cook for me. His food is the best food I have ever eaten.” Meyda said, which didn’t say much, but she hoped that the man would take the compliment. “Ginat and I are going to stroll through the garden later today. Can you arrange some tea and snacks in one of the pavilions?” She glanced over to Ginat who started to gleam with pride, not knowing why, but she was willing to take it.

Yes, my Lady. Do you have one of the pavilions in mind?” Aleen replied and she shook her head. She has never being in the garden, so she wouldn't know which pavilion to choice. “Oh, what a stupid question. Never mind, I will inform my Lord which one is ready for use. I am going to confirm this with the gardeners first.” Ginat nodded, didn’t he have a preference? Maybe not, otherwise he would have voiced it. She was sure about that. She picked up her spoon and started to eat her breakfast, the … came back and started to sing right away. Meyda placed some breadcrumbs on the palm of her hand, which were picked off rather quickly.

That is your breakfast,” Ginat joked. “You will never grow up, if you give it all away.” She chuckled softly.

I am not going to die, if I give that little bit away,” she said and he nodded.


Ginat and Meyda were walking down the double staircase, Meyda was wearing another one of Shefi’s creations. A blouse with a lose long skirt that hold the heavy fabric of the skirt up. It was all they had until mister Alter was done with all the dresses. But as usual Meyda didn’t mind to wait for it, she was a saint. Willing to put up with the same type of food, everyday, willing to wear something that was tight to her body. But now that he though about it, she was wearing rags before. She got only some bread, if the servants remembered to feed her. She got beaten by her stepmother, or half-siblings, if she ever voiced her discontent. So compared to that, all that he would consider to annoying, was just some kind of heaven for her. They entered the garden, and he could see from the corner of his eye her amusement. The path that connected the house with the garden had some small blackberry bushes on both sides. Small birds of various species were sitting in those bushes, picking away the fruit, singing and flying around. This all seemed normal in his eyes, and he knew that Giora mansion had a similar type of garden. Maybe a bit more well kept, as this garden is a bit more wild. But that was only something he guessed, he has being in that garden only once and that was in the middle of the night, during the PURGE. During their walk Meyda stopped often to look at the flowers, trees, bushes and artwork that was displayed throughout. She even made some friends with the local rabbit family. They stared at the water birds that were calling the large pound that marked the end of the garden. Two giant weeping willows were standing at the edge of that pound.

My great, great grandfather planted those trees on the day he married my great great grandmother. She is the one who designed this garden before they got married and he created it as a gift to her.” He said, while pointing towards the trees. “The only thing that was already here before the garden was this pound, and according to the records she loved this the most.” Meyda stroke away a sting of her night sky blue hair behind her ear.

And I can see why, it is so full of nature. Untouched, but still contained inside this huge and beautiful garden. I am even able to see the woman after her sitting under that tree, reading, drawing, embroidering, watching the children swim.” He smiled, according to his father his mother did all that even until the day she passed away. He can not remember if this was true, or not. As so many other things regarding to his mother. But he wanted to believe that this was the case.

Does this mean that I know where to find you, if you are not in your room?” he asked, and she wiggled.

I will be somewhere inside this garden that is for sure, back home I was not allowed to leave the house. Even the garden was beyond my reach, the only way for me to see the plants was to look out my window. When I was left alone that is, which rarely happened.” She said and that explained why from all the things she was able to do today, she wanted to stroll around the garden. Drink tea in one of the pavilions, and hear all kinds of stories from him about the garden and his childhood.

I am sorry that all of that happened to you,” he said, she shrugged.

It was not your fault, you and a lot of the other houses, didn’t know what was going on behind those closed doors. They only have seen my face pacing by on my monthly visit to the temple, but I was just some unknown child.” She said, which in his mind was all bull crap. But then again, he was also guilty of that fact. Not even knowing who she was, until he entered her tower. He saw Aleen with the gardener walking up to them, when he looked over his shoulder.

My Lord, my Lady,” the gardener started, “It is always heartwarming to meet someone of the family inside the garden. So my Lady, it is tradition for the Lady of the house to plant something new inside the garden. Most of the time her favorite flower, so may I ask what your favorite flower is?” This is indeed tradition, his mother was responsible for the wisteria tree that now overshadows the balcony of Meyda’s room. His grandmother for the various roses.

I am sorry, but I am not that well versed in flowers or plants?” Meyda said. Aleen clapped inside her hands, and perked up. Clearly she had an idea, and he didn’t know what to make of that. But he was willing to hear her out.

My Lord, sorry if I overstep. But why not a white lotus?” Aleen said and Ginat needed to confess that it was not a bad idea. Meyda’s eyes grew wide, she also know what the flower resembled. Rebirth, she was reborn yesterday. Gone was Meyda Giora, and Meyda Eldar took her place.

That is a wonderful idea, Aleen.” Meyde said, and then looked at the gardener. “If it is not to much trouble.” The man should dare to say no, or shake his head. But the man also nodded and smiled.

It will be a bit harder to get those, but nothing is impossible in this manor. I will see it done,” the man turned around and hurried away. Aleen smiled, and bowed.

Tea is served at the rose pavilion, my Lord. Enjoy,” Aleen said, before she followed the gardener. He chuckled, that was his grandmother’s favorite spot inside the garden. It was a very secluded, but still close enough to the manor so that the servants could come and go to bring more tea and snacks. Meyda looked at him, smiling her biggest smile, or he hoped that it only would get any bigger.

Madam,” he said while he offered her his arm and together they made their way through the garden once again.


The rose pavilion lived up to its name, the small, seclude outdoor chamber was fenced of with large bushes of red, white, and pink roses in various stages of growth. Inside the outdoor chamber there were even more roses, the pink colored stones that lay on the floor went well with the theme. The tea, and snacks were standing on a small round table. Which looked a lot like the one on her balcony. The two chairs invited them to sit down.

The cook has outdone himself this time, the tea is made from rose and the snacks were made with rose marmalade.” Ginat informed her as he shoved her chair closer to the table. “Ah there are even some rose jellies.” He pointed towards the plate with candy. “I hope you will like it, not everybody is fond of the taste.” Meyda smiled.

There is only one way to find that out,” she said, and picked one of the small tarts that were served. She didn’t know how to describe the taste, it was different and not in a bad or good way. And in her mind everything was better then plain old bread. So she sipped her tea, which had the same taste and took one of the jellies. Which was much sweeter, but again it didn’t do much for her.

You do not like it,” Ginat concluded. He was turning around to call a member of staff.

I do not like it, but I do not hate it either.” she said, her gaze turned toward the table, while she took another sip of the tea. Shefi entered the pavilion, she had a plate with small tarts, that were covered with strawberries.

The cook already feared this, and that is why he made some strawberry tarts as a pallet cleanser.” Shefi said, placing it on the table. “Shall I ask for more variety?” she asked Meyda.

if it is not to much trouble, and if you do not throw any of this away.” Meyda said, while motioning towards the food on the table. “Give it to the other maids, and members of staff.” Ginat wanted to interject, but she turned towards him. “I am not comfortable wasting food, just because it is not to my taste. I rather treat the staff with the sweets.” He nodded and motioned towards Shefi.

That will be something I need to get used too,” he confessed. “But enough doom and gloom, so what kind of books do you like the read? What is your favorite color, animal, season?” She started to chuckle.

Romance novels, emerald green, cats and spring.” she replied. “And you?”

I am not much of a reader, but black, dogs, and I like spring as well.” Shefi came back with some new snacks and tea, while the couple fired away questions, to get to know each other a little better.


There they are!” his father said rather loudly. He was sitting in the large dining room, that looked very similar to the sitting room. Black wooden tables, chairs, floor and walls. On the wall hung various paintings with war imagery, this was done to intimidate outsiders when they came for dinner. Which apparently worked, because not many of them do. Not even his brother-in-law, even though it was costume to dine at least ones at the fiancee ‘s house during the courtship. Something he didn’t do either, but in his case there was no more house left to dine. It was the first time that Meyda entered the room and it became clear to him that she felt uncomfortable. But there was nothing he could do about it, his father will never allow him to redecorate the room. “I heard that the two of you went out for a stroll to see the garden. From all the things you were able to do on this day off, you two have chosen for a stroll and some tea inside the garden.” He grinned, Ginat had to confess that he rather stayed in bed, make love to his wife as many times it was possible. But he also enjoyed the time the had spend in the garden, talking, getting to know each other. And it was something his new wife, it was still strange to think of her as his wife, wanted to do. “I heard you gave the members of staff some of the treats you didn’t like?” His father looked at Meyda, as she sat down in the chair next to him. She nodded in response, before saying.

The treats were form excellent quality, they were just to my taste. And I believe that alone shouldn’t be the reason to throw it away. So that is why I told the maid is to share it with people who do like this kind of treat.” His father nodded slowly.

I do understand that, but please do not spoil them.” He said, she gave him a soft smile.

I will keep that in mind.” She replied, the staff who clearly enjoyed the rose treats, were now standing right behind her looking at each other and then at their master. Slightly disappointed, but they didn’t had long to linger on those feelings, the trolley with dinner came in and their first dinner as a family started.

I heard that Chezi is throwing a ball next month, so it would be nice if the two of you would make your first public appearance.” His father said between bites. Meyda how wanted to take her first bit from the meal lowered her fork. “I know that seemed a bit rushed, but I believe things will come much quicker to you, once you are out in secular society.”

But father, it took Dorian, Katelin and me years to learn all the steps of all the dances out there.” Ginat pointed out, his father nodded slowly.

But I said nothing about dancing, I said that the two would make an appearance.” His father pointed out. “And you can enter the dance floor for just one dance. But I will leave that up to Meyda and you.” Genat looked at Meyda, and she might be uncomfortable about it now. But he wanted to believes that he Meyda’s well being at heart, but he wants also elevated the Eldar name. And his father always told him, that the current prestige could be damaged by one single act. Ginat wondered briefly, if his father regraded adding Meyda to the family. But he pushed those thoughts aside.

We will leave this up to Meyda, Katelin. There is a lot to learn in a limitited tine to learn it all.” Ginat said, his father nodding slowly. But Ginat knew that his father wouldn't let it go, and the two of them would go to that ball. If Meyda was ready for it or not.

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