Chapter Fifteen

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Downtown Chinook, The Foundry, Mid October


    Rhuv and Tomas got the signal that Nic had found a fight just as they were picking up the food that the three of them had ordered online. As usual Nic, Tomas and Rhuv were patrolling together. Tomas and Rhuv had peeled off to pick up the food while Nic continued their patrol about ten minutes earlier. It was against protocol but Nic hated to stop patrolling for any reason. A mindset that had gotten even worse since the Undying had started to take prisoners instead of just killing their victims. Not that he wished for any of his race to die but it was significantly easier then the fate that awaited those taken alive.

    Thank the Mother for fast food Rhuv thought as he followed Tomas into a dark alley. Without it the fighters on patrol would have to go back to the compound for lunch. Or carry a lunch box like the Humans did. And how manly was the last option, really. Rhuv could just see it, Nic carrying a lunch box, while he patrolled for their enemy. Nope, wasn't gonna happen Rhuv knew that the Sibling would rather starve.

    The line at Micky D's had been mercifully short considering that amount of construction going on in the area. The various construction teams were obviously making use of what little good weather they were going to have for that kind of work. The weather was only going to get worse until some time in the spring next year. While Rhuv was no fan of the blustery weather that heralded the fall in the Pacific Northwest, it did mean that there would be significantly fewer Humans around to see something they shouldn't. And damn if those nosy Humans didn't always have a cell phone on them with the YouTube app ready to go. Damned hairless apes, always sticking their noses in where it didn't belong.

    The two Anvidai beat feet for the dark alley that they knew they could dematerialize from. When anyone triggered their locator it showed up on the map that they all had active on their phones while in the field. Glancing at their phones for a location first, they knew that there would be no risk of teeing up the hairless apes with their sudden appearance. Neither Siblings nor the Undying would engage in battle where that could happen. The only thing both sides of the conflict agreed on was that Humans weren't invited to the party. The two Siblings appeared moments later just inside the same alley the Nic was in. Just in time to see the Sibling start to engage an Undying. Immediately flashing to his side, the  two fighters flanked Nic like book ends. Positions that they often took while fighting together.

    "Welcome to the party guys." Nic said not looking away from the Undying that he had just scuffled with. A viscous grin on his face.

    Rhuv knew that the look on Nic's face boded ill for the soulless killer in front of them. Rhuv laughed flashing fangs and a matching grin. "Thanks for inviting us. We would've been bummed to miss it."

    This could be fun, the damned soulless killer had to have some skills or the fight would already be over with. On the other side of Nic, Rhuv heard Tomas' grunt of agreement. The Undying took one look at the three Siblings now arrayed against him and took to his heels. Clearly having no intention of continuing the fight. For a brief moment Rhuv considered giving chase but since Nic clearly had no intention of going anywhere, his duty was to stay with his War-Prince unless told otherwise.

    "Damn," Nic said. Rhuv could clearly hear the disappointment in his voice. "I really wanted to question him."

   It came as no surprise to Rhuv that the Killer had slapped B for boogie and gotten outta Dodge as soon as the two of them had materialized at Niculai's shoulders. The Undying were known to prefer odd in their favor and would regularly bail whenever the odds weren't in their favor. Sometimes even if the sides were matched in numbers the killers were known to bounce. Shaking their heads at the cowardice of the Undying the two Anvidai turned to their War Prince only to get the first of that evenings shocks. Nic was completely focused on the stunned woman at his feet. No not woman she was a female and of their race. she just hadn't gone through her Tempering yet.

    "Don't worry my brother," Rhuv said in the first tongue, clasping his Sibling in the Ashen War-Kin on his shoulder. Intending to support the male he'd known his whole life. Only to get the second shock of the night. His best friend and leader had spun around snarling and flashing his fangs obviously intending to attack. Rhuv jumped back away from the snarling male at the same time that Nic realized what he'd just done.

  "Oh my god, Rhuv. I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me," Rhuv could clearly hear the shame at what he'd just done in Niculai's voice.

    Out of the corner of his eye Rhuv could see the shocked look on Tomas' face. He was fairly sure that it was a look that was mirrored on his own face. The behavior of his twin was mind blowing to poor Tomas. Rhuv on he other hand had more then a clue as to what was going on with the poor guy. He had gone through it himself after all. Nic didn't know it yet but it was clear to Rhuv that The male had probably pair bonded with the female. This was going to be amusing to watch Rhuv decided. After all Nic had more then a couple of laughs at his expense when he had first met his Sabrina. It was about time that Rhuv got to return the favor. He could hardly wait to tell his mate all about it. She was going to be as amused as he was. It was hard for Rhuv to not rub his palms together like a classic bad guy in his anticipation of what was coming for his Ruler and Sibling.

    Rhuv watched as Nic carefully approached the female as she stood. Good plan he thought. Don't want to frighten her after all. Rhuv had to hide a smile at the look on Tomas' face when Nic had bowed, actually bowed to the female. As the War Prince, Nic didn't bow to anyone. Especially someone he didn't know. Rhuv couldn't remember Nic every bowing to anyone once he'd become the War Prince..  It was an extraordinary event for Nic to bow to anyone.

    When Nic did the introductions Rhuv had to hide another smile. Anvidai style introduction and in the First Tongue. Made sense on one hand as she was a member of their race. But since she didn't seemed to recognize them a members of the Ashen War-Kin it was doubtful that she spoke the races natal language. So that should confuse her a bit, although considering the poleaxed look on her face she may not catch the foreign language or mannerisms. Tomas had, however bowed when he was introduced, as had Rhuv. No matter that the poor girl probably hadn't understood a word of it.

    "He's going to want to take her to the compound," Rhuv said quietly to Tomas as Nic remade the intros this time in English. "Here's hoping that she's willing to go cause Nic looks like he just might throw her over his shoulder and take her there anyhow."

    The quiet chuckle at his side told him that Tomas agreed with his assessment of the situation. Rhuv decided that he'd better get things moving because Nic and the female were back to just staring at each other. Both of them completely lost to the world around them. Wow, they both have it bad. Clearly if anything was going to get done he and Tomas were going to have to do it. Nic and the female who had yet to introduce herself were hopelessly gobsmacked. For some reason Rhuv remembered Bambi asking what twitterpated meant.

    "Hey Nic," Rhuv started and when he got no response he tried again a little more forcefully. "Nic." Rhuv briefly considered shaking his War Prince but the memory of what had happened just a few minutes ago changed his mind for him. "Yo, Nic!" Rhuv almost shouted. "We gotta get moving and get her outta here and to safety!" He continued when Nic, finally, looked at him, nodding his head towards the female.

    Rhuv was starting to get concerned. The concentrated focus  on the female that Nic was rocking. Was bad, bad news when you were in the field.  Keeping your wits about you was mission critical when loosing them was liable to get you injured, or worse, killed. They needed to get themselves and the female out of here before that killer came back with about a dozen of his nearest and dearest. After all that's what the War-Kin would do and Mother knew, the Undying were at least as tactically capable as they were. Well, Rhuv amended to himself. Their nearest, cause the Undying had no dearest except the Corrupter. Jealous bitch that she was.

    "We can finish the intro's once we get her safe," God Rhuv really hoped that the frequent mention of safe would light a fire under Nic's ass.

    The trick would sure work on me Rhuv thought. After all the safety of his mate was the first thought he had in the morning and the last one he had as he went to sleep. Add in the whole pregnancy thing? And yeah, Rhuv knew he was sweating bullets. Now was not the time to think of any of that stuff he told himself firmly. Get your head back in the game. One of them off in the mental la-la land was enough.

  "Is that P.O.S. SUV at the end of the alley the Undying's?" Rhuv asked.

    Nic nodded as he spoke, "He had just incapacitated her and started to drag her that direction when I got here. So it's a good bet." The whole time he spoke, Niculai's gaze never left the females face. And she still hadn't spoken or even acknowledged that the other two Anvidai even existed.

    "Cool. T and I will take care of it. You, get her and yourself gone." Leaving Nic to deal with the female. Rhuv and Tomas stalked towards the beat up mini van. Not bothering to see what her reaction would be to his statement. Or even if she had one at all. If he hadn't known better Rhuv would have thought that there was something wrong with the poor female. All she did was stare at Nic's face with a shocked look. Maybe she had a concussion? Either way it was Nic's problem for now. He and T had other things to deal with before the killers returned in force. That mom mobile was begging for a tracker as far as Rhuv was concerned and wasn't he just the male to fulfill that wish.

    Their approach to the beat-up vehicle that looked more like it belonged at a junk yard than in an alley next to a popular night club. The Undying had been known to keep unhappy little presents of the terminal kind in their vehicles. Neither Tomas or Rhuv himself wanted to wake up dead because they had missed a bomb used as a security device. They weren't really expecting it to be armed if there was one. If only because the killer had been interrupted mid abduction. But, since those things could be armed remotely? They weren't going to take any chances. Safety first after all. And what do you know not only was there no bomb but there didn't even seem to be a car alarm. Some days the luck was with you, Rhuv thought to himself as he finished his inspection.

    "It's a good thing you guys run with me instead of Milosh. He may be a master cracker when it comes to computers or phone. But none of you guys are worth a damn when it comes to locks or alarms of the non electronic kind."

    It was the work of a moment to open things up. Rhuv opened the vans door with a flourish and a small bow. "Ta-Da, And we're in." Rhuv's smug tone was only what was expected.

    "Let's see if there's any info before we place the tracker." Tomas said as he clambered into the front of the soccer mom special.

    "Not that I'm really expecting them to be back for this peace of shit,"  Rhuv agreed. "I know I wouldn't be. But they might figure that we are more concerned about getting that female to safety then figuring out which car is their ride."

     The two Ashen quickly matched actions to words. Snatching up the registration from the glove box. Checking to see if there was anything else that might tell them where the Undying might be located. All they found other then the standard kidnapping kit of duct tape and hand cuffs. Was a syringe filled with a clear liquid that they assumed was a sedative of some kind. Sometimes the newer inductees left some good stuff behind like ID's etc. but not this time. Yet more evidence that the killer they had run off was an experienced member of the Society.

    "At least we have other skills," Tomas replied answering Rhuv's dig while flashing a smile worthy of a Pepsodent commercial, with fangs of course.

    Rhuv like Tomas had been constantly scanning the area for any sign that the Undying were coming back while continuing to search the van. Mother of the Race knew that the two at the other end of the alley were less then useless when it came to noticing anything around them but each other. Hell, Rhuv figured, the building could explode and those two wouldn't even blink. Good thing T and I are on the ball.

    "Totally," Rhuv agreed, placing the tracking device as he spoke. The Ashen War-Kin tried to put trackers in any Undying vehicle they found even if they doubted that it would be picked back up by the killers. Any chance at a possible lead to where those soulless asshole were hold up was too good to pass up. Generally the Undying left any vehicle that might have been compromised behind because they knew that the Ashen would do exactly what Rhuv had just done. Put a tracker on the vehicle to see where it would go. But it worked just often enough to keep the practice up. And if it didn't move before it went to the impound or got stripped? Well they would go and get the tracker back later. So no loss either way. Particularly since it would just be one more abandoned vehicle among thousands to the Humans.

   Just as Rhuv was finishing his work Nic came over to talk to them both. "I'm taking her to the compound. She'll be staying there for the time being." Niculai's voice was all War Prince and brooked no argument. Not that either of the Siblings were inclined to give him one. "She is the daughter of the missing female we were told about a couple of weeks ago. Or at least I think she is."

    Well didn't that info put the fox in the hen house, Rhuv thought. It was obvious that Tomas felt the same way from the almost shocked look on his face. What were the odds that the very female they were looking for would almost literally drop into their laps. And it definitely explained why she was out and about so near her Tempering. If her only family was her mother than there may be no choice but to go out, if only for work. Based on her clothes she wasn't rolling in the cash. so she probably worked either here at the club or somewhere nearby.

    Left unsaid was the whole fact that Nic felt responsible for her because of a dying females request and Nic's promise decades ago. Rhuv figured that his friend was probably right. How many Anvidai were there that had been raised in the Human world after all. It was a good thing that Nic was taking her to the compound while they figured everything out. Getting the two of them out of the field was fast becoming Rhuv's only goal for the night. And he suspected that Tomas felt the same way. The risk to both the female, and more importantly, to Nic was getting to high.

    Rhuv finished exiting the SUV and leaned against the alley wall. Not caring about the dirt and grime that coated it. Like the twins, Nic and Tomas, Rhuv's black leather biker jacket was unzipped in the cold drizzle. All the better to palm up a weapon at a moments notice if their enemy made an appearance. Easy access was mission critical at times like these. And even more so when there was a civilian to be protected.

    Still it was highly unusual for anyone that didn't live at the War Prince's manor to go there. Any audiences that Niculai needed to have were held at the Audience House not at the manor. And while technically the trainees were at the manor, the training facility had it's own entrance and was separated from the main house by a secured hidden tunnel. Nor did the trainees know that they were anywhere near the War Princes residence. Well, Rhuv added to himself. The regular trainees didn't know, there were a couple that had been allowed the info. But they were all under consideration for membership in the Ashen War-Kin. Still generally speaking no one knew about the Manor, if only because moving to a new site if it got compromised would be a very expensive pain in the ass. but if the female was one of those that they were looking for then keeping her safe was a top priority. For more then one reason, Rhuv chuckled to himself, remembering Nic's reaction to her.

    After Nic and the female had left Rhuv looked over at Tomas. The War Prince's twin looked almost as stunned as Nic had. Not because of the female this time, while not directly at least. No, he was stunned by his twins behavior. The guy had obviously not yet made the connection that Rhuv had about Nic and the female. T was far too stunned by his usually reserved and controlled twin being so flustered by a female that he'd used the wrong introduction the first time through. Rhuv was hard pressed to not chuckle at the look on the fighters face.

    "Well," Rhuv said, looking over at Tomas from his lean against the wall. Arms crossed over his well muscled chest. "That was different."

    Tomas nodded, a puzzled look on his face. "Definitely different." Shaking his head at the memory Tomas added, "What the hell is going on with him." Tomas leaned against the wall beside Rhuv, his confusion plain now that it was just the two of them. "I've never seen him act like that."

    Rhuv had known Tomas and Niculai for his whole life. Rhuv's parents had died when he was very young. And because of his fathers friendship with Tomas and Niculai's father, Rhuv had been raised with the twins.They were more then just his Siblings in the War-Kin, they were his brothers in all but blood. Debating if he should let the guy off the hook or let him dangle for a tad longer, the fact that they were in the field and technically on duty made up Rhuv's mind this time.

    "Bonded mates, are a thing. Trust me this is going to be very interesting to watch. Our Sibling doesn't do out of control well and out of control is all he's going to be until he gives in as it were."

     Looking off into space for a moment Rhuv was no longer in the dirty alley. He was back in the past, seeing his Bree for the first time. She had been so beautiful that first day of training. He had been running late and Milosh had already matched the new trainees up to see what they could do. Sabrina had been paired with a big bruiser of a fighter. The guy was so big that he'd made the svelte female look absolutely tiny in comparison. Just as he come in that tiny looking redhead had countered the big males attack and thrown him to the ground. Thus proving the adage of brains over brawn still held true.

    Shaking himself Rhuv got back with the program. Just a couple of minutes ago he'd been grousing about Nic loosing focus in the field and then he goes and does the same thing. Rhuv wondered if it was possible to kick your own ass.

"Pair Bonds are not required for a mating. Especially among the DeNeam."  Rhuv continued hoping that Tomas hadn't noticed his distraction. And that he would chalk any pauses up to wanting to use the right words. "Although many couples say they are in love without without a Pair-Bond. And some probably are. But when Pair-Bonding happens it's almost instantaneous." Rhuv's smile was just a little evil as he continued. "I'm sure you remember that your parents could hardly stand to be away from each other." Rhuv's grin got even bigger and eviler as he chuckled. "Your twin is going to be in for an interesting time. That female doesn't strike me as meek. No matter how out of it she seemed just now. We should get a lot of entertainment out of this."

    Both of them had heard the female arguing with Nic about going to the manor. She had wanted to call the cops. Nic had wanted to get her into the very secure manor A.S.A.P. if not sooner. And definitely NOT call the cops. The two of them had finally agreed to go to her apartment and get some clothes before they headed to the manor and yeah there was going to be no calling of the cops. The female was so not meek. Absolutely no one except Tomas, Rhuv Milosh and Bree ever argued with Nic about anything. But no one ever argued with the guy about anything having to do with safety. Sure there was the normal bitching and such between the Siblings. Just like with any family Rhuv figured. But not when his War Prince put on his crown and laid down the law.

    "You're an evil one my brother. You really are," Tomas laughed clapping Rhuv on the shoulder. "Let's get back out on patrol."

    After making sure that the security camera's active in the alley were delt with Rhuv and T went back out on patrol. The rest of the night was quiet however. No sightings of the Undying. No calls for help from any of their people. which Rhuv supposed was a good thing. Even if it meant no fighting which bummed Rhuv out. Not that he wanted any of his people to be in danger. Like the rest of the Ashen War-Kin Rhuv both loved and hated the quiet patrols. Loved because that meant that none of his people were in danger. And hated because slow nights usually meant that the Undying had something up their collective sleeves. The only thing that was worse was seeing one of the Undying but being unable to engage. Usually because the area was far to public and a fight there would make it clear to the hairless apes that the race existed. Not something anyone wanted to happen. At least the last evac mission to Romania had gone well. There were no longer any of the race living in the former U.S.S.R. and there hadn't been since the fifties. That still wasn't a safe place for any group that needed to keep their existence on the D.L. Rhuv thought.

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