Chapter 35: A Message for the Oceanrider

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As the Swiftwind sailed further into the Dragonspine Reaches, the weather grew increasingly turbulent. Dark clouds, like bruised shadows, loomed on the horizon. The wind howled through the rigging like a banshee, tearing at the sails and threatening to capsize the vessel. Waves crashed against the hull with bone-jarring force, sending icy spray across the deck.

The storm intensified. The sky, a canvas of churning black clouds, was illuminated by jagged forks of lightning. Rain lashed down in sheets, turning the deck into a treacherous skating rink.

The crew fought desperately to keep the Swiftwind afloat. They reefed the sails, their hands raw and blistered from grappling with the coarse ropes. They bailed out the bilge as the frigid water sloshed around their ankles, numbing their feet and weighing down their sodden clothing.

Ellie stood at the helm, her hands clenched tightly around the wheel as she guided the ship through the heart of the tempest. Rain lashed against her face, stinging her skin with icy needles.

Beside her, Tobias fought with equal fervor, his muscles straining against the relentless force of the storm. Together, they steered the ship through the chaos.

"Hold fast!" Tobias shouted above the deafening roar of the wind. "We've got to keep her steady!"

The Swiftwind pitched and rolled, its timbers groaning under the onslaught of the towering waves. It felt as though the very sea itself was trying to drag them down into its murky depths.

Just when all seemed lost, the storm abated as quickly as it had arrived. The clouds parted, revealing a sliver of pale moonlight, and the wind died down to a gentle breeze. The crew, exhausted but relieved, set about assessing the damage and making repairs.

The Swiftwind had taken a brutal beating, its sails tattered and its hull battered, but she was still afloat.

As morning neared, the first rays of dawn pierced through the thinning clouds, a cry came from the crow's nest. "Land ahoy!"

Ellie and Tobias rushed to the bow, their eyes scanning the horizon. There, shrouded in mist, was a rugged coastline, its jagged cliffs rising from the sea like the teeth of a monstrous beast.

"Dragonclaw Island," Tobias said. "I recognize those cliffs."

They anchored the Swiftwind in a hidden cove, its rocky walls providing some shelter from the sea. Ellie, Tobias, Jack, and Ana climbed into the ship's dinghy, leaving Declan to guard the Swiftwind. They rowed towards the shore, their eyes fixed on the distant village.

The village was a ramshackle collection of huts and shacks, their thatched roofs weighed down by moss and their walls patched with driftwood. The air smelled of seaweed, and the cries of seagulls echoed through the cliffs.

Rough-hewn fishing boats bobbed in the shallows, their paint peeling and their nets tangled in disarray. The villagers, clad in tattered garments, eyed the newcomers with suspicion.

Tobias gestured toward a weathered building at the end of the muddy path, its wooden façade worn by years of harsh coastal weather. "Since I never got off the ship, I don't know where they took Tyler. But there's a bar over there, and it looks open. There could be people in there that can help us."

Tobias led them to the village's tavern, its wooden sign creaking in the breeze. Inside, the air was thick with the tang of fermented fish. A handful of rough-looking patrons sat at the bar, their eyes following the newcomers.

Ellie approached the barkeep, a burly man with a missing tooth. She handed him the sketch she had drawn of Tyler. "We're looking for a young man named Tyler Green. He was injured and left here recently."

The barkeep's gaze lingered on the sketch for a moment. "What's it to you, missy? Why you askin' about this fella?"

"He's a friend. We need to know if he's alright."

The barkeep hesitated, then nodded towards a door at the back of the tavern. "The healer lives in the room back there. If anyone knows something about your friend, it'll be her."

As they turned to head towards the healer's quarters, Jack leaned in close to Ana. "Hey, Ana," he whispered loudly, "I bet the drinks here could strip the barnacles off a ship's hull."

Ana rolled her eyes. "Jack, I don't think now's the time to test the potency of the local brew."

Suddenly, a grizzled patron sidled up to Ana, his breath reeking of cheap whiskey. "Hey there, pretty lady. How's about I buy you a drink and we get to know each other a little better?"

Ana's hand rested casually on the hilt of her sword. "I'd sooner drink bilge water than accept a drink from the likes of you. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have more pressing matters to attend to."

The man backed away; his hands raised in mock surrender as he muttered under his breath.

The four companions made their way to the back room, where they found an elderly woman hunched over a table, grinding herbs with a mortar and pestle. She looked up as they entered.

"Excuse me," Ellie said. "We're looking for Tyler Green, a young man who was injured and possibly brought here for treatment."

The healer set down her tools and wiped her hands on her apron. "Ah, yes; the young Oceanrider. He was in a bad way when they brought him to me, but I did what I could to patch him up. He left in a hurry when word came that the Dragonkin were on their way."

"Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"

The healer shook her head regretfully. "I'm sorry, child. He didn't say, and I didn't ask. But if you're looking for him, you might want to hurry. The Dragonkin Marauders are not known for their mercy."

Ellie thanked the healer. But as they stepped back into the main room of the tavern, a tall, imposing figure caught her eye.

Tobias leaned in close to Ellie, his voice a tense whisper. "That man at the bar, the one with the scar and the war paint . . . that's Captain Zharan, the Dragonkin Marauder who stabbed Tyler. He's known for being cruel. We need to get out of here."

Ellie took in the sight of Captain Zharan. He stood at the bar like a coiled viper, his presence commanding the room with an aura of menace. He was looking at the sketch of Tyler.

Tobias tugged Ellie's arm, but she was transfixed by the sight of the fearsome Marauder.

Zharan turned his head, his gaze locking onto hers with the intensity of a predator spotting its prey. He held up the sketch. "Who was asking about this boy?"

The bartender pointed towards Ellie. "It was that gal yonder, sir. The one with the ginger hair."

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. A little girl who dared to find the little Oceanrider."

Ellie was momentarily paralyzed by fear. Beside her, she noticed Tobias, Jack, and Ana tense, their hands hovering near their weapons.

With a trembling voice, Ellie finally said, "Do you know where he is?"

Zharan and his comrades erupted in laughter. "Well, it just so happens, we're looking for him, too."

Fear gripped Ellie as she asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

Zharan took a long swig of ale, then stepped closer, circling Ellie and the others like a shark stalking its prey. "Tyler's caused me quite a bit of trouble. He tarnished my reputation, made me look weak. I can't have that, now can I?"

Ellie's hand went to her knife, but Zharan's men were faster. They surged forward, their movements swift and coordinated, surrounding the crew with drawn blades. The tavern's patrons scattered, their drunken revelry replaced by panicked screams and the clatter of overturned chairs.

"Now, now," Zharan tutted, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "Let's not do anything foolish. You're outnumbered and outmatched."

"We'll see about that, you scarred bastard!" Jack lunged forward, his sword clashing against a marauder's blade in a shower of sparks.

The tavern erupted into chaos as Ellie, Tobias, and Ana joined the fray, their weapons singing through the air as they fought desperately against the overwhelming odds. Tables were overturned, bottles shattered, and the air filled with the grunts and cries of the battling warriors.

Ellie ducked and weaved, her hunting knife clutched tightly in her hand as she dodged the marauders' swinging blades. She didn't have the reach or the power of a sword, but she made up for it with speed and agility, darting in and out of range, seeking openings to strike.

But despite their best efforts, the crew soon found themselves overwhelmed by Zharan's superior numbers and skill. Jack and Ana were quickly subdued, their wrists bound tightly with rough hemp rope, while Tobias fought tooth and nail to protect Ellie. In the end, he too was disarmed and restrained.

Ellie felt strong hands grabbing her, wrestling the hunting knife from her grip and forcing her arms behind her back.

"Valiant effort, ladies," Zharan mocked.

Ellie struggled against the grip of a Marauder. "You won't get away with this!"

Zharan laughed. "Oh, but I already have, my dear. And now, we're going to send a little message to your precious Oceanrider."

He turned to his men. "Take the others to that room back there. And make sure they're secure. I want the little bird all to myself."

The marauders began dragging the crew towards a small, windowless closet at the back of the tavern. Ellie fought and kicked, but the marauders' grip was like iron.

"Let's get the word out," Zharan said. "The Oceanrider's girl is here, waiting for him. I wonder how long it will take him to come crawling back."

Captain Zharan a Dragonkin Marauder
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