Chapter 8

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Kiara woke up just before the sun came up, smiling when she crawled out of bed. Still wearing the same old clothing she has being wearing for over a week. Now that they were near a village, she really needed to figure out to get some new ones. The only problem was money, she didn't have a single coin. Slowly she shock her head and left the room, that was part of the hospital ward. Which was simply a giant tent, one of three. The other two were the kitchen and food storage, and the other was the mass hall where everyone eat their meals. It was silent, the sky was a dusky light purple. Some small colorful moths, and twinkling fireflies were still flattering around. A song of an early bird was heard in the distance. This time the camp was not near a cliff, or near the sea at all. But there was a nice boulder that faced west, so she took a seat. The early morning air was crisp, but not overly cold.

"Morning," someone whispered. Her head snapped around and behind her was Arion. He was holding two wooden mugs in his hands. Steam was coming from the liquid within, the smell was some kind of herb, only she wasn't able, to describe it.  "It is tea." She nodded, and took the mug he offered. The warmth was a welcome addition to her morning.

"You are up early, didn't see your name on the guard list?" she said, and he nodded.

"My father," as if that explained everything. Maybe in his mind it did, but she didn't know his father. She only met him yesterday and that was in one word briefly. "I told him that today is your birthday." She gasped, how did he know? Her uncle most have told him, he most have. But that still those not explain why he was awake this early and what his father had to do with it. She only has known these people for one week, and there was no way that they would go out of their way to make this day special. Her own family, on the whole Core of Protection, never did that for her, and they have known her inter life.

"My birthday, is just some regular day. I do not celebrate it." she said before taking a sip from her tea. It was something minty, not literary mint but something similar, but softer. Lavender maybe? She was not sure, but she rather focused on that, then to talk about her birthday and the disappointment that came with it. Year after year, to the point she had given up on it all together. At least she thought she did, but now that he said something about it. She sighed and took another sip. Her gaze was fixed on the horizon, waiting for the first glimmer of the sunlight.

"I saw your skin glow up, the first time." he said, she frowned. Her skin did what now? "You clearly didn't know about that." She shook her head, no one even mentioned it to her. Not that there were many people that woke up this early to watch the sunrise with her, and to be fair, he was the only one who did it. "It was beautiful to see." his voice was soft like a whisper, but it warmed her soul somehow. The sun peaked over the grassy hills, and the first rays tickled her skin. Slowly, she closed her eyes, and let the rays warm her skin. "Kiara," Arion's voice was soft, he had said that her skin glowed. So opened her eyes and looked, he was right. Her skin had a soft golden glow to it. "Like I said, beautiful." She smiled softly, while looking away from her hands towards him. But a sliver of doubt crossed her mind. He was talking about this strange ability, not about her. She lowered her gaze towards the ground in shame, she was not beautiful, her parents told her as much. She was an ugly waste of space with her lack of magic and her disappointing performance on the battlefield. Arion sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. "What is it? Did I say something I shouldn't have?" He was so sweet, and now the doubts about the meaning behind his words faded into nothingness. This was Arion, not her parents, he wouldn't hurt her with empty words. She shock her head, not trusting her own voice. She took the last sip of her tea.

"No, thank you." she said, he nodded and sighed.

"Your uncle has brought one crate with clothing." he said. And she was shocked. All her clothes were here, so she was no longer conditioned to walk in the same outfit day after day. "And I didn't want to, but the thing slipped out of my hands. I saw everything and so did my father. Simply to say it in his words, 'that is ridicules'." she looked at him confused, she wasn't mad about him seeing all her clothes. But why was it ridicules? "He has ordered some seamstress that lived close by to come. And Karel already had your measurements." Then his words finally hit her, no, this couldn't be. This was not happening. "Come with me, birthday girl. It is time for you to change clothes." He was still holding her hand when he stood up and pulled her with him. She was still in shock, new clothes. Did they really get her new clothes? Her own family only gave her worn out hand-me-downs, that were either too big or too small. They entered the tent she was assigned by Arion, it used to be his own personal tent. But he gave it to her because it granted her a bit more privacy. There was a table, chairs and other stuff that was from him and all of that was filled with various outfits. No dresses, but outfits she could move and fight in. "All of these dresses are made with some metal lining, that functioned as armor. So no more metal plating for you, because that only slows you down." Arion explained, and he walked over to a mannequin that displayed on of the outfits. It was a simple white blouse, with long sleeves. It had an under-bust corset that seamlessly moved over to black pants. There were small golden embroidery on the blouse and pants. She moved closer, to study it better, and then she was able to see the skirt attached to the corset. "My father, really liked this one and wished that you could humor him by wearing it today." she slowly nodded. Of course, she would humor him. "I will leave you alone then, happy birthday, Kiara."


Kiara's hands went over the fabric of her new outfit, it was so soft, smooth and expensive. She would never be able to effort something like this on her own, and for the first time in her life she had something that fit her perfectly. With her head held up high, she left the tent, but that quickly sunk in when her eyes met those of the whole army. All of them started to sing. 

(Make your own happy birthday song.)

Her heart fluttered, and her eyes filled up with tears. This is also the first time she heard this song aimed at her, she was always the one singing along with others on their birthdays. But before now, no one ever sung it for her. An arm wrapped around her shoulder and when she looked at the side she saw Arion. His father, Lord Carl Snemåne, was standing behind him.

"You look beautiful," Lord Carl said, with a simple nod. "Happy birthday." She smiled at him, her cheeks were still covered with tear.

"Thank you," but he waved her words away.

"It was nothing, you desperately needed clothes that would fit you and your job. And those old ones were not going to cut it. And besides that, it is your birthday." he said and all the men started to echo the sentiment, again a wave of happy tears washed over her. "So now it is time for breakfast, and after that, my son, you and I are going into the village. There are still some things a woman needs, like a hairbrush." She wanted to decline, he has done so much for her already. "This, young lady, is not up for debate." Arion shook his head.

"All of the men chipped in for stuff you might need." he said. "So this will not be a gift from my father, or me. It is their gift to you, our newest member of this army and the one that is going to lead us." Did he say, lead? But he wasn't going to repeat himself. He slowly pushed her towards the mass hall, where a large buffet was waiting for them. When in the name of the Gods did they do all of this? The food was delicious as always and there was even cake. She never tasted cake before, her parents didn't allow her to eat sweets. Sweets were only for useful children, like Benjamin. She slowly shook her head to remove those negative thoughts out of her head. They were not here, so there was no use to think about them right now. "Alright, are you ready to head out?" Arion asked, she nodded and sighed. The rest of the men wished them all luck, and went back to their tasks.


The village was slightly bigger than the one that got destroyed last week, and the people were just happy to be still alive. Something that those not happen that often, almost never. Children were playing on the streets and alleyways between the buildings they call home. Various cats and dogs were roaming between them, the sound of laughter filled the air. Together with the smell of fresh baked bread, women were standing in groups engaging in conversations. And their men were nowhere to be seen, probably at work in the fields.

"Most of them are cattle farmers, I have seen sheep, cows and some horses." Arion said. "I have counted 60 to 80 houses. So I estimate the population to be around the three hundred in various stages of life. The elderly are still very active." He nodded towards an older woman who was hanging the laundry out to dry. A few chickens surrounded her. "That lady over there is responsible for your cake." Kiara smiled at the woman that waived at them.

"Good morning, how was the cake?" the woman asked when she came closer. "I assume that you are the birthday girl." she said to Kiara, and she nodded. "Well, sweetie, then aren't you a lucky one." Kiara didn't know how to react to that, but she could make out that this was not to mock her. "All those men were running around like headless chickens, only for you. But I also heard slivers and hints that this is the first time celebrating it like this, so I am able to understand why." 

"Thank you," Kiara said, she didn't know what else to say. "It was indeed a surprise, and yes the cake was delicious." The woman nodded, and smiled at the two men behind her.

"Martha, is already expecting you. But you better get your fancy asses to the town sqaure. One of your soldiers is in trouble." She said. Kiara didn't know who Martha was, but that needed to wait. First they needed to see what was going on. They rushed away towards the square, and indeed there was a soldier laying on the ground. An angry older man was towering above him, his fists raised ready for another attack. Behind the man stood a group of young women, and one of them was in tears. Pleading for the man to stop.

"What in the name of the Gods is going on here!" Lord Carl shouted, the whole sqaure fall silent. Kiara rushed towards the soldier and checked for any injuries. He only had a swolen eye and a cut in his lip. Arion had made his way towards the women, probably to get their side of the story. The older man pointed towards the soldier on the ground.

"That piece of trash, defiled my sweet angle Brigit!" the man shouted, the soldier in qeustion gaze went towards the ground.

"I don't know if I did, but also do not know if I didn't." he whispered. "I was to drunk to remember, anything to a curtain point." Kiara nodded, but what was he doing here then? The man then looked up to Lord Carl. "Because I do not know for sure, I still want to do right by her. So I came here and asked her hand in marraige. I even gathered all the money I have for her dowery." Lord Carl pinched the bridge of his noise.

"Do you really think that I am going to sell my daugther to scum like you." The man shouted, he was ready to attack the soldier again.

"The money is not meant to buy your daughter." Lord Carl said, this pulled the man's attention away from the soldier and to Lord Carl. "It is to pinch in for her upkeep, while the groom is still in service. This man here is a soldier and currently fighting to keep the whole estate safe. Which can cost his live, the money is to pay for her food and the roof above her head. Until he is released from service, or he is able to bring her to his home." Lord Carl looked at the soldier on the ground. "I have to say that I do not condone your actions that led you to do something rash. But I admire your strenght to do the right thing." The man now looked at Lord Carl.

"What kind of practic is this?" the man asked.

"A practic, I established after seening the opostite happing when the army was under my own command. Good sir." Lord Carl said. "So now we have that cleared up, were is your daughter." The young woman rushed towards the soldiers side and knelt down next to him. This is where Kiara stood up and made her way to Arion's side. "Do you wish to marry this man?"

"What I never gave my concent!" her father shouted. But Lord Carl looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I wasn't asking for your concent, I asked for hers." Lord Carl snapped. But the girl nodded. "I can't hear you, do you wish to marry this man. Even though he is still in service and might die in the upcomming battles?"

"Yes, my lord." the girl said. Lord Carl then turned towards the soldier.

"How much did you offer the father?" He asked. 

"I only have three months of my salery with me, the rest of my money is at my house." the soldier said. "I offered him more, and I told him that it would take time to get that money to him." The father glowered at the soldier. 

"And I supposed to believe you, after what you did." the man hissed. 

"For which he takes responsibility," Arion said. "Yes, he made a misstake. But he is prepared to marry her, and I know this man very well. I also know that he didn't fight back, he let you use him as a punhing bag." Kiara nodded, she had seen him spar with various soldiers as well. She even sparred with him as well, she won. But that didn't mean that he wasn't a good fighter. "And besides that three months of his salery is nothing to sneez at. The Snemåne family is paying their soldiers well." Lord Carl nodded, and he should know because he was the one paying them. The father now looked at his daughter who was still on the ground next to the soldier.

"Fine, you want to marry him go ahead. But I will not except the money, because you are no longer living under my roof if you do!" With these words the man turned around, walked towards the other women and grabbed them harsely by the arms. The girl was in tears. 

"Sir," Kiara yelled. The man turned towards her. "Can we, I mean your daughter and I, collect her clothes and other posessions? She is going to need them, inside that camp. Trust me." the man looked at her with narrowed eyes. But slowly nodded.

"Fine, you two and Lord Snemåne. But not those two, I already lost one daughter." the man said. Kiara grabbed the girl by the shoulders.

"You can cry in his arms after we got your stuff," she whispered in Brigit's ear. Brigit nodded and walked with her. Her head bowed, but she didn't fight Kiara. They got her stuff, which wasn't much and after that she went with her now betrothed towards the camp.

"I need to speak with my man, when we get back." Arion said. "This is not something, that should be tolirated." His father nodded in agreement. But that was something to address, when they got back inside the camp. "But first we need to see Martha."


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