Chapter 9

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Lucienne laced Clarisse’s corset up, nearly taking her breath away with how forceful she was being. Clarisse let out a long breath and wasn’t able to inhale the same. She straightened herself as Lucienne picked up a long flowing deep red dress from the bed. She dressed Clarisse, helping her get her arms through the sleeves. On her head, she placed a golden crown in the shape of a wreath of leaves and berries. On her neck and wrists, she adorned her with expensive-looking jewelry. After it was all said and done, Clarisse looked in the full-body mirror. She looked like a queen. Twirling, she let the skirt of the dress twist and flow around her ankles. She giggled with Lucienne, and then there was a knock on the door. The door opened and Ember stepped inside the room. 

“My Lady!” Lucienne said, standing up straight. 

“Leave us,” Ember said to her. Quickly, Lucienne gave a shallow bow and left the room with haste. Ember adopted a smile as she approached Clarisse, and let the door close behind her. “You look stunning, My Love!” She said to Clarisse, and Clarisse smiled, trying to hide behind her hair which was done up. “There is just one thing missing,” She produced two brooches from her pocket. On her left breast, she placed a cameo with the visage of Allura Anois, and on the right, she placed the family crest of Anois. 

“You really think this can work?” Clarisse asked quietly as if someone was spying on them. “Will your mother really believe it?” 

“Stop worrying so much,” Ember stroked Clarisse’s hair. “Everything will be fine. Now hurry up, dinner will be served soon and they should be here any second!” Ember and Clarisse both left her room and quickly went down the stairs. There were servants quickly setting up for the occasion, making sure everything was perfect. “Now, let me do the talking first, okay? And I’m sure mother will take it from there,” Ember jumped as there was a knock on the door. A servant woman quickly approached and opened the large wooden door. “Mother! Father!” Ember said, throwing her arms wide. There were two people Clarisse had seen before standing there. A tight-lipped, tall, wrinkled woman stood proudly in the door frame. Next to her was a scrawny man with a slight stubble. 

“Very good to see you, darling,” Mother said, taking Ember’s hand in hers and patting it. She then looked to Clarisse, and her brow furrowed. “Who is this?” Ember took her hand away from her mother’s and stepped over to Clarisse. 

“Mother, I would like you to meet my current Suitress!” She said as happily as she could. “Her name is Clarisse Anois.” Mother threw her eyes up, and her eyes widened. For a split second, she looked at Clarisse suspiciously, and Clarisse felt fear enclose its fingers around her stomach, dispersing butterflies into it like poison. 

“What an honor!” Mother finally said, and a wave of relief washed over Clarisse. Mother bowed low, and slammed her elbow into Father, who also bowed. “To have our daughter marrying a noble, a member of the Anois family no less, it's quite extraordinary!” 

“Thank you,” Clarisse said, trying to sound as pompous as possible. “Shall we go to the dining room?” 

“Oh! Yes Ma’am, of course!” Mother said, bowing all the time as she made her way to the dining room. As they walked ahead of both of them, Ember and Clarisse both looked at each other with smiles playing on their lips. But they had to maintain their composure. They laced their fingers together, held their heads up high, and entered the dining room.

Dinner was served posthaste, and each of them tucked in politely. Mother had many questions, Clarisse could tell. But for fear of appearing rude, she settled on only a few. “So, are you new to Anoisn?” she asked. “You look very familiar, I feel as if I’ve seen you before. Do you attend The Lady’s balls?” 

“Oh, yes ma’am! But I am not from Anoisn,” Clarisse answered. “Allura is my cousin and if I can I attend the parties she throws.” 

“Hm,” Mother popped a roasted potato into her mouth. “There’s one happening tonight, but it's not the kind of party I would see myself in.”

“Nor me,” Clarisse said, knowing nothing about what she was talking about.

“I’m glad we think similarly, Lady Clarisse,” Mother smiled. “So, when is the wedding?” She turned to Ember and gave her a knowing look. 

“Erm,” Ember cleared her throat. “In a few months! We are still figuring out the details. It takes a lot to plan a wedding,” Ember looked over to Clarisse. “I’m sure we’ll manage,” Clarisse nodded. Father sat at the table and said nothing. Clarisse almost forgot that he was there until he coughed and stirred her attention toward him. Mother nudged him, and gave him an angry scowl. 

“Well, I’m glad you took my advice and found someone!” Mother said. The sound of silverware clinking on porcelain plates rang through the room. There was a small silence as they ate. Ember asked for more wine and took a big gulp. Clarisse could tell she was stressed. She did not like having her parents over. “Perhaps it is time you sent word to your sister, Ember?” Mother said. Clarisse turned to Ember. Sister? Ember had a sister? This is the first she was hearing of it.

“I’ll think about it,” Ember said dismissively, taking a gulp of wine. 

“Come now!” Mother protested. “You have not spoken to each other in years! Can’t you two get on?” Ember shook her head as she gulped down her wine, making a face. She began to eat to avoid the conversation. “At least think about it, daughter!” 

“I said I would!” Ember slammed a fist down on the table and glared at mother angrily. Clarisse looked between each of them mortified. “Excuse me,” Ember stood and stormed out of the room. Clarisse was left to smile awkwardly at her parents. There was an awkwardness to rival no other, dripping from the ceiling like molasses. After a moment Clarisse stood and bowed to both of them, going to check on Ember. 

“Ember?” Clarisse said, opening the door to the Den. Ember was standing, leaning up against the fireplace, and staring into the flames. “Are you alright, My Love?” She didn’t answer. “I am sorry about your mother,” Clarisse reassures her. She reached out to place a hand on Ember’s shoulder, but Ember shied away. 

“She had to mention Ariel,” Ember said, not looking at Clarisse. 

“Your sister?” Clarisse asked. She knew it was rhetoric, and Ember did not answer. “Ember, they’re waiting in the dining room…” 

“Send them away,” Ember said, waving a dismissive hand. 


“Send them away!” She repeated more forcefully. Clarisse took a step back, shying away. She quickly left the room, shutting the sliding doors behind her. Before she returned to the dining room, she let out a deep breath. This was going to be extremely awkward. When she opened the door, however, they were nowhere to be found. She looked down the hall to the main foyer and saw Ember’s mother putting on her coat. 

“Mademoiselle!” Clarisse said, approaching her. “My deepest apologies for Ember-” She was going to go on, but her tight-lipped Mother interrupted. 

“You don’t have to explain anything, My Lady,” she said. “Ember’s actions are her own. We know when we are not wanted or welcome. Take care.” It was so terse, so dismissive. The door slammed behind them, and Clarisse was left standing in the foyer alone. 



Music emanated from the grand ballroom, and people in fancy dresses and masks twirled around with each other. Allura stood at the main entrance, greeting people as she walked in as was customary. She wished she wasn't there, however. She was so close to Jacob that she could almost taste it. And soon she would be tasting him. “Welcome!” she said as she thought about sucking Jacob’s thick cock. “Enjoy,” Allura looked out to the crowd of people. Each of them danced closely. Servant’s carried around platters of food and drink. Allura silently cursed as she saw Antoine approaching. He was wearing a masquerade mask, but she could tell it was him by his pompous walk and multi-colored uniform. The man was a mess. His entire demeanor made her want to puke. She would definitely be using him at some point. 

“My Lady Empress!” He said with a bow. “Allow me to extend my gratitude once more for allowing us to use your facilities for our… party.” He said it very strangely again, and Allura furrowed her brow. 

“What kind of party is this?” Allura asked. Antoine blushed and straightened himself. He played with his hands for a moment as he hesitated to answer. Allura pursed her lips. The nerve of this man. This wasn’t a ball, this wasn’t a little get-together. “You’re having an orgy, aren’t you?” Allura thought out loud. 

“My Lady!” Antoine feigned being appalled. “We would never-” he stopped when Allura held up a commanding hand. 

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Allura asked. “Is this some sort of power trip? Do you delight in manipulating authority figures into getting what you want?” 

“N-no! Of course not! I did not mean to overstep my bounds I…” He trailed off. 

“You what?!” She asked angrily. Antoine played with his hands again. It was pissing Allura off to end watching him lace his fingers together, unlace them, and then lace them again. Forget it. She grumbled. “Come with me,” Allura said. “I would like you to see something.” Antoine nodded, and Allura led him from the ballroom. The music slowly died down as they went down the hall. Emmeline stood at the ready, guarding the basement door. Allura opened the door and waved Antoine in. Reluctantly, Antoine began to descend the stairs, and Allura followed closely behind. She led him into the darkness, only lit by a few torches. When they got to the large metal door, Antoine stopped. 

“My Lady Empress, I should really get back to my guests,” he said. There was fear in his voice. Good. Allura smirked devilishly. She opened the large metal door with a loud creak. 

“In,” she demanded, motioning him in. Antoine slowly stepped in. He looked around the room, it was dilapidated and darker than the hall outside. The only light showed the table in the middle of the room, with the body of Jacob laying on it. The color was returning to his flesh. Antoine looked past the table, and to the bucket just next to it. Bones were filling it to the brim, and the cherry on top was a hollow and empty human skull. Before Antoine could leave, Allura gripped the back of his neck. “Beg for your life,” Allura commanded, forcing him down to his knees. “Beg for Mommy.”

“Oh no, oh no no no!” Antoine said, real fear in his voice. Allura drank it up, smiling wickedly, her eyes glowing red. “Please! Don’t do this! Please! My Lady! I will call it off! I’ll make sure they don’t do anything!” 

“Aw, how sweet,” Allura feigned mercy. “Call me Mommy.” Antoine hesitated for a moment, and then gulped down his fear. 

“M-Mommy!” He screamed. “Please don’t kill me, Mommy!”

“Eh, it doesn’t sound right coming from you,” Allura felt his energy start to enter her own body. “Shut up,” she said as she watched the life leave his body. She felt herself growing stronger, her veins glowing red and her muscles tensing up. She smiled, cackling and laughing as Antoine’s skin sunk around his bones, and soon he fell over. Allura looked at her hand, glowing red and tingling with energy. “Tonight,” She whispered to herself. “It happens tonight!” She then shouted, running from the room. 

Emmeline stood at the ready as she saw Allura coming down the hallway. She was stumbling and cackling, her eyes wide and crazed. “My Lady Empress. Are you okay?” Emmeline asked as she approached. Allura looked over at her and grinned widely and diabolically. 

“I have never been better in my entire life!” She nearly shouted, holding a hand out and magically forcing Emmeline onto her knees. Emmeline’s eyes widened and her mouth was forcefully opened. “Say that you want me!” Allura demanded. 

“I-I want you, My Lady!” Emmeline obeyed. 

“Good girl,” Allura stuck a thumb into Emmeline’s mouth, “Suck!” Emmeline dutifully sucked on her thumb and began to feel her energy leaving her body. When she started whimpering in fear, Allura rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to kill you!” She sneered. “I just need more energy!” Emmeline calmed down a little but was still breathing through her nose quickly. When Allura took her wet thumb from Emmeline’s mouth, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell over unconscious. “Blood. Need blood!” Allura ignored Emmeline and went for the ballroom doors. 

Shoving them open, Allura looked inside. A cacophony of moans and groans, like a sex choir, filled her ears. Tangled in the middle of the room was a mass of limbs and flesh. There was a large mound of sex in the middle of her grand ballroom. When she started to laugh maniacally the noise died down, and everyone looked at her. “The show is over!” Allura said. “You are all dismissed!” When one of the men tried to get up, Allura extended a clawed finger in his direction. His eyes immediately popped out of their sockets, and blood spilled from his eye sockets and mouth, and into Allura’s fingertips. She laughed as the energy entered her body. She felt herself growing stronger, her eyes glowing madly red. “Who’s Mommy’s loyal thrall?” She said to another woman. “SAY IT!” She demanded. 

Chaos ensued after that. Left and right, Allura sucked the life from each of the party-goers. With a wave of her hand, she shut and locked all the doors magically. Naked bodies clambered over each other, trying to get out of the room, banging on the door pathetically. As they banged, Allura’s thralls rose, their skin gray and their eyes lifeless. Some of them didn’t even have eyes. They leaped to the nearest living person, rending flesh from the bone. Allura ripped the skin completely off a woman, leaving behind just a skeleton that clattered to the ground. The whole time she was laughing, cackling, and giggling like a madwoman. The floor ran red with blood, and bodies littered the place. It was almost too much for Allura to handle. Was she going to pass out? Was she going to scream? Was she going to cum? She had no idea what was going to happen next. 

When it was all over, Allura stood in the middle of the room breathing raggedly and heavily. She felt her entire body pulsating and vibrating with magical energy. Her thralls wandered aimlessly and stupidly around the room. Finally, she regained her composure. She calmly walked out of the room, and opened the doors, leaving and heading for the basement. 



Clarisse ascended the stairs to Ember’s room slowly. She needed to check on her, but she was worried after seeing her display. She hesitated when she got to her door, her knuckle just inches away from the wood. After a tremendous amount of willpower, she knocked. “Come in,” a calm voice said from within the room. Clarisse turned the handle and stepped into the room. “Clarisse!” Ember said, excitedly. She was wearing the Raven’s Crest armor, jet black, the helmet under her armpit. Clarisse looked at her quizzically, her eyes traveling up and down her body. Ember did the same and took a step closer to Clarisse. 

“What’s going on?” Clarisse asked suspiciously. Ember didn’t answer, and instead dropped the helmet and took Clarisse in her hands. Her gauntlets were cold to the touch and sent a shiver down her spine. Ember leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Clarisse’s neck. Clarisse tilted her head and smiled, closing her eyes. “I take it you're okay now?” Clarisse whispered. She gasped as she felt her skirt being lifted. Ember’s cold gauntlets touched her thighs. “Ember! That’s cold!” She giggled softly. 

“Fuck me,” Ember mumbled, biting her neck. Clarisse nodded slowly. 

“In the armor?” She asked, looking down at Ember. Ember looked up at her with fire in her icy blue eyes. Ember began to push Clarisse over to the bedroom, undressing her as she did. Clarisse sat on the bed, and Ember kissed her fully and deeply on the lips. Her tongue snaked into Clarisse’s mouth, and both of them hummed as Ember pushed her down on her back. Clarisse ran her hands down the cold steel of Ember’s jet-black armor. When she got down to Ember’s waist, she realized her sword was still strapped around it. “Ember, are you going to keep that on?” Clarisse asked. Ember looked down, playing with the hilt of the blade with her thumb. 

“Does it discomfort you?” Ember asked. Clarisse thought about it and then shook her head slowly. Ember trailed a hand down her chest to her stomach. It sent another more violent shiver down Clarisse’s entire body. Ember laid down on top of her, reaching back up and squeezing both of her breasts with her hands. Clarisse felt her firm grip and moaned out softly, her nipples growing hard. Ember took a minute to unlace her corset, and soon Clarisse’s breasts were bared. She leaned down, icy eyes meeting Clarisse’s. Slowly she took her nipple into her mouth and began to suck, trailing a hand back down her body. She got to the bulge in Clarisse’s pants, and smirked, pulling them down and allowing her cock to sprint forth. 

“My, you’re happy!” Ember smirked. Clarisse let a small moan escape her lips as Ember teased her cock with a thumb, swirling it around the tip. She pressed her face into Clarisse’s chest and shook her head from side to side. The waves of pleasure pulsating through Clarisse’s body were overwhelming. When Ember’s thigh brushed against Clarisse’s cock, she could barely contain it anymore. She spilled herself, feeling the warm fluid rush down her shaft. Ember hummed into her chest, kissing and licking the whole time. 

“E-Ember!” Clarisse moaned out. Ember clambered up Clarisse’s body and straddled her hips. Clarisse whimpered and moaned out as she kissed up her neck. Ember looked down as she felt the fluids sticking to her thighs, seeping through her pants. 

“Can’t hold it in?” She teased, cupping her cheek in her hand. Clarisse let out a sudden moan as Ember bucked her hips, still in her pants, rubbing up on her sensitive cock. “Gonna cum again?” She said, running her thumb along Clarisse’s lips. Her metal thumb was cold to the touch and gave Clarisse goosebumps. She extended a tongue and licked up the length, wrapping her lips around the tip of Ember’s thumb and sliding her mouth down it, shutting her eyes. Ember held her mouth open as she watched, her tongue poking out as well. She bucked her hips again and forced Clarisse to inhale sharply. Clarisse grabbed at her pants with the intent to pull them down, but Ember stopped her. Clarisse took her mouth from Ember’s thumb and looked her in the eye. 

“Something wrong?” Clarisse asked. “Don’t you want to fuck me?” 

“I-it’s nothing. Sorry…” Ember said. Clarisse looked at her, a bit concerned. 

“You can keep the chest plate on,” She assured her. Ember nodded, and Clarisse went to take down her pants. 



The large metal door was thrust open, and Allura rushed in. Her hair was in mousy strands around her face, and she was breathing heavily. Her veins were still running a deep red, and her eyes were pulsating and glowing red. She laughed to herself softly as he approached the metal table. Reaching out, she stroked Jacob’s perfect blond hair. “Oh, my Jacob,” Allura cooed. “I will revive you tonight!” Raising her hands dramatically, Allura brought them down and slammed them on Jacob’s chest. His body began to convulse and jerk as Allura felt the energy leave her body. She didn’t need that much, she knew it. But she was hungry for power now. She wanted more, more and more and more. She would not stop reviving Jacob. After this, she would go even deeper, she would lose her mind to the magic and let it take control of her. She deserved this, she needed this. 

With a shout, Jacob’s head suddenly rose, his eyes wide. The first thing he saw was Allura’s soft face, staring down at him. He reached up and touched her cheek. He was warm to the touch. Allura felt his palm brush against her cheek, and she kissed his palm tenderly. She wanted him, right here, right now, on this metal table. Quickly, she leaped onto the table, straddling his hips and staring down hungrily at him. “My Lady!” Jacob said in shock. “Wh-what are you doing?” 

“Shhhh,” Allura held a finger to his lips. “Shut up for one second, boy. Just let this happen, okay?” Allura took one of his warm, fresh hands and guided it down her body and between her legs. As Jacob rubbed her, she moaned out softly into his ear and bit at his neck. “You’re all mine,” Allura cooed. “You’re Mommy’s toy…” She trailed off and moaned as Jacob’s fingers dug up through her panties. “Rip them off!” She hissed into his ear, and he obeyed, ripping her panties off of her hips and tossing them away. “I’ve wanted you since the day I laid eyes on you, Jacob,” Allura whispered as his fingers entered her. “I wouldn’t have cared what it took, I wouldn’t have cared if you said no. I had to have you,” Jacob didn’t answer, and both of them kissed deeply and passionately. Throwing off the sheet he was covered in, Allura positioned herself at the tip of Jacob’s cock. “Tell me you want me,” she demanded. 

“I want you…” Jacob let the whisper escape his lips. Allura slid down on him, all the way down to his hips with a subtle plop. Jacob let out a grunt, and his hands instinctively gripped her hips tightly. She smiled down at him, placing her hands on his chest and pushing herself up again. Jacob bucked his hips and thrust up into her as she did this, and she let out a loud moan. 

“Yes, yes, yes!” Allura moaned out, slamming her palm on the metal table just beside Jacob’s head. It left a massive dent, and her fingers dug into the tough steel. Jacob’s eyes darted over to it for a second, before looking back at her. “Fuck!” She moaned out loudly, moving her hips with his and gasping. “Grab my ass!” She commanded, and he obliged. Jacob’s fingers closed around Allura’s ass, squeezing it tightly as he thrust up into her, making her moan. “SHIT!” Allura said, tugging her arm up and pulling a piece of metal shrapnel from the table. She left behind a small hole and dropped the piece as she continued to moan. Jacob felt the pit of his stomach tingling as Allura slid up and down his shaft. 

“M-My Lady… Allura!” Jacob moaned out, shutting his eyes tightly and knitting his eyebrows together. “I’m going to… cum!” 

“Cum inside of me!” Allura demanded. Jacob limply thrust up a few more times, tensing up more and more with each one. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh bounced off of the walls. Jacob thrust into her one more time, and Allura shoved herself down on him. She felt his cock throbbing inside of her, pulsing and convulsing as it sprayed into her. She let out a small moan with her lips shut tightly, grunting and letting out a breath. “Good boy,” Allura breathed out, collapsing down on top of him. She felt Jacob’s arms snake around her body as she caught her breath. And that was it. Allura raised her head slowly to look at Jacob. She thought to herself as she stared at him. Was this worth it? Was it all worth it? All of those lives were sacrificed to fuel Jacbo’s. He had no idea that this happened. And hopefully, he never would.

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