Chapter 11

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Chapter XI

The Raid in Broken Mountain Institute


In the dark of night Olly, Russel and Jeanie sat on the bed in Martin’s old cell. Jeanie still feeling slightly nauseous sits with a strip of cloth that had been previously a part of Russel’s bed, the teenage river-man stating that he didn’t need it anyway when Jeanie had protested using up the one thing that gave them some comfort in this place. Which is now wound tightly around her head, covering the gash in her forehead, they had been too afraid to seek professional medical attention after hearing the screams of their friend from room ninety-nine, and whilst Jeanie said she was fine, the boy’s secretly thought that she wasn’t being honest about that fact. But there were more pressing matters to speak off with Olly is the first to bring up the elephant in the room, their missing friend.

“We’ve got to do something.” Olly said looking serious for the first time in all the time he had been here. “We can’t let sparky rot down there.” Olly finished; his usual carefree attitude was no longer right in this situation. At this Jeanie looks up at this. 

“What can we do?” Jeanie asked, she wanted to help, but she also didn’t want to end up in the same place. “We have no way of getting down there Olly.” She finished looking equally as serious.

“We need to tackle one of the guards.” Russel said, he reckoned that whilst it would be difficult, between the three of them they could manage it. “Take their card and go down there.” Russel finished. At this Jeanie did scoff.

“Easier said than done.” Jeanie replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice, wondering whether Russel had also been hit over the head to come up with such an outlandish idea, but Olly looks at Jeanie.

“You didn’t hear old Sparky in that room Jeanie. I’ve never heard him scream before like that before.” Olly shudders at the recollection, he had heard the sound that others made inside that room, as well as several of the others that littered this place. But it was nothing like that, what he had heard had been bone chilling. “Whatever that… That thing was doing to him must have been way worse than what that mad scientist was doing beforehand.” Olly finished and the three remain silent, both Olly and Russel remember the cold that had come into the cell block as whatever that thing had been, had glided through and towards room ninety-nine.

“Aye. He looked almost dead by the time he was dragged out of there.” Russel said, feeling angry more than frightened at that fact. “He obviously didn’t give any of us up, otherwise we would be down there with him.” Russel said as he looked around at the two other people that were in the room, he knew that they couldn’t just sit up here and wait for help, after what Martin had been through in that room.

“He’s been down there for more than twenty-four hours already.” Jeanie said with an anxious look on her face. “Do you think he’s still alive.” Jeanie finished looking at the two boys. The three pause a moment thinking about this fact. No one who had ever been sent below ever came back up again.

“Course he is.” Olly said his usual sense of optimism returning, although he didn’t entirely feel that it was justified. But was determined to get their friend out of that place, even if it killed them. “Come let’s go get our boy back. For sparky.” Olly finished and looked at his two companions and, after a moment both Russel and Jeanie both get up at the same time.

“For Sparky.” Russel said and the pair looked over at Jeanie who nodded her agreement.

“For Martin.” Jeanie said. after which the three kids were just about to leave the cell, when an explosion rocks the walls, coming from the next cell along. The room violently shakes with the force of the blast and the three look at each other.

“What in the gods name was that?” Russel said looking around, the room that they were in was undamaged. However, visibly poured into the corridor outside, as the trio heard the sound of rubble collapsing to the ground.


As Russel, Jeanie rush into the neighbouring cell, which luckily happened to be Olly’s, the blast would probably have deafened any person that may have been asleep in that cell otherwise. The two kids look up at the newly created hole in the wall, and more importantly, what was standing in the newly created breach. 

A dwarf stands looking down into the cell from the freshly created hole in the wall. By the time that Mazgux hops down from the hole, Olly makes his way into his newly renovated cell, never having been the fastest kid, his friends had easily outstripped him in the race to find out what the noise had been. At which point, a few seconds later, Doraghek hops down into the cell and begins looking around, before turning back to his comrade.

“Good work Mazgux.” Doraghek said, clapping his fellow on the back. “Radio the others and tell them we’re in.” Doraghek finishes and Mazgux nods and raises his wrist to his mouth. Informing the others that they had made their breach. A few moments later, five more dwarves; Jotrulir, Tursumlin, Throzzoug, Erilatir and Komatin enter the cell followed by Codsworth, Barca and Dave. Codsworth surveys the room and notices Olly, Russel and Jeanie gaping at these new arrivals. As Dave walks up to them.

“Have you seen this boy?” Dave said, in his hand was a picture of Martin, it was one of the few pictures that had managed to have been saved from the manor after its fall, it wasn’t that up to date, but it would have to do in this situation. Olly takes a few moments to look at the picture for a few moments before nodding.

“Yep. That’s Sparky, only with hair.” Olly said, trying to remember the last time he had seen Martin without a buzzcut, with him coming to the conclusion that it was when they had first met each other in the holding cell on their first day in this hell hole. Codsworth and Barca exchange a look with the latter mouthing the word ‘Sparky’ in confusion as Dave puts away the photo. Codsworth merely shrugs and goes over to join Dave by the three kids. As Bruce, Abi and Jimmy enter the cell.

“Do you know where there keeping him?” Codsworth asks the three kids. His tone was quick as he wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible. The last thing they needed right now was a pitched battle with the guards. They had fourteen with them on this raiding mission, and whilst they may be able to hold back the guards for a while. Even with there skills, they would eventually be overrun, and that was just with the number disparity, nevermind whatever weapons these guys may be packing.

“Yeah.” Russel said and the commander turned to him. “They took him below yesterday. We were just on our way to break him out.” Russel finishes looking at the ground in embarrassment, it had after all, been a foolish plan without help, they would never have stood a chance, and would more than likely have just booked themselves a one way ticket to room ninety-nine themselves, followed by an express line to the bellow. This however seemed to confuse the commander even more than the nickname.

“How do we get, erm, below?” Codsworth asks, looking slightly confused. Wondering what this below was. And why the boy in front of him sounded full of dread when talking about it.

“You take the elevator, but you need a card to access it. The guards have them.” Olly said, unlike his two friends he had no idea who this man was. “We can go get one if you want.” Olly continued before Codsworth interrupted and shook his head.

“No. How many people are imprisoned now?” Codsworth said. that was important as he needed to know if they had enough transports to evacuate the entire prison.

“About fifty kids.” Jeanie said cautiously, unlike the others, she knew who this man was, and his reputation. Thus giving her more hope for their chances. She was able to contain these happy emotions though as she added. “Commander.” Jeanie finished and the commander nodded briefly at the use of his old title and stood still for a second doing some quick thinking before coming back to the moment. “We should have enough room. Right how many entrances are there to this cell block.”

“Just the one.” Olly said, he knew the layout of this place well enough having spent the most time here, whilst the guards thought it was an excellent idea, he also knew that the layout could be used to their advantage if they were able to smuggle in weapons. Not that that had ever happened. The commander nodded at this before continuing, looking in turn at each of the three inmates.

 “Right, you guys want to help. Wake up everyone you can and bring them back here. Where we can evacuate you.” Codsworth said, this was the only place that had a large enough amount of flat ground to land the choppers on, albeit only two would fit by his guess without some clever trickery.

“Sure.” Jeanie said nodding. However, Russel seemed hesitant at the idea.

“What about Sparky though.” Russel said looking concerned.

“We’ll get Martin out of here, don’t worry lad.” Codsworth answered, trying to smile in a reassuring way. But, at that moment, the massive form of Franklin Homer walks round the corner and looks into the cell. He had heard the sound and come to investigate the noise. But, before he can so much as yell however, Codsworth puts a bullet between his eyes, and the guard collapses to the ground, making an ominous thudding sound as he did so. 

The commander turns to Bruce, looks the translator up and down and then nods as the dead man is dragged into the cell, by a few of the dwarves. Who he then turns to.

“Doraghek. Tell your men to start planting the charges, we’ll level this place once everyone’s out.” Codsworth said and the dwarf nodded before turning to his kin.

“Aye.” Doraghek said turning to the dwarves. “You heard him lads. Get yourselves movin.” Doraghek continues as he and the others rush of and begin setting the charges at strategic intervals. A which point Codsworth turns back to Bruce who having finished stripping the guard of his uniform and hands Codsworth a small black card.

“Jimmy, Abi. Make sure this cell remains open.” Codsworth says. “Bruce get the doors to the cell block closed. Barca, Dave with me.” The commander finishes and the team then splits up with Codsworth heading towards the elevator. And Jimmy and Abi to begin setting up a small defence and with Bruce putting on the uniform. Asking that Olly remain with him as Russel and Jeanie go to wake the other inmates.

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