Chapter Fourteen

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Downtown Chinook, The Foundry, Mid October


    Nic was almost to the end of the first leg of his patrol when the shifting wind brought the scent of his enemies to his nose. The sickly sweet smell enough to override even the nastiest of the cities bouquet. As he turned his head the direction it was coming from the stench was enough to almost clog his nose. It was so strong on the wind that the Undying had to be close, very close. Niculai started to jog and then run towards the source of the aroma. His instincts were firing off a whole load of get there now. Almost hidden under the scent of his enemy was the subtle scent of a female of his race. One that had yet to go through her Tempering. No way was the enemy going to get yet another of his people.

    Pouring on the speed Nic stopped dead when he came to the alley on the back side the Foundry, one of Chinook's busiest and newest night clubs. He hadn't been in there yet but he'd heard about it from a couple of his Siblings. Apparently it had really good food as well as dancing. the VIP section was well stocked with good booze and friendly waitresses. The alley was lit fairly well, as far as Anvidai eyes were concerned, by a single light over the employee's door halfway down the building's wall. For a Human however it would be dark, gloomy and full of shadows. Nic suspected that there were cameras in the alley so the nightclub could keep an eye on the comings and goings of the staff. And to help keep the girls that worked there as safe as they could.

    Whatever, Nic thought as he slowed down and went stealth to enter into the alley. He didn't want to alert the Undying killer that was ahead of him. Surprise was the best way to keep the stinky S.O.B. from doing something drastic to that poor female Nic that had scented with the killer as he had come around the corner. Nic didn't want anyone to be in the killers hands but the presence of the female meant that Nic's appearance might just put the killer off it's game long enough to kill it. Or might make the Undying kill her outright so it could have its hands free to fight. Any advantage in a fight was a good one to have though so he was going to take the chance. And distraction was a literal killer in the game that the Undying and the Ashen played.

    Nic turned the corner just in time to see the female get spun by her arm and slammed into the alley wall head first. Clearly ringing her bell and at the very least stunning her if not actually knocking her out. The not alerting the Undying plan went right out the window. It was time to engage the killer right now and distract him from the stunned female at the killers feet. Nic needed the fight to be over quick. Not just so he could save the knocked out female but because the longer the fight lasted the more likely it was that a Human would show up. Bouncers tended to not like fights happening in their turf. Not unless they were involved that is. And Humans weren't invited to the dance that Nic and the killer were about to have. Nope, no Humans were invited to this party.

    "Wouldn't you rather dance with me? Nic asked, triggering the transponder on the collar of his Leather jacket while dropping into his fighting stance. "I'm sure I'm a better dancer than some poor Human."

    Staring into the pupilless black eyes of the Undying Nic had no intention of letting the soulless ass-hat in front of him know that he was aware of the females true species. After all as a rule neither the Ashen War-Kin or the Undying Society cared one way or the other about Humans. The only thing the two groups agreed on was wanting to keep the existence of their conflict from those hairless apes. The only time that the Undying went after Humans was if they couldn't find any Anvidai to play with. After all the "food" that the Undying ate was the fear of their victims. so for them it was fun and food all rolled into one screaming package. The Killers also tortured and killed to heal themselves. If one of the Undying was severely injured, the only way for it to heal was to eat living flesh. Nic was fairly sure that the torture part was rather like tenderizing a piece of meat.

    Nic spared a quick glance at the female crumpled on the ground at the feet of the soulless killer. Well, well, Nic thought to himself as he got a better whiff of her scent. She was closer to her Tempering then he had thought. A week at the most, probably less, definitely not more before she went through it. Nic didn't let his surprise at her showing up so close to her Tempering, not on his face or his body. What were her people thinking, letting her out when her change was so near. If she went into her Tempering while out in the Human world, someone  would call an ambulance and take her to a hospital. At best she would die because they would know how to help her much less be able to. At worse it would lead to the discovery of their race. Mother in the Mist knew the hairless apes couldn't even get along with their own species, forget their accepting another species in their midst. And no matter how Human the Anvidai race looked, they most definitely weren't.

   Niculai stood, weight sunk into his thighs, balanced evenly on his feet. Hands up and ready to either attack or defend. There was a dagger in his war hand, ready to use. Nic was waiting, watching to see how the soulless killer would react. This was going to be fun and he had wanted a work out after all. The Killer didn't respond in words but his actions spoke loudly. The Undying stepped forward so that he was between the comatose female and Nic. Falling into his own fighting stance the Undying pulled a chain that had been wrapped around one shoulder free and unsheathed a dagger with his other hand. The Undying started the chain spinning, clearly waiting to see what Nic was going to do. NIc was torn between hoping the fight would be quick and wanting a good fight to burn off some of his piss off about that missing mother and child.

    This female was important for some reason, Nic thought as he watched the Undying in front of him. The damned Killer was planning on keeping the female if it could. Not something that Nic was going to allow under any circumstances. If the Undying Killer wanted to take the female, than Nic was going to make sure the soulless, walking stink bomb was going to die disappointed. After all ruining the Undying's plans was one of Nic's favorite things to do on a good day. One a day like today? that shit was mission critical, especially if he wanted his Siblings to continue to talk to him.

    A single step forward started the fight that Niculai planned to win. For some reason the Undying in front of him looked familiar, something that bothered Nic for a brief moment. But he put that aside as he dodged the chain swinging at his head. Growling loudly Nic sprang back and counter attacked as soon as the chain had slid passed his face. Grabbing the swinging chain, Nic used it to pull his opponent off balance. Only for a second, but it was long enough to slice the Killer across the face. Any thoughts of a quick fight vanished though. The Undying in front of him had skills and used Nic's grip on the chain to try and bind his arm. A move that would of succeeded if Nic hadn't let go of the damned chain.

    Nic smiled viciously at the killer in front of him. His fangs flashing in the dim light that made it into the alley from the main street. Yep, this was definitely going to be a good fight. Sweet Mother in the Mist  Nic hated it when they went too fast, even when a fast fight was better for avoiding notice. More and more frequently of late all that Nic and his warriors had been finding had been new recruits to the Undying society. It was as if the Undying Society was only bringing in non-combatives of late. But as far as Nic knew there was no such thing as a non-combative in that soulless group. And only getting fast fights got boring even faster than no fights at all.

    No, he was glad he'd come across an opponent with some skills. What better way to keep his own skills up. Much more satisfying then sparring with his Siblings or the trainees. And speaking of Siblings, Nic thought with a slightly evil laugh. Just as if Nic had summoned them Rhuv and Tomas had appeared in response to his triggering his transponder earlier. No sooner had Rhuv and Tomas flashed into being at his side,  and the two Siblings sank immediately into their own fighting poses. The Undying before them stumbled back immediately almost tripping over the female at his feet. Recovering far to quickly for the three warriors to take advantage of the bobble in balance.

    "Welcome to the party," Nic said to the other two that he was usually partnered with, again flashing an evil grin.

    Rhuv laughed, a matching grin on his face. "Thanks for inviting us. We would've been bummed to miss the party."

    Tomas just grunted his agreement, his total focus on the Undying before him. Nic knew that the only things that ever got T's undivided attention were fighting and fucking. The three siblings waited, posed to fight. Not moving until they saw what their enemy would do. The thought that Niculai knew the foe in front of him from somewhere again pricked at his mind. Damn this was going to bother him until he figured it out. Maybe he could beat the info out of the Killer in front of him. Now there was a thought that appealed. All the while, Nic was looking for any sign of weakness or mistake that he could take advantage of. Knowing full well that the other two at his side were doing the same.

    Niculai wasn't expecting to see a mistake however. The damned thing was too skilled a fighter for an easy take-down that would lead to an interrogation. Not why the killer wanted this girl so much that he would continue a fight when out numbered. Or why the Undying were taking so many of the Anvidai  prisoner. Although Nic could guess about the last one. No it was why why the damned guy looked so familiar to him that was currently top of his want to know list. Well if he couldn't do things the easy way, Nic guessed it was going to have to be the hard way. After all the soulless thing didn't need arms or legs to talk just a torso with a head attached to it.

  The Undying before them however had another plan altogether. It had clearly done the math of three against one and hadn't liked the odds one little bit. Because it suddenly spun on one heel and bounced out of the area before any of the Siblings could restart the fight. Not that the three of them were surprised at the retreat. The Undying much preferred to have the odds on their side in any conflict. They would only fight it out if they out numbered their foes, or at the very least matched the numbers against them. That was a major reason that, like the Anvidai, they worked from the shadows. It was much easier to control the Humans if they didn't know you even existed after all.

    "Well damn," Nic heard his twin say from his right side.

    Nic just shook his head while he looked at the female on the ground in front of them. "Yeah," he Agreed as he resheathed his dagger and knelt down next to her. "I really wanted to question him." Nic said distractedly

     All he really wanted was for the female on the ground before him to open her eyes. There was a roaring in his brain that screamed at him to get her off the ground. To ease the pain he knew she must feel after getting slammed into the wall like she had. His palms suddenly itched with the need to protect her and comfort her. To make sure that nothing ever caused her pain again. Even sprawled on the ground like she was, the female was the most beautiful thing Nic had ever seen. And boy didn't that thought make Nic hate himself, she hadn't even gone through her Tempering yet. Which meant that according to the laws and customs of his race she wasn't and adult yet. The only thing that consoled Nic was the thought that she must be a cross breed, probably with the Humans. No pre-temp from his race would be so well built.

    Suddenly Niculai realized that his Sibling Rhuv was speaking to him. Why hadn't he noticed before. He never lost his awareness of his environment like that. Not without a major blow to the head at least. The hand that fell on his shoulder suddenly made Nic spin around to meet an attack. Fangs flashing as a growl rumbled up and out of him. All he knew was that he had to protect the female behind him. Not just from the Undying but from anyone who might hurt her. Just as quickly Nic realized what he had just done.

    "Oh my god, Rhuv. I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me,"Nic said, voice breaking with shame.

    He had just threatened. Hell almost attacked, someone who was not only one of his Siblings in the Ashen War-Kin but was also his best friend, next to his twin. The stunned look on the two faces looking at him, told Nic just how out of control he'd been for a brief moment. And Boy, did Nic wish that he'd been patrolling with just about anyone else when the knowing look on Rhuv's face replaced the shock that had been there a moment before. The Sibling was guessing far to much about what had just happened, and correctly at that.

    The female starting to stir snapped Nic's attention back onto her. Backing away he made sure that the other two went with him. Going so far as to grab his twins am to make sure the Sibling stepped back too. For some reason Niculai didn't want his twin with his easy way with females anywhere near the groggy pre-temp before him. Holding his hands out before him to show her that he was unarmed NIc hoped he didn't scare her. He knew that he was a big guy and could easily intimidate folks. Even though as a rule he didn't. That fact didn't matter one way or the other to him.

    She started to shakily get to her feet. Not really tracking yet but still ready to try and defend herself if she had to. Making sure that his face and voice were calm and easy, Nic started to try and reassure the female. He didn't even notice whether or not Rhuv had responded to his apology, nor did he care. Yet again the female before him took up all of his attention and focus. He really hoped that she didn't run from him. Because somehow he knew that if she did? He would chase her, and most definitely catch her. Then it would be the work of a moment to get her under himself and do things she wasn't ready for. Dear God, please don't let her run from him. And where the heck was all of this stuff coming from. This was so not the time for thoughts like these Nic told himself firmly. Not really understanding what was going on in his own head. Nic had never been so confused while being so focused at the same time in his whole life.

   Going slowly Nic moved back to where the female was leaning with one hand on the wall keeping her upright. Nic stopped before he got to close, not wanting to crowd her or make her feel threatened. He needed her to trust him so he could keep her safe. A task that was going to be hard enough if she did trust him and impossible if she didn't. Getting her trust was going to be mission critical. So no sudden moves or loud speech. He was going to have to treat her like a skittish horse for the moment.

    What the heck was going on in his head all of a sudden. It was like someone had switched personalities with him. Why was it so important that he keep her safe. Was it because she very clearly didn't know how close she was to her Tempering? How could her people have let her go out this close to it. Could it be that she had no clue about what was going to be happening far to soon? God, she stole the breath from his lungs. And the confusion he felt didn't nothing for his peace of mind.

    The female looked up at Nic who towered over her. What was he supposed to do now? Oh yeah, introductions. Putting his war hand on his chest, Nic bowed slightly while he introduced himself. Then he gestured to first his twin and then his Sibling and introduced them as well. Both of the other males bowed at their names. Nic hoped that the size of the three of them didn't frighten her. Not that she seemed afraid anymore. Come to think of it, Nic hadn't smelled fear from her at all. Anger yes but no fear. And now she just seemed to be as gobsmacked as he was. Maybe it was he intro that he'd used. It wasn't until just then that he realized that he had spoken in the First Tongue and used the old style of introduction. Not the one that she would be familiar with or understand. Oh well, there was no changing it now. Instead he just redid the whole thing in English.

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