Chapter 10

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The perpetual darkness was incessant. Sometimes a picture would blur into focus, but only for a split second. A blue sky or a flower wilting and blowing in the wind. Each time it took a while to process, and she didn’t really get to think about these images until she actually woke up, now conscious. It was night, and a fire crackled just next to her. Rebecca stirred, opening her eyes and looking around. To her right, Xavier sat by the fire, staring into it stoically. Rebecca shifted and grunted. Immediately, Xavier’s head swiveled over to face her, and he leaped up to help her. A firm and callused hand slipped under her head, and she strained as he lifted her up. There was a bandage on her stomach, and her body ached with a dull pain. “Take it slow,” Xavier said, sitting next to Rebecca as she propped herself up. 

“Did the monster get me?” Rebecca asked, rubbing her eyes. “How long has it been?” 

“A few days,” Xavier answered. “I thought for sure you were a goner. You really scared the hell out of me!” Rebecca didn’t answer and stared into the fire. She was lucky, that monster was scary. 

“What happened to it?” Rebecca asked. 

“Magnus killed it,” Xavier replied. “He ripped the heart from its insides.”

“Did you get him?!” Rebecca winced as she overexerted herself. “Magnus, did you kill him?” Xavier shook his head. 

“I let him go,” He said slowly, looking at the fire. “I figured you were more important.”

“We need to find him, then!” Rebecca said. She went to stand up but grunted in pain, and Xavier gently pushed her back down. 

“No,” He said. “I’m… I’m done,” Rebecca looked at him, confused. He repositioned himself, his Blunderbuss across his lap. “I’m done hunting. After that…” He trailed off, sighing and putting his head in his hands. “I’ve seen some things, Rebecca. But not that. That was horrific. I put you in danger trying to save you. I can’t let that happen again. I’m done, we’re already on our way back to the city.” Rebecca didn’t respond, and both of them shared a long moment of silence, the only sound being the crackling and roaring fire. After a minute, Rebecca heard Xavier sniffle. She looked over to him and noticed tears were running down his face, dripping off the bridge of his nose. Rebecca scooted closer, and rested her head on his arm, gripping one of his fingers with a small hand. Xavier looked over at her, eyes puffy and red. It looked like he had been crying on and off for a while now. Rebecca squeezed his finger and smiled up at him reassuringly. He took her in his arms, hugging her tightly. It hurt a little, but as his warmth enveloped her, and his beard played at the top of her head, she felt so safe. She tried to hug back. His abdomen was too big to get both of her hands around, so she hung off of him awkwardly. 

“What are you going to do about The Empress?” Rebecca asked. 

“I’m telling her I am done,” Xavier replied. “I don’t care about money, I don’t care about security. I have given her and all the other empires so much, and now I’m officially retired!” He let go of Rebecca, and she fell back into her bedroll. She fell asleep again after that, dreamless and dark. The world slipped away, and for a night she did not exist. When she awoke again, Xavier was carrying her toward the city. She was slung over his shoulder, bobbing up and down. Rebecca pressed her fists into her eyes and rubbed the tired out of them. She was feeling better. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Anoisn coming closer and closer. 

“Xavier…?” She asked. A grunt came from Xavier which Rebecca could only assume was an acknowledgment. “What’s going to happen when you quit? Are you going to keep me?” That was enough to make Xavier stop, and he sighed. 

“I think I am, kid,” he said. “You… you changed my life.” 

“Are you gonna cry again?” Rebecca said. Xavier shook his head and continued to walk. She saw the city getting closer as she bobbed up and down with each of Xavier’s heavy steps. It looked the same as it always did. A sprawled-out puddle of buildings, with the palace in the middle looming over it all. It cast a large shadow over half of the city in the sunlight. Xavier neared the front gate, and Rebecca was almost lulled back to sleep by the constant swaying and bouncing. When Xavier began to ascend the stone staircase, she woke up again. “Hey, can I come down?” Rebecca asked. Xavier stooped a bit, and let Rebecca off of his shoulder. She walked next to him, and soon the two of them were at the front gates of the palace. 

“Hmm,” Xavier said, looking around squinting. “There’s no one here. Gates wide open…” He looked down at Rebecca, the two of them nodded to each other and Xavier put his hand on his revolver as they both walked in. The larger wooden double doors had to be forced open by Xavier, and when the both of them entered their eyes went wide. Blood was splattered over nearly every wall. There were a few servants’ bodies sprawled out on the marble, their guts ripped out and their flesh torn. “Fuck me…” Xavier said, stepping inside with Rebecca. The entire place was silent, not a sound rang out. Xavier knelt by one of the bodies and examined it. “I think it was one of her thralls,” Xavier said. 

“Thralls?” Rebecca asked. Xavier ignored her when he heard quick footsteps coming from one of the hallways. He pulled his revolver out and pointed it in the direction he thought they were coming from. 

“Who’s there?!” Xavier yelled. A woman reared around the corner and stopped when she saw Xavier. 

“Don’t shoot!” She said, throwing up her hands. “You have to get out of here! The Lady has gone insane! She has killed nearly everyone in the castle!” 

“How are you still alive?” Xavier asked, putting the revolver down. 

“She told me I’m one of the ‘pretty ones’” The woman said, putting her fingers in quotations. 

“The crazy shallow bitch,” Xavier chuckled. “Where is she?” 

“Her quarters!” The woman said. “I’m getting out of here though! Good luck with her!” She rushed past Xavier, pushing Rebecca to the side and running through the open doors. Xavier looked at Rebecca and sighed. Here they go again. More trauma and permanent damage for the little girl. Both of them made their way toward The Lady’s quarters. There was more blood and entrails over the walls. Sometimes they would come across someone moaning, but usually, it was just half a person or someone with no arms or legs. So, Xavier reasoned they were beyond saving. This was getting worse and worse. He looked down at Rebecca and saw that she was becoming more and more uneasy. 

“We’ll be okay,” Xavier said, patting her on the head and reassuring her. He didn’t know whether that was the truth or not, though. Both of them got to the door. Xavier raised his hand to knock but thought better of it. Bracing himself, he shoved a boot into the door. The door flew open, and Xavier entered. He was now carrying his revolver in one hand, and the blunderbuss in another. Rebecca entered as well, and Xavier immediately covered his eyes. There was Allura, drenched from head to toe in blood. She was on her knees, her lips wrapped around the cock of the dead boy he was shown earlier. He seemed to have been brought back to life and was blindfolded, moaning and holding her head. “Fucking hell!” Xavier said, gagging and holding a hand up. With a pop, Allura took her mouth from his cock, a bridge of saliva and blood connecting them. 

“Hello, Dear!” Allura said, shoving Jacob back into the bed and standing up. Blood dripped from nearly all parts of her body, pooling onto the floor. “Magnus… you found him?” She looked positively insane. Her eyes were glowing red, her hair was matted and caked on her forehead, and her veins were a deep red, almost black. 

“Allura… I’m done,” Xavier said. “I am done working for you. I am done bounty hunting. I am done period! You can find someone else to find Magnus…” He trailed off as he heard himself. Was he really saying this to Allura, The Empress? And when she was in this state. She hesitated for a minute before a wide and wicked grin spread across her face. She laughed, quietly at first, but then it got more and more maniacal. On the bed, the boy groaned softly. How long had she been fucking him? He looked spent. 

Blood…” She said softly. Xavier looked at her, confused, and she kept chanting quietly to herself before it got louder and louder. “Blood BLOOD BLOOD!” A wave of red energy exploded from her, and Xavier and Rebecca were sent flying back. Looking back as he was flying backward, Xavier saw Rebecca fall over the banister. Xavier had a split second to think. He leaned into it, and toppled over as well, gripping Rebecca before she could fall and loosely grabbing the railing. “I will devour you!” Allura said through howls of laughter and screams. Blood began to pour through the slots between the railing. A bloody red hand rested on the railing, and Allura peered over. She looked demonic, smiling, and cackling. “No gods! No life! Only Me! Only Allura Anois!” She screamed. 

“Shit!” Xavier said as he lost his grip. He hugged Rebecca as they fell to the first-floor throne room. His back connected with the marble and the wind was knocked out of him. Rebecca rolled off of him and scrambled to her feet. Xavier had a harder time getting up than she did. When he looked up, he saw Allura floating down towards him. “Great. She can fly now,” he spit some blood out on the floor. His legs were shaking, and his body was aching with pain. 

“You’re in no fighting state, wretch!” Allura hissed. “I’ll make you a deal! If you give me the child, your life will be spared!” Xavier looked over to Rebecca, who looked back at him with wide and scared eyes. He seriously took a moment to consider it. But it was only a moment. His rationality kicked in. What would he do with his life? She was only a child, she had her entire life ahead of her. He was past the end of his robe. Xavier slowly stepped in front of Rebecca and lowered his eyes angrily to Allura. 

“Go fuck yourself,” He said, blood running from his mouth. Allura regarded him, and then laughed wickedly. From her wrist, a spike of blood solidified, and shoot into Xavier’s side. He cried out and Rebecca screamed, backing up slowly. “Rebecca!” Xavier screamed, falling to his knees. 

“Xavier!” Rebecca shouted. Xavier looked up at her, his eyes filling with blood, and his tears mixing with it all. 

“Live a great life,” Xavier said. “Please… for me… live to the fullest, Rebecca!” Xavier turned around and pointed the blunderbuss to Allura. 

“You think a simple shotgun is going to stop me?!” Allura mocked Xavier. 

“No,” Xavier said, and he pulled every trigger at once. An explosion wracked the entire palace. Rebecca was sent flying back towards the double doors, screaming. She could hear the sounds of Allura wailing and crying, blood splattering everywhere. Rebecca scrambled to her feet, wasting no time. She ran as fast as she could down the stairs, bawling and crying all the way down. 



Everyone remembers where they were when it happened. Clarisse was brushing her hair in her quarters just a few minutes before. She of all people remembered it clearly, as clear as crystal. Ember had just come into her room and kissed the top of her head. “Look, I might have gotten a bit carried away the other night…” She said. She hadn’t mentioned it before, and Clarisse assumed that everything was okay. She looked up at her and smiled. 

“I never said I didn’t enjoy it,” Clarisse said, smiling up at her. She stood up and gave Ember a soft kiss on the lips. “I’m very sorry about your mother-” Ember raised a hand to cut her off. 

“It’s fine,” she grumbled. “I’ve been thinking about it. Maybe she is right. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my sister. Almost a decade. Nearly before the empire fell.” 

“If you don’t mind me asking: what happened between you two?” Clarisse asked. Ember sighed, and moved over to Clarisse’s bed, sitting down. 

“Her husband was a sympathizer for the old empire,” Ember said. “He heard word of the rebellion Allura was organizing and…” Ember grumbled and stood back up restlessly. She put her forehead in her hand and sighed. “She watched as I killed him,” she said. “Nothing slow or painful. It was a simple slit of the throat. He confronted me about killing Magnus, he said he would kill me if I tried… I don’t know…” Ember trailed off. “It’s not like Ariel sympathized with Magnus, she didn’t but… that was her husband. She loved him!” 

“Do you feel guilty about it?” Clarisse asked. 

“No! That’s the problem!” Ember grunted. “I felt nothing when I cut him down! And she knew. She saw the emotionlessness in my eyes. Maybe if I had done it angrily or with any kind of passion… Ah!” She angrily waved her hands. “I’m just-...” Ember trailed off as she looked out the window. She furrowed her brow. Clarisse sat up curiously. 

“What’s wrong, Ember?” she asked. 

“Come on,” Ember went for Clarisse’s hands. “We have to go.” Clarisse was confused, but stood up anyway and followed her. Ember pulled her down the stairs. She made her way into the armor. “Ember, what’s happening?” Ember immediately went for the Raven’s Crest armor, beginning to suit up. Clarisse watched as she did. She made her way over to the window and looked out. She looked around, seeing people pointing and some rushing away. Following their fingers, she saw it. The castle was bleeding. Blood was gushing out from all of the windows and outside the door. “Put this on!” Ember shoved a simple metal chest plate, some gauntlets, and a helmet into Clarisse’s hands. 

“Armor?” Clarisse asked. Ember nodded, putting the Raven’s helmet on. Clarisse suited up as well. She thought she probably looked ridiculous. Ember pulled a sword from the wall and thrust the hilt in her hands. Awkwardly, Clarisse held it. “What’s going on, Ember?” 

“I don’t know, but I want to be prepared,” Ember began to leave the room. Clarisse followed her, and Ember went for the front door. 

“Ember!” Clarisse said. She turned around to look at her. “What about the servants?” Ember scoffed. 

“They will be no help,” Ember said. 

“They need to get out. If something bad is happening they need to be evacuated!” Clarisse said. Ember didn’t answer. Instead, she shut the beaked helmet and left the house. Clarisse grumbled to herself and made her way down to the servant’s quarters. “EVERYONE OUT!” She yelled. “Something’s wrong! We may be under attack! EVERYONE LEAVE!” Clarisse made sure to knock on each door and get everyone out. When she was sure everyone was gone, she followed them out of the mansion. Clarisse looked around. Ember was hard to miss, she was the only one adorned in the jet-black raven armor. Clarisse moved to meet up with her when the front entrance of the castle exploded. Ember held up a hand as the bright light filled her eyes. Clarisse could only stand and watch, dropping her sword. Ember pulled her sword out as parts of the castle began to catch fire. Clarisse went running after her but ran into something. She looked down at what it was and realized it was a little girl. 

“He’s dead!” She wailed into her leg. “He’s dead and she’s coming. She’s coming!

“Who’s coming?” Clarisse asked. The little girl looked up at her, tears running down her cheeks and snot dribbling from her nose. “Oh, you poor thing. Come on!” Clarisse reached down to pick her up. “What’s your name, honey?” 

“Rebecca!” The girl spat through sobs and quick breaths. Clarisse patted the little girl on the back as she buried her face into her shoulder and cried. She looked ahead to Ember, who was watching the flames. And then a figure emerged from them. Leaving the smoke, flames, and rubble was Allura Anois. She carried in one hand the head of an old man. With a grunt, she threw it down the steps. It hit every other stair lazily and rolled to a stop. She was covered in blood, eyes glowing red, teeth bared. 

“YOU!” She said, pointing a finger at Ember. Ember raised the beat to her helmet, looking to Allura. 

“My Lady?” Ember said hesitantly. Rebecca clung to Clarisse for dear life, whimpering and sobbing into her shoulder. Allura approached Ember, wiping some blood from her eyes, and waving her hands. 

“You still wish to kill Magnus Evanteus?” Allura asked. Ember took her helmet off and looked her up and down. 

“My Lady, what happened?” She asked. 

“Answer the question!” Allura barked. Ember stood at attention and nodded. 

“Y-yes, Ma’am! Of course, My Lady Empress!” Ember said, her voice faltering a bit. Clarisse had never seen Ember this afraid. 

“Good…” Allura said, reaching up and stroking her cheek with a blood-covered hand. She left red smears all over Ember’s face. “And you!” Allura shoved her finger on Clarisse. Before Clarisse could react, with lightning speed, Allura was standing just in front of her. “Give me that child!” Rebecca clung onto Clarisse, now screaming and thrashing. Clarisse was terrified, Allura stared into her with blood-red eyes, holding her hand out. Slowly, despite the feat gnawing at her soul, she shook her head. Ember looked back, fear in her eyes. Allura raised a hand and hissed. 

“No!” Ember shouted, dropping her sword and rushing over. She gripped Allura’s wrist and stopped her. “Please! No!” Ember pleaded. Allura shook Ember off of her and rounded on her. 

“What business is this of yours?!” Allura snarled. “The child interfered with some very important business!” 

“P-Please, My Lady!” Ember said, scrambling up to her feet. “Don’t hurt Clarisse… please… Clarisse,” she turned to her. “... give her the child.” Clarisse hesitated and looked from Allura to Ember. And she shook her head. Allura flared her nostrils, and her breath began to quicken. She screamed as she clapped her hands together and energy flowed from her. Blood splattered everywhere, all over Ember, Clarisse and Rebecca. When Clarisse opened her eyes she saw that not a speck was on Allura. In fact, she looked perfect. 

“I don’t have time for this!” She said angrily. “Fine! Keep the stupid brat! Just make sure she doesn’t fuck with me anymore!” She turned back to Ember. “You!” She shouted. “You’re coming with me! We have a lot of planning to do!” Ember looked from Allura to Clarisse. “The girl can come too, if she must,” Allura sighed. Ember stood, beckoning Clarisse over. Clarisse slowly walked over, holding Rebecca in her arms gently. 

“Just… play along for now,” Ember whispered to Clarisse as they followed Allura up the castle steps. “I have no idea what’s happening… but let’s not jump to conclusions.” Clarisse gulped and looked up the stairs, watching Allura walk triumphantly up the steps. Empress of Blood, they would probably call her.

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