Chapter 7

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Chapter VII

The Prison Rats


The canteen area is packed just as Martin had planned for their meeting, originally the group had thought to meet when the canteen was nearly empty, however they had decided against it as it would be harder for anyone to overhear them with all the noise. However, this came with an unforeseen consequence as there were more guards positioned inside the canteen room. Martin looks around nervously thinking on the spot as Olly, Russel and Jeanie sit next to and opposite him, at which point after Martin notices Layton looking over at them, he makes up his mind. Almost a month by his count, which was albeit not very accurate, had gone by since Jeanie had joined their little group, and he just hoped that they could trust her.

“We’ll meet later on tonight in my cell rather than here.” Martin said still looking around at all the faces of both guards and inmates and wondering what madness had led him to suggest that this was a good place to discuss their plans. “I don’t like talking about the plan in daylight.” He finished, looking at his friends who look surprised at the sudden change of plans.

“Don’t they monitor the cells thought?” Jeanie asked unsure, she knew that they were locked at night, it would only make sense that they would also monitor them, and the corridor outside.

“It looks like they don’t. As long as we don’t leave the block, they aren’t to fussed about what happens after dark I guess.” Martin said shrugging, as long as the doors were closed, he had been able to sneak out at night and visit people in their cells, so long as you avoided the guards stationed behind the metal doors to the prison proper, you tended to be fine. “Anyway, we were able to walk about in the block last night and nobody tried to stop us.” It had been hard trying to convince the others to leave their cells after the final guard patrol had left just after midnight, Martin thought. But they had not been stopped by anyone, and so long as they stayed away from the main corridor that led back to the main section of the prison, they were able to simply walk out of their cells most of the night.

“Tonight then.” Olly said looking around and they all nodded trying to hide their excitement as one of the guards. Franklin Homer looked down at the group with suspicion, whilst not the worst of the guards, that great honour going to Layton. Franklin was still not someone to get on their bad side. Being second in command directly under Colton Abraham, Franklin was a terrifying brute who either; didn’t know or simply didn’t speak the imperial language, preferring to growl in Barter to both inmates and the other guards. It in fact had been one of the other guards in fact that had warned Martin not to get Franklin angry on his very first week as an inmate. ‘A pity they didn’t warn me about Layton at the same time.’ Martin thought to himself. Clearly not detecting any wrongdoing, Franklin continued on his patrol as Olly continued on. “Let’s just hope this plan works.” Olly said looking nervously around himself, a bad sign as Olly was normally ready for whatever hare brained scheme the group would come up with.

At that moment however, the one person worse than Franklin came strolling over towards them. Layton a sneer curling his lips walks up to the four of them and proceeds to look down at the little group.

“Ah, now what would fours rats be doing so close together.” Layton said stick at the ready. Martin, Olly and Russel say nothing.

“Is that a crime now. Talking to other people.” Jeanie said. Martin closes his eyes and can hear Olly gulp as the three boys waited for the punishment to begin after their newest forth member’s unwise comment. But what came was far worse, as Layton merely smiled down at Jeanie, a dangerous sign to any but the most inexperienced inmate.

“Be very careful missy.” Layton said standing over Jeanie, who to her credit does not move away. “A tongue like that is likely to get people into trouble.” Layton then turns around on his heel and walks away, but not before hitting Russel over the head with his stick on his way back to his station.

“That was close.” Martin said looking to see if Layton is out of earshot and finding to his relief that the guard had apparently not heard his remark. At which point he returns his attention to Russel, who begins to massage his head where he had been clouted. And whilst there was no sign of any blood, the strike had still hurt like hell. “Not the best idea insulting him Jeanie. He’ll make your life hell for this.” Martin continued but to his amazement Jeanie simply smiled back at him.

“If we’re leaving tomorrow, what does it matter what that ape thinks about us?” Jeanie said, but before she could carry on with her reasoning for angering the worst possible person in this place, another guard walked up to the four of them, Hector Gurn, six feet tall, pale skin and looking more like a bald, giant weasel than a man, looked down at the four before homing in on Martin.

“Inmate 346, you are required in room forty-four.” Hector said in a deadpan tone. Martin looked up in shock before looking at his friends. He knew what room forty-four was and whilst a lot better than room ninety-nine, it was still a place he didn’t want to end up in. “Do I need to repeat myself inmate?” Hector said, bringing up his stick to show his seriousness.

“Do I have a choice?” Martin said knowing what the answer was going to be but thought that it was at least worth a shot.

“Do I take that as a refusal?” Hector said, his dead eyes looking at Martin, who realised that this  was a man, who did not give a damn about what happened to the inmates; unlike some of the other guards such as Layton who enjoyed it the cruelty he administered, this man neither cared, sympathised or enjoyed the act of torturing the children under his watch. But neither would he raise a hand to stop it, this was a job to him and he would do it, no matter what was asked of him.

“No.” Martin said begrudgingly before getting up. Choosing to act as the good boy for once, as he noticed that Leyton was also watching the encounter, his eager eyes staring and waiting for his opportunity to strike.

“That’s good 346, you’re finally learning.” Hector said a mockery of a smile on his face, as he waited for Martin to walk ahead of him, which after sighing he did. Once he was out of the canteen Jeanie turned to Olly and Russel.

“What’s room forty-four?” Jeanie asked looking at the two boys who both had looks of apprehension on their faces, she had never heard of the place but judging by the looks on the other boys faces she guessed that it wasn’t anything good.

“It’s where they do the final preparations before you meet the chief.” Russel said, he had seen the people that came out of that room, and they looked like the dead after whatever was done in there was completed.

“There is a test you have to undergo or something. But after you go there, you only have a few days left in this place. Which means it ain’t great news for old Sparky.” Olly said looking grim, he had not yet received that particular test, but he knew that if Martin had been called up for it, then his name would be next on the list.

“How long does it take?” Jeanie said thinking about the plans they had set in motion for this evening.

“He’ll be back by this evening.” Russel said, as if he had read her mind. He however left out the ‘hopefully’ that he was thinking in regard to that statement. As he didn’t want to cast unnecessary doubt. It all depended on how much Martin would fight whatever happened there. And having known what he was like over the past month or so that he had been in here for, the answer was most likely. ‘He’ll fight it with everything he has.’


As Hector walked Martin through an iron door with a metal forty-four embedded into it, the kid realised that he had been brought here before, only for a punishment rather than the test that he knew was coming. He was about to try and run when he came face to face with Doctor Larry, who was leering down at him.

“Good morning inmate 346.” Dr Larry said with that creepy smile on his face while he looked down at Martin, who stood there not saying anything simply looking around the room. Inside there was a large tank about two meters high and three meters across filled almost to the brim with water, and a platform next to it.

“Why am I here?” Martin asked continuing to look around the room where another guard that he knew simply as Berbarg, a fat guard that Martin had hardy seen around the prison during his stay, expect when kids were sent below, stood next to the doctor, not looking at Martin, instead staring at the opposite wall like an ugly statue.

“You are here because you are nearing the end of your time with us and will be leaving soon. So long, of course, as you behave yourself.” Dr Larry said, implying that if he didn’t get sent below, he would be sent out into the world and used up as a spy. Martin deduced. ‘Or escape.’ He thought thinking about the meeting with his friends.

“Now Inmate 346 kindly hold out your arm if you please.” Dr Larry said, producing a syringe with a clear liquid in it.

“What’s in there?” Martin asked looking at the liquid more than the syringe. He had no idea what was in that syringe, but he had no intention of willingly giving this crazy lunatic his arm.

“Just something that will make this a lot simpler.” Dr Larry said, his unnerving smile still unrelenting for now. However, Martin still didn’t produce his arm and instinctively backed up a few paces wanting to put as much distance between him and this mad-man, which might have worked with the only problem being that he had backed right into Hector, the guard that had brought him to this room, and more importantly, hadn’t left. The big weasel then grabbed both his arms and pushed the boy back forward, towards Dr Larry who sighed deeply at this act of defiance. A danger sign that all but the most foolish inmate would normally heed. “You know inmate, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” Dr Larry continued. And at this Berbarg stepped forward, bringing up the stick that he held on his gigantic waist. Noticing this threat, Martin finally relented and held out his arm. He knew that he had no chance in hell at resisting, his short and skinny figure had never made him a good fighter, and the guards here were more than a match for the best brawlers of The Imperial Army. At which point, the liquid was then swiftly injected into his veins. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Dr Larry said in a sing song voice. 

This was a downright lie, as Martin could feel his arm burning up as whatever the substance had been went through his blood vessels. But before he could call out the mad scientist on his bullshit. He felt his throat begin to close up, and he collapsed to the ground, trying to breath, but it was impossible, as it felt like there was a rock jammed inside his airways that was preventing anything from entering his lungs.

Then without warning, his airways reopened, and Martin backed up against the wall, clutching his throat and breathing in deeply, trying to get as much air into his lungs as possible to compensate for the albeit short time that he was without.

“What was that?” Martin finally managed to splutter out through deep breaths of the unfortunately stale air inside the room, though he would take anything when compared to how he had felt a few moments before. But for all the good this question did however, he was ignored, and Hector hauled him roughly back to his feet. 

As Dr Larry had returned to his more matter-of-fact tone but completely changed the subject, and didn’t seem to bothered that his patient had almost suffocated. 

“This is a simple test, if you will kindly strip down and head into the tank we can begin.” Dr Larry said, as he returned to one of the cabinets to collect some items. At these words however, Martin froze like a deer in headlights. Realising the real reason the guard was there now, to make sure he didn’t disobey like any reasonable kid would if a strange man and a lunatic asked for them to strip. And as if on cue the fat guard Berbarg raised his electro stick up to eye level.

Martin looked at the guard mentally deciding that if it was a choice between getting wet or getting electrocuted as well as getting wet. He’d take the former and began to take of his jumpsuit, slowly revealing the faint blackened marks that littered his pale skin, trophies from his numerous acts of petty rebellion.


A few minutes later Martin was floating in the tank, treading water as Doctor Larry stood above him, smiling down at the small boy. And whilst this was by no means his first trip to this particular room, he had in fact been here about fifteen times during his imprisonment, this was by far the worst. As he could not count on a guard getting bored with punishing him; no, this time he was here to be tested, and Dr Larry was an examiner who would not let him go until he had what he wanted.

“Now inmate 346 I want you to stay under for twenty seconds, then return to the surface, you understand?” Dr Larry asked continuing to smile his most evil smile and speaking to him as he was a particularly stupid toddler. Martin nodded silently only because he knew that he was going under one way or the other. He breathed and then submerged his body, counting to twenty. Once he was done, he re-surfaced, sputtering but only slightly. Dr Larry checked his watch as if to determine if the kid had tried to cheat, before deciding that he hadn’t and returning to Martin. 

However, something had changed, the room was suddenly a lot colder than it had been before he had gone under. So much so, that he was about to raise this point when a voice from the door speaks up, a silky but still menacing voice. And as Martin turns around sweat already starting to fall from his forehead, he sees the real chief of this place standing next to Dr Larry.

“Now then Mr Wolfrick.” Eugene said looking at the boy. “I’m now going to test you; this will be over as soon as you know it.” Eugene said, smiling a the smile of a corpse.


Martin looked at Eugene in horror. If he was here, how long did he really have left before he was used up. But there was no time to think about that as the monster in front of him began his test.

“Now then, Mr Wolfrick. I’m seeing a place you will know, what is it?” Eugene said. Martin looked at Eugene in stunned horror.

“W… What?” Martin said, looking around in confusion. Eugene sighed, as if he had expected this response and turned back to the doctor.

“Again Dr Larry.” Eugene said.

“Alright little man, forty seconds this time.” Dr Larry said.

“Wait.” Martin tried to speak before his head was shoved under the water by Berbarg. He thrashed about in the water for the allotted time before the guard released the top of his head and allowed him to return to the surface, spluttering. There was no relief on the surface however, as Eugene was waiting very patiently for him.

“I’m seeing a place Mr Wolfrick, where is it. I know you know this place.” Eugene said.

“I… I don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.” Martin said sputtering due to not having the time to prepare his lungs for the oncoming water.

“Again Dr Larry. A minute this time though I think.” Eugene said. Dr Larry nodded, and Martin took a lung full of air before he was forced to submerge his head. Given that he had time, not a lot of it, but some to prepare, it wasn’t as frighting as the previous attempt. He was allowed to re-surface after a minute, then after a minute and twenty, where he was asked once again what place Eugene was seeing.

“I don’t know.” Martin said, he was becoming more and more tired, his lungs were also becoming weaker and weaker with each trip into the tank and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out, even if it meant making up an answer just to get the torture over with. 

After the fifth submergence for a minute forty, Eugene once again asked his questions and a brief image flashed into Martin’s head, the image of the white marble city hall exterior, or what had been the city hall, he knew now that the place was but a ruin, despite what they showed on those propaganda films.

“Mr Wolfrick. I’m seeing a place you will know, what is it?” Eugene asked, with tone, which had been simpering to begin with, now had a definite frustrated tone to it. Martin was on the verge of telling this monster, just in order to get this whole ordeal over with; when a voice inside his head told him not to, that it would be safer to deny it, as what would follow would make this experience look like a pleasant stroll.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Martin said, almost crying at this point, as he tried to maintain treading water, his legs were starting to feel ached, and he was half tempted to swim to the side to give his exhausted legs a break. This answer, like the others didn’t seem to please Eugene, however.

“Mr Wolfrick, we can continue in this dance for as long as possible. You decide when this stops. Dr Larry. Two minutes.” Eugene said, looking at the doctor who nodded. Berbarg looked down at Martin, almost apologetically.

“Just give him what he wants kid. Get this over with as soon as possible” Berbarg said in an apologetic tone and grimacing as he allowed Martin to take in several breaths full of air before dunking him. After a minute and a half however, Martin’s lungs had run out of oxygen and he tried to re-surface but Berbarg hand was still on his head at which point he started to really panic, trashing around using up what little oxygen he had left, he felt his lungs start to fill up, when mercifully the hand that was holding him down was removed from his head and he uses what strength is left to push himself to the surface, spluttering heavily as his head broke the surface of the water.

“We can keep doing this Mr Wolfrick.” Eugene said tiredly. “We will keep doing this till you drown, then we will revive you and continue. So, Mr Wolfrick. I’m seeing a place you will know, what is it?” Eugene said and once again the image of the old city hall comes into Martin’s head for a second before disappearing, fading into the back of his mind.

“City Plaza, The Police HQ, The Old Bridge, Undesirables Walk.” Martin said, randomly saying names other than of the place that had appeared in his head just to try and stop this torture. But Eugene shook his head solemnly, seemingly not taking any notice of the boy’s suffering, and gave his most fake smile yet, which almost broke his pale skin, and turned to Dr Lary.

“Two minutes twenty Doctor.” Eugene said and Martin really did begin to cry at this. He wasn’t sure how much of this he could take, but the fact that these people were prepared to drown him was more than enough to make him realise that they did not give a damn if he lived or died, he was just a tool, something to be used and then discarded when he had been all used up.

“Are we sure about this?” Berbarg said looking at the kid with some apprehension. “I mean if it ain’t working why not wait a bit longer.” The guard finished. But for all the good it did, he may as well have remained silent as both Eugene and Dr Larry ignored him and continued on.

“River-men can hold their breath underwater for almost five minutes inmate. We’re not even halfway there yet.” Dr Larry said with a grin. “I suggest you take a large gulp of air lad as you’re going under again and again, until we are satisfied.” Dr Larry finished. At this, Martin looked over at the Berbarg hoping for some help, but it was foolish to hope. As whilst the guard may not like what was happening to the point that he was at least willing to try and pause the experiment, it was clear that Berbarg was too scared of Eugene and the insane doctor to do anything about it.


On the ninth submergence, where Martin had been told by an almost gleeful Dr Lary that he would be going under for three minutes, smiling all the while as he gave the news to the now terrified boy. But once again after one and a half minutes, Martin ran out of air, and had to open his mouth.

Almost immediately he could feel the water pouring down his throat, and into his lungs. In desperation, he tried to kick off from the bottom of the tank, and almost managed to break the surface, but Berbarg managed to keep a firm grasp of his skull. And Martin; just as the hundred second mark came and went, and he continued struggling to resurface, he saw a strange white light from inside the tank, shinning as bright as any of the fluorescent lights in the room, but before he could think on it for too long, he passed out. His thin body going limp in the clear water.


He woke up in a place that he didn’t recognise, he was surrounded by mountains, although he could hear and smell the sea in the near distance. More to the point however, was he had no idea what had happened before his arrival here.

“Martin Wolfrick.” A deep female voice said from seemingly out of thin air, and Martin turned around, trying to locate the source of the voice, but he couldn’t see anyone. Whilst he couldn’t see presence as such, even Martin was smart enough to remember it. For a moment he couldn’t quite place it, but then he remembered, back in the cistern, and the force that had guided him towards the exit, it was the same, and was somehow here now too.

“Who’s there?” Martin said, wondering if he was going mad, he had heard people say that those who spent too much time under water suffered from brain damage and if that wasn’t true in his case then he didn’t know what was. Then a glum sense of dawning realisation hit him, he was dead. He had to be, the last thing that he remembered was Dr Lary stating the amount of time that he was going to be submerged for. Eugene had been as good as his word, and they had drowned one of their weapon for who knew what purpose.

“You are not dead Mr Wolfrick.” The voice said, responding to the boy’s internal thoughts as if they had been spoken aloud. Causing Martin to turn around frantically, wondering what sort of messed up joke this was.

“Where are you?!” Martin half shouted, despite the fact that this person claimed that he wasn’t dead, he still felt out of breath, and his shout came out as more of a choked sob more than anything else. But the question had done one good thing, as it got him an answer, as a dark skinned woman with golden eyes came up from behind him.

“I’m right here Martin.” Xyla said as she looked apologetically at the youngest Wolfrick. “And this is not a joke.” Xyla continued gazing at the awe struck boy in front of her. And unlike the elder brother, this one seemed like the perfect fit for what was needed at this point as well.

“Where am I? Why am I here?” Martin asked in quick succession, if he was really not dead, then either he had somehow managed to escape the prison, or he had well and truly lost his mind. Although he hoped greatly for the former, he rather suspected that it was the latter that was true.

“You are here so that I can give you a warning. You are about to go through some difficult times Martin Wolfrick. But you must wait for my messenger to contact you.” Xyla said before fading away, and leaving Martin alone once more, completely dumbfounded as to what had been said to him.

But he had no time to dwell on the message he had just received, as as soon as Xyla had disappeared, the mountain directly behind him cracked open, and from out of it, seemed to spill the contents of the entire western ocean. Which smashed down into the valley, and hurtled towards the now terrified boy. Martin had no chance to run, and before he knew it, the water collided with him, and carried him of to who knew where.


As Martin fought against the current, he saw something that wasn’t right. In the sky directly above him, was a fluorescent light. And then an all to familiar, but no less terrifying voice came from the distance.

“Yes he’s awake sir.” Dr Lary said, he sounded worried, a danger sign that Martin knew well, as whatever could scare that monster was something that was truly terrifying. And as he thought this, the valley disappeared around him, and he was back in room forty-four. He found that he was lying on the ground, his thin body was almost blue and he shaking from head to foot, Martin tried to curl up, in order to help his body warm up. But a blast of electricity, delivered from Hector’s electro stick stopped him, and he began to flail on the ground like a fish out of water until the electricity had passed. “Can you hear me inmate?” Dr Lary voice asked, and soon the insane doctor’s face came into focus, his thin features looking oddly distorted and blurred in his bloodshot eyes.

In response, Martin only spluttered, bringing up some of the residue water from his lungs as he did so. Not that this won him any favours. As annoyed that he wasn’t getting the quick response that he desired, Dr Lary slapped Martin, hard across the face, giving the boy a nose bleed and leaving a hard red mark on the recently revived boy’s face. 

Martin looked up at the doctor after this latest assault, trying to hold back the tears, and wanting nothing better than to take out all his building rage against this psychopath. But he knew that would only do more harm than good in this place.

“We’ll continue this test tomorrow Mr Wolfrick.” Eugene said, his soft silky voice breaking the hate filled glare. Before gliding out of the room, without so much as a backwards glance at the tortured boy.

After Eugene had left and both Dr Lary and Hector had also filed out of the room, Berbarg walked up to Martin holding his jumpsuit, grimacing at the sight, the lad’s skin was almost blue, and he was retching on the ground, and he guessed that the kid would have been vomiting if he had been properly fed.

“Can you get up?” Berbarg said looking concerned Martin who struggled weakly to his feet, he had to use the bars on the wall to support him whilst he tried to sit himself up. It was difficult work, as both sets of his limbs seemed to be on strike, refusing to work after being starved of oxygen for so long. “Once you’re ready, put your clothes back on and I’ll take you back to your cell.” Berbarg finished and left the small pile clothes next to Martin who was slowly but surely began to getting his retching under control, although it was another fifteen minutes before he managed to gather enough strength to put his clothes back on.


After about half an hour, Martin found himself lying in his stone bed, he had skipped dinner and had initially been surprised that he hadn’t been punished for it, but he guessed that the guards had been instructed to cut him a modicum of slack after his most recent ordeal. Or more than likely, that they were being ordered to not damage their latest spy in the making.

As he lay on his uncomfortable bed, wishing more than ever that he could be with Echo back in the simpler times; Olly, Russel and Jeanie walked into his cell, looking down at the still wet and slightly blue Martin lying on his bed. His eyes were blood shot and was still have a small problem breathing sputtering every few breaths trying to get as much oxygen into his lungs as possible.

“What did they do sparky, drown you?” Olly said looking down at Martin with pity, he had heard that was what happened in room forty-four but hadn’t believed it. Martin only nodded in response looking as bad as any of them had seen him.

“How long?” Russel said. Martin looked up, there were deep rings around his eyes and managed to splutter out one word.

“Three.” Martin said. Trying and failing to sit up as Russel whistled, at which point Jeanie hit him on the arm.

“Still on to meet later tonight? We could wait another day if you want.” Olly said but Martin shook his head successfully sitting up this time and looking at the three of them, they couldn’t wait any longer as he didn’t know how many days he had left.

“No, meet here after the guard makes his final rounds.” Martin said, he didn’t say the second part of his thoughts, but they knew, the looks on their faces told him that at the least. And the third thing on his mind would remain completely unspoken by him till his death.


That night, as Martin lay in his stone bed, pretending to be asleep as the guard walked past his cell, dragging the electro rod along the walls and doors as he walked up and down the block. Before deciding to head back towards the main section of the prison leaving the cells, as always, unguarded. At the sounds of the retreating footsteps, Martin opens his eyes and take a small pick he had managed to fashion earlier in the week and headed over towards the door and quickly picking the lock, hearing it click he slowly opened the door, mercifully not making a sound. As after a few nervous minutes where Martin hoped to the gods that he was correct about the guards not caring about the inmates leaving their cells, Olly, Russel and finally Jeanie entered his cell and Russel carefully closes the door behind him.

Martin turns around to find the three of them already sitting on his bed waiting. Despite the time that had passed since his most recent trip into the tank, his eyes were still bloodshot and his skin remained slightly too pale. But that didn’t matter, they had more important things to discuss now.

“So, go over the plan.” Russel said not wanting to stay out too long in case his friend was wrong about the guards.

“Alright tomorrow night, we’ll all reconvene here after the guard leaves, after that we get the toilet up and head down the pipe.” Martin said with an apologetic look on his face, before continuing. “It should be big enough for us to get through one at a time. Which will deposit us in the cistern underneath the cells, after that we’ll follow a path to the exit. It’s guarded by a grate, but its all rusted, so it should be easy to get through. Then it is just a case of climbing out and bolting for it.” Martin finished looking around at his small audience, he knew that the plan was stupidly simple. But he also had, well second hand experience of an overly complicated plan. And that hadn’t worked.

“Which way?” Olly asked, looking sceptical, but willing to hear the kid out at least, after all Martin’s plan was the only one they had, and despite it’s almost certainty of failure, it was the best that they could probably do given the circumstances.

“North, it’s the safest place to go now anyways. Just act normally tomorrow and everything will go according to plan.” Martin said hoping that he sounded a lot braver and more confident than he felt.

“What if the plan doesn’t work?” Jeanie said raising the doubts that the group shared. “I mean you could probably fit through this tunnel Martin, but we’re a lot bigger than you are.” Jeanie looked at Olly and Russel both of whom were bigger than both Martin and herself. And she doubted if either of the older boys would fit down there.

“You’ll all fit. Trust me, the pipe down is a lot bigger than you would think, and once we’re down, it opens up. And as Layton said we are rats after all.” Martin said looking at Olly and Russel who it would be a bit tight but would still most likely be able to fit, at least he hoped. He had made a quick attempt to see how big the pipes were in order to test his theory of escape. That had been a very unpleasant experience, but fortunately none of the guards had inquired about why he was smelling like raw sewage, in fact it helped with the Layton problem considerably, as the sociopath refused to come near him. And combine that with the punishment that he had been forced to endure with Jeanie and Olly, no one had battered an eye at the smell. “Plus, I’m not spending another day in this dump.” He finished looking seriously at the three of them. As they nod their agreement, no matter how bad the plan was going to be they could all agree it was better than staying in this hell hole another day.

“We reconvene in twenty-four hours then.” Olly said looking around at the quiet cell.

“Yes.” Martin said. “Now you should get back and get some sleep, as we’re all going to need it.” Martin silently thought about when the next time he would be able to sleep would be after they escaped. Thinking it would depend on whether a search party would be sent out or not. As Jeanie, Olly and Russel head back to their own cells, Martin manages to shut the door as quietly as possible and resets the lock on it before walking back and lying down on his own bed, staring at the rocky ceiling for a few hours before eventually dozing off. Completely unaware of what the following day had in store.

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