Chapter 9

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Martha, the woman who owned the local store, was very nice. The gentlemen had arranged for her to get everything she needed for her hair and personal hygiene. Something she had forgotten, strangely enough. But then again, being abandoned by your family, getting adopted by an entire army and learning new things about one's self, there are some things one might forget. Martha didn't mind and even gave her some extra stuff for Brigit. Because she would need this stuff as well. When she left the shop, she felt a bit spoiled. Because that is what they have done, they spoiled her. Not only with all the stuff, but also with their attention. For which she was more than grateful, they knew how her family treated her. Probably also how her own mother took away her inheritance. The jewelry, clothes, the tomes, and small objects she was not able to remember. Only because her mother shared her father's beliefs.

"Alright," Lord Carl Snemåne said with a sigh. That was uncomfortable, but there was no way we could ignore all of that." He was talking about those hygiene products. He apparently didn't have a daughter, or if Arion had a sister, their mother would have covered that part. Which sounded natural, she would ask Arion about it once they were alone. "But we are not done with you yet, miss Håber." This earned him a confused look, from her. Arion just let his head hang. They were not done with all those surprises, she currently had more than enough stuff. More than she probably needed, what else were they about to pull out? Weapons? She has enough of those, her sword made from special Segeus steal. Metal that hold her brother's magic. Something he spent hours one, and their father didn't approve of him 'wasting' his abilities on someone like her. But her brother didn't care, and she has a nice sword that was perfect for killing Riftwalkers. Arion took her hand and sighed.

"My father is right, we are not done. Not yet, there is still one more surprise." he said. His brown eyes sparkled slightly. She looked at them, and the feeling of something strange erupted in her stomach. Not sure what it could be, but she liked it. He pulled her with him, softly yet forceful, as if he couldn't wait to show her something. And she let him do it. His father didn't follow them, which was strange. He had said that they were not done with her, and now he was not coming with them? 

"Why does your father not join us?" she asked, and Arion just shrugged. As if it was nothing, and probably it was nothing. So she decided not to pay much attention to it, but wondered where they were going. She wanted to ask him, but knowing him, he wouldn't answer her. She frowned slightly, but did she know him? They know each other for one week now, and they sparred. Fought against the Riftwalkers, where he had her back. Something she was not able to say about her own family. His father also treated her warmly, but she didn't know if he did that with everybody. Because again she didn't know him, she didn't know anybody inside that army camp, except for a few names. She has spent most of her time, training, doing chores and being inside Arion's company. Which was nice, but most of the time they only talked about her. So he probably knew more about her than she about him, no not, probably. He knew more about her than she about him, something that was going to change. The walked out of the village, there was a forest nearby. Something she hasn't seen before now, which was not surprising. They have arrived only yesterday, and back then she had something else on her mind. Defeating Riftwalkers, and keeping the people inside this village safe. But near the forest was a fenced off field, on that field was a whole herd of horse. The animals didn't look up when they approached, they were being busy eating the long grass that covered their home. "They are so beautiful," she whispered. Her eye fall upon a black stallion, the way he walked told her that he was a proud creature, stubborn as well. She tried to call him, and to her surprise he responded in kind. "Hello, who are you?" she asked while holding her hand upright, the stallion placed his noise against it. The warmth of his body, the softness of his noise and the soft sound of his breathing. She took it all in. She remembered all the times she pleaded to have a horse of her own, one she could train and rid without having to ask permission. But her father didn't see the need, and owning a horse was a fleeting dream.

"It seems to me that this one has chosen you, miss." a man's voice cut through the silence. Her head snapped towards a man who was standing a few inches from them. On the other side of the fence, this was without a doubt the owner.

"They all are beautiful, sir." she said, and he nodded in agreement.

"They are my pride and joy, they are beautiful and loyal creatures. All of them except that black brute that has chosen you. He is a pain in my behind ever since he joined my herd a couple of weeks ago. The one that sold him to me said that he was his first owner and got him from another breeder. Which I believe is horse crap, because in my firm believe this one is pretty wild. But he was a fine specimen, and he has done his duty, a few of my priced mares are pregnant." he said while he petted one of the mares on the neck. But then he looked towards Arion. "You didn't want to choose one of the horses upfront. And now I can see why, the animal wouldn't be driven by you." Arion nodded. Kiara frowned slightly. What did this man mean by that? Why didn't Arion want to choose a horse all by himself? He already has a horse, a beautiful white stallion. So she was not able to see the reason why he needed another. Also, the rest of the men had their own horses, and there were a few spares that were needed to pull the carts with cargo and the forges. So horses plenty. But there was one person who didn't have one, she gasped. No, there is no way. He those not know about that, she was pretty sure that she never told him about that. But her uncle, her uncle would have told him, together with the fact that it was her birthday. No, this was crazy. He was not going to buy a horse for her? "So, it seems that the black pain in my behind has chosen his next owner. But are you sure?"

"Kiara, is not a beginner." he said. A pit of disbelieve filled her stomach. "I have seen her ride before, I am sure that this one is going to present a challenge for her, which in my mind is not such a bad idea." She shock her head slightly.

"Arion, please tell me that the two of you are joking." she pleaded. "And if so, I need to say that I do not find it funny." The owner smiled at her.

"It is not a joke at all, miss. That horse is now yours, this young man even paid for it yesterday." he said. Kiara looked at him and then at Arion who nodded.

"Do you like it?" he asked. Tears started to well up in her eyes. This was crazy, so crazy. He went out of his way to deliver her a birthday she never dared to dream of. They have spoiled her rotten, by having a nice breakfast with cake. All those hair products, and hygiene products. And now a horse! She didn't like it, she loved it. She stepped away from the animal and wrapped her arms around Arion's neck.

"Thank you," she whispered. Not trusting her voice to get louder, the tears were now flowing over her cheeks.

"I will deliver him in the morning with a saddle and reins. Enjoy the rest of your day," the owner said, and he walked away. Leaving them behind with the horses. One of them was hers, and she was still not able to believe that he was. She hadn't let go of Arion, who had wrapped his own arms around her waist.

"There is no need to thank me, it is your birthday. And to be honest, you really need a horse of your own." he whispered in her ear. Still, there was reason enough for her to thank him. And she felt comfortable in his arms, the strange feeling that she had when he had taken her hands was back. A feeling that made her feel safe and cared for. Something she never experienced before, not even with Linda, Benjamin's mother, or her uncle. They were never able to protect her from her father and mother, they were only able to soften the blow. Nothing more, or less. But she fully believed that Arion would have fought her father, with ever fiber of his being, to protect her. A clearing of someone's throat made them break apart. Arion's bronze skin tone was colored a soft pink on his cheeks. His father finally joined them.

"Sorry, for the interruption. But I was curious which of these fine creatures, Kiara picked." his father said. Looking at the horses in the field.

"Well, I didn't pick the horse, the black stallion picked me." Kiara said, softly. "I still can't believe that you bought a horse for me." she turned towards Arion, who shrugged.

"Like I said, you needed one. And this man was willing to sell." Arion said, and his father nodded in agreement. Of course, he knew.

"The black stallion, you say," he said. "He seems strong, proud, most likely stubborn as well." Kiara nodded in agreement. "Good, now that all the surprises are out of the way, let us go back to camp. I want to hear Kiara's ideas about training our troops." And that was exactly what they did.


"Come on, guys, move a bit faster!" Kiara screamed over the trainings field. It was just like Lord Carl Snemåne had suggested, she was now responsible to get these men into the fold. They had fought Riftwalkers before, untrained, and no one was killed. And that on its own was a miracle, but now she was not going to leave anything up to chance. Arion was among his men, training his ass off. Something appreciated. The men preformed the various movements again and again. Her eyes went over them, and corrected a few of them when needed. Her eyes fell upon Brigit that was standing on the sidelines, with Lord Snemåne. Looking at her now fiancée, Kjeld. Kiara walked over and gave her a soft smile. "Welcome, are you here to join us?" she asked. Brigit who didn't know how to respond.

"Can I?" she asked. "I thought the army allowed only men."

"Which is true," Lord Snemåne said. "That was before Kaira, however." Kiara knew that he was comfortable with her fighting along his men. This was because she was a trained warrior. But Brigit wasn't and that in his mind would make things a bit more difficult.

"Well, I do not know if you ever see a battle. But I believe that every woman needs to learn how to protect herself." Kiara said, she wasn't looking at Brigit but at Lord Snemåne. Who slowly nodded in agreement. "And I do not see a reason why you shouldn't join the training sessions to learn just that." Again Lord Snemåne nodded in agreement. Brigit's face light up and she rushed away to get a sword from Josh's forge.

"Sneaky, but I agree. Now that she is living among men, she needs to learn how to protect herself. But I also have a feeling that you will go further than that." Lord Snemåne said, and she nodded in agreement.

"In the Core of Protection, every child no matter the gender learns how to fight as soon as they turn eleven. I on the other hand was forced to learn it when I was five or six. I do not remember, but it was around that time." she said.

"Forced?" he asked and she nodded.

"By my father, even though my uncle tried to convince him that I wasn't ready. Which didn't work, and I had to learn how to wield weapons I wasn't able to hold yet. So wooden sticks it was, until I became strong enough." she explained. Her glance went upwards to see Lord Snemåne's face, which was seiging with anger.

"I am so sorry that you needed to go through that all." he said, and she believed him. "Arion is my only child, and even though I taught him how to fight from a very young age. I never forced him to pick up a wooden sword. I never forced him on the back of a horse, sure he knew from an early age that he had duty to forfill. But then again if he really didn't want to do that, I would have found a way to lift that duty of his shoulders." and again she believed him.

"You are a good man, Lord Snemåne." she said. He wanted to say something in return, but Brigit was back with a sword in her hands. Kiara greeted her back with a smile. "Alright, let us go over the basic's with your future husband." Brigit nodded and together they walked away from Lord Snemåne. Kjeld was more then happy to train with Brigit, not even wanted to know why she needed to learn. He just excepted it and started to train her himself. Arion joined her a bit after that.

"Good call, now this army has one more soul." he said, she nodded. Hoping that they wouldn't need her to fight Riftwalkers, but the future was unknown and all they could do was prepare.

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