Chapter Sixteen

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Downtown Chinook, The foundry and Annik's Apartment Mid October


    Annik's head was pounding. Great a concussion. Just what I needed on top of the headache I already had. Suddenly she realized that she was on the ground and that three men were looking down at her, intently. Where had the smelly S.O.B. that had slammed her into the wall gone. Annik tried to stand but that was a no go, at least not without help. Annik had zero intention of asking the huge men for anything. Nope, not gonna happen she thought.Putting a hand out to the disgusting wall beside her, she used that to get herself up and onto her feet. She even managed to keep her shudder to herself.  To shaky to stand without help Annik kept her hand on the wall after she was, theoretically standing.

    Once she was upright Annik looked up,up,up at the tall, heavily muscled man in front of her. He had slowly approached her while she was standing. The shoulders on the guy were almost enough to block out the light from the main drag behind him. His open hands down by his sides, palms facing her. The man was obviously trying not to startle her. So not needed she thought as she watched him come closer. I couldn't run if my life depended on it. Wasn't that a depressing thought considering that it might. As soon as she looked the big guy in the eye every other thought fled. He was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen. The only thing that she could think about was how beautiful he was.

    His large frame was covered in black leather. She could see the hilts and grips of various weapons as his open jacket shifted as he moved. His handsome features had a harsh cast to them were nonetheless had a gentle expression as he looked at her. Deep set amber eyes almost seemed to glow his gaze was so intent. All Annik could do was stare at him. No thoughts went through her mind. And what do you know, once he got close to her. Close enough to reach out an touch her if he raised his hand. He stopped and just looked back at her. As if he was as stunned by her as she was by him.

    Suddenly the leather clad man in front of her seemed to shake himself and gave what she assumed was an introduction. First he put a hand to his own chest, gave a bow and spoke in a language that she had only heard from her mother on the rare times her mother had spoken in her natal tongue. Her thought that it was an intro was confirmed when he gestured first to one then the other of the big men flanking him as they each gave a bow in turn. The man then stopped and looked at her like he was expecting her to reply in the same foreign tongue. All Annik could do though was look at the man who towered over her.

   The big male must have realized that he'd spoken in a foreign language because he did the intro thing a second time. This time he used English so at least Annik could track what was being said. He had the most delicious accent. His voice was almost a purr in her ear. Shaking herself mentally Annik got back with the program and started trying to track what he was saying.Not as easy as it sounded when this absolutely handsome man was so close to her.

    In English the introduction that the imposing man made was just as odd as it had been in whatever language he had used the first time. Who gave their fathers name as part of an introduction and how did you have both brothers and blooded brothers. Weren't they the same thing? Adoption maybe? One of the two other men was clearly his twin. The only difference in their appearance was was the cut of their hair. Even the rich mahogany color was the same. The other one had the same general build but with a much fairer coloring for both his hair and his skin tone. The fairer of the three was also a couple of inches shorter but still well muscled. Though not as heavily as the twins were. He also had a different last name but even Annik knew that didn't mean much anymore. Maybe they were half-brothers?

   Her male, as Annik already found her self thinking of the rescuer that did the introductions. Which was nuts and she had NO intention of looking to closely at that one. He had thick mahogany brown hair. When he turned his head to look at one of his  brother? Annik could see was tied back with what looked to be a leather tie. Well at least he was coordinated. Annik found that she was having difficulty switching her focus from the gorgeous guy in front of her to either of the other two men. It was like he was a sun that Annik just had to bask in. Not even his twin captivated her attention the way the one who had spoken did.

    Like her rescuer, did he say his name was Niculai? Anyhow whatever it was. Like him they were all dressed in black leather. And all three of them had their jackets open even though it was a chilly night and anyone even remotely sane was bundled up against the cold wind and drizzle. The three men were like no one that she had ever seen. For one thing they made the bouncers at the Foundry look like ninety-eight pound weaklings. And the bouncers had been the biggest men Annik had ever seen, until tonight that was. Added to that was the fact that Annik was fairly certain that like the man in front of her the other two were also armed. Why that didn't freak her out Annik had no clue. But for some reason that she didn't understand, she didn't feel threatened at all. Rather the fact that they were armed made her feel safe. Which was totally crazy.

    The amber eyes of the one who called himself Niculai, yeah that was what he'd said his name was, Annik was almost certain of it, were almost to beautiful to be on a man. They had golden flecks in them that almost seemed to glow like they were lit from within. Long thick lashes framed his deep set almond eyes. And for some reason the scent of him was totally delicious. Which was not something that Annik had ever thought about anyone before in her life. Not that any of the rest of her reactions were normal, at least not for her.

    As Annik stared at the the man before her she vaguely heard one of the other two say something about her safety. Wait, Annik thought to herself. If they were discussing her safety she needed to be in on the conversation. For that matter why did they care about her at all. While it was nice of them to pull a knight in shining armor and stop that stinky guy from grabbing her. She didn't know them from Adam and they had no reason to help her further. Never mind that her attempted abductor had smelled like the bad guys in her mothers tales. Annik had zero intention of thinking about that part of the whole nightmare until she was safe at home, petting Wiket.

     Annik was certain that the blow to her head was the reason that she had thought she'd seen them appear out of thin air. Things like that just didn't happen not out side of the movies at least. Damn, Annik thought as the other two walked away towards the SUV that had been parked in the alley for the last week or so. Any time her bosses Lexus hadn't been at least. I need to keep my mind on the important things right now. Not on movie special effects or too handsome for words men.

    Looking up at the handsome and harsh face of the man in front of her, Annik gathered her wits and her voice. "I need to go back inside the club and call the police. That guy was on foot so they might be able to catch him. Especially if I go now."

    That beautiful mahogany head started to shake a no almost as soon as Annik started speaking. Clearly he wasn't buying in on the logic she was putting out there. Didn't he want the guy to be caught? For a brief moment fear sliced into her. Were the three of them working with the stinky S.O.B. that had thrown her into a wall and tried to drag her away? But no she decided almost as quickly the aggression between her three rescuers and the smelly attempted abductor had been too real for it to be acting. Not unless the three in front were better actors than De Niro.

    "The police won't be able to help you or keep you safe," came the pronouncement from on high.

    The man's voice brooked no argument and his demeanor was all about the orders not ever being questioned. For a brief moment fear and angered warred in her veins. Lighting her up with a whole bunch of fight or flight signals. Well blow that for a laugh Annik thought to herself, anger having easily won the fight. No one was going to give her orders. Not about something like this. Not since her mothers death at least. Ouch that hurt. Annik was far to angry to dwell on the pain thinking about her mother caused.

    Glaring up at the man, Annik put her fists on her hips and spoke very slowly and very clearly. "Yes, actually they will. It's what they do after all. They help people and keep them safe."

    The anger she felt correcting any balance deficiencies Annik was having. How dare this guy try and tell her what she was or wasn't going to do. Criminal, the guy must be a criminal. Why else would he want to keep the cops out of it. Just because he wasn't working with the stinko that had tried to kidnap her didn't mean he was walking with the angels now did it. Considering his clothes he was either a drug dealer or a member of a gang. Maybe both? Even though Annik and her mother lived on false ID's didn't mean she knew that much about the criminal world. Considering that her mother had gotten the ID's though various groups that helped abused women disappear from the abusers. Actually all Annik knew about crime was what she'd seen on T.V. or read in books. Yeah, not a lot to go on there.

    "The cops won't understand what attacked you. I and mine do," Niculai said.

 His voice wasn't angry Annik thought. In fact it was almost sad, she decided. Almost as if he was sorry that he had to explain all of this to her. Then the exact wording of what he'd said registered on Annik's brain. He'd said what not who or why. No, he'd definitely said what. Why had he said that. It didn't make any sense. Unless it was because English was a second language for him? Considering the accent and how he'd introduced himself and his,family? the first time around. The foreigner guess was probably a good one.

    Looking up at the face of her rescuer Annik again had the distinct impression of sorrow. Like maybe he knew the guy who'd attacked her really had been from one of her mothers fairy tales. Like he knew why that guy had been after her and didn't want to be the one to fill her in. What the hell was going on here. And why couldn't she think straight. All she could seem to do was stare at the guy. Must be the blow to my head, Annik decided.

        Putting the crazy away for now, Annik focused on the here and now. "I have to call the cops," Shooting for reasonable, Annik just hoped that her tone of voice didn't scream, humoring the crazy person, too loudly. "What if he attacks another woman. If he hurts another person because I didn't call the cops, it'll be my fault." Annik knew that her voice had gotten more than a little strident on the last of that but couldn't stop it from happening.

    Again the gorgeous man shook his head. "He won't attack any other women. You are his target and his kind don't stop until they succeed. Or are dead."

    Annik watched the man run his hand over his head like he was smoothing his hair. Not that any of his hair had come loose from it's tie. No it was clearly a nervous gesture and Annik wondered why he was nervous. She was they one that had been slammed into a wall. almost abducted and the been rescued by three of the best looking, huge criminals she had ever seen. She knew none of them had ever been in the club when she was working. Them, she would definitely have remembered.

    "Please let my Siblings and myself help you, protect you. It's what we do."  The mans voice was almost pleading.

    It was clear that he'd wanted to say more but was stopping himself for some reason. And again with that strange way of saying brothers. What was this guys deal and why did he care about her at all. Annik thought about the man who had attacked her. About how she'd seen, or rather smelled him, and  others just like him while riding on the bus. Then she thought about how her mother had been on the run from someone for the whole of Annik's life.

    Maybe the guy had a point. After all as far as she knew, which admittedly the info came from T.V. and books, the cops had to wait for something to happen before they could act. And sure, Annik had been attacked which more than counted as something happening. Annik couldn't prove that it had been anything more then only and attempted rape. Only? how damned sad was it that a word like only had any place in a sentence with the word rape. It was enough to make you nauseated, wasn't it. Plus her ID wasn't exactly legit now was it. Hell, she was kind of a criminal too. And who knew if it would stand up to even the cursory scrutiny the police would do if she filed a report.

    Maybe she should take him up on his offer. But then she only had his statement that she was still in danger. Was she really or had she just looked like an easy target. Was this whole thing a set-up to get her to trust him? Annik looked up at the harsh but somehow gentle face that looked down at her. He looked so concerned for her. His focus was so intent and only on her. The other two had long since gone down the alley to where the SUV was parked. Clearly leaving anything to do with her up to The one in front of her.

    Her mind was flipping back and forth faster than a politicians did. I have to make a decision and stick with it. At the end it all came down to her feelings. Her mother had always told Annik to trust her feelings. And those were telling her that she could trust this big man. Not only to keep her safe but to never, ever hurt her. So in the end that's what she went with.

    "Okay," Annik said, having made her decision. Holding up her hand to stop him from speaking when his mouth opened. "But I need to go back to my apartment to get some clothes and stuff." Annik cocked her head at him, "I have a feeling that your not going to want me to go back more than once." Annik squared her shoulders, looking him straight in the eye. speaking firmly she added, "And I pay for my stay."

    Exactly how she was going to do that Annik had no clue. Maybe she could do work around the house. Cook or clean, things along those lines. an unknown part of her suddenly spoke up with all kinds of other ideas. Annik resolutely ignored all of those. So wasn't going to go there with Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous in front of her. But she wasn't going to live on charity. She never had and she never would. After all even poor people had pride. Often it was the only thing they had.

    "I still will need to call the cops though. The incident is going to be seen on any cameras, if there are any out here. It could cause problems for my boss if I don't call," Annik finished.

    "Don't worry about the cameras, my siblings will take care of all of that. And you really don't need to get anything from your place. I'm sure that we will have anything you might need. It really is best it you don't go back. If you really need something the staff can go get it. And there is no need for you to work for your stay"

   Annik decided that she could listen to the guy talk all night long. Hell, he could repeat the phone book and she'd be in. Wait, had he said staff? Annik could feel her eyebrows rise in surprise. Just who was this guy. He dressed like a biker and talked more like a banker. And he had staff? What the fuck had she she gotten herself into. She had thought that they would be going to some rundown house that he stayed in with his siblings based on how they all dressed. And he'd phrased it like he'd always had staff. Like having staff was normal. Shaking herself, Annik needed to nip this in the bud right now. She'd worry about things like staff later.

    "I am NOT going with you unless we pick up some things that I need from my apartment." Again holding up her hand to stop him from talking. Something that he was clearly not used to considering how high up to his hair line his eyebrows had shot up to the second time she'd done it. "I'm serious about paying for my way. Either with cash or by doing some work around the place. Staff or no staff. I don't take charity."

    Once she had finished Annik just looked up at him daring him to argue about it. All he did however was stare back at her with an almost shocked look on his face. Clearly he wasn't used to people talking back to him or ever daring to argue with him. Well he'd better learn to live with it. Annik knew her mind and had zero problems with sharing it. She might look like she was only about sixteen but she was almost twenty-five and it had just been her and her mother for a very long time. and her mother had raised her to speak her mind no matter what. Which was good considering her personality.

    All the man did though was pace around in little circle in front of her. Hands on his hips. Head lowered occasionally shaking his head like he was arguing with her in his mind. Annik decided she could be magnanimous and toss him a bone. Maybe it would help him come to terms with the rest of her pronouncements. "I will agree not to call the cops."

    When he finally spoke his voice was full of wonder. "Okay, I will take you to your place to pick up some stuff. But," This time he held up a finger to stop her from speaking. "Not everything that you own.  A bunch of clothes, personal items, only what will easily fit into my car. This needs to be a quick trip. In and out fast." He held his hand out for her to shake.

   "Agreed," Annik said shaking what was offered.

    Ten minutes later Annik was seated in a very luxurious sports car. She knew nothing about cars, especially the high-end ones. She and her mother had been lucky to afford a beater at the best of times. And normally they didn't own a car of any kind. The car Annik was currently sitting in looked like it should be driven by someone dressed in Armani not black leather. The thing was even fancier on the inside than it had looked on the outside. And much more than she had expected when he said they would take his ride. Truthfully Annik had almost expected a motorcycle or some beater considering how he was dressed and his only take a little bit comment. But who rode one of those at this time of year.

     Annik was starting to think that Nic as he'd told her to call him was a drug dealer instead of a biker. The car looked like it had cost thousands of dollars. Second and third thoughts spiraled around in her mind. Just what had she gotten herself into. Just what had she gotten herself into. If he sold drugs maybe the stinker had been a rival?

"I don't deal drugs," Nic's voice broke the silence.

    "What," Annik said startled out of her thoughts. God, it was like the guy was reading her mind. Please don't tell me I said all of that out loud Annik finished in her mind. That would just be too embarrassing if I had said that out loud.

    "I'm not a drug dealer. Just so you know. I don't break the law." There was an almost imperceptible pause between the words the and law. As if he was censoring what he was saying. "I inherited my money and I am very, very good at growing it."

    Damn, Annik thought had I really said that out loud? Or was he so used to being taken for a drug dealer that he gave everyone the explanation. Yeah, that had to be it. After all look at how the guy dressed. Not that he would have been any less frightening in a suit. For god's sake the guy was built like a football player. Or maybe a professional wrestler? For some reason Annik was again reminded of her mothers fairy tales. They had mind readers in them too hadn't they. Oh my god girl will you please get off the crazy train. Give it a rest. There is no such thing as mind readers and people don't poof out of thin air. clearly I need some rest. The day had been a real ball buster and it must be getting to me.

    And that was when Annik's head started to roar at her again. Dropping her head to her hand, Annik groaned, "I don't suppose you have any Tylenol or Motrin in this show piece of a car do you." Hell she thought to herself, I'd even take aspirin.

  Instantly Nic was completely focused on her. Not the reaction that she had been expecting, not by a long-shot. "Are you in pain? Damn. I should have asked if you were hurt earlier."

    Nic was suddenly looking around like he wanted a place to park like right now. Because she had an arterial bleed or some such. "Is it just your head or do you hurt any place else?"

    Annik was surprised, the guy was actually starting to sound panicked."You aren't bleeding are you?"

    The poor guy was trying to watch the road, make sure she wasn't about to die and find a parking place all at the same time. Annik decided that she needed to put the guy at ease before he wrecked the car. Not to mention killed both of them.

  "Relax big guy and keep your eye one the road," Annik laughed. "It's just a headache and I've had it off and on for the last couple of weeks now. I would have gone to a doc before now but I couldn't afford the time off of work or the bill." She sobered a bit with a frown. "Mind you getting faced by that alley wall behind the Foundry didn't help the head any," she added a bit ruefully.

        "Okay," Nic replied after a deep breath. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt in the attack."

    The two were silent until Nic parked the car in front of Annik's building. The three story classical revival style building was typical of nineteen-twenties construction. The building was old but very well maintained.

    "I want you to stay in the car," Nic held up a hand forestalling her comment. "Just while I make sure it's safe. Okay?"

    The look Nic gave Annik was so earnest that she felt like she had to agree to his request. What did it hurt after all. So he wanted to make sure she was safe. Was that so terrible about that. Actually it was kinda nice. The whole thing felt kinda weird to her though. Never in her life had someone been so concerned about her. No one except her mother of course. Annik didn't want to think about her mother. Inevitably she would start to cry and who wanted to be all sloppy eyed with a runny nose in front of a hot guy. No one that was who. So all thoughts of her mother needed to be shelved. So Annik stayed in the car while he checked things out.

    Annik watched as his big body unfolded from the car. How, Annik wondered idly had managed to get his huge frame to fit in this tiny car.  While he'd been seated in the car next to her, his size hadn't registered to her. He hadn't looked any different than anyone else while he'd driven her here. But once he unfolded himself from inside it, just how large he was imprinted itself. Although as she looked around the interior of the car looked much more spacious on the inside then she would have believed possible.  Especially now that his huge frame was no longer in it. Damn car is a TARDIS, bigger on the inside than the outside. Annik mused, remembering old Doctor Who episodes she had watched with her mother on PBS when she'd been younger.

   After what seemed to be hours but was probably only minutes, Nic was back at the side of the car. The smile on his face confirmed what Annik had already known, there were no problems at her apartment building. Still it was kinda nice that he had insisted, in the most gentle way possible, that he make sure it was safe before she got out. Before she could get back on that particular thought train, Nic was opening her door for like an old school gentleman. He even held out his other hand to help her from the car like she was wearing a fancy dress. Rather than it just being her in the blue jeans and tenny runners she'd worn to work. Well Damn, apparently his manners are ingrained and used on everyone. He really might have inherited his money. Never mind how he dresses.

    As she opened things up to enter her apartment Annik was very glad that she was more then a little anal about keeping things picked up and neat in her place. The space was small enough that even one or two things out of place would make it look like a cluttered mess. So there were no dirty dishes in the sink or clothes laying around. The place was neat as a pin. Looking around for a minute Annik wondered if she would ever see it again. Oh wait she'd have to. She had agreed to repaint the walls back to the off-white that most apartments used before she moved. Although the manager had mentioned that he liked what she and her mother had done and wanted them to repaint other apartments as they came empty. So maybe not? On that thought Annik made sure that she grabbed the managers number so she could call him and ask. After all there was always the chance that he might still want her to paint the other units. And side money was always good.

    Grabbing up an old Adidas sports bag that Annik had found at a Goodwill when they had first moved into this apartment. She went into the bathroom and started to load up her toiletries. Then she moved on to packing a few changes of clothes. Not that she had many changes to begin with. The whole time she was packing Annik wondered where Wiket was. Ever since her mother had died the cat had been at her door as soon as she got home. While she was glad that she wouldn't have to chase the cat out of the apartment or worse deny the poor thing entry in the first place. Annik cringed at the thought of the noise the cat would make in the second case. Either way she had really wanted to say good bye to the cat that had been her saving grace and the only living thing in her life since her mothers death. Wiket was the pet that Annik was never going to have and she would miss her. A lot.

    While she was packing Annik kept track Nic out of the corner of her eye. He was wondering around her apartment seeming to look at everything and nothing at the same time. It was clear that he wanted her out of here A.S.A.P. if not sooner. Grabbing the back pack that she always had with her she put the few keepsakes that she and her mother had. For some reason that Annik had never really understood her mother had been extremely camera shy. So much so that other than her ID's Annik only had two picture of the woman. Annik wished that she'd had more of them.

    The only other thing that Annik made sure to grab was an old book. It was the book that her mother had told her stories from. Annik couldn't read the language that it was written in. Her mother had told her that it was the language she had been raised speaking.  The one that sounded like the language Nic had used when he'd first introduced himself and his brothers.

    Annik had asked her mother to teach it to her many times but her mother had always told her that she would, later. Always later. now she never would teach it to her and Annik had never seen anything else like it.  Although it resembled Brahmic script in some ways. The book had been her mothers most prized possession. Even if her mother hadn't made her promise to always take it with her Annik would have. There was no way she would have left it behind. Even if it was the only thing that she could take, that book would have come with her. Picking up the duffel she one strapped the back pack and turned to face Nic.

    "Ready to go?" Nic asked reaching out to take the bags from her.

   "Ya, I guess so. I wish Wiket had come by." Annik neatly avoided Nic's attempt to take the bags from her as she headed towards the door.

    "Wiket?" Nic's voice was puzzled.

    Annik explained about the cat as they walked back to Nic's car. He was clearly on guard the whole trip back to the car. He was scanning the landscape like he expected ninja's from the bushes or some such. What kind of people did this guy deal with. She was right back to thinking Nic was some kind of criminal. It was clear that this was ingrained habit not because of any attack on her. Still looking for, Annik didn't know what, Nic hit the key fob to unlock the doors. Annik was handing him her bags to put on the floor behind the drivers seat when he suddenly spun around like he had heard something. His hand went inside his jacket, likely to palm one of the weapons she had seen earlier.  But as far as she could tell there was nothing there and after a few minutes Nic must have come to the same conclusion because his hand came back out and he finished putting the bags in the car.

   What neither of them knew was that a small shape had used the distraction to jump into the car to hide. When nothing more happened Annik and Nic got back into the car and left. Never knowing that they were taking a stowaway with them. 

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