Chapter 13

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“EMBER!” The scream rang out through the entire city. It was a truly anguished cry, one of complete deep, and tender sorrow. Clarisse let Rebecca down, and quickly ran toward the body just outside the door. Allura’s thralls lazily wandered around the place, waiting for an order. Clarisse fell to her knees and hesitated to rest her hands on Ember’s limp body. “My love… no, my love!” Clarisse said, tears welling up in her eyes. She hugged Ember’s body and sobbed openly into her chest. Rebecca approached hesitantly, watching Clarisse weep uncontrollably into her lover’s bosom. “Please wake up… WAKE UP!” Clarisse shook Ember’s shoulders. Her face was serene and calm, and the blood was flushed from it. She was pale, a corpse. “No! NO!” Clarisse shouted like a child being sent to bed early. She picked up Ember’s torso and held it close to her. “She’s okay. She’s alright. She’s okay.” Clarisse rocked back and forth and whispered those words through her sobbing. Rebecca could only watch as Clarisse did this, working herself up into crying fits from time to time. 

Clarisse stood a few minutes later, picking up Ember’s body with her. She was armored and pretty heavy, but Clarisse did not care. Clarisse slowly made her way into the castle, ignoring Rebecca. Rebecca followed closely behind, however. Clarisse made her way into the castle, walking down the hallway. She was just in time. Allura was leaving the room with the skeleton in it. This time, a different man was at her side. A black-haired man she had never seen before. Behind her, a couple of servants carried the body of a big and burly man. 

“BRING HER BACK!” Clarisse screamed to Allura. Allura turned to face Clarisse, taken aback. Clarisse thrust Ember’s body in her direction. “YOU BRING HER BACK NOW!” She shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

“Excuse me?” Allura said, storming up towards Clarisse. “Ember lost. She was too weak, she was not fast enough. Whatever you want to call it! She’s dead now. Get over it! I’m not sacrificing myself or whoever else. I don’t care!” 

“You bitch!” Clarisse spit out. “You ungrateful cunt! You sacrifice all those lives! You killed all those people! For what? To bring back some stiff-cocked guard?! FUCK YOU!” Clarisse screamed the last words out, beet red in the face. Allura put her hands on her hips. 

“Fine, I’ll bring her back,” Allura said. “But I’ll use the girl.” She nodded her head down to Rebecca, who hid behind Clarisse’s thighs. “Is that what you want, Clarisse? A life for a life? Be careful what you wish for.” Allura smirked. 

“Fuck you…” Clarisse looked down at Ember’s peaceful face. “... Fuck you…” she repeated. Allura chuckled and turned around. 

“Come on!” Allura said, snapping her fingers and storming off. Her servants followed quickly behind her, straining as they carried the burly man’s body. The dark-haired man, however, hesitated as he looked at Clarisse. “Drake! Come on!” Allura said without looking back. Clarisse looked at him with red and puffy eyes. 

“Meet me in this room later tonight,” Drake pointed to the room he had just come out of. Then quickly he turned and rushed after Allura. Clarisse carried Ember into the room he had just pointed to, Rebecca following behind closely. Clarisse found a small table and rested Ember down on it. 

“I’m sorry you had to see this,” Clarisse said, looking at Rebecca. “All of this, I mean. The world is falling apart…” Clarisse sat down in a nearby chair and sighed. She was absolutely exhausted from all of this. Rebecca approached her and took her hand into both of hers. 

“I know how you feel,” Rebecca said softly. Clarisse looked up at her. After that, they both hugged. Clarisse held her close and tight. 

“I’m so sorry,” Clarisse said softly. “I’m so so sorry.”

“Me too,” Rebecca whispered. 



“Put him there!” Allura demanded. The servants thrust Magnus onto a stone table and chained his arms and legs to it. Drake watched, biting his lip as Allura smiled at her handy work. “You did so very well, Drake,” Allura turned to him, placing a soft hand on his cheek and smiling at him. He felt himself shiver and a stirring in his pants. She was as beautiful as he remembered. Her long flowing black hair was perfect, her creamy skin was immaculate, and her red eyes pierced his soul. He looked down at her well-endowed chest and her wide hips. She had thick thighs as well, and Drake bit his lip again, nearly hard enough to break the skin. “I’m surprised you were so quick to abandon your brother for some pussy, but I am grateful nonetheless.” 

“About that…” Drake trailed off, and Allura looked at him expectantly. “You did promise me a few things.” 

“I did,” Allura answered, stepping closer to him. “You’re very eager to get your hands on this ass, aren’t you?” She winked at him. “I suppose it was your favorite part of me, after all!”

“You really think I’m that shallow?” Drake scoffed. “Look, take your time with Magnus, whatever it is you’re going to do. I don’t want to watch.” Drake made to leave the room. 

“Meet me in my quarters in a couple of hours,” Allura called toward him. Drake shook his head and left the room. As he walked down the hall, he really took the time to feel his new body. He could finally feel, it was divine! His flesh was soft to the touch, and his nerves were all working. He wondered if he could still use magic, but he was not about to use this new body to perform something. He shouldn’t have killed The Endling, he knew that. If he didn’t, he would be able to use magic whenever he wanted with no repercussions. That wasn’t entirely true, but it's what it would have felt like. Drake made his way to where his cauldron used to be, opening up the double doors and stepping inside. 

His cauldron sat in the middle still, the green fluid stagnant and murky. To the right, Clarisse sat. The body of Ember Eloux was on the table, lying completely still. The little girl, Rebecca, was also standing just next to Clarisse, holding her hands. Both of them looked toward him as he entered. Drake approached slowly and regarded the body. Clarisse looked up at him expectantly. Drake stood at the edge of the table, squinting as he looked at Ember’s body. 

“Well?” Clarisse said impatiently. Drake sighed. He had done this before. He had resurrected Magnus. It was all for naught, however, and he had killed Magnus again. Drake turned to Clarisse. 

“I can revive her,” Drake said simply. “But magic comes at a cost. Especially revival magic. It’s a soul for a soul. A life for a life.” Clarisse stared up at him. “In order to bring her back, you must also sacrifice someone else.”

“I know what you meant,” Clarisse’s eyes welled up with tears and she stood up, nudging Rebecca out of the way. She walked away from both of them, her head in her hands. Rebecca slowly approached and tugged on Clarisse’s dress skirt. 

“Clarisse…” Rebecca said slowly. “Use me. Let me be the life,” Clarisse looked down at Rebecca, who stared up at her innocently. She hated herself for actually considering it. But she longed to be with Ember so much. Even though she was only gone for an hour, she wanted nothing more but to be with her. She longed to feel her warm flesh against hers. She would do anything for it. And that’s what helped her make her decision. 

“Use me,” Clarisse said to Drake, turning to face him. “Use my life to bring her back. I can’t live in a world without her. And if sacrificing my own life will bring hers back, then so be it.”

“Very well,” Drake said, looking at her a little sadly. He was obviously disconnected from this scenario, but it was depressing to watch. 

“I just… I need some time. I want to write her a letter before I go,” Clarisse said softly. Drake nodded. 

“Take all the time you need,” he said, moving for the doors. Clarisse watched as he left, shutting the doors behind him. She knelt down by Rebecca. 

“I’m going to make sure Ember takes care of you, okay?” Clarisse said. “You are going to be so loved.” Rebecca had no idea what to say. She was completely confused, everything was happening so fast. Clarisse stood up and ruffled Rebecca’s hair. It reminded her of Xavier, and it made her sad. Clarisse left after that, leaving Rebecca in the room alone. 



Magnus stirred, his vision suddenly coming into focus. He was staring up at a dark and gloomy ceiling. His entire body ached, and his bones creaked when he tried to move. That was when he felt the chains go taut, holding him in place. He also felt cold stone pressing upon his bare back. Groaning, he tried to break the chains, but they were much too thick. “Hello, sweetie!” Magnus heard Allura’s voice from beside him. Oh no, he had lost. It was all coming back to him. Allura had seduced Drake into betraying him. She walked over to the end of the table, staring down at him. “Just let this happen, okay?” Allura said softly. Magnus found the strength to cry out as he thrashed. Allura laughed, watching him groan and shake violently. Slowly, she began to clamber on top of the table, straddling his hips. This was when Magnus noticed the jagged dagger in her hands, black and dripping with a viscous red fluid. “I’ve looked forward to this, Magnus Evanteus.” As Allura pressed her thighs around his hips, Magnus lifted his head. He spit right into her face. 

“Fuck you!” He grunted. Allura grinned. 

“I didn’t peg you as a spitter!” She said. “Now, I just have one question for you,” her face darkened as she said this. “Who is Mommy’s loyal thrall?” Magnus didn’t answer. “I need you to say it, honey…” 

“No,” Magnus said. Allura leaned down and immediately shoved the dagger into his side. Magnus screamed as his veins ran black around the entry point. “NO! I will never become one of those things!” 

“You need to speak the incantation in order for it to work, honey,” Allura said. “Say it!” she pressed the dagger in deeper. After that, she pulled it out and stuck it into his other side. Magnus could feel the poison seeping into his body, and he screamed as loud as he could in his current state. “NOW!” Allura demanded, raising the dagger and finally plunging it into his chest. Magnus’ eyes widened, and his mouth went agape. He thought of Marella. He couldn’t miss his daughter’s birth. He really couldn’t. He felt the tears streaming down his cheek. There was only one way he could go on living, just for a bit longer. 

“I-I…” he spit out. “I’m Mommy’s… loyal thrall…” Allura flicked her wrist, and his eyes immediately shot to the back of his head. 

Everything went blurry after that. Magnus was clinging to life as he was thrown on a mound of clambering flesh. Magnus stared up just in time to see Allura’s back leaving the room. He looked around himself, his vision blurring. All around him were grayed corpses, still living and hissing and moaning. Soon, he would become one of them. He had no idea how soon. But he needed to use his willpower. He needed to get to Marella. Looking around, he saw the mound piling up in a certain area, almost as tall as the ceiling. Magnus slowly began to rake his fingers along their flesh, pulling himself up the mountain of skin. When he got to the top, he shoved himself off. He just barely got to the rim of the balcony. Screaming, he pulled himself up. He saw his fingertips graying and the skin peeling from them. 

“M-Marella!” Magnus shouted as he hoisted himself up onto the balcony. It was a blur after that. He remembered running through the empty hallway, his shoulder periodically connecting with the wall. After that, he had to use the wall for support. He was thankful there was no one around because if he was discovered he could not fight his way out. With all of his strength, he shoved the doors open and made his way down the castle steps. He had to find his house, his memory was so hazy. He was losing himself, slowly but surely. He needed to get to Marella before he was completely gone. People stopped to watch as he stumbled down the street toward his house. 

Marella breathed heavily as she lay in the bed. Brigitte was at her side, her shoulder bandaged up. She was no doctor, but she had had to deliver a few babies in the village in her time. It was coming, and quickly. “Breathe! BREATHE!” Brigitte coached Marella as she screamed out. Her water had broken early this morning, and now a few hours later she was in a hefty bout of labor. Marella’s face was beet red, and she cried and screamed. 

“Magnus!” Marella shouted. “Where is Magnus?!” 

“MARELLA!” Magnus’ voice sounded from below, coupled with the sound of a door being thrown open. Brigitte listened as someone stumbled up the stairs. And then Magnus came into full view. He looked hideous. One of his eyes was gray and lifeless, hanging lazily to the corner. His skin was sunken and pale. “Marella…” he blubbered out sadly, stumbling over to the bedside and kneeling down. “I-I’m here… I’m here-” 

“It’s coming!” Brigitte said. “I can see the crown!” Marella began to scream. Magnus stretched a prunish, shaking hand out and stroked her sweaty hair as she strained. “Push!” Brigitte demanded. Marella’s screams rang out through the entire mansion as she shoved the baby from herself. It was a long ordeal. Magnus was getting worse and worse as Marella pushed and pushed. Finally, all of them heard the distinct cry of an infant. Brigitte took a dagger from her boot and cut the umbilical cord. Marella breathed heavily, slowing her breaths as best as she could. After cleaning it with a rag, Brigitte handed her the child. Marella took it into her arms, and stared down at it. The baby looked back up at her, with beautiful purple eyes. 

“Oh my…” Marella said. “V-Violette…” she turned to Magnus, and smiled up at him, handing him the baby. 

“Violette,” Magnus croaked out, taking the child and holding it in his arms. The baby yawned and nestled itself in his bosom. “My Violette…” Magnus trailed off, stroking her bald head. “So beautiful… so… so-” Magnus handed the child back to Marella. 

“W-wait! Magnus!” Marella said as he fell to the ground convulsing. Brigitte leapt up and knelt byu Magnus. 

“B-Brigitte!” Magnus said, both of his eyes gray now, a viscous black fluid coming from his mouth. “Sh-Shoot me!” Magnus was losing himself, feeling his mind becoming blank and void. “SHOOT ME NOW!” Magnus screamed. Brigitte stood, and pulled her revolver from her pocket. He was becoming one of those things, wasn’t he? 

“NO!” Marella screamed as Brigitte pointed the revolver at Magnus, and pulled the trigger. The bullet bored its way into his head, spraying his brains over the floor. And that was the end of former Emperor Magnus Evanteus.

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