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Trevor R

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The monster Reunion The west Rise of the red moon Epilogue

In the world of purple flames

Visit purple flames

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Rise of the red moon

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The sun was about to set... Flow and the others were climbing to the top of the volcano. This was all about to end... maybe. Flow almost felt sad that it was about to all end... will he even be able to see all of the amazing dragons he had met along the way after all is said and done? Or is this the end for that as well? Flow saw Charcoal slip, but she kept going. Flow was impressed how she still had so much in her after how long they had been climbing. Dragons could fly nearly anywhere... NEARLY... but when it came to altitudes with low amounts of air, they would most likely pass out and fall to their deaths.

After a while, Flow and the others  finally got to the top. It was warm, and smoke seemed to seep out of the ground he stood on. Haze looked kind of scared, and stood behind Flow as they looked around and saw lava seeping around everywhere. The moon was high in the sky, and was a deep orange... Time to do this! Flow saw an oddly shaped rock at the center of the volcano and immedieatly knew that is where he had to go. he leaped onto the rock right at center of the volcano, and jammed the staff into it. He muttered four words that had suddenly appeared in his head... "Loss, twisted, frozen, Restored."  and then the staff began to freeze everything near it, but then something hit the staff off, and it feel into the lava below. "No!" Flow screamed. "Who did that?!" Flow looked to see a whole army of scatter wings with his friends held hostage, and the queen sitting towards the back with a menacing scowel. From in the crowd of black and purple, Violet walked out covered in armor.

"Ah, my dear brother! It is nice to finally see you again!" Violet laughed to herself. "I am sorry your little toy got burnt, but... this will all work out for everyone once he arrives!" "Who?!" Flow demanded. "I suppose you could call him... Valentino, but in reality... he is the dark moon himself..!" Violet cackled. "Ah, but there is something we must do... Violet snapped her fingers as a large machine is lowered onto the ground by four scatter wings. Then, unexpectedly, several scatter wings in the back grab the queen. "Let me go!" She demanded, but they just pulled her to the machine. "Let me go right now you god damn bastards! Guards?! Help me!" None of the scatter wings reacted. "...So this was all a plan to kill me, then? ARE ALL OF MY CHILDREN SO CORRUPT-" A metal sleeve was put on her snout as she was strapped into the machine.

"Ready." one of the scatter wings said. Flow realized what the machine was, and flew to try and stop it. He was slammed down by a flying scatter wing, and held down. "No! Mother!" He called out. The queen looked back, and started to have a sad look. She saw him try to save her, and Flow knew that she understood now... He could almost hear her apologizing through those dark purple eyes. "Three, two, one." A scatter wing said as he pulled a latch. A beeping noise went off as a large claw jolted out of the machine and severed queen tempests head clean off. Flow tried to look away, but the scatter wings held him in place. He heard Haze crying out from the crowd... That broke Flow more than anything. Suddenly, Flow blacked out.

Haze cried out for their mother as they watched her head get cut off. "No! No! This can't happen! Mother!" They cried out. About as quickly as their own mother was taken, Flow threw off the soldiers, and started to slam, claw, and even throw soldiers out of his way. He got to where Haze and their friends were, and killed all the soldiers. "WE HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW CLOWNS!" Flow screamed as he shoved them into a hiding spot within a bunch of rocks as Scatter wings did what they usually do when panicked... scatter. Chaos ensued and the machine that took their mother fall into the lava below, and Violet retreated with a smirk on her face as her guards followed. Haze saw as Flow suddenly passed out, and then realized... the staff was gone. They looked up at the moon as it turned crimson red... then heard from inside their head "We... failed."

The moon started to shake in the sky, and then a huge flash of light appeared. eventually, it went away, and as Haze tried to regain their sight, they saw it... A large pure black... is that even considered a dragon? It was all deformed and had legs as long as a spiders, and their wings were torn to small shreds that dangled like banners. Their eyes were grey and completely shattered, just like how Flow's eye was shattered. It looked around, and stretched it's gigantic body. "It has been so long since I have been able to feel this land... it spoke with such a deep voice, that it almost shook the ground, and storm clouds brought heavy rain and thunder. The moon was oddly back to normal, but had a dimmer glow to it.

All but a few cowarding, idiotic Soldiers were gone, and the thing picked one up before getting gassed. It shook it's head but it seemed only annoyed. It proceeded to eat the scatter wing whole, and then walked towards a dragon Haze hadn't seen before. Haze gasped when they realized that the dragon laying down was actually Apollo. The creature turned toward Haze after hearing them gasp, and started walking towards them.

Cross grabbed Haze, and dove off the volcano into the rain forest. "We are NOT staying there any longer!" He said as he landed. From behind, Haze got clawed on the back by the creature. They flinched from the pain, but bolted into the forest and hid up in a tree while Cross took shelter within some bushes... Haze's heart pounded as the thing quietly sniffed around, trying to locate them both. "Lost little lambs... Why not come to your... shepard and get all of that... WOOL shaved off..?

Haze watched with terror as the creature got closer, and closer to Haze with it's creepy, wide grin when Cross jumped out, and started clawing the thing. Cross got thrown off and hit a tree, and he yelled run to Haze as he got up, and breathed his fire at it. Haze wanted to help, but knew they had to go find the others. They took off, and bolted to the top of the volcano. At the top, Haze found the trio helping out a young scatter wing who had been trampled by the commotion. "Tell us more about your family." Flow asked as Charcoal patched the young scatter wing soldier's injuries. Flow looked over, and saw Haze.

"There you are!" He got up, and hugged them. Flow realized that Cross wasn't there though and asked "Wait... where is Cross..?" "He's in danger..!" Haze said with a worried look. "That thing is fighting him, and-" "Haze, I will handle this." Said the Scatter wing with white splotches on his body. "I am the reason this mess occoured, and so I shall fix this."

"Woah there, gramps." Flow said. "I think you have done enough things on your own, so we will go with you." The others nodded. "Actually, I will stay here and watch the kid.." Haze said as they sat by the young scatter wing. Flow found that sweet, but he had to stay focused. Time to save another friend. "Alright then, let's go!" He yelled as he dove down into the dark, wet forest. The others landed and Flow listened for any sturggle...

He heard fighting... "This way!" He yelled as he went towards the ruckus. He pushed bush after nush, and dodged tree after tree to get to where they were. He saw a giant monster and Cross stuck in a duel, but Cross looked like he could collapse at any moment. Flow and the others ran and knocked the thing over, and starting bombarding it with attacks, when Apollo suddenly let out ice that froze one of it's legs. "Fighting him right now will not help, now that we have Cross safe, we need to get Haze and go!" They flew back up as Cross held on to Flow's back legs.

"Thanks for saving me out there, partner." Cross said with gratitude. "Any time..." Flow said as they landed. Flow looked down, and saw the thing climbing up. "We need to get going now!" He said to all of the scatter wings. "I know that you all saw me as the enemy, but now we have a new one! If you follow me, I promise you will all live!" The scatter wings all looked around, and then stood and saluted Flow. One spoke up "Where do we go, sir?"

Flow looked around... he saw what looked like a village far off in the distance, and pointed. "We go there, and hold up there. Now, Let's go!" As Flow said that, all dragons took off, while the one's who couldn't fly got picked up. As they flew off, Flow looked back to see that thing roar and breathe fire, but they were already too far for that to do anything. He looked around and did a body count... seemed like everyone was alive... well everyone who had teamed up with Flow were...

After flying for about the whole night, they made it to the village. The dragons there were worried. "A monster?! We must prepare!" Said an older Scatter wing. They began making defences right away... "We will also help since we are taking refuge here as well." Flow said. Everyone began rushing around collecting food, water, and other essential items as others were building things such as traps and walls. Flow worked, and worked, and worked.

"This is my fault..." He muttered. "If I had been prepared, maybe I could have used the staff and prevented this..!" Flow kept working so hard, that his claws were raw and his body was sore. Eventually, the sun was bright and shining and out of the clouds before he knew it. "Flow..." Haze walked up to Flow and tapped him on the shoulder. "Time to have a very very very verrrrry well deserved break. No buts." "But that thing could ar-" "I said NO BUTS YOU BUTT!" Haze pushed flow towards the tavern.

As Flow and Haze walked in, Flow saw all of his friends sitting at a table near the very back... Even that small young scatter wing soldier named Lightning was there. "I trust you all... I pledge my loyalty to only you few." the kid had said. Flow was reluctant, but he sat with the others, and eventually felt relaxed. Charcoal smiled at Flow and said "You know, if you hadn't gotten rid of those guards, we would have been toast, right?" "Yeah.." Arson agreed. "Even though we failed, we are all still okay... and that just means we have another chance to kick the ass of that dirty bastard!" Cross said, still covered in bandages.

Flow didn't realize just how loyal they had all became. They all truely wanted to follow Flow into the fight, and were willing to die for this cause... Whatever that monster thinks it is, it has never met anything quite like Flow and his crew... Flow had a good feeling for once rather than a bad one, and knew that he'd never be alone again... but of course something had to ruin the moment.

After a few hours, Apollo walked in, still trying to get used to walking again after so many years. "Everyone, you all deserve an explanation I suppose." "Damn right we do!" Cross said as he banged his claws on the table. "right." Apollo said. "Well, it wall begins with the story of valentino and his lost lover. He couldn't figure out who killed her, and it drove him to pure madness... This was the first case of this Purple Curse... But it wasn't as wide spread as it is now. It only stayed in his blood line, and that didn't help his situation... he went so insane, he made a time spell, but the thing is that it costed something to use... his own energy. He kept using it every month, but he could never find the place of the murder. Sure it went back in time, but it never teleported him... and so he got desperate."


Apollo pulled out a grey and red striped stone. "This belonged to him a stone that could turn back time... but this isn't the worst thing. I didn't know of the power he held, and he used me in an attempt to ruin the world. His name... is Valentino." Flow raised his head. "But your time and his weren't at the same moment... how could you have known him?" Apollo cleared his throat "Well, he is more or less immortal obviously. He made a deal with a demon and the cost was that he would turn into... that creature. I knew what he had done, but he put on an act that tricked me into thinking he was a decent dragon... and then due to my ignorance he became the dark moon and... you all know the rest."

Flow sat there for a moment, very uncomfortable by the sudden silence. Nobody wanted to say anything even though there were problaby a bajillion questions. Lightning stood up after a while, and said "I am going to see what the other soldiers are doing... I need to have some form of distraction from what I just heard." Lightning walked out which prompted everyone to make some excuse to get away from the quiet table. 

Later that night, Flow and Cross chose to stay guard and make sure no trouble entered the village. "Are you sure you wanna stay guard with those injuries?" Flow asked. Cross nodded "Least I can do for the dragons who saved my tail." Flow chuckled "You don't owe us anything... you saved Haze multiple times. We are in debt to you rather than you be in debt to us." Cross shrugged. "I don't think you should. Speaking of Haze though, aren't they an interesting character?" Flow looked out to the forest "Indeed. Although I would go for unique rather than just interesting. Why bring that up though?"

Cross stood there for a moment, hesitant to say anything. But then he muttered out "Just wondering.." Flow had a confused look, then it clicked. Flow smirked a bit. "You don't happen to have feelings for them do you?" Cross's eyes widened. "Is that what this feeling is!?" Flow chuckled "Maybe..!" Cross grabbed Flow by the shoulders "Do you think they feel the same?" Flow picked Cross's paws off. "That... is the issue. Haze is very particular when it comes to other dragons, and let's just say that you aren't the exact thing Haze finds-" Flow shook his head. "Why don't you just ask them if you do have the feels for them?"

Cross sighed. "I am confident, but not the type to do... that. L-Let's just continue watching out for creeps." Cross turned his head towards the forest and never said another word the rest of the night. The next few weeks were the same old thing of working, planning, and foraging until one evening when Haze and two soldiers ran into the village. The rest of the dragons watched as Haze snatched Flow from the potato patch. "Flow I have great news!" Haze said nearly running right out from under their cape towards the building they slept in. "I may have thought of a way to get rid of valentino!" Haze sat Flow in a seat and went infront of him holding a scroll.

"Well come on, tell me this big break through!" Flow said intrigued. Haze opened the scroll to show what looked like a blue print. Flow stared at it "What is this?" "Well, it is a portal to the moon! We could send Valentino to the moon!" Haze said it as if they knew the plan was fool-proof. "Haze, how do you know this will work, and where did you get that scroll?" Flow asked. "Well, I found it in these old, old ruins not too far from here, and really I have no idea... but wouldn't it be worth a shot?" Haze was right though. If this really does work the way they said, then it would be worth a shot.

"Alright, fine. So if we are gonna build this thing we are gonna need parts right?" Flow asked. Arson jumped in through a window. "I call a guy trip Flow! We are going to go part hunting! I will go ask Cross, and maybe that kid could join our gang!" Flow stared with a worried look. "Well... Okay..? Looks like it is a guy trip I guess..? But why ligh-" "Hell YEAH! Let me go tell them!" Arson jumped out of another window. 

"Well... I guess the rest of us will stay here and protect the place." Haze said as they gave Flow the map. "Damn, gotta split up again." Flow muttered. "Atleast you know you will be back." Haze reassured Flow as they hugged him. "It's time to fix this messed up world."

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