Chapter 38: The Dragonkin's Offer

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Tyler lowered his sword, the weight of the blade feeling like an anchor in his hand. "No. I won't become like you."

Zharan lay on the ground. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, staining the dust beneath him. With a gurgle, he forced out a single word: "Coward." A final act of defiance from a fallen tyrant.

The marauders rushed to their fallen leader.

Ellie, freed from her captor's grasp, ran to Tyler's side. "Tyler, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Let's get out of here." He turned to the marauders, gesturing towards their fallen leader. "He's yours. Do with him as you will."

Ellie and Tyler embraced tightly, the warmth of their bodies a stark contrast to the chill that had settled over the village square. As they turned to leave, Tobias, Jack, and Ana joined them.

Tobias glared at the marauders. "We want our weapons back."

The marauders ignored their request, but the bartender, who had been watching from the tavern doorway, spoke up. "Your weapons are inside."

Tobias, Jack, and Ana quickly retrieved their weapons from the tavern.

"Well, that was a bit more excitement than I bargained for," Jack said, adjusting his sword belt. "Next time, let's just have a nice, quiet picnic instead of tangling with marauders, eh?"

As they caught up the Ellie and Tyler, Ana handed Ellie her knife, then said, "Knowing you, Jack, you'd probably find a way to turn a picnic into a life-or-death situation."

Tobias chuckled, clapping Jack on the shoulder. "He'd probably challenge a squirrel to a duel over the last sandwich."

Their laughter was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a figure cloaked in midnight blue. It was Nymeria, the woman Tyler had glimpsed on the marauder's ship. Her cloak billowed in the sea breeze, her silver eyes piercing through the shadows of her hood.

"Oceanrider!" Nymeria called out.

Tyler recognized her immediately. She stood surrounded by marauders.

"You have bested Zharan, Oceanrider. I see a warrior's quality in you. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement that benefits us both."

Tyler's eyes narrowed. "I'm not interested in any deal with marauders."

"I offer you the role of captain. Wealth beyond your wildest dreams, enough to support your family for generations. Think of the power you could wield, the good you could do."

Tyler shook his head. "I'm an Oceanrider, not a mercenary. My loyalty lies with the sea and its people, not with bloodthirsty pirates."

"We are not the monsters you believe us to be, Oceanrider. We fight for our homeland, for our right to exist. The mainland kingdoms have pushed us to the brink, stealing our resources, denying us our heritage. We seek only to reclaim what was once ours, to carve out a place where our people can thrive."

Tyler had never considered the Dragonkins' side of things.

Tobias interrupted. "Don't listen to her, Tyler! The marauders have dragon blood in their veins. They can't be trusted, they lie! They take land that was never theirs."

Nymeria turned her attention to Ellie. "I sense traces of dragon blood in you, young one. Your children could be powerful beyond measure, future leaders in a new world order."

Ellie stepped closer to Tyler, her hand finding his. "It's time to go home. We don't need their promises."

Nymeria made one final, tempting offer. "Serve us, Oceanrider. Pledge your loyalty to the Dragonkin, and I swear to you, one of your children will sit upon the throne. They will be king, with all the power and glory that entails. Your bloodline will be secured, your legacy etched in history."

Sensing Tyler's internal struggle, Tobias began pulling him away. "Come on, Tyler. Let's get back to the Swiftwind."

With a final glance at Nymeria, Tyler turned and followed his friends to the dinghy. They rowed back to the Swiftwind, where Declan waited.

As they set sail, Dragonclaw Island disappeared into the distance. The lack of pursuit from the Dragonkin marauders was both a relief and a mystery.

On the deck of the Swiftwind, Ellie and Tyler stood together. The late afternoon sun painted the sky in brilliant hues of orange and pink.

Ellie and Tyler shared a tender, emotional kiss, holding each other tightly as if afraid to let go. Their embrace was interrupted by Declan's excited shout.

"Look! A Tidewing gull!"

Ana quickly retrieved the message from the bird's leg capsule. As the crew gathered around, she said, "It's from someone called Bram Wildshore, Guardian of Dragontide."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense!" Jack said. "What does it say?"

Ana cleared her throat and read aloud, "In exchange for Ellie's noble and selfless actions, I release her from her sacrifice of losing her family in exchange for healing her grandfather."

Tyler looked at Ellie, confused. "What does that mean?"

Ellie sighed. "To enter Thornveil Wilds and obtain the Dragonscale Moss to make Elixiron, I agreed to a price," she explained. "My family wouldn't remember who I was."

Tyler's expression softened. "That was a high price to pay. But it sounds like he's released you from that deal."

Ana continued reading. "And there's a message from someone named Pipwhistle. He says, 'May your pockets be as full as a dragon's stash, and your wits as sharp as its claws.'" She shook the capsule, and a small stone fell out. "There's something else in here," she said, handing the stone to Ellie.

Ellie gasped as she examined the stone. It was a deep, swirling blue, with flecks of gold that seemed to dance in the light. "It's beautiful. But what is it?"

Tobias leaned in for a closer look. "That's a Royal Sapphire," he said in awe. "They're incredibly rare and valuable. It's said they hold ancient magic and can grant their bearer great wisdom and insight."

Ana jumped in. "It's also a symbol of royalty. Whoever possesses it is said to have the favor of the old kings."

Ellie slipped the sapphire into her pocket, next to the key she still carried. "Pip always did have a way with surprises. I just hope he didn't 'borrow' this from Aurathorn's cave. That dragon has a long memory and an even longer reach."

"Who's Pip?" Tyler asked, his brow furrowed.

Ellie laughed. "A colorful little pickpocket who helped me along my journey. I'll tell you all about him someday. It's quite a tale."

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the deck, Ellie and Tyler shared another passionate kiss.

Jack cleared his throat, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "You know. I'm in training to become a Ship's Chaplain. I could marry you two right here, right now, if you'd like."

The crew erupted in excited cheers and encouragement, their voices carrying across the waves.

Tyler looked at Ellie. "El," he began, a slight tremor in his words, "what do you say? Would you want to spend your life with an Oceanrider?" A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he added, "Ready for the biggest adventure of all?"

"With you? Always." Ellie held up her hand, the simple, silver band adorning her finger. "I already have the perfect ring."

As Jack began the impromptu ceremony, his words carried on the sea breeze. Ellie and Tyler stood at the bow of the Swiftwind, their hands clasped tightly together. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the deck and the faces of their friends.

The Swiftwind sailed on toward Crystal Shores, cutting through the waves with grace, a sense of homecoming settled over the crew. They had faced dangers, made sacrifices, and emerged stronger. Now, with the wind at their backs, they sailed towards a future filled with promise, adventure, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship and love.

The End

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Thank you for reading!

I'm writing Book 2, "Dragontide's Son."

Ellie and Tyler on the Swiftwind Heading Home
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