Cracked Beak, Broken Shell

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Cracked Beak, Broken Shell


The chocobos were very particular about who they allowed near them while they were laying their eggs. Aside from Master Ravon and Erlont the number was surprisingly small at two. A young woman who had joined them in the last year, and an older man who was a retired knight. All of the brooding boxes were full this season and Master Ravon was confident that they would be having a stable full of chicks come early winter. It had been then, in his good spirits, that Erlont had begged for Avianne to be allowed to see the eggs this year. The worry had been that Avianne would stress the mothers and even lead to them stepping on their eggs should they become too riled up but Erlont had fought and reasoned until he was blue in the face and eventually the old stablemaster relented. 

So when she arrived that week Erlont surprised her by leading her in the opposite direction from the arena and up a stone-lined path to a separate building secluded from the rest of the stables. 

"Where are you taking me today?"

He shook his head, grinning down at her. Now at eighteen Erlont was looking more and more like a man. Though elezen were slower to mature than others he was already tall and his frame was lean but strong. He still had a few inches to go he guessed but even so he towered over Avianne. While he was growing taller she seemed to be stuck at the same height as always and instead conspired to become more beautiful with each passing week. Her raven hair was down today, being teased by the wind in silky waves and her dress was a pale green to match her eyes instead of the blue of House Vorard. 

She sighed and stopped, refusing to budge while looking up at him with a slightly bemused expression. "When did you become so mysterious? I remember when you were an open book to me."

Her tone was a carefully crafted weapon that plunged into his chest, filled with listless longing for bygone days as if she had just aged by fifty years instead of being the lovely sixteen-year-old girl he called friend. It was about to guilt him into begging her forgiveness and telling her everything.... but then he saw the look in her eyes. Eyes that might have fooled anyone else but that he had learned to read through years of close friendship. He decided to play along anyway and put a hand to his heart in mock hurt as if the wind were knocked out of him. "Oh, my lady! You wound me so. My tongue is as free at your command as ever."

"Then why won't you tell me where you're taking me? Perhaps you have naught but poor intentions at heart."

"If I did, a noble lady such as you would be able to tell in my heart of hearts!" He took her hands in his and knelt in the thick summer grass looking up at her with earnest pleading. but he couldn't get rid of the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He was not as good an actor as Avianne when it came to controlling his expression. "Do I look like a villain to you?"

She giggled at his antics but recomposed herself as best she could, looking severe as she pulled her brow down to admonish him and pulled her gloved hands free of his. "Villians hide in the most unlikely of places. Tell me where you intend on taking me, gentle ser, that I may judge your heart."

Choosing defeat he bowed his head, "Very well. You have found me out. I am taking you to a most dark and cruel place. A place of cracked eggs and shadow." He motioned to the building they had been headed to which looked like a comfortable, cheery place with a new coat of paint on the wood. "Prey forgive this villainy."

Perhaps it was his choice of description that gave her pause but when she didn't respond with her usual quick wit he glanced up. She was eyeing the building with curiosity now as if teasing out what he had meant. Thankful that he hadn't given her something to worry about he lowered his head again. Eventually, he felt the gentle weight of her palm on the crown of his head, fingers tangling with his brown hair as she did. "You are forgiven, now press on. I would see this place of shadows!"

He stood with a chuckle that broke the last of her resolve and she laughed openly with him as they jogged the rest of the way. This little game of mystery and teasing had become a new favorite aspect of their relationship since that crisp winter day and he delighted in baiting her into it whenever he found the opportunity to be mysterious about something. But when they reached the door he turned serious. "You don't have to be too quiet but we cannot spook them. Stay close to me and whatever happens, don't make any sudden moves."

Curiosity filled her expression as she nodded. 

The door swung easily on freshly oiled hinges and he led her into the small barn with a single hall between the stables large enough for only one chocobo to pass through. Light filtered in from each stable's exterior access door which allowed each housed bird to stretch her legs and enjoy the sunshine but it made the inside considerably gloomy in comparison to the summer sun.

The late summer air was hot even in the shade of the stables but she still insisted on grabbing hold of his hand. He was grateful she always seemed to be wearing gloves because his hand was sweaty and not just from the heat of the day. As the pair silently entered the space he pulled her to a stop. From the various pens, black feathered heads poked up and glared in his direction. At first, the mothers regarded him and Avianne with clear animosity, their feathered crests standing on end as a chorus of warning whistles were sent out to warn one another. 

"Hey now, easy." Erlont let his voice drop to a lower, calming tone. "It's just me. You know me. And you all remember Avianne. She's not going to do anything."

He looked down at her and squeezed her hand to encourage her to say something to the unimpressed crowd of chocobos. She smiled and raised her voice in the same tone she usually reserved for Etie, a soft and flowing tone that resounded in the heart as if her words were half-sung. "That's right. I'm just here to say hello. I missed you all at the main stables and wanted to know you were alright."

At her words, the whistles and hisses died away and one of them let out a soft trill which put the others at ease. In total, there were eight large pens and with their approval now sealed Erlont led Avianne to the first, remembering to give his thanks to the Fury that Master Ravon had allowed Avianne access. Avianne peered down into the stable, leaning on the gate but still holding his hand. 

Inside was filled with fine sand and a mountain of straw, twigs, and small stones that had been piled to one corner and turned into a nest filled with plucked down to make it soft and warm. The chocobo inside eyed them warily and grumbled unhappily but she didn't make a move to get up off her nest. Avianne gave a little 'Oooh' of understanding as she took in the situation, comprehension dawning on her face. 

"Chocobo lay their eggs at the end of spring and then by the end of summer they start hatching. So they are close to that stage now and it makes the mothers more nervous." Erlont explained in a gentle tone so that he didn't catch the ire of the mother who was just settling her head under her wing but one eye still watched them. "For most of the season, they are kept here where their eggs can be protected and we tend to them until they are big enough to start roaming the smaller pastures with their mothers. When the snows first hit they are usually strong enough to handle the harsh climates during the day."

Avianne listened with rapt attention, hanging on his every word with bright curiosity. "I didn't have any idea you had so many."

"This is the largest group Master Ravon has had since I came on. He's very proud and happy the stables are growing." He put his free arm over the edge of the stable and rested his chin on it to look down into the stable absently. "He's started to teach me more of the bookkeeping lately. Figures, operating costs, sales, hereditary breeding. Take this one for example. Her sire was a messenger bird. Sadly the bird didn't make it but her damn was just as fierce and loyal, one touched by The Fury who carried no rider but instead was unleashed on the dragons in the field, felling them with a bloodlust that many argued was unnatural. Master Ravon expects her three hatchlings to exhibit some of the same traits of speed and fury even though she's never seen battle herself."

"Do you ever... feel bad?"

He tilted his head to look at her with an unspoken question. 

"I know some people can feel bad about the chocobo. As if we're sacrificing them when they don't have a choice."

Erlont's brow furrowed and he shook his head. "No. Do you feel bad that your brothers both became knights? All Ishguardian souls must fight the dragons with all that we are, would you say that we have no choice in that?"

She shook her head, "I've tried to explain it to them but I think they just like chocobos more than people."

"Just be careful. The Holy See wouldn't take too kindly hearing them talk like that. Chocobo are noble creatures, loyal and strong. Their nature is to fight and defend their flock just like it's our nature to protect what we love. Over countless generations, we've grown inseparable as beings and we're as much a part of their flocks as their chicks. A weaponsmith makes weapons of war not worrying about the destruction of his blade. A baker makes good strong bread that keeps our knights and soldiers alive and doesn't cry when the loaf is forgotten in the snow. So Master Ravon and I perfect our craft, breeding, and training strong chocobos that protect our people just like any other. Tell those friends of yours that we are not cruel, nor thoughtless. We would never put a chocobo in harm's way unless we were confident they could come home."

She squeezed his hand. He hadn't realized that his voice had risen as he was speaking and she brought him back. Her voice was warm and understanding, soothing. "I know you're not. I just don't think many of the people I get to talk to know much about chocobo breeders. Their ignorance makes their sympathy commendable, but inaccurate."

He held onto her hand tightly and took a deep breath but his face was still scrunched in agitation. "The dragons are a menace. If my father had lived I might have become a knight, or at least tried."

"But you're needed here. Who else could Master Ravon entrust the stables to? He's not got any family of his own who can inherit it. Halone and Menphina guided you where you could do the most good for Ishguard." 

He took another deep breath and focused his brown eyes on her sparkling green ones. There was a touch of worry on her features and he shrugged, "Don't worry. I'm not about to pick up a lance and charge off."

Instead of sitting in his suddenly sour mood, he stood up straight and looked down at her with a small smile of gratitude. "I wanted you to meet someone specifically here."

She followed him willingly to the very last stable but he held her back. "This is Brutaine."

At once her face lit up in recognition because he had told her all about Brutaine, Master Ravon's personal chocobo. He pulled a small cloth pouch from his pocket and handed it to Avianne who opened it at once. Inside were several hard candies made from honey and lavender. They were slightly sticky from the heat of the day and his pocket but she didn't seem to care. She picked one from the mass and looked at the delicate flower crystalized inside. "I didn't think she was a damn."

"She's not. Not usually, but Master Ravon wanted to try after so many years. He found a suitor for her at a rival stable in western Coerthas. They are attempting to work together and I think Master Ravon intends to take over that stable himself as well but that will depend on this deal he's struck."

"Tell me about the sire?"

Erlont took the candy from her hand and almost considered eating it but instead, he stepped forward and presented first the candy over the edge, then his face. Brutaine was a massive chocobo. A breed closer to the fabled Percheron Chocobo that sometimes appeared among the more obscure stables and as such her stable had been temporarily expanded to accommodate her. She was an oddity among the Destrier breed that the Black-Snow stables were most known for. Her black feathers shimmered with threads of green, blue, and purple in a glossy iridescent display. She was sitting in her nest, one of her eggs visible as she had nestled it against her breast in the soft down of the nest. Her golden beak was cracked from a long-ago fight with a dragon, leaving behind a web of white lines that had a few chunks missing. Aside from this, she was whole and perfect. She hissed deeply at Erlont's appearance and the sound rose when Avianne's head peeked over the edge of the gate. He waved the piece of candy to get her attention but her fierce eyes, yellow unlike the typical brown and black, never left his face. "Don't be like that, silly girl. I have a peace offering."

He reached his hand into the small space to hold it out for her. In a flash, the candy vanished and thankfully Erlont was quicker than he might have appeared because he moved his fingers out of the way of her razor-sharp beak just in time to not lose one. Avianne gasped and didn't attempt the same feat. 

"The sire-" Erlont began. "-is the biggest sweetheart you could ever meet."

Avianne's brow furrowed but she smiled at the incongruent match. Erlont nodded, grinning back, "He's not as big as her but still a mighty and powerful Destrier. He's just as healthy and strong and has been trained to weave some rudimentary spells of healing on command. He belongs to a knight captain in Falcon's Nest, a man by the name of Ser Azont Karinert. I wasn't able to accompany Master Ravon but from what he said the chocobo, Blue by name, went right up to him and started to preen his hair at the first meeting while whistling the sweetest song. Apparently, the children of Falcon's Nest have taken to brushing him and taking turns riding on him even when the Knight-Captain is not around, he's that gentle. I think Master Ravon hopes to temper Brutaine's ferocity with Blue's loving spirit while keeping the strongest physical traits of both and mixing the more magically inclined abilities into the bloodline. Blue has the eyes of one touched by Menphina but his feathers remain black which further makes him a curiosity."

"He sounds beautiful. How many eggs did she lay?"

"Three, though the third we were forced to dispose of as it showed no life. She had to be sedated so that we could check on the eggs at first and when she found one missing she nearly ripped apart the stable trying to find it. One of the ones in her nest is a fake to keep her calm."

Avianne's expression filled with sympathy as she looked at the massive chocobo. "So, since he's working with this other stable what will happen to the two eggs?"

"Two days ago the owner of that stable came by to inspect everything. While he was here Master Ravon and he flipped a gil for the eggs. That's a tradition as old as Ishguard to hear them tell it. The one who gets heads picks which egg will the theirs. Master Ravon lost the toss but he seemed pleased with the outcome because the other man chose the larger of the two eggs."

"But wouldn't he want the bigger one, so it would be more like Brutaine?"

"According to him, the biggest eggs are not always the healthiest nor the best. Plus he swears that smaller eggs belong to males but I don't know that I believe him. The egg you see now is ours."

"Do you think you'll get to name it?"

Erlont hadn't thought about it and frowned in thought. He wasn't sure he was ready to name one. He still struggled with his aetheric control, even with Avianne taking more of a hand in his training. It worked best when he could touch the object he was trying to sense or manipulate. He wasn't very skilled at it and sharing it with Avianne was daunting. Like she could read his soul and what if she didn't like what she saw? Didn't like what he felt for her? But it didn't work like that, he knew it. The magic he needed to master was more about understanding the actual makeup of an object, not the thoughts. But.. there was a chance and he was terrified to have her find out and ruin what they had.

He hadn't ever stopped having those feelings around her, where the ground felt uneven and the like she sucked all the air out of the room. He knew now, after three years, that those feelings would never go away. His father's voice came back again, talking about his mother, talking about love. But just because he had made some measure of peace with them didn't mean he wanted to brandy them about in her face. Not... ever.

Avianne rested her hand on his arm to bring him back to the moment. "You were far away again."

He smiled apologetically, "Sorry, m'lady. I don't know if I will. It's a big responsibility. Names have power in them. Besides, Brutaine is Master Ravon's personal chocobo, he'll likely want to name her chick and take it as his own."

"When do you think you'll own one? You said Brutaine was Master Ravon's when he was a knight, right?"

"Indeed she was. Maybe one day, if I become master of the stables." He looked to Brutaine with fondness, "But that's a long way off yet. I'm not even a man in my own right yet and Master Ravon is as young as spring."

"I'm sure you'll be named master, you're perfect for it."

"And by then you'll-" He started without thinking but then stopped abruptly. They had never spoken about it, not in depth. The future was a topic that they both avoided aside from the simple things. He was going to be a master chocobo keep. She would continue to work with the House Vorard business. But when that time came and she turned old enough she would be married no doubt, settled, and she wouldn't be able to come and visit him alone and spend all day riding with him through the woods. That would be impossible once she was no longer under her father's protection. "You'll be able to sell me protective charms for the birds."

She tilted her head and looked at him with suddenly unflinching questions. He felt the tips of his ears go warm and he refused to meet her eyes. Three years, in three years he would be a man and he would have to give her up because in just a few years after that, she would probably be gone and he wouldn't be able to keep up this game anymore.  Not when she had responsibilities to her family to keep. Though he hadn't understood the reasons that she kept up appearances of their different social standing when they first met he knew now. Knew that their friendship was unusual, to say the least, and would not be allowed to live beyond the time of her adult responsibilities.

She was the eldest daughter of noble House Vorard, true and honest servants of Ishguard both with the lance and bow, but also as skilled chirurgeons and builders. And he was an orphan boy destined to remain ever outside the city gates as a chocobo keep. Menphina was unkind indeed. 


Broken Shell: AI-Generated


Oshisk beamed up at Erlont, eager anticipation etched on his round face to hear the opinion of the gift. Erlont looked at the ring in his hand and admitted that he was more than a little surprised. He assumed that all the boys would have had to pitch in at least ten gil or more. The ring was made of simple copper and shone warmly in the summer sun. There was very little to adorn the simple design save the center of the band which was formed by three interwoven bands of metal. The craftsmanship was rough but in the young elezen's eyes that only enhanced its character and life.  

"I-" He shook his head, an outpouring of gratitude bubbling up in him for a moment. "I don't know what to say. How did you even afford this?" He slipped it on his fingers, trying to find one that it would be snug on. In the end, he would need to grow into it and the ring sat loose around his thumb. He didn't even care that it would stain his skin green over time.

"None of that now." Oshisk's tone was sharp, "I would have thought all that time with the nobles would have taught you not to be an ungrateful runt."

Elront sighed. Everything had to be so dramatic. "I meant I wouldn't want anyone to be out of their pocket on my account."

"It's not on your account." The stocky boy gave a punch on the other's arm that was light enough to be teasing. "It's a gift from all of us, even the adults chipped in a bit. None of us will be going without our rations or anything. You've got to stop living like you're poor Erlont. The drought is over."

Erlont grimaced. It was a sore point between them but he didn't argue it. Instead, he balled his hand into a fist to inspect the ring, allowing the smile that had been pulling at his countenance to finally show. 

"There you go. A little smile." Oshisk chuckled and shadow-boxed at Erlont who dove in and gave a play punch to the kidney. 

"Oi, careful you. don't want to pick a fight you can't win."

"Ha! As if. I outclass you in every way."  Oshisk stood back and flexed. He had filled out considerably over the last year. He would eventually be strong in the body if a little short and his features were a bit rougher. Erlont often wondered if there was some hyur in his bloodline somewhere but had never thought to ask. The younger lad laughed and together they started to make their way out of the stables towards the dining hall for lunch. "Speaking of the nobles, think she'll bring you a gift?"

Erlont shook his head, "No. She doesn't know when my birthday is. Besides what would she give me?"

"Just the whole of Ishgard it seems. Her family is rich and powerful. If you wanted you could ask for anything and they would at least entertain it."

"They are a minor house Oshisk. Besides, you've not met the Patriarch. Lord Vorard will not suffer fools. In any case, I wouldn't know what to ask for. I'm content with my lot."

Oshisk dismissed him with a huff, "You're no fun is what you are. Go on, if you had to ask, held at dragon's breath and forced, what would you ask?"

Erlont considered it for a long moment. "I dunno, maybe a tour of the city. I've been to Foundation with Master Ravon, sure, but I would like to see the Pillars, see the city from above."

"Ahh." There was a sly grin on the other boy's face, "So you want to be closer to her. I see how you worded that."

Erlont felt a familiar pang in his chest as his friend teased him. It was true that he couldn't ask for the one thing that he thought the family could give him, and it was also true that he had always wanted to see the Pillars for himself after hearing stories of it from his father. Instead of correcting his best friend, who was trying to get a rise out of him, he gave in and made to grab the boy who danced away and bolted.  

Oshisk had bulk on his side but Erlont was no pushover.  Years of hard labor in the stables had made him powerful even if he was a bit leaner than Oshisk. Day by day he knew he looked more like his father and though the man wasn't a sanctified knight he was as close as one could get. It didn't take long for him to catch up and tackle Oshisk to the ground where everything devolved into a playful wrestling match which Erlont was winning. Being an apprentice to Master Ravon he was put into many situations where he had to dual knights from chocobo back to provide them with a target so he had picked up several tricks along the way, adapted to these little wrestling matches. 


Erlont and Oshisk sprang apart as if shocked and scrambled to their feet. Master Ravon stood, hands on his hips, glaring. He was in his simple work clothes thankfully so that meant no important visitors had arrived which meant that if they were to be punished it would not be severe. 

"Oh come on Master Ravon, we were just having fun!" Oshisk grinned, ever the incurable troublemaker. Erlont nodded along. 

The chocobo master grunted, "Your form is terrible. Oshisk, the next knights that come in you're to spar with them. I'll see to it you're working until even your face hasn't the strength to smile. No go and prepare a bird for Erlont and that chick of Brutaine's."

Oshisk grinned and scampered away to do as he was bid. At least he had the good sense not to whoop his delight though Erlont could see the delight on his face as he dashed past. Master Ravon must be in a good mood to have given Oshisk exactly what he had been asking for two years prior, and every moon since. Erlont stood still and waited for an explanation of where he was supposed to be going. 

"Come with me." 

Erlont followed his master through the stables and into his offices and stood, hands clasped behind his back, waiting to be seated. The older man took a worn pipe from his desk and sat, packing it in as he started to speak, "House Vorard has a few chocobo they are looking to part with. You're to go to Foundation and meet with the representatives of the House within Saint Valeroyant's Forum. two are from our bloodlines but two others are not. You'll go, make your report, and finalize the deal with Lord Vorard or whomever he sends for the task."

Erlont remained silent but must have had a stunned look on his face because the old master had a shadow of a grin on his features as he lit his pipe with a close-at-hand candle. "I trust you'll comport yourself as any leading man of the Black-Snow Paddock would, yes?"

Erlont understood. It was a test. Could he manage to strike a deal that not only benefited the stables but could he do it while protecting a longstanding relationship with the house that had long been patrons. It would be a delicate line to walk if the chocobo in question were of poor repute. "Yes, ser. You can count on me."

"See that I can, boy. Now go. And take the chick with you. I want to know how he does in the city, with strangers." The man grumbled and blew a cloud of smoke at Erlont. Though the man was gruff Erlont could see the faint sparkle in his eyes. Erlont dipped his head and made his exit. 

The Gates of Judgement.

Erlont paused on the paved road and looked up at the towers, the dragon lances poised to fire at any threat from the skies and groups of soldiers standing guard at her base. It was an awe-inspiring structure. A feat of architectural engineering that never felt quite real. Yet at the same moment, the imposing structures of solid carved stone were as solid as the mountains themselves. Ofax sighed as the little chick tugged at his flight feathers with curiosity. The chick was almost a year now and by all accounts, Master Ravon had been right in his instincts and hopes when creating the match with Blue and Brutaine. 

"Stop that now. We want us to look presentable for the Lords, yes?" Erlont reached out and gave the chick's head a gentle shove which earned him a curious trill in return. 

"Yeah, that's right. Best behavior now."


"Ofax, you keep an eye on him, yeah? Halone knows I don't have eyes in the back of my head."

The larger chocobo just huffed, resigned to his fate as chick-sitter. 

After passing the checkpoints with the Temple Knights at the gates, answering half a dozen questions about his business to the city and so on, Erlont was at last permitted to make the trip across the Steps of Faith. In summer the stone bridge provided an unfettered glorious view of Coerthas in a riot of greens and splashes of color from wildflowers and farms. He took his time going across, savoring the view for malms and malms around. Yet all too soon did The Arc of the Worthy appear. The colossal stone structure marked the end of one's faithful journey across the Steps of Faith. He sent a silent prayer to Halone and Minphia both that they curse the Dravanians and protect those he loved, and then he crossed over into the Foundations of Ishgard. 

The city was dizzying in its scope. A spiked crown nestled upon the brow of a proud granite block which had been raised by the potent prayer and hopes of his people. Literal mountains of stones and forests of wood had been used to build the towering spires. Unknown tons of metal forged into the spires and harpoons that protected the city from the Dravanian menace. Colored glass decorated the grey stone with beauty as jewels set upon a woman's neck. The blue banners snapping in the warm summer wind and the sound of marching boots on the stones echoed by chainmail and plate rustling against one another were enough to make his heart sing with pride. Nowhere in the whole of the world was there a greater nation than his Ishgard.

If he could he would wander the city streets until his legs gave out and inspect all he could. Only twice had he accompanied Master Ravon to Foundation, and only twice had he been able to indulge in the splendor that was Ishgard though both times had been brief, to say the least. Alas, duty called him to the meeting once more. Would he never be permitted a chance to simply wander? He had made it in plenty of time, choosing to expend some energy and run much of the way from the stables. Still, best not to dawdle. Far better to wait on a lord than have a lord wait upon you. 

Once reaching the stone plaza he dismounted and led the two chocobo towards the fountain where the noble statue of Saint Valeroyant stood. He looked up and admired the craftsmanship the stonemasons had lavished upon the statue, recalling the heroic deeds of the Dragoon. People went about their business, most not even glancing his way which he was more than happy with. Full glad was he that the chick and Ofax were behaving themselves. 

"Ahem." The clearing of a throat would pull him from his reverie and he would turn to spy the young lord Evraut. Now a man at twenty-two, he was dressed for the part of a noble's son. With him was Ser Lionnet, mute as always. To his disappointment, Avianne wasn't among them but he didn't let it show.

He bowed low and formally. 

Evraut dipped his head in kind, "Good of Ser Ravon to send you along. I worried we would be working with the man himself. I would have hated to trouble him over so simple a matter."

Erlont stood tall once more, and nodded politely, "Of course, it would have been no inconvenience as you well know, lord. But, pray, please know he sends his deepest regards to you, and yours."

Evraut chuckled, "You hear that Ser Lionnet? He speaks as if he were born right into the waiting arms of a house all his own. Your tongue is lined with silver today, Apprentice Kunard."

Erlont gave a half bow and maintained his composure. Brandishing words as if they were swords was more Avianne's talent than his but he had at least picked up enough over the years not to make a fool of himself. "You give me credit where it should fall upon my Master for his training."

Evraut gave a warm chuckle and lifted his hands as if in surrender. Ser Lionnet however gave one of his simple hums of amusement though if it was at the quick rebuttal or his lord's laughter was unknown.

"Come then. Enough with the pleasantries. We would be here until dawn blessed us again if courtesy had its full due. Who is it that you have brought today?" The young man reached out a hand to the young chick who eagerly sniffed it and began to press his head in for scratches and affection which Erlont provided eagerly, trilling happily all the while. 

"One yet unnamed. A yearling that was deserving of seeing the grandeur of Ishgard. Master Ravon bid me observe his reactions to the city so that we might better form a plan for training."

"Kweh!" The chick flashed his diminutive wings but before he could get too rowdy Ofax nipped him at the crown of his head feathers. The chick started and tried to nibble back playfully but another sharp peck put him back in his place. Though Ofax had never sired a hatchling as of yet Erlont had seen him be a stern guiding wing to many. One day he would make a fine sire, or perhaps a companion to a young knight. Musings aside he turned back to the conversation at hand, grinning slightly. 

"A wise man, and a wise chocobo both." Evraut continued to pet the young chocobo who trilled happily and fluffed his feathers for greater attention but he did keep calm under Ofax's glare. "Come then, bring your charge, and let us set ourselves to the task at hand."

"As you say, lord."  He took up the reigns of Ofax and began to follow after Evraut, Ser Lionnet trailing behind. "How does fair Senn? And your Snow?"

"As fine a bird as one could hope to be matched with. Your recommendation of mixing fresh mint into her mash during this last winter did wonders for her health so you have my thanks."

Erlont dipped his head and glanced back to Lionnet. The knight spoke softly, voice as kind as his countenance, "Snow carries on."

"Carries on? Come now Lionnet you could give him something more. That bird of yours still won't let anyone but you work with her even after all these years. She's as strong as a Halone herself."

Erlont smiled, "Those blessed with the white feathers oft carry the strength of the gods. Well pleased am I that she has found a match with such a Knight as you, Ser. Such a fine chocobo should not be confined to stables her whole life." 

"Lord Vorard was gracious to let me have my attempt with her." Was the blonde knight's response. 

"Master Ravon explained to us that those with blue eyes are born under Meniphia's Grace, but those with red are Avatars of Halone's Will. What do you make of ones that still retain the brown eyes of the chocobo?"

"Only that both goddesses had a hand in claiming her when she was but in her egg."

Erlont followed along as they spoke. Evraut led the group down several layers of the city using well-trodden stairs and ramps until they arrived at a section of the city that housed different stables built into the foundation of the city itself. Most were used by the Temple Knights, but some appeared to belong to the ranks of various low-level houses such as House Vorard. 

The stables of House Vorard were quiet and for the most part empty. It seemed strange for Erlont who always associated a stable with life, noise, and the bustle of movement. He glanced down the empty paddocks and then upon seeing his confusion Evraut offered, "There's been a push into Western Coerthas from the Forelands. Father and Zaillax have taken the grand majority of our knights and soldiers to assist in the pushback against the dragons."

Erlont nodded and frowned slightly. It must have been a recent development as word had not yet reached the stables. Or perhaps it was becoming too mundane to be considered newsworthy among the workers at the stables. Either could have been true. 

Evraut took the group towards the outer ring of the level which was set up as a giant circular arena, not unlike a race track in many ways. The only difference is that each section of the circle was broken up by individual fences to break it up into pastures. The stone softened with half a fulm of sand used to exercise the chocobo while they waited to be ridden into the fray. Waiting for them were the four chocobo that Master Ravon needed an accounting of, each tied to the fence posts. Ofax was turned loose with the little chick still attached to him. The chocobo went about nosing for scraps of food around the ground but never wandered far from Erlont. 

The stablehand began to work the moment he saw the four birds. All black as midnight soot, all showing some signs of battle damage that had been healed but left scars. A missing eye, a heavy limp on the right leg, a patch where feathers wouldn't grow anymore thanks to deep burns. To some, they would be seen as pitiful. For now, he reserved judgment. 

Erlont didn't approach them yet and instead observed from a distance, allowing the chocobo to catch his scent as he knelt in the sand and watched.  "Tell me of them and their riders?"

Evraut obliged, pointing to each one and describing their deeds, temperament, the brave souls that they carried into battle, and any details that could be of use to the apprentice stablemaster. All of their riders, soldiers and knights both, had been either killed or maimed beyond the help of the chirugeons and would never ride again. Considering each one, in turn, Erlont listened without interruption or further question. 

Then he approached each, allowing them to get the measure of him. He stroked their powerful necks with sure hands, moving slowly and muttering softly under his breath to them. Two were skittish of his presence, one lashed out in defensive anger, and the other was calm and eagerly sought his affection. He inspected talons, eyes, beaks, feathers, and more. Then one by one he untied them and began to lead them around, letting his practiced eye tease out the depth of their emotional and physical hurts. Using long lead lines he moved them in circles at full runs, pulling back their speed to proud racing trots, even testing their reactions to noises and distractions as he shouted at them. Lastly, he inspected each aetherically. Simply resting his hands on their bodies and closing his eyes as he let their energies flow into him to discover if they were balanced or showing some pre-disposition that could not be seen any other way. 

All the while Evraut and Lionnet were quietly talking together, letting Erlont work in peace. 

At length, Erlont thought he knew the measure of each of the chocobos but in a moment of impulse, he let out a sharp series of whistles which called Ofax to him. The chick attached to his side whistled with excitement and pranced along beside him.

"Ser Lionnet, would you oblige me and turn all of them loose from their leads?" Erlont swung up into the saddle and Ofax ruffled his feathers. 

Lionnet looked at first to Evraut and only with his nod of approval did he do as he was asked. As each chocobo was let loose they started to meander without much direction. At least until Erlont gave a long slow whistle. The two that were of the Black-Snow Paddocks came over at once. One of the first recalls the birds ever learned it was engrained into their memory. The other two followed out of a desire to be close to their flock members. Once the chocobo were gathered he moved Ofax off at a decent clip. The other four followed. Soon a controlled stamped of chocobo were running circles around the confined space. A series of whistles and trills sounded as the four riderless chocobos began to call out to one another and seeming to act as one they overtook Ofax as Erlont lessened his speed. Erlont watched the black flurry of feathers and talons churn up the sand as they ran freely. The desire to be active, to feel the strain of their muscles, evident in each as they simply enjoyed the freedom even with some of their limitations.

Seeing all he had seen the young elezen knew that each one would make for fine additions to the stables should they consider breeding the females. They were strong and their temperaments were once easy before the turmoil of battle took root in their hearts. One would never be able to enter battle again while another seemed ready for a new knight as soon as possible. The only trouble was there would be no telling how damaged their bodies had been under the surface due to aetheric manipulation or some other hurt that might cause the females to become sterile. It happened often and it was a risk to take on such animals if the only gain were to be eggs. But Erlont considered that there was more than this to what they had to offer. 

Making up his mind he turned towards where the two men were sitting at the edge of the fence. It was only then that he spied Avianne who had joined her brother at the fence line, watching the proceedings while her eldest brother spoke to her.  How long she had been there watching he didn't know. He had been too absorbed in his task to notice but seeing her now he felt a grin pull at his features. Another man was with them, another knight by the looks of him though his uniform was different. He wore the same saxe blue brigandine of the house but instead of red and gold accents, his were black and silver. A spear of finest quality was his weapon of choice and he bore an air that matched the rank and power of even Evraut. A knight that no doubt outranked Ser Lionnet he had deep lines of age marking his features. He had to be around one hundred, nearing the end of his time as a servant in martial matters no doubt, and yet capable enough to be deemed her escort through the city.

Eager to talk to Avianne and to make his judgments on the birds he gave another sharp whistle to bring them back into line. They followed obediently as he brought them back to the fence where Lionnet began to tie them once more. 

"M'lady." He said with a deep bow of his head before dismounting. 

"Erlont! Forgive my late arrival." She smiled warmly but she was reserved. There were many and more watchful eyes here. 

He bowed, "And as the young lady knows there is naught to forgive. Had I known I would have but implored your sibling to wait upon you."

Evraut hummed for a moment, "Ah yes. Very remiss of me." He turned back to Erlont and motioned for him to speak, "Well Apprentice Kundard, what say you about their condition? Does it pass your muster?"

"Indeed they seem agreeable enough though there is one that I would hold and leave in your care."

"Is that so?"

"Indeed, lord. The female, Tryantith. Her hurts are not physical but rather of the heart. For so young a bird to lose her rider so soon after bonding the best thing for her is to be paired with another knight with due swiftness. Is there aught among your rank that could do with a trusted companion?" Erlont knew he was being bold and presumptuous but he didn't let the fear of reprisal or admonishment stop him. Master Ravon was a renowned master because he put the interests of the chocobo before the interests of others. 

"Young Lord." The older knight spoke after a moment of pause. "I maketh a request to allow she to pass unto the care of young Squire Delphaint. He is possessed in throws of melancholy since the passing of his brother. Twould be a boon unto his spirit to have something to care for, and that careth for him."

Evraut considered the matter and then put it to Erlont. "The Knight Captain makes a fair request. Delphaint is a quiet boy of but ten years but shows skill in archery and aetheric manipulation. His brother recently passed due to wounds sustained in battle. It was not an easy passing and the boy has become listless. His mother knows naught what to do about it. Would he and Tryantith provide one another with the companionship they require?"

Erlont considered it for a moment. There was a chance that it would backfire and the two would reject one another in their hurt but Tryantith was ready to take on another charge he thought. "I think that it is worth the time it would take to give them that chance. If the boy rejects her then I shall come to collect her with my apologies."

"And the other three?"

"The Black-Snow paddock would be honored to take them into our care."

Evraut stood then and motioned for some of the waiting attendants. "Prepare these three for travel then and house the other until the Knight Captain is able to bring the squire." The two servants bowed and went about rounding up the chocobos but the young lord was looking out over the view of Coerthas which was painted gold and pink with the failing light of the setting sun. It would be dark soon. Erlont had misjudged the time and spent longer reviewing the chocobo than he thought. He frowned knowing the city gates would have a lockdown after dusk. He would be trapped inside the city. 

Master Ravon would be worried and he had no lodgings or meals for the evening. Of the first nothing could be done. But for the others, it would not be the first time he had fallen asleep among the clean straw of a stable with an empty stomach. He glanced at Avianne who was watching him avidly. Her spring-green eyes sparkled with warmth and pride. She didn't look away as he met her gaze and Erlont's stomach lurched up into his throat. Gods she was beautiful in the golden light. The way it shimmered off her raven hair and brought rich life to her pale skin.

"Have you accommodations for the night Apprentice Kunard? When we are finished with the contracts it shall be late unto the evening, much too late to return."

Evraut's voice made him flinch as if he had just been caught stealing from his coin purse and all Erlont could do was nod gripped with a sudden desire not to be a burden or seen.

No, the feeling was guilt.

Erlont's brow furrowed slightly as the emotion crossed his heart and he blinked. Deciding to deal with that later he blinked and smiled what he hoped was an easy smile. "In a fashion, lord. I will take my rest here among the other stablehands and servants of the houses. This way I may begin my return at first light."

Evraut's brow pulled down and his silver eyes turned cold and steely, "Do you mean to insult me?"

Erlont froze quickly thinking about what he said and how it might have offended. He thought it best not to speak lest he anger him further. 

"You are a guest. Joining accommodations with the stablehands is not fitting for a trusted apprentice of Master Eauplaut Ravon. Would you see him sleep with simple stable hands? No. Thus you will be accommodated with the finest room in The Forgotten Knight as befits your station."

"Brother, don't tease him so. He doesn't know you're pulling his ear like we do." Avianne chided her brother, eyes playfully sparking in the changing light. 

Erlont looked from her back into the young lord's face to find him smiling, the cold glare evaporated in a wash of good humor. Erlont let out a breath and bowed low to try and recover, his heart thundering in his chest. The amused hum from Ser Lionnet and the young lord's chuckle served to set his fears to rest. "Ah, you are right. Forgive my jest Erlont. I simply could not resist."

Erlont stood once more. Though it might have been a jest he would not soon forget the lesson. Perhaps Oshisk was right and he needed to stop living as if he were a poor orphan. He would soon be someone so long as Master Ravon was pleased with his composure and judgment on this trip. "Nay, tis I who should apologize, and what is more give thanks. I would be most honored to receive of your hospitality and the hospitality of your noble house. You bring honor to my master through your actions and I shall carry the message back to him on the morrow."

"Well said indeed. Now, before we wile away the remaining bell of sunlight let us be off. Captain, if you would be so kind as to make the arrangements for our guest and then report back to the estate for the changing of the guard I would be in your debt."

The Knight Captain snapped a crisp salute and then marched off. 

With that Erlont was escorted into a spare office space of the stables where he set to work amending contracts and tallying marks for the transfer of the chocobo to the stables. While he did this Avianne insisted she spend time with the chick and Lionnet remained with her. 

When Erlont had finished the documentation to his satisfaction he gave the three packets of crisp parchment to Evraut who only glanced through them before signing.  Then they left having only spoken briefly about aspects of the vellum-work. outside dusk was upon the city and crystal lanterns brightened the city so that it glowed. Avianne was sitting in the paddock where the yearling had been secured and the young chick was all but in her lap trilling and legs kicking in the air while he rolled on his back. She was giggling at his antics, touching each foot as it kicked as if it were a game. Lionnet was standing close at hand, smoking a cigar and keeping a close eye on his charge. 

"Honestly Avainne, what am I to do with you?" Evraut chided her lightly though Erlont could hear the deep affection the man had for her. 

"You could join me. When was the last time you got to play with a baby chocobo? Oh that's right you haven't." She said this with as much playful defiance as she could. Now that the area was nearly empty and it was just her brother and trusted knight around she was much less worried about formalities. 

"And you Lionnet? You would let the young lady roll around on a stable floor with a chocobo dirtying her skirts?" 

Lionnet hummed through a cloud of smoke, the sound filled with amusement and shrugged, "You try to dissuade her from her chosen path next time, see how you fair."

Erlont was only half listening as he watched Avianne and the young bird playing. More than her beauty from the golden sunset the sight moved him. She was so alive, so free and joyous as she did nothing but tickle the feet of a young chocobo and it was the purity of her joy that made the very foundations of Ishgard and the Holy See shift under his feet as if it would vanish any moment. In that moment he knew the name of the little chick. 


An ancient word for 'red'. Though he was as black as midnight the little bird had a passion and purity that brought out the unrestrained joy in others. It was both a lucky name and a cursed name for it also referred specifically to blood spilt in service of love. Yet Erlont knew for the first time that he had found the true name of one of the chocobo in his care. 

To be Continued with Calamity...  

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