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Trevor R

In the world of purple flames

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The west

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It had been a long trip, but the five looked off at the shore of the west side of the island... just across the water. Everyone took off, and Cross carried Haze. Doing this brought back memories of trips to the west side when Flow was super young. He couldn't have been older than three, though.

Flow and the rest finally stepped onto the ground, and looked at how much more dense the forest was, and then Flow looked up to see in the distance a mountain range with smoke coming from one of the mountains. "It's... pretty." Cross spoke up, and then continued into the forest. Everyone else went as well and looked around as if it were a brand-new world.

No light penatrated the dense canopy above, but all were tired of flying. Besides, dragons are apex predators. The only real light was the torch that Charcoal had in her mouth, and the shining eyes of each dragon. Speaking of Charcoal, Flow still needed to figure out that situation. As the walked through the seemingly endless maze of trees, bushes, rocks, and other things, Flow kept thinking. Well, this could just be a false feeling. Charcoal was the first dragon outside of the family to actually be nice to him... but that couldn't be right or else he would have also felt the same about Arson... and to be quite honest, the kiss she gave him was nice... Maybe he just needs to get to a quiet spot and talk to her about it.

Everyone was very... quiet during their walk when Flow heard a faint "Oh no..." in his head. "Apollo?" He asked, then felt a burning feeling in his chest. Flow felt it when Cain died... but this felt more heavy. Mother... mother was dying. "Flow, don't lose your focus. Do not tell Haze." Apollo warned Flow. "But they should know! If mother dies, that means Haze is next in line to rule!" Flow spoke quietly, but furiously. "Flow... If they go back, they will die a horrible death." Apollo said.

"Just go to Star woods... I promise it will be okay."

Eventually, a town full of marble came into view. There were almost no trees, the hills went high and low as if they were waves, and some buildings were tall, yet skinny. "This is it." Flow said, not even needing to check with Apollo. Star woods was a very unique place, and no other town or city on the island has been able to even partially duplicate it's unique architecture. In the distance, the famous observatory that Apollo himself built stood tall on a high hill. Everyone looked and muttered in awe. "To think, this was so close..." Arson said as he starting covering himself in purple and black dye. "Sure the capital city is larger, but this just looks... beautiful!"

After Arson and Charcoal got their bodies colored, they headed off and bought a couple of rooms at one of the many inns that were in the town. Haze ran into the room and jumped onto a bed. Flow hadn't seen a bed in so long, that when he laid down on it, it felt unreal. Haze went over to Flow, then asked "So, uh, even though we got our own beds, could we still share..? Flow looked for a moment, then slowly nodded. How could he ever say no to them after all Haze risked just to join him?

How could Flow lie to Haze after all they risked..? "Flow, no!" Apollo seemed to shout inside Flow's head without actually shouting. Flow's head rang, but Flow tried not to flinch. "I am going to go look around for a bit before I sleep, actually." "Oh, okay! See you soon!" Haze smiled. Flow walked out of the inn, and walked around the place. on many buildings, were depictions of a comet. The comet was said to grant insane power to any who bear witness to it, but it only appears once every one thousand years. There were other things on the marble buildings from depictions of trees, to bloody battles that the town has been a part of.

"Why did you leave this place?" Flow asked Apollo in his mind. "Well, I could have stayed, but then every possible vision said we would all die. And then I met the queen, and I fell in love... I wanted to be with her as well. I wanted to give my life and watch as others live their lives without fear, but now it seems my sacrifice might have been in vain..." Flow listened, but didn't hear anything else. Apollo was, for the time being, gone... Wait, what if Flow was about to make that choice? What if this staff has to suck his life away to change the minds of everyone? Flow still wondered if the staff was even going to work since it's only use was for a short moment hundreads of years ago.

Flow headed back toward the inn, but noticed a pair of doors leading inside of the hill at the observatory. Flowy thought the doors were odd and that they were kind of menacing, but kept walking to the inn.


A scatter wing walked into the throne room, where an ill queen tempest sat, struggling to keep her posture. "My queen, I have news of what princess Haze is doing!" The queen lifted her paw "Go on-" She coughed. The scatter wing drew on the ground, and created what looked like a holographic note. One line was larger and it said "If the staff is that important to Flow, then it will save everyone, right?" The queen coughed more, then called out "Violet!" "Yes, mother?" Violet spoke as she walked into the room. "I have a mission for you... Go to Star Woods, and go find the... moon staff..." "But mother, no one knows where it is! nor does anyone care that it even existed!" "Violet, this is an order. And if you find THEM, capture them all. Dismissed." "But mother-" "I said Dismissed!" "...Yes ma'am." Violet bowed, then left with several guards behind her.

Flow made it back to the inn, very tired since he decided to take the long route and see more of the place. He laid by Haze for the first time in a while, and fell asleep. The next day, Flow woke up early... so early that Haze was still in a deep sleep. Flow took the opportunity to see if those strange doors could lead to something. After making the trip to the hill, he saw the doors... He went to open them when suddenly Flow got tugged by the tail. Flow looked back and saw Haze and the others.

"Where are you going without us?" Haze asked like a grumpy parent. "I thought you were all asleep so I took the time to get here and check this place out... I don't know why, but I think the staff could be here." "Should have at least let us keep watch!" Cross spoke up. "I do have snakes on my side after all."

"Fine, but stay low." Flow said as he opened the doors. It was sort of dim on the inside, only lit up by torches on each wall. Haze backed away, nervously twisting their cape. "You know what? I am staying back as well!" They said running behind a rock. Flow sighed, and went in. "Okay... moon staff... What does a moon staff even look like?" Flow looked at a large display of a metal dragon that had white glowing irises on their large, black eyes, but then the metal dragon moved. Flow jumped back as it turned out the towering metal dragon wasn't a display, but was alive. "What about the moon staff? There are better artifacts here than an old piece of wood."

"Wh- What? How?! Who- Huh?! A... talking statue?!" Flow was amazed but terrified that something like this could exist. "Talking statue? Why excuse me, walking grape with wings." Flow was now suddenly less afraid of the metal dragon. "Look, I don't want any trouble. Just let me have the staff, and I will be on my way." The dragon seemed hesitant, but the looked at Flow's left wing, then got down to Flow's eye-line. "you really think we were going to fight? I am not sure if you are aware, butnow is not the time nor the place."

"It really isn't the time." Flow said. The dragon nodded "So tell me, why are you so interested in the staff?" he questioned. "Erm... so this might be crazy to you, but Apollo sent me to get it. He also said to use it before the blood moon?" Flow seemed to almost be asking the dragon, but the dragon said instead of answering "Well, he's right that the future depends on it. You wouldn't believe the crazy things I've witnessed him do with that thing."

"Next thing you are gonna tell me is that you two were secret lovers.." Flow muttered. The dragon couldn't help but laugh at the comment. His laughter boomed throughout the cavernous room. Because of his solid metal body, his laugh had a metallic vibration to it. During this, Flow tried to stay upright from the rumble and his bad leg. "Moon, no. He was one of my closest friends, for sure, but my eyes are already on a particularly...fiery...woman." "uhuh..." Flow felt like he was missing some sort of inside joke. "Oh, right. I am prince- erm- Ex-prince Flow." the dragon stood his full height and holds his wings up, making him appear even more massive. "I am  Chrome Ironwood, the Guardian of the Temple of the Moon. You stand before one of the last living dragons alive during the reign of our Lord, King Apollo."

Chrome looked around a bit, then spoke again "The Red Moon is nearly upon us and you are here, alone, to request possession of the Moon Staff that once belonged to Lord Apollo himself." "Well... I am not alone... I have four others waiting outside." Suddenly, Haze ran in and screamed out "FLOW!" Haze attempted to tackle chrome. "Speak of the devil." Flow said. Like the thick, metal stature-like dragon he his, Chrome did not move a milimeter. He looked at Haze who was clawing at chrome, but to an avail. "Haze, I am okay. You can stop." Flow grabbed Haze by the tail and pulled them down. Haze hugged Flow so tight, that it looked like Flow couldn't breathe "Oh my moon I heard rumbling and I had to come in!"

"Was my laughing really that loud...?" Chrome said mostly to himself. "Well, this is my sibling Haze." Flow said almost out of breath. "but, we do need to go... Perhaps after the war we could chat again.." Chrome looked down, a bit more rigid than a metal dragon should look, and said "War, you say? That means Apo-, I mean Lord Apollo's fears have come true, I see..." "The Moon Staff was a key item in Lord Apollo's ascension to the's literally in the name Moon Staff. Perhaps you may need it for... bah! I can't tell you that, but you may find out soon if Apollo is worried." Flow peeled Haze off, and then said "Okay, go wait out there with the rest." He pointed his larger claw to the exit.
Haze cautiously walked off, often looking back.

Chrome watches Haze leave before standing and looking at Flow  "Follow me." He said before walking off. Flow got up and followed. Chrome leaded Flow to a particularly inconspicuous spot in the temple. Amongst a couple other magic artefacts such as a crystal ball, a stone with a barely flickering rune on it, and a tattered rug, there stood a display that was mildly dusty. Sitting on a wooden rack was the Moon Staff. His eyes began to glow brighter. As soon as they did, the staff lifted off the rack and floated over to the pair of dragons. Chrome held out his massive metal paw for the staff to land on.
He sat and held the staff over to Flow.

Flow grabbed the staff. He felt a cold power coming from it as if he was touching the moon its self."Thank you." Flow began to bow, but remembered he wasn't royalty anymore. Chrome sat tall. "May the fates smile upon you, young Flow Remnant. I hope that we may cross paths again in the future." He smiled "But seriously, it's so incredibly lonely here. Visit again. I miss having company." Flow made a duck face "Alright for for sure, See ya tin can." Flow walked towards the door Chrome couldn't help but chuckle as he did so. The door vibrates with the bass of his voice as it shuts behind Flow.

Flow saw the others standing there, sort of startled. "it's fine, let's just say we have a pretty tough friend on our side now." Flow said as he stared at the staff in his hand. "Well then," Charcoal spoke up. "Now what do we do?" "I uh... don't know." Flow said. Suddenly, Flow saw something in the sky... something huge... no wait, it was a bunch of smaller things. Flow knew what was going on... "Royal transport right up ahead." Flow said as he started shoving everyone away and into hiding. As he hid and waited for the group of dragons to pass, he asked Apollo "So what do we do now?"

Apollo didn't answer at first, but then said "You must make it to the volcano up north. I didn't want to tell you, but the red moon is in only 2 days. If you want to make it there, we must go soon." Flow froze. he never thought to even ask! Now there was only 2 days to go and stop whatever is about to start?! "Everyone, I know where we have to go!" Flow caught their attention. "The volcano that we saw when we got here is our final location, and we have 2 days! We go ASAP. If anyone wishes to stay behind, I do not blame you, but for those who are willing to take this journey, come with me." Everyone looked shocked, exchanging confused looks before looking backat Flow. "Woah, woah, woah... I didn't agree to go up there! I am out!" Charcoal said, and then stepped back.

Haze went beside Flow. "No matter what." After they went, Cross also went by Flow and said. "Sure, why not? This has already been the most fun I have had in my life." Arson looked back to Haze, and then to the others. Flow knew it would be hard for him to choose, but Flow can't choose for him. "Charcoal, Flow saved our lives... and if this determines the fate of the world, then I am going. I am tired of hiding, aren't you?" As he said that, a guard saw them hiding, and began calling for back up. "I found the traitors! Hurry!"

"We have to go!" Flow said watching as the group of dragons in the sky began to turn. "Charcoal, don't make a choice you may regret, please?" Haze spoke up. Charcoal hesitated for a moment. "I... I will go, then... since Arson is here as well... but we gotta go!" Charcoal said as she pushed everyone to start flying. They all narrowly avoided the flames, and Flow saw it, Violet. They all began to fly as they were chased by the scatter wings. One blew fire as Charcoal made a turn, but nobody accept Flow noticed.

Flow watched as she fell to the ground, and Flow rushed, and picked her up. Her wing was too badly burned for her to even think of flying, and Flow carried her in his arms as he flew to try and catch up with the others. He couldn't see them, so he chose to just dash into the forest and throw off the soldiers. Flow had to juggle both a sky wing and a staff as he dodged tree after tree. One branch almost hit him, and it sent him losing his sense of direction, and falling into some bushes. Flow shook leaves off his head as he watched scatter wing soldiers pass him and charcoal.

Flow sighed a breath of relief, and then took a look at Charcoal and the staff. Both were accounted for, and in one piece... well Charcoal was pretty much in one piece accept for the scales and flesh that got burnt off. Flow searched his bag, and pulled out a bunch of bandaids and a jar of disinfectant. Charcoal was passed out, but Flow knew she'd still fight back the pain. He quickly applied the disinfectant, and held Charcoal still as he wrapped bandaids around her wing. After he finished, he laid back onto a bush like a pillow, and drifted off to sleep after that moment of terror.

After a while, Flow woke up. He saw Charcoal just sitting there, visibly worried. "how is your wing, grumpy?" Flow asked. "It... doesn't hurt much. Can't fly, but atleast it doesn't hurt..." Charcoal huffed a puff of smoke. "Well, what is wrong then?" Flow questioned. Charcoal looked over to Flow. "I feel guilty... The reason I didn't want to come was because I kind of wanted to avoid you, but now you've saved me and... now I just feel like a- like a.... you know what I mean... I deserve it though, this is like revenge for what I did a few days ago..." "Revenge?" Flow asked. "I don't know what you mean."

Charcoal looked over to Flow confused. "I mean, you are a scatter wing... we aren't meant to be- be compatable anyways..." "Says who?" Flow tilted his head. "Flow, you said it yourself, It's to confusing, right?" Charcoal looked even more upset. Okay Flow, this is your chance. Time to do this. "Well, I didn't feel confused after you did this." Flow pulled Charcoal in, and kissed her. "Wh- What?" Charcoal asked. "But you didn't want to... you were-" "Charcoal." Flow said. "I know now. You didn't do anything confusing. And to answer your question back there, I love you." If she could, Charcoal would have been turning red. She sat by Flow, and asked "So does that mean... we are... a thing?" Flow chuckled. "I suppose so!" After a moment, Flow heard the others calling out for them. "Suppose we should go then." Charcoal said standing up. "Yep." Flow agreed.



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