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In the world of The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

Visit The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

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Chapter 6

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Blair found his way back to Camilia’s office and sat down at the waiting room as he was told  by her secretary that the  mistress was “in a meeting” at the moment. While he was waiting to see Camilia he heard sounds from the office that he did not expect. He heard a feminine voice say “oh yes... Henry you are doing very well.... ooooh... you now how to treat a lady right. There was then more grunting and there came a loud bang and soft panting “yes right I need to talk to my future doctor in law now dear, ill see you tonight”. After a few minutes the door opened, and a man walked out presumably the Henry Blair had just overheard with Camilia. Without a word the man left the room and a after a few minutes Blair was called in. He could see Camilia was buttoning up her blouse, she was dressed a lot more informally today wearing a simple cotton blouse and a short skirt. She then pulled a paper packet out form her desk and opened it revealing a good amount of white power that she poured out on the desk and rolled up a bank note and started snorting it off the table taking a hit before looking at Blair for the first time and saying, “you want a hit?” Blair looked at her and said, “what it is it?” Camilia replied “its hythline, a medical stimulate laced with synthetic estrogen” “oh, I think ill pass” Camilia shrugged “suit yourself” He then looked on as his future mother-in-law with confusions as she took another bump and Blair broke the silence and said “ummm this isn't what I expected” Camilia laughed “oh you didn’t expect to see me shagging a court attendant and doing hits of drugs?” Blair was astonished by her blatant honesty and said shyly “well yeah, I thought the nobility were supposed to be above such behavior. Camilia then let out a snorty laugh much like her daughter Kassandra and said while placing a hand on Blair’s chin “so naive its adorable, don’t worry that won't last long” She paused and said “on to business, if we are to make are to make a proper member of high society out of you, so first we have to round off those rough rural edges.”  

She then got up and motioned for Blair to the same witch he did as they excited the back doorway to a series of halls until they came to a door Camilia opened it to find two men laying out instruments on a table. One of them was taller than the other and had jet black hair, green eyes and a thin mustache, he wore black slacks, a white dress shirt and suspenders and a formal vest over it paired with a bowtie, he also wore a plain gold wrist band adorned with plain jade gemstones. The other man had golden brown hair, a hairless face, and the same green eyes as his partner, he wore a similar outfit to his partner but was a bright green instead and had subtle sparkles. He also wore a choker which matched his partners wristband indicating the two were married in Edeanian custom. The two looked up and the taller one said, “ah Camilia it's about time we got started on what's her name?” Camilia smiled and said, “he not she” The light haired one said “oh Alec we haven't one of those Since Emmerson down in Ussex. Alec replied “my dear robin you of all people should know gender is not all that binary” Robin laughed “i guess so” Alec approached Blair and said “oh hello Blair my name is Alec” Robin then came over and bowed “I'm Robin” Blair smiled and said “nice to meet you two” Camilia then looked over at the couple and said, “alight boys you think you can work your magic with Blair? And smooth out his rural edges?” Alec nodded over to Blair and spoke “let's get to work” 

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