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Trevor R

In the world of purple flames

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The monster

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The storm was picking up, and thunder crackled in the distance. Water dripped onto the leaves of the plants and huge trees towered over the  eerie forest. Cross hid within some thick bushes as the large, menacing creature trampled any bushes in it's way as it walked past Cross. I have to help them! I can't let them die... not now! he thought in a panic as the monster walked towards the hiding spot that Haze was in.


Flow opened his eyes. he was in that same empty room he sees when Apollo appears. "You lost focus. stop thinking of them or you will see something you will not like. Seeing others minds is too dangerous, and you have to master it." Apollo circled Flow, shaking his head. "Well, I guess I am just not good at magic then!" Flow threw his wings into the air and laid on his back. Flow didn't think he should be going through this just days after his whole life changed. But apparently Flow was "The next great magic user." as Apollo said.  Flow didn't feel very magical... If he was, then why was he so... Flow?

Apollo sighed. "Perhaps that is enough for today. You have a long trip anyways so you should wake up now. Goodbye Flow." Flow sat up. He was still in the same cave that had been there before and the eastern rain forest was as vibrant and green as ever. Charcoal and Arson were still asleep... Sky wings must like their rest maybe, or these two were just very lazy. Flow chuckled a bit.

Flow nudged them both awake. "Hey, if we are going to make it on time, we have to go now!" "Damn it..." Arson groaned. "This place might not even have the staff though!" "Arson has a point. And are we supposed to believe some dream ghost that we have no idea of what they are planning to do?" Charcoal said. "Well I would rather not die." Flow said. "What ever is about to happen could spell doom for the entire island, and I do not wanna watch it go down."

"I guess you are right.." they both groaned. After gathering the supplies Flow got from a small village, they flew west. Flow's wing was still sore, but at least he could fly again. Flying cut the amount of time it takes to go anywhere in half. After a while, they landed close to a small village and took refuge under the thick trees. As they landed, Charcoal accidentally landed on a venomous snake that reached back and bit her before slithering away. Charcoal screamed in pain, and Flow and Arson ran over. "That little prick!" She yelled, clutching her claw. "I... uh..." Flow thought for a moment while cutting off the blood flow to the bite with some rope they had. "I know! I will go to the village and ask for some sort of cure! The snake must be very common around here, and they have to have some way to treat a bite! Okay, Arson, you stay here with Charcoal... I will be back as soon as possible."  Flow ran towards the village.


Haze sat on the ground that Flow left them at, staring up with tears as Flow ran off with the two Sky wings. "You promised..." they muttered. As they said that, Cain landed by them. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Cain quickly realized they were fine and then said "Stay here. I am going to stop this." Before Haze could speak, Cain was flying toward the trio. Haze stood up to try and fly after him, but they hesitated. After considering the risks, they took off. They got a cold feeling, then looked at the castle. Something was about to happen. They continued, then heard a distant fight. They tried to catch up, but then the struggling noise was over. They found a cliff that had blood on it, but when they landed, a huge explosion followed by smoke and fire in the distance came from the castle. Above their head, they saw several crimson dragons fly off. Sky wings! They thought as they flew to help their home.

The damage was bad... half the castle was on fire, and scatter wings were running around to put it out. Haze went closer to find mother and violet watching from the outside. They ran up to their mom, and franticly asked "What just happened?" "Sky wings." the queen said in a monotone voice. "Where is Cain? Is he safe? Is he alright? He went to stop you from talking to Flow and should have been with you." Haze looked down and said "Flow escaped. Cain went after him and I haven't seen him since."

"He what?!" the queen yelled. "Once Cain gets back with him, I will personally slice his head off!" Haze gulped and realized something was coming from behind their mother. "Cain?" she called out to the dragon. It was Cain, but he was badly hurt. He was dragging his back legs, his wings were town and limp, and his face had a horrible gash across it. He crawled to mother, then collapsed. Mother picked him up carefully when he said "I lost... I am sorry... I will take any punishment you wish..." he passed out, blood still dripping from his wounds. "My son..." Mother held him close. Haze felt like puking when they saw that his back leg was nearly twisted backwards with a broken bone jolting out of the thigh. "Someone get healers NOW!" Mother screamed. Several healers grabbed Cain and took him to the chambers. "This... is one of the worst days in history! I now declare a full war!" she yelled up at the moon. Haze thought they saw violet grin towards the fire, but when they turned their head towards her, she was shaking her head in sorrow.


Flow went to each and every store until he found an antidote. He grabbed it and placed it on the counter, then grabbed a few shard he had stolen. "Ah, another snake bite..." the old scatter wing who manned the register said with a bored look. "You say that as if it is normal." Flow said. "It really is. Especially after the pale ghost arrived." Flow looked confused. He decided to press on. "Pale ghost? What does that have to do with snakes?" The old scatter wing looked out a window, then spoke. "They say he controls the snakes... They guard his home... He is also causing our livestock to run away. The worst part is all we know of him is the pale skin. Pale skinned scatter wing!" Flow took the antidote, then walked out thanking the old dragon on his way out. He wondered if this Pale ghost could help them, but first things first; Save Charcoal.


When he got back, he saw charcoal kicking and screaming. Her temperature was really high as well. He gave her the antidote, then went to rest on a tree that was high off the ground. Arson picked Charcoal up, and did the same. Flow kept wondering where this pale ghost could be in the forest... maybe a cave? a hidden hut? Or on one of the taller hills further away? After a minute of thinking, he started to think of Haze. He left them there, in tears, hurt, and alone, but it was the best thing he could do. He just hoped they weren't hurt physically. He drifted to sleep for a while until Apollo yelled "Look out!" Flow woke up right as something was put over his eyes. He also felt something be put on his tail... It wasn't a barb, because those hurt. But this thing felt just tight on his tail. He tried to yell for help, but realized his mouth also had this object on it. He was being dragged, and it was far away...


It was another gloomy day at the castle.

Haze watched as Scatter wings went back and fourth with materials to rebuild the ruined part of the castle while thinking of him. What happened? Why did he leave me? Is it because of my- "There you are!" Cain limped to Haze. Haze felt bad about letting Cain fight on his own, but they could never in a million years even think of hurting their only friend. Cain had pretty much lost his ability to fly and one of his legs had been crippled, but that never stopped him. Infact, now he is even more set on crushing Flow's skull. "Why do you just sit here and mope all day? Don't you think that due to... recent events... you should help even more?" Cain sat by Haze and shot them a dissapointed look. "You can't just sit here all day hoping that he is going to come through some door and thinking it is going to fix what happened!" "But Flow is innocent. He has gotten over that curse and not only that, but he was with me during that party!" Haze snorted smoke at Cain's face, then attempted to walk away. Suddenly, Cain grabbed their tail and said "You really think an innocent dragon would team up with sky wings and then knock their brother off a cliff?" Without another word, he let go of their tail and limped the other direction.

Why had Flow been with Sky wings? Haze though for a moment, then their eyes widened. Six years ago,  Flow reported that the Sky wings he went to kill were gone, and no one thought much else of it. Could he have let them go? Was there something about Sky wings that Flow saw that no other Scatter wing saw? Why wouldn't Haze be suprised if Flow did that? Would Flow have been okay if I did go with him- Wait.

Haze sat and thought some more, and then came up with a fairly dumb idea. Leaving. For good. Well... until the kingdom needs a new ruler. But when? Ugh, enough of these questions. just do it! Haze went to their room and started grabbing various things they wanted and put them into a bag. They then threw the bag under their bed, and began to wait. Midnight... they thought. Midnight is when I go.


Flow was still stuck. He kept trying to wiggle out of his predicament, but to no avail. Eventually, he felt the ties loosen and then release. How did they do that? he thought. And then, out of nowhere, the thing covering his eyes slid off as well. It took Flow a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sun light, and when his eyes were adjusted, he looked down to see snakes. He flinched back, but the snakes just kept staring and then slithered back as if something behind Flow caused them to be afraid. Flow looked behind to see a slender, white dragon with glowing orange eyes.

"Hmm..." The dragon narrowed his eyes while observing Flow's wings. "So... what is a prince doing all the way out here?" The dragon then circled Flow, waiting on an answer. "I- Wait- Huh?" Flow was very confused on what was going on. What kind of dragon was this guy? "I see you have the royal mark on your wing." The dragon smirked pointing to the cut on the end of Flow's wing. "Don't worry. I am that ghost all the other scatter wings talk about. I have no reason to be involved with you as long as you just tell me your business." "Well... if you must know, I am currently on the run." Flow spoke up trying to sound regal like his family. "Run away prince, eh? And I thought I was an oddity on this island. Well, I suppose you aren't going to tell anyone so... the name is cross. And I am a scatter wing but uh... I have a rare mutation that makes me have white scales all over." He held out his hand to Flow, but Flow got up on his own. "I am Flow. And you kind of kidnapped me." "To be fair, I didn't want any of that royal business around my land. And since you knew of me, I didn't want you going around telling others. I promise you we are chill now."

"So I am guessing you wouldn't want to help me and my friends with our quest then?" Flow asked. "Nope. I am happy right here... Away from civilization and with my pals. Oh yeah. Right. I can command snakes. I help them and they help me." Cross and Flow stared at each other for a while when Cross suddenly said "Welp. Good luck out there, Ex-Prince Flow." and then disappeared among the vegitation behind him. Flow eventually made his way back to the Sky wing siblings, and explained the whole thing.

The sun was setting. It was time for the trio to go when something flew over them and dropped a sack full of fruits and water skins. There was also a small note that read "From one out cast to another. Don't die out there." Flow looked around and smiled. Atleast they had some sort of ally in these trying times. The three of them packed up, and took off. Flow looked back as the small village disappeared from view. He turned his head back, and headed further west. After hours upon hours of flying, they reached a cave. Flow and charcoal went to find fire wood while Arson started setting up a small camp.

"So." Charcoal said while walking by Flow. "Crazy day, right?" Charcoal was still swaying a bit from the snake bite, but was able to keep her posture as she spoke. "Very." Flow groaned. "But at least we got food out of it, right?" Charcoal chuckled. Flow for some reason felt comfortable around her. It wasn't like what Haze and him had, It is... different. Could this be that whole Wyverns and beetles thing? Flow never thought he would find someone he enjoyed talking to nearly as much as Haze, yet here he was. And they are a Sky wing. A natural enemy.

"Uhm, I know it is odd to say but- no, wait. Of course this situation is terrible but... I am glad I get to atleast spend it with you... two!" Flow felt like he was getting stabbed in the soul from the cringe. He kept falling and stumbling on words trying to compliment Charcoal. "I mean, well- well I never thought I would team up with a sky wing!" "Flow." Charcoal spoke as she picked up a log. "I have a serious question. And I want the honest, purest, most Flow truth I have ever heard."

Flow and the truth have not mixed well recently, but he nodded his head and asked "Alright, what is it?" Charcoal looked Flow dead in the eyes, and asked "How do you feel about me?" Flow's eyes widened. This was sudden... and out of nowhere. He wasn't completely sure still, and he only just started asking himself the same question a few seconds ago! His mind was screaming like a goat that got it's-

No. You gotta keep your composure. Be honest, that is what she wants. Flow gulped. "Well... I-I am not entirely sure... I mean I am not saying I don't like you! Infact, I think I might! I am just very confused and distraut from all that has happened within just a few days, and I am confused and-" Charcoal pecked him on the side of his face, but Flow backed up. "Oh- Wait- I am sorry, did I read what you were saying wrong?" Charcoal nervously backed up. "I-I am sorry I- I am going back to drop off the fire wood!" Charcoal ran off. Flow wanted to stop her, but he was also very shocked. Was this right? Or is it too soon to call it? I should ask Apollo when I sleep.

Flow went back to the cave to find Charcoal already asleep with her head under some leaves. Arson shook his head, then said "I don't blame you... but man I have never seen her like this." Flow just placed the wood into the fire and went to sleep right after. He opened his eyes to not Apollo, but the monsters from his old dreams. They were all chained up and seemed to be bowing to Flow. Flow felt good with them likes this... "Yes! Bow to me now instead of me bowing to you! This is how I had felt for my whole life, and now you all are under my control!" "Flow!" A stern and angered voice yelled from behind. It was Apollo. He stared at Flow with major disappointment. "How low of you. These things are a part of you, and this is how you treat them? Like they are wild animals?" Apollo shook his head at Flow, then added "We do not have time for your romance questions. Your training starts now."


Haze  checked Left, then right, then rushed to the window. They couldn't believe they were about to leave the castle possibly for the last time, but Flow was more important. They tied their bag on their waist, then headed off in the direction they suspected Flow went, passing building, after build, after wall. Haze did not rest at all. If they were going to get to Flow, they couldn't rest. After a whole day of non-stop flying, Haze fell into the forest of an unknown village. All they could remember is looking down and seeing a tree branch and then darkness. They woke up to snakes crawling all over. They screamed and tried to run, but was stopped when a sharp pain struck their head.

"Woah woah, princess!" A white dragon called out and supported Haze's weight as they started to fall. "You are in no condition to run off! Please, allow me to assist you before you go getting hurt again!" "Wh- Who are you?" Haze said nearly going out. "I am Cross.." Cross let Haze slowly drop down to the ground. "Haze." they said, bowing. "Do- Do you know who my brother is..? He is a prince, and is around my size, just a bit taller." "Ah, I think I may. Was his name Flow?" Haze's eyes widened. "Yes! Yes thats him!" Haze wanted to jump for joy, but knew that they would probably regret it. "Where did he go?" Haze asked. "To the west." Cross pointe towards the village. "Why? Are you trying to bring him home?" Haze shook their head. "No... Quite oposite actually. I am trying to join him."

"In your condition? Fat chance." Cross scoffed. Haze looked up at him and asked "Maybe you could help me? You seem nice." Cross Tripped over a rock in his brain. "Well- I can't- I uhh.... We can't go right?" "Oh... well if you can't help me, then I can make it on my own." Haze got up, held their head, and then walked off. "W-Wait! Okay I will go with you! Just don't get yourself hurt!" Cross rushed to their side. "Thank you." Haze said smiling at Cross. "So, why is Flow heading this way?" "Beats me. All he said was some sort of quest." Cross shruged. Haze looked over at him, and looked at a scar on his shoulder.

"Why are you out here all alone?" Haze asked. "Oh... Well some dragons are just kinda better off on their own." Cross smiled, but Haze knew deep down he saw himself as a monster. Flow did this same thing, and it annoyed Haze every time. "There is more to that story, but for now, we head west." Haze walked ahead, occasionaly readjusting their cape. After a while, Haze decided to just take off. "Hey stop!" Cross called out, flying up towards them. Haze started to get dizzy, but something pushed them onward.


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