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In the world of The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

Visit The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

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Chapter 3

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Bert was waiting the lobby of the office, there wasn’t much just a single sofa he was sitting on and a receptionist's desk in front of the door manned by a bored looking blonde man. He reached into his coat and pulled out a flask unscrewed the cap and took a sip of brandy before putting it back into his coat poket before taking up the paper again. Another headline in the paper that said, “Duke Kristian of Ussex and his consort Earl Emmerson have welcomed their first child into the world” There was a picture that showed the tall, towering duke standing next to a small demure short haired Eurphite. Bert started to think about his own kids Blair was his last hope to get some money our of this crummy life, his first born son James decided he didn’t want to be a coal miner and ran off to Ordelia to be an actor of all things. Bert scoffed, an actor is a worthless profession. It was then that the intercom of the desk buzzed and said “Patracia please show Mr. Kaplin in” Bert put down his newspaper and was lead behind the desk into the office. 

Inside the office Camilia was on her office typewriter typing like there was no tomorrow and Blair was in her seat nervously smiling/ Bert was led into the office and then Patricia left the three of them to their business. Camilla typed until she was done, and she tore the paper from the printer and put on the desk saying “good news Mr. Kaplin we have chosen your son as the Earl’s consort” Bert smiled and said, “well that is good” She then took the piece of paper that now had writing on and said to Bert “just sign on the line this contract will give use legal custody of Blair and of course you will give up any rights to custody and in return we will give you a hefty sum of money. Bert looked over the contract and instantly signed his name. Camila took the paper back and dripped some candle wax on the paper and then pressed her signet ring against the wax made the seal of the house of Eastwood-Gruenwald. She then went behind her desk over to a small safe unlocking it and taking out a s small box of silver coins she slid it to burt and said “that’s 1000 Grents sterling that should be enough” Bert looked at the box full of a greedy look and said “thank you this wis generous” Camila said “I also will send you back with a full escort who will make sure you do not get robbed and to come back with your son’s property. Bert nodded and hugged his son saying “i knew you could do it do it.... Countess” Blair blushed and said, “never call me that again" It was then that the two said their goodbyes and Bert left his son’s life but not for the last time.” After he left the room Blair looked at Camila and said, “so do I get to meet my future husband now?” Camilia replied “he is not here he’s in the Oreslands with his father doing “male bonding actives” whatever that means, Hans will show you to your room”   

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