Chapter 34: The Rescue Plan

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Ellie stood on the pier next to Tobias, her mind racing as she tried to think of a way to fix the dire situation. Tyler was injured and stranded on some forsaken island in the midst of a war zone. She couldn't just leave him to the mercy of the Dragonkin. But what could she do? She was just one girl, with no power or influence. She watched as the rest of the soldiers departed the Wavecrest, their boots thumping heavily on the gangplank. With each step, Ellie felt her hope slipping away.

But then, as she shifted her weight, she felt the heavy presence of her pack. A sudden realization struck her, she still had her share of the Elixiron money, a small fortune that could possibly provide a solution to her problem. It was a way to mount a rescue mission for Tyler, to bring him back home where he belonged.

As she watched the rest of the soldiers depart the Wavecrest, she noticed a group of ship hands lingering on deck. Their voices, a mix of grumbling and speculation, drifted toward her.

"I don't understand why we came back early," one of the sailors grumbled. "This old girl could still sail circles around those Dragonkin ships."

"Aye," another agreed, spitting over the railing. "But the captain's got his orders. Besides, who wants to risk their neck for a few measly Thornveil Pieces?"

Ellie had an idea. She had the money to pay them far more than that. A plan began to form in her mind, a plan that could save Tyler.

She turned to Tobias. "I have an idea," she said. "I have enough money to rent a ship and crew to search for Tyler and bring him home. What do you think? Can you help me find the island where he was left?"

Tobias looked at her, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Where did you get that kind of money?"

"It's a long story. I'll explain later. But can you help me?"

"Ellie, it's too dangerous. The Dragonspine Reaches are crawling with marauders. And besides, I only have a rough idea where he´s at."

"But we can't just leave him there. We can´t abandon him. He could still be alive."

"If you can manage it, I'll go with you. I remember the general direction."

"Then let's get started," she said. "We don't have a moment to lose."

They wasted no time. Ellie hurried to find the ship's captain, who was surveying the deck. "Captain, I'd like to charter the Wavecrest."

"Charter the Wavecrest?" he said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You? This ain't no pleasure cruise, lass. We're in the middle of a war."

"I know. But my friend is injured and stranded on an island in the Reaches. I need to bring him home."

Despair engulfed Ellie.

"However, there's a smaller ship docked just over there, the Swiftwind. She's not built for battle, but she's fast and nimble. Might be just what you need."

"Thank you, Captain. Thank you so much."

As Ellie and Tobias hurried off, the captain called after them. "Hold on a minute, lass. Who's this friend you're so eager to rescue?"

"Tyler Green, sir. He's one of your recruits."

"Tyler Green, eh? Why didn't you say so? I'm afraid the lad's in bad shape. He took a nasty blow during the battle, and we had to leave him behind on Dragonclaw Island, in a village with healers."

Ellie had heard tales of Dragonclaw Island. It was said to be a haven for pirates and smugglers, a lawless land where the strong preyed upon the weak.

"Dragonclaw Island is a treacherous place, a labyrinth of twisting caves and dense jungles. The island is home to all manner of beasts and brigands, and the waters surrounding it are infested with sharks and sea serpents."

‟I understand, sir. But I´m not changing my mind."

The captain smiled. ‟Then you´d best get moving, lass."

Ellie and Tobias rushed over to the Swiftwind, a sleek, single-masted sloop with weathered sails and a sturdy hull. The name was painted in bold, faded letters across the stern, and an old sailor with a bushy white beard was busy inspecting the rigging.

"Excuse me," Ellie called out, her voice barely audible above the creaking of the ropes and the cries of seagulls overhead. "Are you the owner of this vessel?"

The sailor turned to face them. "Captain Roth at your service. What can I do for you two landlubbers?"

Ellie´s words tumbled out in a rush. "My friend is stranded on an island. We need to find him and bring him home. I´d like to rent your ship."

Captain Roth stroked his grizzled beard. "I can see this means a great deal to you," he said. "I'll rent you the Swiftwind, but I won't be captaining her or coming along. You'll have to find your own crew. And you'll be responsible for any damages to the vessel, mind you. The Swiftwind's a tough old girl, but she's not invincible. Bring her back in one piece, you hear?"

"Thank you, Captain. We'll take good care of her."

With the Swiftwind secured, Ellie and Tobias returned to the Wavecrest and began recruiting a crew. They offered a generous sum of Gilded Gryphons, and three sailors eagerly accepted, lured by the promise of adventure, a handsome wage, and the chance to help their fallen comrade.

The motley crew consisted of Jack, a lanky young man with a mop of unruly red hair. He claimed to have sailed the Dragonspine Reaches before and knew the waters like the back of his hand.

Next was Ana, a fierce-looking woman with sun-bronzed skin and a scar running down her cheek. She had a reputation as a skilled fighter and had no qualms about facing danger head-on.

Finally, there was Declan, a quiet, unassuming man with a gentle demeanor. He was the ship's cook and had a way with herbs and medicines that would undoubtedly come in handy on their journey.

With a skeletal crew assembled, Ellie sent Declan to gather supplies - food, water, medical equipment, and anything else they might need on their journey. The Swiftwind was quickly stocked and readied to set sail.

Ellie gathered what navigational tools she could find. The Swiftwind had a compass and some charts onboard, and Ellie still had the now-dry map from her grandfather's trunk. She hoped that with  Tobias's and Jack´s knowledge of the Dragonspine Reaches, they could find their way to Tyler.

As the Swiftwind set sail, Tobias stood at the helm, his eyes fixed on the horizon. Ellie stood beside him, her gaze focused on the compass.

"We'll need to be careful," Tobias said. "The Dragonspine Reaches are dangerous waters, even without the Marauders and the war."

Ellie nodded as the sea breeze whipped through her hair, and the sun glinted off the waves, casting a golden glow on the deck.

The crew huddled around the map, pointing out potential routes and arguing over the best path to take.

"I say we head straight through the Siren's Pass," Jack said, his finger tracing a line on the map. "It's the quickest way to the island."

Ana shook her head. "Are you mad? The Siren's Pass is crawling with Dragonkin Marauders. We'd be sitting ducks out there."

"Aye, and what about the seadrakes?" Declan added. "I've heard tales of ships being dragged down to the depths by those monsters. We should stick to the calmer waters, even if it takes us a bit longer."

The debate raged on. Ellie listened intently. As captain, the final decision rested on her shoulders.

"We'll take the longer route," Ellie said. "We can't afford to take unnecessary risks."

"A wise choice, Captain," Ana said. "The calmer waters may add time to our journey, but it's better than ending up as fish food."

Jack shrugged. "Aye, I suppose you're right. Besides, more time at sea means more time for me to perfect my knot-tying skills."

Declan chuckled. "Just make sure you don't tie yourself to the mast by accident, Jack. We don't need any more distractions on this voyage."

Ellie couldn't help but smile at the banter, a sense of camaraderie growing among the crew.

With the course plotted, they set about their tasks. Ana took charge of the weapons and defenses. Jack manned the sails. And Declan disappeared below deck, the  aroma of his cooking wafting up from the galley.

As they sailed further into the Dragonspine Reaches, the weather began to turn. Dark clouds gathered on the horizon, and the wind picked up, howling through the rigging with increasing ferocity.

Ellie on the deck of the Swiftwind
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