Chapter 18

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Chapter XVIII

Return of a Ghost


Outside the doors of the mountain as both Vernon and Charlie keep their guns raised and trained on the hooded figure. Who was at that moment lowering his own gun and looking around at the scene that greeted him, most likely checking to see if there were any more wolves. Whilst also seeming completely unperturbed by the sight of the two people who had their guns trained on them.

“Who are you?” Vernon yelled at the stranger, his gun trained on the hooded figure, wondering why they was so keen to keep their identity hidden from them, and why they seem so calm at the fact that he was outnumbered and outgunned. 

Finally the hooded figure looked at the small group. If this shouted command had been the thing to gain the attention of the stranger, or if they were finally sure that they were indeed safe and alone, remained unclear. However, the figure then returned his attention to the group as they looked down towards them, before lowering his hood of his traveling cloak and walked down to join them, as both Vernon and Charlie lowered their weapons, at about the same rate that their jaws drop at the sight of who it was.

Jack Wolfrick walked down the hill and into the valley; holstering his gun over his shoulder as he does so, and bearing the axe that he had been given by Idar on his first day on the job on his belt. A strip of cloth was covering his empty right eye socket and faded war paint adorned his face from his left eye to his right cheek. Vernon also notices a flash of green around his wrist, but as he put his gun over his shoulder, it was gone as soon as he went for a double take on the object.

“Jackson. Gods.” Vernon said looking shocked to see the eldest Wolfrick brother standing in front of him. He never thought that this day would come, he had believed that their departure from Bergskort was the last time he would have seen Jack. Neither could Charlie, who walked up to him and hugged the seventeen-year-old, before retreating a few steps to gaze at the figure that had returned to them.

“We thought we’d never see you again.” Charlie said smiling at Jack, who did not smile back, his face remaining solum and almost ghost like, a shadow of its former self.

“Is there anyone after you lad?” Vernon asked looking around at the surrounding land showing his concern at the matter, but not seeing anyone. Still he remained nervous, the lad had chosen to remain behind as a penalty for Brutus’ actions in the town, and he doubted that they would be pleased that he had seemingly bailed out on his end of the deal.

“No.” Jack said, a haunted look in his one green eye, a look that had seen so much. “Other than the beast’s pack most like.” Jack finished looking back up at Vernon at the coy joke about how those monsters traveled in packs. But was then distracted as Martin runs up and jumps on Jack hugging him, nearly knocking his eldest brother over. Jack however, was able to steady himself in time and cracks a false smile in Martin’s general direction and ruffling his still short hair, before he finally managed to detach himself from his youngest brother. Looking more worn and tired than ever.

Watching this facade play out, Nick stood in shock at what had returned to them. It looked and talked like his older brother, but he knew that wasn’t Jack, not really. But he chose not to say anything, seeing how the others, especially Martin had reacted to the sight of Jack.

“Well, we shall eat well this evening. In celebration.” Vernon said. Not failing to notice that Jack was not the same person they had left in Bergskort. The lad seemed more weathered, his easy grin had been replaced by a sullener look. “Come on lad.” Vernon finished clapping Jack’s shoulder ruefully. 

As Vernon, Charlie, Nick and Martin began to walk back towards the mountain gates, feeling a lot better than they had at the beginning of the day now that they had the whole of the group back together. But as they advance, Jack waits outside looking around at the landscape for a bit longer, only following the group towards the mountain when Nick turns around to see why his eldest brother was not with them.


As the five of them walk through the gates to the mountain, it didn’t take long for Jack notices the stares of both the dwarves and the mountain-men, as the residences of the mountain look up at the group, some with admiration, and others suspicion. He subconsciously finds himself placing his hand on the hilt of his axe in anticipation for a fight. 

Although at this, Vernon turns around and sees this action he smiles slightly, realising what it was like for the lad, but also quickly gestures for him to move his hand away from the weapon. Whilst it was unlikely, there was still the possibility of someone taking it the wrong way, with many supporters of Fomhord still lurking around the mountain, waiting to take their opportunity to strike at the slightest provocation.

“You can take your hand of your weapon lad.” Vernon said looking around at the stares, he had become used to those stares, but understood to a newcomer that they might be disconcerting.

“Why are they all staring at us?” Jack said, seeming to loosen up as he continued to look around at the onlookers, but he did not take his hand of the hilt of the axe. In his rough travelling clothes he looks practically like a nomad in this place of richly dressed dwarves and men, it felt odd, as in Bergskort, he wouldn’t have been out of place with what he was wearing now.

“Your brothers are, well let’s just say they’re well known.” Vernon said smiling slightly. “A lot’s happened since we left you.” Vernon said looking back at Martin, although Nick too had made a name for himself here as well, what with his shaming their king into some form of action the year prior. However the news of the successful raid had spread throughout the mountain like wildfire too.

“Like what?” Jack said taking his eye of the onlookers and looked at Vernon as he also takes his hand away from his weapon at the mention of his brothers. 

“We’ll explain later.” Charlie said as they reached the door to the quarters, both she and the old butler had noticed a slight change in the lad’s voice at the mention that something had happened with his younger brothers, as it returned to it’s previous tone that they had left back in Bergskort. This was good news, at least to Charlie’s ears, as it meant that there was still some of the old Jack left, underneath this new exterior that the lad was putting on for, at the moment, unknown reasons.


As they walk through into the large room, they see Dave, Codsworth and Barca sitting at the table planning the next hunt. The three look up at the sound of the door opening, surprised as it was still daylight and had expected them to be out training until dark.

“How was training?” Codsworth said before looking at the two, and starting to panic. “What happened?” Codsworth asked hurriedly, as his mind going to the worst possible scenario that he could think of. Although both the kids were there, so nothing that bad could have happened, plus they also had dinner with them. 

At the question however, Vernon simply stands aside to reveal Jack standing behind him in the entrance to the quarters, looking more like a nomad than he had done back in the main hall, with both his apparel and his hair making him look still travel worn, even in here.

There was a brief pause when nobody said or did anything. Both Codsworth and Dave get up whilst Barca sits in place with his mouth slightly open, Codsworth steps aside so Dave can walk up to his older brother, and after looking at each other for a few seconds they hug.

“It’s really good to see you Jacky.” Dave said, smiling like a small boy for the first time since arriving at the mountain, his stress levels dropping rapidly given the fact he no longer felt the burden of being the eldest Wolfrick in the group. Whilst he and Jack had argued and bickered like cats and dogs over their time. When Jack had remained behind in Bergskort, it had hurt Dave in a way that he couldn’t describe to himself, but before he could fathom it out, Martin had been captured and there had been something more important than his feelings to sought out.

“We’ve also brought dinner.” Vernon said dropping the dead wolf on the table, which gave a huge thump as it smacked into the woodwork. As it does so, Barca looks at the beast for a few moments, still clearly lost for words at the arrival of Jack, but he eventually found them again as he turned his gaze towards the dead beast with some amazement, whilst it was not their biggest catch, he was still impressed.

“I’ll send for someone to butcher it.” Barca said still looking at the dead animal and wondering how they had managed to kill it. Charlie was a good shot, but killing these things was more down to chance rather than anything else, even the likes of Dmitri and Dave had had trouble bringing down these beasts before and had often returned empty handed despite their best efforts.

“No. I killed it. I’ll butcher it.” Jack said, his gaunt looking face set on the matter. That was how it had been during his time in Bergskort, and he saw no reason why it should be any different up here. 

At this Barca looks over at the commander at this, who only nods in return, also noting the suddenness in the response with interest. He was as interested as the rest of them in Jack’s tale, but was patient enough to wait for the explanation at the very least.

“Aye lad. Whatever you want.” Codsworth said smiling at Jack, who once again did not return the gesture, pricking the commander’s interest. He had known the kid since he was a teenager, like most of the others in the group, and knew how he had been in his youth. This fact though only served to heighten his suspicions as to what had happened after their own departure from the town.

“You’ll want to drop your things off I guess.” Barca said as his eyes returned to their returned companion. “There’s a spare room down the hall. It’s yours.” Barca finished, that had been what it was there for. Although many, including himself, suspected the old butler had never thought that the room would ever have been filled. 

In fact, the lieutenant was pretty sure that only Dave and Nick had been convinced of their elder brother’s return. But he had not said anything then, and he said nothing now as he continued to look at the ghost of the lad in front of him. There was a pause before Jack responds.

“Thank you.” Jack said before walking down the hall and into the room that Barca had pointed to. Leaving the rest of the group in the living area, wondering what had happened to make him this way.


That evening everyone was sitting round the table, eating the wolf that had been killed earlier on in the day, everyone except Jack who sat in the centre of the table not touching the food, only messing about with it on the plate. He also still wore the long traveling cloak over his shoulders, adding to the look of someone who does not belong and would at any moment leave the group as suddenly as he had joined them. 

Seeing however, that the lad wasn’t eating, Jimmy turns towards him with an eager expression on his thinning face.

“What a story you must have to tell.” Jimmy said looking interested, he wanted to hear everything that had happened back in the Bergskort since they had left the small town. He wasn’t alone as well, as Abi also piped up at the opportunity to question their companion.

“Start at the beginning, and don’t leave out any details.” Abi said, like Jimmy, she was eager for the latest gossip, as she always had been throughout her life. 

As she spoke, the table at large went quiet and looked over at Jack, waiting on his response. It took a while but eventually the teen did speak, both looking and sounding like he would have wanted to talk about anything else in the world.

“Well, you know the beginning.” Jack said in the same deaden tone, that stated clearly that he would like nothing else but to sink into the floor. H is voice was also croaking slightly, as he had not used it for most of his journey northwards, preferring to travel in subdued silence, with nothing to do but ponder his demons. “And this meal is the end.” Jack finished as he continued to play with his kill, though quietly thinking that he had never been less hungry in his entire life.

“What about the middle?” Codsworth asks raising a cup and taking a drink. That was what he was interested in, the lad had been away for close to a year, and he wanted to know what had happened in that time. And more importantly, why he had seemingly returned after being adamant on remaining in Bergskort in the first place.

“Were the north-men good to you?” Abi asked, as eager as before, and clearly not put off by Jack’s apparent lack of interest in discussing the matter.

“Aye… They were.” Jack said, pausing slightly in between as there was a huge lump at the back of his throat. He finally managed to take a bite out of his food, not that it helped the situation, in fact it made the whole situation a lot worse. 

Although Jack had more pressing concerns though, as he hoped that his slip of the tongue had not been noticed by the group. He chanced a quick look around the table to judge his chances, and found that most seemed to have not noticed, and he comforted himself with that thought. There had been a few though, that had not failed to notice the slip of the tongue. 

Vernon, as Jack had expected, did note the use of the past tenses in this latest answer and he watched the old butler glance over at Codsworth, who likewise looked like he had as well, for the old commander now had a much darker look on his face. 

It was then that the old butler remembered what Doraghek had said to him, back at the feast for Martin’s oath swearing, and the fear of the two lost black riders grew in his heart. He looked over at Codsworth to see if the commander shared his concern, but it was hard to tell, as Codsworth had returned to the conversation and Vernon couldn’t catch his eye.

“Do you plan on returning to Bergskort laddie?” Bruce said in his deep voice whilst eating at the same time, seemingly unaware like most of the others that there had been anything odd about the previous answer. 

Again, there is a pause before Jack responds. The teenager was trying to be more careful with his answers, and both Vernon and Codsworth knew it.

“No. I’m here to stay.” Jack said, whilst he was happier that the subject had been changed, albeit slightly away from his past to his future. He still kept himself on-guard for any further questions that might arise as to why he had left. 

However, as he tried to raise his defences, the sleeve of his travelling cloak, which he still wore despite making him seem more conspicuous, slipped down revealing a simple band around his wrist, but with an emerald imbedded into the centre. It glinted in the light from the ceiling, and unfortunately, catching the eye of many round the table, with Nick being the first to notice the piece of jewellery. He looked at the gemstone for a moment with a curious gaze. He had a hunch what that was, but wanted Jack to confirm it for him.

“What’s that?” Nick asked looking at the wristband, never having been the most tactful of the brothers, and combined with his natural curiosity and intelligence. It didn’t make for him being diplomatic when it came to the private information of others around him. 

At this latest question Jack stumbles slightly, before looking down at his wrist and seeing the wristband and gemstone as if for the first time himself. But when Nick makes to touch it, Jack hastily removes it from sight, as well as from his younger brothers reach.

“It’s nothing.” Jack said quickly. But the haunted look in his one bright green eye that Vernon noticed he had seen when the kid had first arrived was back once more. It was a look that the old butler had seen before much to his horror, as it was never the sign of good news. He looked into Jack’s eye for a few moments. Like with Alan, Vernon could easily tell when Jack as well as his brothers were not being entirely truthful or hiding something. A few moments pass when the table sits and eats in silence before Vernon changes the subject.

“Well, if you are here to stay Master Wolfrick. Then you’ll have to agree it with the king tomorrow.” Vernon said, hoping to change the subject, seeing that the kid was even less eager to talk about this subject than he had been about the previous one. Which Jack was grateful for, as both Codsworth and Charlie looked like they were about to enquire further on the matter and even Bruce was starting to become suspicious as well. At which point, the old butler looked over at Nick. “Would you mind going with your brother?” Vernon asked, a forceful look in his eyes at the younger brother. Not that it was needed however.

“Sure.” Nick said, wondering why and more importantly what Vernon suspected about his brother, but thinking that this would be a great opportunity to ask away from the old butler’s prying eyes and ears.


Later that night Jack lay wide awake staring at the rocky ceiling above him. Not that he wasn’t tired, he was in fact exhausted, both from the journey north, and from the questions at dinner. But he was more afraid of what visions would come to him in the darkness, however the visions came despite his reluctance for them to, his home on fire and the piles of bodies that littered the entrances as people were cut down as they tried to flee the inferno. To his right lay his rifle and to his left lay his axe, not that he had had to use them, but he was ready to if need be. At which moment Vernon walked into the room, had he not knocked before his entrance, he might have leaped on the old butler fearing an attack.

“Are you alright lad?” Vernon said looking concerned at the eldest Wolfrick, something was up, and he wanted the lad to talk about it. But he would have to be careful on the matter, as he knew from experience that the gods alone could not force any information out of Jack that he did not want to give.

“Yeah.” Jack said still looking at the ceiling, he had barely heard Vernon’s question, but could take a pretty good guess what it had been about. He sighed, wondering in reality, how long he had honestly thought he would have before someone, either Vernon, or the commander, would want to worm the truth out of him.

“Yeah.” Vernon said moving towards the chair, but not sitting down just yet, whilst also nodding to himself, although not believing the previous answer, but he continued on. “We’re delighted to have you back. But you seem out of sorts. You don’t seem yourself lad.” Vernon said, looking at Jack who remains silent, so Vernon continues. “What happened in Bergskort lad? You can talk to me about it if you want.” Vernon said leaning heavily on his cane, he had known that something was up from the moment Jack had lowered his hood back in the valley earlier that day, but he hadn’t started connected the dots until dinner.

“I don’t want to talk about it now, Vernon.” Jack said as he returned to stare up at the rocky ceiling. “But you also have secrets Vernon, stuff you don’t talk about.” Jack finished. He didn’t look over at the old butler at this, knowing the fact that Vernon had worked hard to keep his own past hidden from them for the longest possible time. It was at this moment that he chanced a glance at Vernon.

Vernon only sat there, nodding to himself in agreement at the statement that had just been uttered to him, despite him not wanting it to be the truth.

“I understand lad, I understand wanting to keep your past a secret. But I got a pretty good idea, but I still want to hear it from you. Because I know from experience that it will eat you up inside, if you keep your past buried.” Vernon said, he hadn’t risen from his chair, but a darkness passed across the room.

“How did you know?” Jack asked his throat croaking slightly from lack of speaking, the lump in his throat was back which made speaking all the more difficult to do.

“I saw at dinner.” Vernon said, that had been the second thing, the first being that Jack had arrived alone, but that at the moment could mean anything so he returned to the second thing. “You had the same look in your eye that your father had right after your mother died. And it makes me upset, to see you like this kid.” Vernon said looking across the room, like his son, Alan had spoken very little for almost a month after his wife’s death, Vernon only hoped that it would not take that long with Jack as he waited to hear his response, but when again there was only silence, the butler continues. “I’ll just sit here a while longer. If you don’t mind.” Vernon said as he took a seat on the chair. He half expected to be told to leave.

“I don’t mind.” Jack said as he continued to stare at the rocky ceiling, wondering how in the gods name he was going to carry on living.

“When you’re ready to talk lad, I’ll listen.” Vernon said, and then remained silent, waiting for the moment that Jack would spill the beans.


The following morning Jack and Nick walked into the throne room, the elder still wearing the worn cloak, looking worse for wear. The pair find Fierhand in the process of addressing one of his councillors, looking bored out of his wits. He looks up from the throne and sees the two brothers approaching.

“Ah, my young Imperial friend. For what do I owe this erm, very early pleasure.” Fierhand said, his mood improving at the sight of them, notably the member of the council who had been talking to the king, looked furious at being interrupted.

“Just bringing my brother here to ask for your protection and permission to remain here.” Nick said looking up at the throne, as Fierhand nods at this waving away his councillor at the same time he gestured for Jack to come forward.

“You. Imperial’s brother, step forward.” Fierhand said, his voice commanding the room, as Jack steps forward. Fierhand looks him up and down before noticing the wristband, the light seemingly drawn to the gemstone, a small grin crossed the old dwarf’s face as he looked up at Jack. “You do not need to ask permission lad. Your bracelet indicates that you married into a north-men family. Am I correct?” Fierhand asked looking down at Jack.

“Yes.” Jack answered, he hoped that that was an end to the questioning on that subject, but the shocked look on his younger brother’s face indicated that they were most likely only going to be getting started.

“Then by rights you are already a citizen of Normanguard and the north, and I cannot turn you away.” Fierhand said smiling from behind his thick beard. Jack simply stares not saying anything. “So be welcome in my mountain and at my table.” Fierhand said, he looked around at his impatient council member for Fomhord looked fit to burst with rage, before looking into Jack’s eye directly. “I’m sure we’ll have a lot to discuss.” Fierhand finished and smiled at the newcomer. That told Jack that the questions were far from over.

“Thank you.” Jack said before turning to leave as Fierhand calls him back, he was halfway to the door when the words he had dreaded since coming here, came out into the open.

“Where is your wife then?” Fierhand asked, never the one for subtlety the old dwarf spoke his mind without thinking ahead on the matter. Jack froze on the spot, looking worse than Martin did whenever he heard Eugene speak to him. In fact, to Nick at least, his older brother looked close to tears at the mention of the girl he had fallen hard for back in Bergskort.

“She… She couldn’t make it.” Jack said, choking up at the mention of Erika.

“Very well, you may leave.” Fierhand said. But his brow creased at this answer. The old dwarf had the vague suspicion that he was, well not being lied to exactly, but that the lad was withholding something from him. He chose not to press the subject however, and Jack bows before walks out of the throne room with Nick on his heals all the way.


As they walk out of the throne room, Jack leans up against a nearby pillar, hyperventilating slightly, his hands on his knees. Nick walks up to his oldest brother looking cautious. 

“You alright brother?” Nick asked, looking concerned wondering about the damage that had been done to his brother during the absence from the group. A nearby dwarf, who was on guard duty outside the throne room also walked up to the two brothers.

“Is there a problem here?” The dwarf asked leaning heavily on an electrified spear. It takes a few moments but Jack fights to regain control of himself, a difficult task as when he looked up, he saw the burning ruins of his home once more, even though he had left it all behind.

“I’m fine.” Jack said walking off, the dwarf nods, clearly satisfied with the answer and returns to his post as he watches Nick run to catch up with his brother.


When they return to the quarters, they find Vernon, Codsworth and Dave waiting for them, the rest of the group having already left for the day.

“How’d it go?” Vernon asked getting up from his seat by the open fire, he knew that it had gone well, as Jack’s marriage had made his asking permission a mere formality, but he kept the pretences of not knowing up for Jack’s sake. There was no need to out the lad’s marriage to Codsworth and Dave until he was ready to tell them.

“Good.” Jack said simply, hoping to get to his room, so that he could lie down, as he had something that he needed to do this evening, and needed as much strength to do it as possible.

“Excellent.” Vernon responded although the lad didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm on the matter, he instead chose to look around the room for a few moments before asking a question that had been on his mind since dinner the previous evening. And something that Vernon had not told him about the previous evening.

“Where’s Dmitri?” Jack asked, the former captain he knew had been taken ill, but all the same, he should have seen him around by now, even if he was in no fit position to leave the quarters residences. 

There was a silence in the room as both Codsworth and Vernon exchange a look, they knew that the question was bound to have reared its head at some point. Dave and Nick also look nervous at the question, with both brother’s having wanted to accompany the captain on his final mission, and neither knowing how to process that fact.

“Jack. He’s dead.” Codsworth finally answers in order to break the silence, like with Martin, he decided on the truth about his friend’s death.

“When? How?” Jack asked, he didn’t entirely believe it, whilst the last time he had seen Dmitri he had looked unwell, he hadn’t shown it, the fact that the young soldier was dead scarred Jack somewhat, thinking that if they could kill Dmitri, what hope was there for the rest of them.

“Shortly after arriving here. He went out to go and look for your brother.” Codsworth said with a sigh, unsure how much the old butler had told Jack on the matter of Martin. “His horse carried his body back two days later.” The commander finished looking at the ground.

“Look for my brother?” Jack asked, wondering what in the gods name for, and if it had something to do with them being so well known, as Vernon had told him when he had first arrived back. That was something that Jack had failed to get out of Vernon during their chat the previous night, with the old butler mumbling something about; ‘Not being his place to tell.’

“Martin. Aye, like we said. A lot’s happened, but that is a story, that is not ours to tell.” Vernon said. The group stand there in silence for a minute before Jack leaves and walks into his room, closing the door behind him.

“What happened to him, Vernon?” Codsworth asked. He had known Jack for a long time now and had never seen him like this before, the lad he remembered was eager to the point of annoyance, what had returned from Bergskort was something entirely different and he wasn’t entirely sure that it was good for the group to see one of their own so down and defeated.

“When he’s ready, he’ll talk.” Vernon said before turning round to look at Dave and Nick to hammer that point home with the brothers. “And that’s an order you two. Don’t force him to tell you anything until he’s ready. Understand?” He said emphasising the last word for Nick’s benefit primarily.

“Sure.” Dave said, a few years ago he would have found it as difficult as Nick would to follow the order, but times had changed since then. Vernon seemed satisfied with that answer before returning to Nick who was staring at the ground.

“Nick?” Vernon said looking at Nick looks around for a few seconds, clearly trying to avoid the question, but when he can no longer avoid the question he answers grudgingly.

“Fine.” Nick said resigned, as he and Dave leave the room. Nick heading for his own room and Dave back out into the mountain proper. Codsworth turns to Vernon, wanting to find out what had happened.

“Do you know what happened? Codsworth asked, he knew what the answer was going to be, purely based on the fact that Vernon knew a lot more than he let on when it came to the Wolfrick brothers.

“Yes.” Vernon said looking grim, it had been cruel, what had happened to Jackson’s life, when it seemed to have found some normality, but that was the way it often went, not that that fact helped Jack in the slightest. “He told me last night. I’m sure he’ll tell the rest of the group. When he’s ready.” Vernon finished, returning to the fire. He hoped for that at least as what Jack had told him, was something that he didn’t want the burden of knowing alone.

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