Growing Concerns

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Growing Concern

((I shifted some scenes around a little so this chapter is yet unfinished!)) 

Erlont looked up at the clear night sky, his brow furrowed as the ominous red dot loomed over his head. The luminous orb gave off a bloody light that was beginning to outshine the purity of the white moon. It filled the sky with a horrible glare that consumed close-at-hand stars. What was worse was that one could now see it even during the daylight. Appearing as a pale red disk in the southeastern sky; a great eye always searching. There seemed to be no escape now. 

At first, only the astrologers noticed the movement of the Hound and the growing orb taking a long time to get to this stage. Yet official word did not reach the common folk until they were speaking of the growing size of the moon themselves, whispered conversations held in trepidation of some coming doom. Eventually, the pronouncement came in a proclamation given to the city of Ishgard by the Arch Bishop and was carried by Temple Knights to every corner of Coerthas.

The Hound of Menphina had been let off his leash. Sent as a message from the gods to the people of Ishgard that their sins, and their wandering hearts were to be punished. That the people were to be judged and cleansed of their wickedness, of their Dravanian Sympathies. How could the gods not act in the face of the heretics and traitors? 

Inquisitors were not the only ones to take up the call of the Holy See with more zeal than before. Common folk were beginning to panic. Mobs formed against neighbors who were acting suspiciously or not pious enough. Soldiers and Knights patrolled the roads and had doubled in fortresses and towns across Coerthas. Everything seemed to be under heavy watch. All in an effort to turn the tide and banish the glaring orb back to his master. Yet for all the fever and prayers the Hound came closer with each passing night. Would it touch down? Crash into Ishgard and lay the city in ruin? Would it unleash some aetheric judgment from the gods?

Erlont had always been a devout follower of both Halone and Meniphia. The goddesses represented in every aspect of his work even if he wasn't one to shout about it at every turn. He was humbled in their grace, not emboldened. So as he stared up at the heavens he silently asked why. Why was this happening? Was Ishgard as corrupt as the Arch Bishop proclaimed? How could it be when it stood with such grandeur and power? Time and time again they had driven back Nidhogg and the Horde. Yet was their continued struggle not enough to please the goddesses? Was their anger drawn from the fact that they had not yet slain the black dragon?

Dravanians and heretics. 

The bloody march of the Garelean Empire against the rest of Eorzea.

Even red-robbed cultists were rumored to be luring people from the safety of their homes only to have them turn up dead. Those Lambs of Dalamud they coined themselves. Their victims' bodies mutilated in ritual blood-letting more grotesque than any soldier burned by dragonfire. Erlont felt an anger bubbling up within him. At his fellow Ishgardians and the goddesses. Was it a test? What purpose could this chaos serve?

He sighed and rubbed his head, messing up his hair even more as he turned his gaze north to the distant towers of Ishgard which he couldn't see. Forests and granite outcrops and great distance separated him from that lofty place and yet he gazed longingly towards it. Towards Avianne. He hadn't seen her for weeks now, and his stomach clenched with worry. The safest place for her was in Ishgard and even if she had shown up at the stables he would have taken her right back and made his displeasure known to any that would listen. Yet no attempt had been made. The only news he received was from passing knights and soldiers to the stables and whatever news Master Ravon received was scant indeed. 

He had thought to perhaps write a letter to her but feared it would somehow put either one of them on the mind of inquisitors. She was likely under enough strain as is considering House Vorard had been positioned in many of the outlying regions of Western Coerthas to guard and protect. No doubt her father and brothers were among those soldiers, leaving Lady Vorard and her daughters to manage the estate and make choices for the betterment and survival of the House. He didn't know or understand all that may be going on but he did know that he didn't need to add to whatever struggles she already faced. 


Growing Concern: AI-Generated
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