First Meetings

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First Meetings; Part the first

"Boy, pay attention!" Master Ravon barked causing the youth's head to snap back up to focus on the man.

Erlont blinked and refocused on his guardian, the tips of his ears growing warm. He had heard this same speech about Lord Vorard half a dozen times over the week while they prepared for his arrival at the paddock, but he knew that was no excuse to let his mind wander. "Yes, ser. Sorry."

The older man sighed and adjusted his cuffs, ensuring they were presentable. Eauplaut Ravon was a tall elezen with a deep chest, strong arms, and rough hands from working all his life. Unlike many of his brethren who appeared tall, and graceful, he was built more like a boulder. Not a man unaccustomed to dealing with the higher levels of Ishguard society he was never the less a rough man that didn't seem to match the finery of the clothes he now wore. He appeared like a statue of granite next to a polished marble sculpture. "Now, remember boy, Lord Vorard is a stern but honorable man. His family is well-regarded among the nobles and common folk alike. They've long been patrons of this stable. I've supplied destriers for their knight, scouts, and carriages since before their eldest was born. Show him, and his family the proper respect, don't speak out of turn, and be forthright in all things. You've never been a chatty one so don't lose you're head now, eh, boy?"

Erlont nodded but kept his silence. Knights of the house often arrived to have matters attended to by the staff, a broken saddle strap, additional training, talon shaping, and so on. The saxe blue of their colors was a common enough sight for the boy growing up. Erlont hadn't yet been named an apprentice when last House Vorard came to call on the stables three years ago. He had been only thirteen at the time and ill-suited for standing before a lord, even one as minor as Aurleux Vorard. So when they arrived to have Evraut choose a chocobo for his own Erlont had only looked on from afar. He was working in the outer pastures fixing fences when the carriage arrived. 

Master Ravon checked his pocket chronometer with a frown.  The Chocobo Master fidgeted with the instrument before tucking it away again. "They should be here momentarily. I have never known him to be late. Tell me, is ought prepared?"

Erlont snapped to attention in his chair and nodded, "Yes! The younger boys are finishing up a second polish on the sets of tack you had picked out. The six chosen birds, Avreux, Prosurent, Ariene, Guidain, Prudance, and Shimmer-" He counted them off with his fingers, "are tethered and being brushed, beaks and talons polished."

The older master nodded thoughtfully, "Hmm, and did you-"

Another stable hand, a youth no older than thirteen years, rushed into the main office with rosy cheeks and bright red ears, bubbling with excitement. "Master Ravon! Ser, they're coming!" 

Eauplaut grunted and stood, "Well then, go and make sure the other lads are all keeping about their duties. Test me not, Oshisk. Not one wandering eye while we're doing business or I'll feed the lot of you to Brutaine!"

The young lad, looking considerably less cheery, vanished through the door. Erlont smirked to himself remembering when the threat of being fed to the master's chocobo made him quake in his shoes. She was a mean, broody, bird but had a weakness for candied lavender. Discovering that little bit of information had been what ultimately drew the master's attention to him and eventually raised Erlont to the level of Chief Apprentice despite his youth.

Erlont stood, tugged on his vest, attempted to smooth back his chestnut brown hair, and followed Eauplaut into the paddock proper. Though he had yet to reach fiftteen years old, he had been afforded a place of high importance at Master Ravon's side and as his direct apprentice and he took the task on with all due consideration and pride. Thus, he attempted to follow his master's suit and look as presentable as possible even though he did not have access to the finery befitting the man he was about to meet.

Master and Apprentice reached the exterior doors of the paddock, large enough for three chocobo in knight's armor to walk through abreast, just as Lord Vorard and his family were climbing out of the white carriage that brought them. The patriarch of the family was a stately man walking tall with silver-streaked hair, and tightly controlled facial hair. Walking side by side with him was a young man, not yet eighteen, with short-cropped black hair in the style usually worn by squires though it was starting to grow out now in anticipation of his newly sanctified role. Based on the description that Master Ravon had originally given to him, Erlont guessed this was Zaillax, the second eldest son of House Vorard and the recipient of today's demonstration.

Trailing behind the pair was, Erlont could only assume, the eldest son- Evraut Vorard, based on his more filled out frame appearing just at the age of manhood.  He was holding hands with a young girl around Erlont's age and both seemed to be speaking quietly while letting their father and brother pull ahead. Lastly was a young boy somewhere close to the same age as Evraut with blond hair and walking with a hand resting on the hit of his sword, perhaps a squire to the house. All had the same dark black hair and there was no doubt that they were related to one another with the exception of their squire. Each member of the family wore fine black and white, violet-blue, and silver clothes, with thick wolf pelt collars to keep the chill of the early winter wind at bay.

Master Ravon went to greet his guests and Erlont followed dutifully a few steps behind. "Lord Vorard, a pleasure to host you at the Black-Snow Paddock." He bowed gracefully for a man of his stature, and tipped his hat specifically to the young lady before donning it once more, covering his silver-blond locks. "You and yours are most welcome. May we offer tea or are you more interested in getting to the matter at hand?"

Lord Vorard regarded the chocobo keeper with cool silver eyes before he glanced at his children. The eldest just shrugged and released his little sister's hand, clasping his jeweled fingers before him as he waited patiently. Zaillax seemed tense and wouldn't look at his father, instead, he dipped his head in polite respect for Marer Ravon's greetings. The girl however spoke up, "Father, I think I speak for everyone, including Master Ravon, when I place myself behind the option of reviewing the chocobos that are ready for Zaillax. Let us be about the task at hand and save tea for after the labor of the meeting is complete."

Her voice was clear and gentle but not meek, and there was a faint lift to her words as if she was almost too excited to contain herself. Erlont pulled his eyes from the imposing Lord Vorard and watched the girl for a moment. Seeing her up close she was close to his age though younger, perhaps thirteen, with shimmering black hair that was done up in a fancy braided bun, an inviting happy face, and striking green eyes that appeared like new spring growth on pine trees. She was addressing Lord Vorard but she, as any respectable lady of the courts, made sure to look to the master chocobo keep when she mentioned him, bowing her demure head as if begging his pardon for speaking on his behalf. 

Lord Vorard smiled, his icy exterior melting as he looked upon his daughter. He bowed his head and turned back to Master Ravon, the ice flows moving back in over his countenance. "Very well, to the matter at hand. Lead on."

"Of course, of course. The young lady speaks with the command of her father's wisdom and her mother's grace, and so we obey." Master Ravon gave her a little bow before returning his attention to Lord Vorard "Before we begin, I wish you to know my apprentice, Erlont Keunard. He has helped me oversee the selection and training of many of the birds we are to inspect this day. If it pleases you, Lord, I would have him accompany us. Not only to offer his council should you choose to seek it, but also to observe and learn of my craft in the presence of such esteemed patrons. Pray, do not be put off by his youthful appearance. He has been working with me as my ward for nigh on eight years."

As all eyes passed from Master Ravon to Erlont he bowed, crossing one foot behind the other and resting his open palm on his chest. He bowed low, as he had been instructed, and paused for a moment before straightening. Looking into the faces of each of the men in turn, he said nothing awaiting their response. Zaillax, nodded his assent, a slight glint of sudden good-natured mischief sparking in his eyes, whereas Evraut grinned and bowed in return though in a more shallow pose. Lord Vorard took longer to consider the matter and while he waited his judgement Erlont's eyes slipped to the girl. 

Their eyes met and he felt rooted on the spot, as if a shard of ice had impaled him onto the stone courtyard. He forgot to breathe and a warmth spread through his chest that scorched his soul, altering it beyond his ken. Everything faded but her pale green eyes and her beautiful smile. A smile that seemed to be telling him something though he wasn't sure what.  Since coming to be a ward for Master Ravon he felt at peace, whole, especially after his father's death... but now it was as if she had filled some void that he had been unaware of. Now that he knew of it, the idea of missing that newfound part of him filled him with horror and despair. All of this he felt in the instant of their eyes meeting and in that span, there were no words to express this newfound feeling. For the first time in his short life, the young elezen lad understood something that his father had said when he asked his father what it meant to be in love, though, at the time, he had been too young to grasp the idea. 

"Keunard?" The sound of his surname snapped the youth from his sudden reverie and he looked up at Lord Vorard. "I recognize the name. Tell me, what temperament should the chocobo of a Knight of the Holy See have?"

Erlont considered for a moment and looked from the Lord to his son. "Calm. A knight's chocobo should be calm by nature."

The Lord kept silent and waited expectantly for more.

Erlont shifted and after searching for the right words to give life to his thoughts he explained. "A calm chocobo is steady. They will be strong against the trials a knight must face, and they will be a comfort- steady in a sea of shifting reality. A calm nature will allow the knight to trust them even when they cannot trust their comrades. How else would a knight let it to carry him into the flames and teeth of battle time and time again without fail?" 

"Just so, boy." Lord Vorard turned his silver eyes back to Master Ravon. "Lead on then."

"Apologies, father." The eldest son interrupted.

"Hmm?" The lord turned to eye Evraut who motioned east to where Camp Dragonhead lay some malms down the road. "Oh, yes. Off you go then."

Evraut turned his attention to the master chocobo keep and smiled winningly, "Pray forgive me, Master Ravon. I must take my leave and tend to some errands for Mother. I trust you will see to it my brother is matched with a suitable companion as you have done for our whole family throughout your service." 

The two exchanged polite bows in turn before Evraut left, his polished boots clicking on the cobbles with the confidence of a noble's blood, going with him was the blond-haired squire moving side by side with his lord until they got back into the carriage.


First Meetings Pt1: AI-Generated

First Meetings; Part the Second

Master Ravon turned, leading the group into the warm stables. Erlont, as instructed, took up the rear of the party, allowing his master to take the spotlight and lead the family down the swept center line between the stalls. This put him next to the girl who smiled at him, her pale green eyes brimming with curiosity and sweet humors. 

Erlont swallowed, or at least attempted to swallow past the stuck feeling in his throat. She seemed to have no compunctions about talking to him though as she asked in a half whisper, "Did you really help raise these magnificent birds?"

He could only nod but the delight that appeared on her face set him at ease, at least a little bit. He wasn't sure why he suddenly felt like the sold stone floor under his feet was about to give way. Still, it remained stubbornly in place as Master Ravon stopped at the first chocobo that had been prepared for inspection. 

She was a tall chocobo fit more for sprinting and outflanking than she was for charging head-first into the jaws of waiting Dravanians. Her glossy black feathers had a green iridescence to them and her eyes were bright and intelligent. When the group of five approached she ruffled her feathers and trilled a gentle song of greeting. 

"This here is Ariene. She's just come to five years and is eager to serve. She's possessed of good, strong legs that are some of the fastest this stable has ever seen. Though she would be more suited to currier and scout work than a true knight's battles, her heart is pure and is as fearless as any of our hatchlings and would make even The Fury proud." The older elezen rested his hand on her elegant neck as she bent down to sniff at the strangers. 

Lord Vorard circled her, ducking under the twin ties that held her in the middle of the hall, and inspected her talons and tail feathers. He and  Zaillax inspected the chocobo from top to bottom, asking questions of Master Ravon that faded from Erlont's ears as he spoke with the girl. 

"Oh, she's so pretty. Ariene... It sounds like a star. Did you name her?" 

Finally finding his voice, Erlont shook his head, "No, Master Ravon names all the hatchlings when they turn one year." He paused, then thinking he needed to explain more, "For luck, he says."

The girl reached up her delicate hand to the bird who lowered her warm yellow beak into it, seeking gentle pats and rubs while the gentlemen inspected her wings. "Well, I think he named her right. She's beautiful."

Erlont was about to ask her name as Master Ravon neglected to mention she might be coming but was interrupted by Zaillax's voice. Being the first time he spoke Erlont was surprised by the faint laughter he could hear in the older boy's tones, like he was always ready to laugh or always finding some amusement in what he saw. But it was a good sound, not malicious. It was in stark contrast to the more serious face he had worn outside, "Avianne, what do you think?"

Zaillax came around to the front of the chocobo and scratched behind her jaw which caused the bird to click her beak in apparent bliss. Avianne beamed up at her older brother, "I think she's wonderful, calm, and sweet like you. But, if you're going to be in the middle of all the battles- I think she's too willowy." She gave her opinion with confidence. Confidence that Erlont had only just begun to have even though he had been working in the paddock since he was a young boy. 

"I think you're right, and father seems to agree." The elder boy finally looked at Erlont. There was a smile in his eyes as he said, "Take this one away. I'm eager to find a better match."

Erlont glanced to Master Ravon who only gave a short nod in response to the silent question. Leading Ariene away to her stable the group moved on to the next chocobo in the line leaving Erlont to catch up. Prosurent was next. A stout male chocobo with feathers that were a touch more grey than black. He had a meaner temperament and eyed the group warily, refusing to bend his proud head for pets though he did allow for the inspection of his powerful legs and wings- begrudgingly.

"A powerful beast of seven years his temper is a match for the beasts you'll be facing down. At least with strangers but is as loyal as they come. He's a natural fighter- protected me while we were out training in the fields near Camp Dragonhead when some wolves thought to make us an easy meal. Fitted his saddle with the pelt of his first kill." Master Ravon's chest swelled with pride as he lifted the powerful right leg of the chocobo to show the Lord the gleaming wicked talons. Prosurent flexed his foot, the gleam of the talons leaving no question that the would easily rip apart any foe he wished. 

Avianne looked up at the chocobo but didn't reach out to touch him. Her eyes were filled with awe and respect as she asked Erlont who had come up beside her again, "Is that true? Did he kill wolves all on his own? He could protect Zaillax from the dragons for sure then."

"He could, m'lady. He's strong and loyal. If it's not too bold to say, I think your brother would be in good talons with Prosurent." He grinned at his little joke and that grin blossomed into a wide cheesy smile as she giggled at him. It was a controlled giggle, restrained as a young noble lady likely needed to be but the sound struck a chord within Erlont's chest. What was going on with him?

He shook his head to clear it and tried to focus on the conversation between the older elezen which had turned to details of specific training that the chocobo went through. Though Avianne wasn't one to be deterred it would seem, "How exactly do you help Master Ravon? I've never met a chocobo master before."

He shifted, and tried to gather his thoughts, unsure for a moment before he shrugged, "Well I help keep the other boys in line. We're all orphans of the war here really, and he's taken us in, giving us a chance to learn something useful. I help maintain the equipment, mend panels and fences, help train the younger birds, watch the hatching for all the chicks, and care for the sick ones. Just about everything that needs doing, I can help with."

She listened to his poor explanation with rapt attention but whatever she was about to add was cut off by Master Ravon requesting Prosurent to be taken away to the arena and saddled. Jumping to obey Erlont gave a little bow of his head in way of excusing himself and then led away the stout chocobo ignoring the faint hiss that came from the bird. 

And so it went. Next was Shimmer who was dismissed due to her more skittish nature. Then Guidien was also taken to the arena to be saddled which Erlont was not surprised at as the chocobo was a good strong bird with intelligent eyes but he was also very willful. Prudence was debated over for several long minutes but eventually also dismissed for her age, being nearly twenty in her years she was a former knight's dear companion for many of them. She would have been ideal, having seen first hands and survived the savagery of their enemy under the command of another knight but she was near the age of retirement being near seventy. And lastly was Avreux who was taken to the arena as well. Of all the chocobo that had been pulled for inspection, she was the one that Erlont believed would be the best fit for a young knight like Zaillax. 

The arena was an outdoor oval pen of monstrous size so that a full contingent of knights could participate in a mock battle if they wished. It was filled with sand and swept clear of snow as much as possible. Thankfully today was a bright, clear day and the sands were clear for riding work. The birds that found nest in the paddock's rafters were a riot of songs as the sunshine warmed their feathers. Erlont mounted up a docile training chocobo and used it as a pacing bird against the three that were chosen. 

Erlont was a skilled rider, able to keep pace with Zaillax as he put each chocobo through their paces from sprinting and jumping to complex footwork and commanded attacks against a few training dummies. He gave the young knight the various commands both verbal and physical that the chocobo of Black-Snow were trained with. He found the young knight to be a companionable sort who seemed to have no qualms about taking instruction from a lowly peasant orphan. He had an impish smile that was carefree in a way that his elder brother's had not been. Where his brother had been strong and had the appearance of being easygoing he carried himself with the responsibility of being the house heir. 

While working with Prosurent, the young man spoke up, "Master Ravon seems to value your opinion, tell me, which would you choose?"

"Avreux, ser." Prosurent hissed loudly and lashed out at the pacing chocobo he was riding forcing Erlont to guide the smaller pacing bird away for a few paces before coming back. "Prosurent is a noble soul and would serve you well, but your temperaments do not align. I do not doubt that he would protect you to his last breath, but he is not a companion. Guidien needs an older knight which will brook no argument nor suffer no insolence. Guidien will challenge your every choice and will take many years to listen to you. Though this may be a rewarding path in the end your chocobo needs to be a mirror to you so that you'll have a better chance of survival. They should act at your every thought rather than wait for your command."

Zaillax listened to the young lad's more eloquent thoughts and smirked, "Well, I can see why he values your input. You have a deep well of understanding for the beasts even if you are quiet at first." 

Erlont felt the tips of his ears start to burn with the compliment and his chest swelled with pride. "Thank you, ser."

"So you think that Avreux the better choice, why?" 

Erlont took the lead rope of Prosurent in hand and led the chocobo and rider along the far side of the arena where a mock battlefield had been set up with dummies in armor, broken weapons, and flapping flags had been set up to judge a chocobo's reaction to such hazards. The stout bird picked his way through the 'aftermath' easily. "Ser, it may be bold of me, but you have a lightness to you. A cheer and easy stride. At least after watching you for a time. Averux, while her name might mean Greedy, Master Ravon named her that because she is greedy for life. She's curious, expressive, and compassionate. More than once we've caught her gifting pretty stones to the younger boys to cheer them up and she's always playing with the other chocobo, even the grumpy ones. When she's gone too far she just seems to laugh and strut away. I've heard stories of the battles, and seen the soldiers and knights come back burned and missing limbs. I don't think you need a bird that will always remind you of the horrors because of their nature, but one that will carry you above them."

Zaillax was quiet as the pair came to a stop and he looked out over nothing in particular, as if he couldn't see the arena. Prosurent huffed with impatience but Zaillax just stroked his neck. After a few moments of silence, he said, "Thank you. You have an interesting perspective for someone I thought was just another stable hand. Forgive my assumptions."

Erlont lowered his head and said, "Nothing to forgive Ser Vorard. I've much to learn yet."

"Come, let us return to Father." He gave a crooked grin to Erlont. "Shall we race?"

Pleasantly surprised Erlont agreed, "Aye!" 

With that, the two chocobo surged forward. While the little pacing chocobo had the upper hand at first, being swifter than she looked, there was no outstripping the raw power of Prosurent as he charged forward on sure legs and long strides. It wasn't much of a race but Erlont was honored to share that moment with Zaillax. 

"Father!" Zaillax hailed as he reigned in his charging steed. "I have had my fill. Let us retire with Master Ravon to speak of final choices."

Master Ravon and Lord Vorard had been observing from a distance, speaking pleasantly with Avianne standing and leaning against the fence rails. When Zaillax came charging in with Erlont following at a more controlled pace knowing full well he had lost the sprint, they stood and nodded. 

"Master Ravon?" Avianne turned to look up at the burly elezen with sparkling green eyes, "While you speak of business may I trouble you? I would like to spend some time with the chocobo while I am here. Perhaps Erlont could show me more of the stables, or let me ride?" She glanced at her father who was frowning slightly. 

The man looked to Lord Vorard, then to Erlont before focusing on the young girl, his expression melting at her eager pleading eyes. Erlont had never seen his master melt so easily. "That is well by me, young Lady, so long as Lord Vorard has no objections. We have several docile birds perfect for a round or two in the arena."

Lord Vorard sighed and approached the fence to look over Erlont who had just gotten down from his less impressive chocobo. The man's hard silver eyes cut into him and Erlont stood very still but not adverting his gaze. It was like staring down Brutaine. He looked at his daughter's eager face and then sighed again, "I leave her in your charge then, Kunard."

Erlont bowed formally. It didn't need to be said but Erlont understood that if any harm came to Avianne it would be his hide on the line. Avianne beamed and clambered through the fence in a rather unladylike display of eagerness that caught Erlont by surprise. She went right up to Avreux and started to stroke her silky feathers. Erlont glanced back at the Lord who was frowning in great dis approval but the lad had good sense to look away before the Lord saw his stare. 

With Master Ravon, Lord Vorard, and the young knight Zaillax gone to the offices of the stables Avianne seemed to relax. Though she was still a lady born to a noble house and etiquette and manners were as much a part of her nature as breathing, she seemed more free. For a while the girl only seemed interested in the chocobo, scratching at their pin feathers, and talking to them in a hushed tone. While she did this Erlont went about clearing up the arena, piling tack together and instructing some of the younger boys to return the three larger chocobo to their stables and to bring out Etie for the young lady. 

Avianne watched the three magnificent birds be led away, "Which do you think they will choose?"

"Hard to say, m'lady. However, I trust Master Ravon to guide them right. He's never pointed anyone wrong."

"I've only helped groom our other chocobos, and once father let me ride in his lap. I've never ridden one alone. I'm a little nervous." She came up to stand close to Erlont, looking at him with unbridled curiosity and honesty but her face and demeanor was that of a polished flower. Erlont decided that while the rest of her seemed to be the picture of what he always imagined a noble lady to be, controlled, indifferent, restrained, her eyes were the best part of her. So easy to read, so full of life. 

Erlont smiled, charmed by her expression and admission. Somehow he never thought she could be nervous given how bold she had appeared to him. "Oh, there's no need to worry. Etie is gentle, sweet as mulled spring wine, and touched by Menphina." He shifted to look down at her. He wouldn't have needed Lord Vorard's stern glare as a reminder because a wave of protectiveness washed over him. "Besides- well, I'll be right there with you the whole time."

"Promise, good ser?" She was slightly teasing in the way she said it as if she were asking it of a true knight, but the nervous energy she had was still present deep in her eyes.

Deciding to play along with her little game though knowing that he would never be a noble knight, he bowed his head and put his hand over his heart. With earnest tones and the pronounced solemnity of a knight taking a vow, he promised, "I promise, m'lady."

She laughed again and curtsied but whatever she was about to say died on her lips as Etie was ushered into the arena by a bright-eyed youth. Etie, unlike the powerful black feathered chocobo famed in Ishguard, was pale as snow. She was smaller but still large enough for an adult elezen to ride with ease and had blue eyes that glittered like a glacier. She seemed dainty in comparison to the other chocobo and there was an elegance to how she moved. Her call when she saw Erlont was pure and gentle as it was beautiful. Avianne let out a little 'Oooh." of appreciation and surprise as Erlont led her to the chocobo. 

"This is Etie." He presented proudly and with a nod dismissed the stable hand. 

Avianne reached up and happily stroked the chocobo's beak when it was lowered for pets. The brilliant blue eyes blinked slowly at the girl and soft trills could be heard deep in the white bird's breast. "She's so beautiful. I thought all your chocobos were black."

"As I said, touched by Menphina. She hatched this way and Master Ravon doesn't know why but sometimes it happens. Sometimes they are touched by Menphina, and sometimes they are touched by Halone and are destined to be savage fighters on the battlefield. Those are born with red eyes that glitter like rubies." He ran his hand along her graceful neck as he explained, surprised by how easy it was to talk with the girl. 

"Etie..." Avianne scratched under the jaw of the chocobo and smiled brightly. 

Erlont let Avianne continue to get familiar with the white chocobo while he checked all the straps on the saddle. While it was just a simple cloth and fur saddle designed for light training instead of the hard molded saddles used by knights, he wanted to ensure it was set up properly, which included converting it to a side saddle for her. "We'll take a few walks around the edge of the arena. Etie is trained with touch commands so just guide her with the reigns and she'll obey."

"She's so big. What if I fall off?" Avianne moved aside as Erlont lined up the chocobo with the mounting block. 

"Don't worry. You won't fall. She's smaller than other chocobo." He offered his hand to help guide the girl up the few steps and helped her get positioned in the saddle properly, showing her how to place her feet in the stirrups and how to hold the reigns. When she was settled Avianne kept stroking the glossy white feathers while her other hand gripped the reigns and saddle tightly. Erlont quickly remounted the chocobo he had been using all morning and came up beside Avianne, taking the lead rope in hand. He smiled in a way that he hoped was reassuring when she met his eyes, "Are you ready?"

She nodded, pale green eyes brimming with excitement. Again her look struck something within Erlont that he couldn't place and he had to clear his throat again as he felt his stomach clench as if it had dropped to his feet. "Alright, just relax." He said softly and began to move forward, Etie following easily in a smooth gate. 

Never taking his eyes off Avianne, Erlont watched lest she lose her balance and slip off into the sand. But he didn't have to worry. After the first few steps, Avianne quickly found her center and soon began to relax. She seemed to take to the saddle with ease and Erlont smiled encouragingly at her, "There you go. Etie will react to your emotions. The more you relax and trust her the more at ease you'll both be."

"Like with aether?"

Erlont blinked. He had little to no knowledge about the arcane arts. Many of his fellows had rudimentary abilities in magic that they got special training with, and he knew that it was a practice carefully monitored by The Holy See. He had never heard anything about aether being affected by emotion. 

No doubt seeing the look of confusion on his face she explained eagerly, "Because aether comes from within it can be influenced by the caster's emotions. It's not just about the words or motions used. So if the caster loses focus or their emotions aren't controlled it can make the aether react in a way they weren't expecting."

With that explanation, he thought for a moment before nodding, "Yes, then it's similar. Your emotions will influence Etie's confidence and peace."

As they were talking Avianne had gotten more confident and had not noticed that Erlont had let the led rope fall so that she was commanding Etie on her own. Avianne was grinning ear to ear, "I knew it. So it's a give and take of energy. I see now why you and Master Ravon are so good at pairing knights with the right chocobo."

Unsure of what she meant he just shook his head, "Well, Master Ravon to be sure. He has some skill with magic though I never thought about how it might influence seeing which pair will be best with one another." He pondered that connection for a few moments. He had always assumed that it had come from good observation and knowing people's base natures. That's how his mentor had always described it, nearly beating the concepts of people watching and deducing people to their base emotional components into his mind since he was young. 

"My teachers say that the body is made up of aether of all aspects and that's how we connect to this star and The Fury. It makes sense that that's true for even chocobo. Isn't that right, Etie?" She leaned forward and wrapped an arm around the chocobo's neck who whistled lightly in response, as if answering the girl's question. 

The lad chuckled, "She likes you."

The girl rose back up and she smiled so easily and warmly at Erlont, "I like her too." 

They walked around the arena for a few passes, Avianne always asking questions about the training tools that were set up and asking Erlont about all the things he did day to day for the chocobo. From their favorite foods to the lances that they used in charging practice. The more they talked the more relaxed Erlont became until he soon forgot that he was talking to a noble lady or that he usually didn't like to speak overly much. There was an earnest quality to her desire for knowledge that captivated him and he spoke more with her than he usually did in a full week. 

At length, after their third pass around the arena, he increased the speed. Etie followed and soon their leisurely walk became a gentle trot. Avianne clutched at the saddle, her green eyes wide in surprise and apprehension. "Oooh! Erlont, wait!" 

Her voice was surprised but there was no overpowering fear so Erlont didn't slow down and only grinned, "I'm right here, remember." 

She looked ahead and soon began to smile again. So Erlont encouraged the two chocobo to even greater speeds. The black and white birds were now loping forward easily, powerful talons digging in and sending plumes of sand up behind them. 

When Erlont sensed that Avianne had relaxed again into the new speed he called, "We're going to sprint now, are you ready?"

Avianne only nodded, her hands tight on the reigns and saddle pad as she prepared. There was a playful grin now where before she had been frowning in concentration. Erlont gave his silent command to the pacing chocobo forcing both birds into a dead sprint around the very edge of the arena where the sand was more packed into solid ground. Wind whipping in their ears and black hair streaming in snapping ribbons that had pulled loose from the noble bun, Avianne's clear laughter could be heard in time with the thudding feet of the chocobo striking the earth. 

Erlont's heart swelled as it always did when riding a chocobo at full sprint but it was even more profound to share in the experience with someone so new to the experience. They raced around the arena once with Erlont keeping close to the young lady in case she needed his help. As she grew comfortable he pulled away giving her more space and eventually guiding his mount to the center of the arena and letting Avianne run unfettered. He watched her avidly, telling himself that it was to keep an eye out for any danger. In truth, he was thinking back to that feeling that had first struck him when their eyes met. 

His father had outlived his mother by several years and though he didn't understand it fully at the time he never tired of asking his father to describe her and how he felt about her. His father's gentle voice, so filled with awe and warmth came to his ears and washed over him as he remembered how he described it. 

Avianne took another pass alone around the arena, laughing and urging Etie to new speeds until the chocobo was almost a white blur. Then she started to slow, gently pulling back until the chocobo came to an easy trot and she directed her towards Erlont who was waiting for her, grinning like a fool. The excitement had left Avianne with a delicate blush along her cheeks and ears, several wavy strands of long black hair had pulled from the bun and her eyes glimmered with exhilaration. "That was incredible!"

Erlont chuckled with her as he reached out to pet Etie's head. The graceful chocobo was breathing hard from her sprint but she seemed in good spirits. "You looked magnificent. Are you sure you've never ridden before? You were naturally good at it."

The compliment made the blush more apparent and she ducked her head. "I think all the credit goes to Etie. She was brilliant." 

The white chocobo whistled again and ruffled her feathers. Erlont moved so that he was side by side with her again and began to lead them back to the mounting block. Once there he helped Avianne get down from the chocobo and she smoothed out her hair and dress, returning to the perfect model of a young noble lady, and her hands were clasped before her. 

Erlont took the reigns of the chocobo and began to walk towards the paddock, intent on giving her the tour of the stables she had asked for. His spirits high, he didn't think before he said, "I think you've a talent for riding. Perhaps your father might permit you to come and visit if it's something that you truly enjoy."

"I would love that. I enjoyed it so much." She beamed at him. "And I would like to see you again. I've had such a fun time today, and you're good company too."

Erlont had to swallow hard again, his stomach dropping and jumping as he gripped the reigns tightly. "Well, we'll have to see what your father says." Erlont sent a fervent prayer to The Fury that Lord Vorard would permit her to visit. He was willing to promise a great deal to spend more time with this girl, his new friend. 



First Meetings Pt2: AI-Generated
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