
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Early Days Chapter 2 - Firewyrm Chapter 3 - Magic Theory Chapter 1 - Paladin Power Chapter 4 - Learning to Train Chapter 5 - Madness Chapter 6 - Illegal Magic Chapter 7 - The Greatest Potential Chapter 8 - To Love the Gods Chapter 9 - Shifting Futures Chapter 10 - Hurry Up and Wait Part 2: Hamerfoss Chapter 11 - Road to Hamerfoss Chapter 12 - Catching Up on Lessons Chapter 13 - Shipping New Samples Chapter 14 - Ice Ice Baby Chapter 15 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 16 - Aftermath Chapter 17 - Until Proven Guilty Chapter 18 - A Name Chapter 19 - Friends Chapter 20 - What is a Warlock? Chapter 21 - Day With the Squires Chapter 22 - Until Proven Inocent Chapter 23 - The Talk Chapter 24 - It Doesn't Matter Chapter 25 - Attack Part 3: Time Apart Chapter 26 - Mages Guild Chapter 27 - Samples... Chapter 28 - Out on the Town Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss Chapter 30 - Discoveries Chapter 31 - Solstice in the City Chapter 32 - Hamerfoss Holidays Chapter 33 - Clearance Exam Chapter 34 - Results Chapter 35 - Road Patrol Part 4: Home Is Where The Heart Is Chapter 36 - Going Back. Chapter 37 - Time to Travel Chapter 38 - Home Chapter 39 - Sparring Match Chapter 40 - Winter Solstice Chapter 41 - Student and Master Chapter 42 - Goodbye for Now Chapter 43 - Hard Work and Dedication. Chapter 44 - First Steps Chapter 45 - Seniors Part 5: The End of an Age. Chapter 46 - Next Generation Chapter 47- Chosen of the Gods Chapter 48 - Wrapped in Ice Chapter 49 - The End and Beginning

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Chapter 45 - Seniors

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Spring 4988, 30 Buromoth 

Winter moved onto spring, and the seniors had performed their raid on the newest Squires, who were now doing their best to keep up and start their training, working through their sword forms with the year ahead of them. Shon watched from the sidelines in his new platemail while Ryuuko crawled all over him, trying to find the best perches.

Two of this group of four were assigned the bastard sword, and one of them was left-handed. The boy was doing his best to mirror the techniques being shown by the right-handed senior beside him, but was clearly struggling.

"Not everyone's as ambidextrous as you," Rerves commented, coming to stand beside Shon. 

Shon nodded but narrowed his eyes at the boys as he did. The new lefty would have to learn to use his right hand for the dual-wielding and partnered forms at least, but he was clearly more comfortable with his left, even if he was still struggling. 

The boy let out a loud groan and let his sword tip fall as he stared at the sky in frustration, and Shon had seen enough. Drawing his sword, he moved towards the boys, Ryuuko jumping from his back onto Rerves' more comfortable shoulder.

Using the flat of the blade, Shon smacked the boys leading leg, "Fix your stance," 

The boy flinched and scowled, but the expression cleared at the sight of Shon's left-handed sword, and he took up the ready position again. Shon moved to stand beside him and started the form slowly, waiting for the boy to catch up as he did, "Move as slowly as you need to maintain proper form and posture. That's most important. Speed will come naturally the more you do it properly." 

They moved all the way through the form once and started again before Shon continued, "You'll need to work both sides eventually, but it's fine to master this one first." the other new Squire stopped to watch with his senior as the two lefties worked through it again. 

"It might help..." Shon said, pointedly looking at the senior Squire, "To stand in front of the right-handed ones and use them as a mirror, rather than trying to follow along beside them." He glanced back at the left-handed boy and reached over with his sword to smack the boy's blade up a little higher, "Don't let your sword dip. You'll get stronger with practice."

As they finished their form again, Shon sheathed his sword and started to walk away, but stopped when the boy saluted, "Thank you, Sir," 

Shon shook his head at the title, but it was the other Squire who explained, "Shon isn't a Paladin yet, but he's the best Squire we have, so remember the lessons." 

"But... the armor..." None of the other Squires, unless on duty, wore their armor full time like Shon did, and clearly, that had confused him. Shon just nodded his thanks for the explanation and compliment and continued away. 

Rerves jogged to catch up, a wide grin spread over his lips, "You know, for someone who doesn't talk much, you're a good teacher." 

Shon only shrugged, Ryuuko hopping over to hang onto his sword as the two continued into the fortress. As the door swung closed behind him, Shon explained, "No one just knows what to do." 

"Yeah, but still," Rerves said, "The young ones will have a lot harder time once we're gone." which just made Shon shrug again. Hamerfoss had been training Squires since long before they arrived and would continue to do so long after they left. But that didn't mean he shouldn't help while he was here.

The one thing he still couldn't understand was why they didn't expand the lessons to non-Squires who wanted to learn. Of all the tenants and policies of Hengist, that was the one he still couldn't comprehend. Perhaps he would learn in the following year -the last he had left. 


On the night before the eve of the Spring Equinox, the senior Squires had their last dinner with the others. Shon, Thom, and Rerves had seen very little of their four senior friends over the previous few weeks. The young men had spent the entire watch month preparing for the culmination of their training -taking place the following day. From sunrise to sunrise, they would stand their vigil in the small cells off of the chapel, offering themselves to Hengist. It was clear to everyone that they were nervous, though no sign was more apparent than when Zihler left his still full plate with the others to join Shon at his end of the table... 

Shon glanced up as Zihler took the spot across from him without meeting his eyes. "Hey man... um..." Zihler wrung his hands together, and Shon arched an eyebrow at him in question while Ryuuko picked at the scraps left on his plate. 

"I just wanted to... I don't know... apologize?" he finally looked up, and Shon alternated his arched brow to the other side. 

Zihler leaned forward, speaking quickly and quietly, "Look, I know you care about Lily more than you let on, and, well... I just wanted to tell you to make sure you compliment her, you know?" Shon didn't know, but Zihler kept going, "Even if you think she knows how you feel, just tell her anyway, you know? Even if she does know, it's nice to hear, and, well... You know I really did like her, but I know you guys have something I can't compete with, and I know I shouldn't have tried, and I said some things to you, and, well... I'm sorry."

That had been well over a year ago now -when Lily had been with them the first time- which just made Shon even more confused, but Zihler continued, changing the subject, "And, well... I was always a little jealous of you, and I know that's not fair, you know? You were just so good, and honestly scary, and I didn't know how to compete, but now I know I just should've tried harder, and, well... yeah... sorry..."

Shon had no idea what to say, and before he could think of anything, Zihler got up and returned to his seat with the others. At a complete loss, Shon looked to Rerves and Thom. Rerves just stared at the senior Squires, who were barely picking at their plates, but Thom scooted a little closer and said, "They're really nervous..." 

"Clearly," Rerves said, to which Shon could only nod. 

Thom shook his head sadly, "It's possible they won't be chosen. That's what they're really facing tomorrow."

Rerves nodded, "Yeah... all this work, and sometimes it just... doesn't happen. It's all up to Hengist now." 

"It's really rare, though... I mean, what? Like one every ten years or so? And that's over the entire kingdom." Thom sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than either Rerves or Shon. Rerves reached across the table to pat his friend's arm. 

"Yeah, man, but that doesn't stop the fear when you're facing it down." he said, but then smiled at Thom, "Just remember the facts when it's our turn, okay?" 

"Yeah..." Thom nodded but wouldn't meet their eyes, staring at his nearly empty plate. 

Shon let Ryuuko lick up the last of the juices off his plate, then took it to the food table as always. But then he turned back to the Squires, taking his helm off and rolling it between his mailed hands. Ryuuko crawled down his arm to curl in it like some kind of basket made just for it, and -with a curt nod- Shon returned to the Squire's table. 

Nudging one of the boys on his side with the dragon-filled helm, Shon squeezed in to sit across from the seniors when the younger boy took it. Leaning over the table, Shon waited until he had the attention of all four before he spoke, 

"I know there's nothing I, or anyone else, can say to make you feel better. If anything, the constant reassurance must be making it a lot worse. But I can tell you this, Zihler," he turned his intense blue stare to the man that had been the closest thing he had to a rival for three years, "You're skilled in so many ways that I will never be. You're right, and I will do my best to be more vocal with Lily. You always voiced your opinions, and your feelings are honest and to be admired.

"Kefir, Rehlien, you two are the kindest men I've ever known. You were always there to help when needed and never asked for anything in return. You encourage everyone around you to be better and to take care of themselves, and we are all lucky to have trained with you." Around the table, some of the younger Squires nodded in agreement, and Shon turned to the last of them.

"Baradin, you're an ass," Baradin's jaw dropped and a few of the Paladins' heads shot up, but before they could order Shon to do push-ups, he continued, "and that's important too. We aren't just training to fight, we're training to lead, and you not only took to it naturally, you do and say the things that need to be said and done no matter what others might think, because they're important. You're a natural leader." 

Shon let his eyes scan over each of them in turn and finished, "You were here for us -Thom, Rerves, and myself- when we started our training, and we will be here for you when you finish yours."

With one last nod to the seniors, Shon took his helm and snoring familiar from his neighbor and left the mess hall.


The following day was subdued for everyone. The Paladins all seemed a strange combination of somber and hopeful, while the Cleric spent the entire day in the chapel with some extra priests who came just for the occasion. The Squires stood their watch and hardly spoke except in whispered prayers for their companions standing their vigil. 

The next morning's Spring Equinox breakfast was as quiet as the one before, until -finally- the Cleric entered with four tired and hungry, but smiling, faces following. He led the four, not to the Squire's table, but to the officer's table, where the Major General stood to salute them. The newest Paladins of Hengist.

Master Danaus and Smith Nangran brought them their breakfast, and each of the Paladins stationed at Hamerfoss took their turns to approach and congratulate them. Welcome them. The actual ceremony wouldn't take place for another six or seven days, when the General came with their orders, but they'd already ascended beyond their former Squire companions. 

But when the bells sounded the end of breakfast, all four moved for the Squire's table and their old friends. They seemed to be radiating an inner glow of pure bliss. 

"Congratulations, you lot!" Rerves said, standing and holding his arms wide for a hug they all gave him eagerly.

Shon approached and nodded to them, refraining from the hugs, and Thom asked nervously, "What was it like?" 

The four exchanged wordless looks, still grinning, and Kefir answered, "Like being made complete."

"Like knowing that you will never be alone no matter what," Rehlien added. 

Zihler nodded and looked more content than Shon had ever seen him, "It was like I was split open and showed everything to him, the good and the bad, and he accepted all of it and chose me anyway." 

"It was like being filled with light, and every mistake I've ever made had been forgiven. Like me, exactly how I am at my deepest level was not only good enough but loved." Baradin explained. 

"Wow..." Thom breathed. 

Zihler sighed and rested his hand over his heart, "I can still feel him..."

The Cleric approached and pat Zihler on the shoulder, "And you always will, Sir." Zihler fairly glowed at the title. 

"Only a year to go, and you'll feel it too," Kefir assured them, "I know it," 

Thom and Rerves beamed at the Paladin's confident reassurance, and Shon smiled one of his small smiles. Only a year to go... 


"Shaloon," she tried not to flinch as In'nin addressed her, "It has been nearly three months."

"Have you found the Firewyrm?" Yonin finished for him.

Beside Shaloon, Tolinar hummed a merry tune and pet his fat red hen -which he'd brought with him for some unfathomable reason. Shaloon swallowed nervously, "No, Archmage..." 

"We expected as much," In'nin responded with a sigh.

And Yonin continued, "It only matters that she live,"

"though without her samples..." 

"The others will have to do," Yonin interjected,

In'nin nodded, "And so it is time..."

Shaloon closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the hammer to fall. 

"... to transfer you to the Western Talon," Yonin finished for her brother.

"Archmage Yarna has hit a plateau in her research."

"You will go to Swailand and assist her." 

That was it? After all her failure? Shaloon opened her eyes, and the twins smiled, the looks less than reassuring on their smooth stone faces and certainly not reaching their blank eyes.

"You expected punishment?" In'nin asked.

Yonin continued without giving her time to answer, "We told you before that if you could not retrieve the Firewyrm..."

"... that we would transfer you,"

"We are dealing with the first dragons in millennia, Shaloon."

"It is no wonder that it was too much to ask of you," In'nin shook his head. 

"But it isn't enough."

"We must bring more draconic power into the world to stave off the cataclysm..."

"... and dampen the storms."

"So go and see what help you can offer Archmage Yarna." They finished together with a wave of their hands. Dismissing Shaloon from their audience room.

Shaloon moved for the door, but as she reached for the handle, In'nin called out, "Remember Shaloon,"

"We have survived this long thanks to our ability to go undetected,"

"Do nothing to jeopardize that."

"We know your preferred methods of gaining new samples." 

"If you chose to continue taking Sorcerers to extract their DNA..."

"make sure they remain inconspicuous,"

"We won't be able to save you if you are discovered," In'nin finished.

Shaloon turned enough to bow to her leaders, "Yes, Master Archmages..." and was finally allowed to leave for her new station. 

Tolinar continued to hum, but once the door clicked shut again, he looked up and asked, "What of me, Nins?" 

The two leaders exchanged looks at the name but grinned as if at the antics of a small child. Yonin answered, "We want you to find the Chosen." 

"If the children of Ryuugen managed to make one..."

"Then there will be others," Yonin said. 

Tolinar dropped his chicken, letting it flutter noisily to the ground, and held up his hands, fingers splayed. Dropping one finger and grinning, he said, "At least nine more!"


"And we should know where they are..."

"... and track their movements as best we can."

"So hop to it!" they snickered together, shooing the mad Mage away playfully. 

Scooping up his chicken, Tolinar sprinted out the door, letting it slam behind him, eager to get started. 

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