Chapter 10

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Arion watched as Kiara took charge over his men and Brigit, she was a talented warrior. But also a great teacher, that was something he wouldn't have guessed. But he also heard her small conversation with his father, she was forced to learn how to fight from a very young age. And his father was right, he never, never forced him to pick up a sword. Or to climb on a horse back, that all came from him. Her family, and specially her father, became even more toxic with every thing she felt comfortable sharing. And he figured that what she and her uncle have shared was only scratching the service. And he was afraid to loss her if he pushed for more, which was the last thing he wanted to do. Or rather the last two things, his eyes lingered on her while she gave Brigit and Kjeld, the soldier they needed to save from Birgit's angry father. Not that he could blame the man for being angry, he would be too. If a man showed up at his house, saying that he thinks that he slept with one of your daughters. His daughters, how would they look like. His eyes went back to Kiara, hopefully they all would be mini versions of her. If she was willing, of course. A sliver of fear entered his mind, what if she wasn't willing. No, he shouldn't think about that, there was a job to do first. Train his men into fine warriors who can fight against those Riftwalkers, and after that he didn't know. Her uncle was talking about finding a way to close those rifts forever, but how are they going to find out information like this? Did the Core of Protection hold records of some sorts, prophecies? He didn't know, and he highly doubted that Kiara knew information like that. He sighed, turned away from the training grounds and walked towards his tent. The one that he currently shared with Tom and one other soldier he didn't know the name of. The poor man was kicked out of his sleeping arrangement, because of Brigit. The package that Kiara's uncle had given him was laying on his bunk, and he cursed. He had forgotten about it once again, he quickly grabbed it and rushed back. The training had ended, only Kjeld and Brigit were still going through the basics with Kiara to guide them.

"Uhm, Kiara." he stammered. As he walked over, she glanced over her shoulder. Her beautiful gray eyes sparkled slightly when she saw that it was him. Or did he imaging that? He wasn't sure about that, but there was no time to dwindle on it. "I am so sorry, but your uncle gave me this." he gave her the package. She looked at it confused. "He told me that it was a birthday present from your brother, but I got sucked in planning your birthday planning. Long story short, I completely forgot about it."

"From my brother?" she asked, and he nodded.

"I am so sorry," he said, knowing the things he said before were not really suited as an excuse, even though they were the truth. He should have given the package to her, first thing yesterday, this was the same thing that went through his mind this morning. Only for him forgetting it again, when he went out for breakfast and training. She opened up the package and a set of four daggers came out. All of them were made by the same type of steel as her sword. Weapons, the only type of gift she was allowed to get.

"They are made from Segeus Steel," she said. "That means that my brother forge them himself." Now he felt even more guilty. Her brother made these, with his own hands. Arion looked at her, and saw the tears were appearing in her eyes. He knew nothing about him except for the few minutes they spent together. But from what she told him, he didn't know how to feel about him. Changing plans, and not telling her about those changes. He would have known that she would face the conciseness, not only by getting hurt. Her uncle told him that Benjamin is raised to believe that he could do no wrong. But it was not up to him to judge a man he barely knows. He is already doing that with her father, but this was her brother. Someone she clearly loves. He wanted to repeat his apology, but she looked at him with a wide smile. One that was reflected in her eyes, which made his heart beat faster. "Thank you for passing them on."

"I wish only that I have done it sooner." he countered. But she simply shrugged.

"I understand, you had a lot on your mind," she said. But he shook his head, he was not going to tell her how to feel. Again, it was not his place to do so.

"Fuck, Kiara, that is not a good enough excuse." he snapped. "I am sorry for snapping like this, but please do not put yourself down for my sake. I can handle you being mad at me, or disappointed in me for forgetting. I can handle it all, and I wouldn't blame you for feeling that way. But please, do not feel the need to hide it from me." He took her hands and sighed. Knowing that this might be the result of years of trauma, but she was with him now. She was with his whole army now, she doesn't have to hide who she is, how she feels. She looked at their hands, but her smile didn't waver.

"Thank you, but I am really grateful that you brought them to me." she said. "It is just," she shook her head. Clearly stopping herself.

"Please tell me," he said. Brigit and Kjeld have noticed the tension and left them alone. She sighed.

"I do not know, I still hear my father's voice in my mind. How worthless I am, how all those presents are wasted on me." she said, she held the daggers even a bit higher. "Two years ago, Benjamin forged my sword. He placed his own magic into it to make it even deadlier for the Riftwalkers. Something which was very useful for someone of position. And my father said that he wasted his time and efforts. That I was far beneath such gifts." she swallowed. "They left me for dead, and do not mistake me. Benjamin too left me for dead, while he already forged these weapons." Then the meaning of what she was saying hit him, like a horse kick against the nuts. Weapons are not made overnight, and magical weapons like these would take even more time. So what would Benjamin have done with the daggers if she indeed died? Something he didn't want to think about, but that was beside the point. Right now, all he wanted to do was pull her into a hug and to never let go of her. To comfort not only her, but also himself. "Your father, the rest of the men and you, have spoiled me rotten yesterday. I would have been content with only the birthday breakfast, but you all went above and beyond for me. And I can't help but wonder..."

"You were worth it, not only are you training us. You have become a member of this community, by simply being who you are. A badass woman with a magical sword, who can fight like (the death) is after her. But is also kind, willing to do her part of the chores without any complaint." He said with a large grin on his face, hoping that she believed every word that came over his lips. "Something all the men, including myself, have done on more than one occasion." She giggled and nodded.

"Good to know, and I mean it, thank you not only for all what you have done. But also for what you just told me, I think I am going to hear that pep talk more often." she said, pulling her hand out of his. "But speaking of chores, I need to go and gather some fire wood." He wanted to groan, he was back on laundry duty. She started to laugh when she walked away, a sound that he adored and wished she would do more often. 


There wasn't a river nearby, but near the village was a large well, where all the women did their washing. And today it seemed almost all of them were gathered, to do their laundry.

"Good afternoon, ladies." he said, hoping that they wouldn't hear the discomfort in his voice. Some looked up from what they were doing and greeted him in return.

"There is some space over here, Young Master Snemåne." one of the older women said, petting on the space next to her. He nodded and guided the unfortunate donkey towards it. The poor creature was carrying two baskets that were filled till the brim, and he himself was carrying two more. "By the Gods, are those from the whole army?" she asked, a bit shocked. 

"Give or take." he admitted.

"And you are going to wash all of it?" she then asked, he nodded as a response. Sitting down and started to work on the first basket. "But you are their captain, and a young lord at that."

"That even more reason why I am doing the chores, like collecting firewood, helping in the kitchen and doing laundry. This army needs to work as a unit, I am not above my men. I have a healthy body, and can pull my weight around the camp." Arion replied, while the rubbed the shirt with a cleaning stone. "My men are trusting me with their lives, and in return I do their laundry." The woman next to him nodded, and sighed.

"You are a good lad, I hope that man is treating poor Brigit right." she said with a sigh. "What a shame, being tossed out only because she is in love with a soldier." 

"You know that it was because she slept with him right, she was damaged." another woman said. Arion wanted to groan, there they go. A few of the woman nodded in agreement. "A man like that can not be trusted." 

"A man that doesn't know if they slept together or not," yet another woman corrected. "Still, he went out there and asked her hand in marriage. I know that rule about the money is a bit strange, but I have to believe that there is a good reason behind that as well." The same set of women as before now nodded towards her comment in agreement.

"How is Brigit, holding up?" the old woman next to him asked. "I helped her mother getting her into this world, with great pride I have seen her grown into the young woman she is today." Arion smiled at her, so she was the village midwife.

"She and Kjeld, have tied the knot yesterday evening. With the help of my father and our own doctor who is also a priest." he said. Which came as a surprise to him as well. "They have kicked Kjeld's former roommate out of the tent, and she has trained with us this morning."

"Trained, you mean that is learning how to fight?" the woman asked in horror. Arion simply nodded, and grabbed another piece of the laundry. The work to his surprise went a bit faster, then normal.

"She is currently living in an army camp right now. We are fighting, creatures that belong in nightmares, bandits and sometimes armies of other houses that want to take over this estate. She needs to learn how to defend herself, because with the Gods as my witness, Kjeld, me or the rest of the army can't protect her all the time." he explained. The shocked expresion in the woman's face softened and she sighed.

"That indeed makes a lot of sense." sha said. "She is a brave girl, a bit reckless at times, but brave." he smiled, but another woman came into his minds eye. "I am done with my laundry, here let me help you." She already has taken some of the laundry, before he could refuse her.

"Thank you," he said, but she shook her head.

"It is nothing, you better take good care of my Brigit and we are even." she said. One by one the other women took pieces of the laundry and started to wash it after their own laundry was done. Not all of them, some left without saying a word.

"Oh hello, Captain," it was Martha, the woman who owns one of the local stores. "What nice to see you here," she took a spot that was just reseltly being abondoned by the former occupant. "How is Kiara, I could see that she was a bit overwhelmed yesterday."

"She is doing great, thank you for your concern." he replied, smiling from ear to ear. Which was noticed by several women.

"I believe my eyes spot a man in love, please pray tell more about the lucky girl." the older woman next to him said. He sighed and started to tell bits and pieces about Kiara and how they met. But he didn't go deep into her families abuse of her. But it was more then enough information for them to fill out the missing details.

"She seems such a nice girl, it was sweet of you all to do something like this for her. But do not forget, this kind of actions are becoming void if you are not there for the smaller things as well." Martha said. This time it was his turn to nod in agreement. She was right about that, he has seen the reality of doing just that earlier that morning. He wanted to thank her for her advice, but saw that she was in conversation with another woman.

"Does she know that you have feelings for her?" the woman next to him asked, but he shook his head. She gave him a soft smile and a small pet on the shoulder. "Then you better hurry up, Captain." he chuckled slightly. 

"I will, I promise." he said.


It didn't take long for the wet clothes to be put back in the baskets. He thanked the women that helped him and rushed back to camp. Those wet clothes and sheets needed to dry.

"Welcome back," it was Kiara, and he smiled. "Shall I help you?" He didn't know where his voice went, so he just nodded. "You have done this laundry with the speed of the Gods, please tell me your secret." He opened his mouth.

"Well there were some ladies by the well, and they just grabbed the laundry out of the baskets, after they were done with theirs. The only thing they wanted in return is for me to listen to the village gossip. The hot topic, Kjeld and Brigit." he said, surprised that his voice came back for this explenation. But is not there to greet her. She chuckled slightly and reached down to the first piece. "Then the conversation shifted towards you and me." She froze in place. 

"What about use?" she asked. He closed his eyes.

"They asked if I had feeling for you?" he said, which was only half the truth. But she doesn't need to know that, he just sat their smilling like a lovesick fool when they were talking about her. He could see the question in her eyes, before she asked it.

"And what did you reply?" she asked. He stayed silent for a moment, would he come clean? Was she going to respond in the same way? They didn't know each other for that long, but what did it matter.

"I told them," he was going to put it out and in the open. "That I never met a woman quiet like you, so strong, so talented warrior. But yet so kind, and beautiful." It was a bit of the same thing he said this morning. "It was hard not to fall for a woman like that." She looked at him with wide eyes, this lasted only a second. But in his mind it took hours. But a large smile formed on her lips.

"Did you really say all of that?" she asked, he wiggled his head. Now being somewhat truthfully with her.

"Maybe not in these exect words, but yeah." he said. He turned his whole body towards her, hoping that she would say something back to him. "And I am not joking, not about his. Not with you." Her mouth opened up, and closed, for a few times. She was lost for werds, was that a good thing? He didn't know, but he at least told her how he felt. Then she lauched herself at him wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I can't describe what I am feeling, only that I never felt something like this before. But I have a weird feeling in my stomach, everytime you are near me. My heart beats faster, and when you are not near me my mind races towards you." she whispered, while she laid her head on his chest. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her as wel. She was feeling the same way, although she those not know what that feeling is. It doesn't matter, he would happily describe it to her, every minute of his life.

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