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In the world of The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

Visit The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

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Chapter 2

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Blair and his father were lead into another room were Bert was asked to wait and Blair was lead into a large office. The office was rather large with a wide wooden desk in front of a large window with curtains up and Blair could tell it was starting snow outside. He was instructed to sit down in a chair across from the desk and told by the servant “mistress Camilla will be in with you in a bit”. The servant then left through the door he entered through. Blair looked around to take a look into the person that might be his future mother-in-law. The office was packed with tables on the sides lined with jars and tanks of scientific specimens as well as medical diagrams on the walls. Blair got out of his chair to look at a framed diploma by the large window saying “Doctor of Medicine Camillia Gruenwald” it was issued by the University of Glazkruag a prestigious university in The Kural Republic. He then looked out the window and saw the city of Norkshire far below the castle the city was lined with factories producing steel that made the buildings and bridges of the kingdom as well as the machines of war and the many ton steam battleships that helped Edeania rule the waves. The factories belched out black smoke that often clogged the air and choaked the lungs of the urban dwellers. He then looked down at her desk on it was a large book containing several chemical formulas. Blair read them, Ortroxtine, Kirutone, Lirtthine, Blair had seen those names before he just didn’t know were. It was then that he heard the door open.



He quickly turned around to see the small door on the other side of the room opening up, Blair guessed it but have opened up to another part of the house. He could hear the clicking of heeled shoes and the quiet hissing of a ruckle  as he turned around to a fellow Eurphite. Blair had never seen a picture of the famous and sometimes infamous and outspoken Duchess. She was tall for a Eurphite being taller than Blair and her heels made her look even taller. She reddish brown hair that came down to her shoulders, the tell tale sign of a Kuralian. She was wearing a black tuxedo with a short skirt and leggings instead of pants, a popular look for professional Eurphites. She was carrying a ruckle, the small furry reptile slightly squirmed in its owner's arms. It was wearing a golden collar lined with gems that was worth more than his house. She closed the door behind her and said to the young Eurphite standing up near her desk she said in a thick accent “well well aren't you a nosey young eurphite” she then went over to the desk and shut the book Blair was looking at saying “you know what they say curiosity killed the cruape, please sit-down Ms. Kaplin. Blair did as he was told and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. Camilla then let her pet on the ground to roam around the office free. She then stretched her long fingers over the typewriter and said “name please and where you are from” Blair responded “Blair Mary Kaplin, I am from Harfort” Camilla nodded “yes quaint mining town in the west of Nork” Blair nodded as Camilla asked “your father a miner? Blair nodded “yes my brother was too” “education?” Blair looked down and said, “usual public-school stuff, nothing fancy” Camillia typed this down and then the conversation took a turn for the uncomfortable as Camila said, “please stand up” Blair did as he was told and the Duchess got out of her seat and cane over to him and grabbed his chin and face looking at it and said, “your face is pretty enough what is your cup size?” Blair went red with embarrassment and said, “what does this have to do with anything?” Camila laughed “everything” Blair replied sheepishly “sub A I believe” Camila smiled and said “need to be ashamed dear you can get bigger ones later, no turn around” Blair turned around as Camila inspected her lower body and said “you have a good ass I bet you really distracted all the boys in town with that bum but trust me when you get 40 its going to fall flat like a pancake” She smiled and said “one more question how big is your penis?” Blair blushed again and said “small” Camila smiled as she looked him in the eye and said, “good that makes it easier to tuck” Blair looked confused, and Camilla replied by smiling and saying, “you will find out later” She then went back to her desk and pressed an intercom button and said “Eustice send the rest home I found Oliver’s spouse” Blair smiled and said “really? You chose me?” Camila smiled and said “yes, I did, we have a lot of work to but welcome to the upper class” She then shook Blairs hand “I like fixer uppers”  

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