
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Early Days Chapter 2 - Firewyrm Chapter 3 - Magic Theory Chapter 1 - Paladin Power Chapter 4 - Learning to Train Chapter 5 - Madness Chapter 6 - Illegal Magic Chapter 7 - The Greatest Potential Chapter 8 - To Love the Gods Chapter 9 - Shifting Futures Chapter 10 - Hurry Up and Wait Part 2: Hamerfoss Chapter 11 - Road to Hamerfoss Chapter 12 - Catching Up on Lessons Chapter 13 - Shipping New Samples Chapter 14 - Ice Ice Baby Chapter 15 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 16 - Aftermath Chapter 17 - Until Proven Guilty Chapter 18 - A Name Chapter 19 - Friends Chapter 20 - What is a Warlock? Chapter 21 - Day With the Squires Chapter 22 - Until Proven Inocent Chapter 23 - The Talk Chapter 24 - It Doesn't Matter Chapter 25 - Attack Part 3: Time Apart Chapter 26 - Mages Guild Chapter 27 - Samples... Chapter 28 - Out on the Town Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss Chapter 30 - Discoveries Chapter 31 - Solstice in the City Chapter 32 - Hamerfoss Holidays Chapter 33 - Clearance Exam Chapter 34 - Results Chapter 35 - Road Patrol Part 4: Home Is Where The Heart Is Chapter 36 - Going Back. Chapter 37 - Time to Travel Chapter 38 - Home Chapter 39 - Sparring Match Chapter 40 - Winter Solstice Chapter 41 - Student and Master Chapter 42 - Goodbye for Now Chapter 43 - Hard Work and Dedication. Chapter 44 - First Steps Chapter 45 - Seniors Part 5: The End of an Age. Chapter 46 - Next Generation Chapter 47- Chosen of the Gods Chapter 48 - Wrapped in Ice Chapter 49 - The End and Beginning

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Chapter 44 - First Steps

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Winter 4987, 31 Ginmoth

"Are you sure about this?" Veon-Zih asked Shon as he walked in slow clanking circles while the others retrieved their swords for drills. It was the fourth day of Shon's new training method. He'd run the entire ten laps around the fortress in his half-plate, lagging behind by the end in a way he'd never done before.

Taking off his helm Shon held it at his side and lifted his other arm to try and expand his chest for more air, gasping out, "I need to work... my weakness... twice... as hard..." He was right, of course, but Shon continued, arching an eyebrow at his master now that he'd caught more of his breath, "You don't think I should?" 

"I didn't say that," Veon-Zih shook his head, "I actually think it's a great idea, and I'm impressed you decided to do it on your own. I just want to make sure you're prepared for what it entails in the long run." 

Glancing over his shoulder at the others -who were taking up their drill positions- Shon placed his helm back on his head, "I've already tried practicing more." But clearly, he didn't approve of his progress with that alone. He drew his sword, the pommel a snowy white. 

Veon-Zih gestured to the formation and followed Shon to it, standing just out of reach as the Squire started his drills, continuing while Shon worked, "Why do you think you struggle so much with armor?"

Shon shot a glance at Veon-Zih at the stressed 'you' but answered, "I hate the lack of mobility and reduced speed. I think I struggle because I get frustrated with it, and that frustration makes me sloppy." 

Veon-Zih fairly beamed in pride, "You know yourself well. You're not actually any less mobile than anyone else in armor. You just have more mobility without it, so you notice the difference keenly, same with speed, though I'm sure that will improve considerably as you grow stronger under the extra weight. Your real weakness in this is your frustration with yourself, your need to be better, faster, stronger." perfect... 

All Shon could do was nod, so Veon-Zih returned it, then continued as he walked away, "Make sure you work closely with Smith Nangran. You'll need to have it adjusted regularly as your muscles grow to compensate..." 

"Yes, Master," Shon called to Veon-Zih's back. The Monk waved over his shoulder.

Ryuuko fluttered down to land on Veon-Zih's head as he approached the Weaponmaster in the middle of his own drills, with the ax today. "Your boy is an anomaly, old man," Danaus commented as he worked, "I've never had a Squire so dedicated." 

"He has a dream," Veon-Zih explained, reaching up to pet the pseudodragon familiar and wondering if Shon would ever direct his considerable focus to that part of his self-mastery as well. 

Danaus stood straight, resting his ax on his shoulder and turning to watch the boys at large, "I think the girl lit a fire in him too." he shot Veon-Zih a sideways glance out of the corner of his eye, "The Paladins aren't much different from your Monastery on some things, but in his case, I think she is less a distraction and more a driving force." 

"Maybe," Veon-Zih conceded, then shook his head, "He's going to be miserable for months. Make sure you don't go easy on him."

The Weaponmaster let out one of his barking laughs, "Not a chance, old man. If anything, this shows me he can handle even more of a beating than before." his eyes twinkled with mischief. Still, when he spoke again, it was with a more serious tone, "I don't think Hengist has ever had a more capable Paladin outside his Chosen."

"Maybe." It was the only answer Veon-Zih could give. 


The Smilnda gate guard squinted at Lily as he examined her papers and then her face again and again, "They really are scales..." he muttered.

"And more importantly," Velona leaned forward, pointedly eyeing the man's rank insignia, "Corporal, is the clearance clearly marked at the bottom of the page." She reached over Lily's papers and tapped the book in his hand. 

The guard gave a little jump and stuttered, "Yes, yes, of course, my apologies. Though... it doesn't indicate your familiar young lady?"

Lily shrugged, "I don't have one."

"She's a bit of a special case, Corporal, but she's proven herself safe. So... if we could come in? We have a meeting with the Guild and Sir Rasnah." Velona said.

Lily noticed the name drop and thought she recognized it, but why would they need to talk to her?

The guard quickly scribbled their names in his log and his in the book, then snapped the papers shut and returned them to Lily, "Yes, of course, ladies, would you like an escort? It's standard procedure that all Sorcerers report to the Guild first, but one of our guards could take you to the Temple after if you..." 

He trailed off as Lily rolled her eyes, "I've had quite enough of escorts, thanks. I doubt we'll have a hard time finding a massive building that looks like a fortress ready for war." 

The guard blinked, but Velona snickered, "I think we'll be fine, Corporal. It's been a few years, but I am familiar with Smilnda." 

He bowed to Velona and gestured through the gates, "Very well, ladies, enjoy your stay in Smilnda." 

Lily ran the first few steps into the city and spun a pirouette before turning back to face Velona as she caught up at a walk, "So this is the city Shon grew up in? I've been to the Guild but never got to leave to see the actual city. It's smaller than Tarorn." 

Velona smiled warmly and turned Lily to walk with her towards the massive tower in the distance, "Yes, Lily, this is where Sir Rasnah and Father Branston are stationed, and they are both close friends of Master Veon-Zih and acquaintances of myself. I was told this was where Veon-Zih first met Shon, and it is the second-largest city in the province, though many further south, on the mainland, are much larger."

As they walked at a brisk pace towards the Guild -Lily skipping on occasion in her continued excitement- she asked, "I have some money leftover from my job, but do you think it'll be enough for supplies? I could continue going without for now if necessary-"

"No, you can't," Velona chided her with a gentle smack of her staff, "We will make do, but you need a winter cloak and thicker bedroll at least. If necessary, we can take a job or two before we leave so you have enough." 

Lily frowned but didn't argue. She didn't like the idea of Velona buying her things. She wanted to make her own way, own her own things, but if it was the only way she could continue on this journey, what else could she do?

As they reached the Guild tower, she hesitated, taking a steadying breath and checking her center as Velona had taught her. They wouldn't make her stay. They wouldn't. She told herself with as much conviction as she could before following the Master up the stairs and inside.

They presented their papers -yet again- to the receptionist and -in addition to Lily reporting as a Sorcerer in the city- Velona told the man that she needed to make a call to the Guild in Tarorn. The man called over an assistant who took them to a room that was more like a hall lined with stalls. The journeyman led them to an unoccupied stall and after asking Velona who she wished to contact, began spell casting in front of a waist-high mirror. It took a few minutes, but eventually, he stepped back, bowing to Velona and Lily, then exited, closing the door behind him. 

Once he was out of the way, Lily moved closer to examine the mirror that seemed to be reflecting everything except them. A moment later, the door in the mirror swung open, and Vevi rushed in. Lily turned sharply to her own door and, seeing it still closed, spun again and poked the nose of the Mage in the reflection, feeling only glass. 

"Lily! Thank Saint Bede, you're alright. Oh, aunt Velona thank you so much. We can have a gate ready in a few minutes if you just-" Vevi stuttered to a stop as Lily and Velona both shook their heads.

"I'm not coming back," Lily stated simply, poking the mirror curiously again. 


Velona pulled Lily's hand down and took her place in front of the mirror, explaining, "I will be taking Lily with me on pilgrimage, Vevi. We've decided that's preferable to her continuing on her own." 

"But..." Vevi started again, then shook her head, "Are you sure, Lily? Was it really so bad here? Is this because of the curfew? We were so worried, you didn't even leave a note and-"

"I did." Lily interrupted, tilting her head curiously, "And it isn't just that, it's what that means. I don't want to live the rest of my life in a tower giving samples. I know Ranito will be disappointed but," she shrugged, "he'll live."  

That actually got a grin out of the Mage, "Yes. He'll be very disappointed, but you're right, he'll survive. Though his research won't." she shrugged, then addressed Velona, "Are you sure?"

To Lily's relief, Velona didn't hesitate to answer, "I am. Lily is an able and willing student, more so than some apprentices I've trained, and this way, neither of us will be alone, and she can get a true taste of freedom. I can sponsor her over the borders, but it would be helpful if the Guild could give her ally status and add their voice to her clearance to cross."

Vevi sighed but -after looking at Lily again- nodded, "If you're both sure, I can have the Guild there sign her papers on my behalf, but Lily, how are you going to afford-" 

But Lily had been hit by inspiration, and interrupted, "How much do you really think Ranito will miss my samples?"

Vevi actually laughed, "He hasn't stopped talking about it since you disappeared, but why?"

Lily grinned, and Vevi suddenly looked nervous, "Well..." Lily led, reaching up to remove her hair sticks and run her fingers through the golden strands, "If he really wants them that badly then maybe I do have a way to pay for my own supplies..." 


Though it was clear to Velona that Vevi didn't want Lily to sell parts of herself to the Mages Guild, neither woman tried to talk her out of it. As Lily had said, the Guild wanted to take her samples -for free- if she stayed with them. This way, they would still get what they wanted for their research, while compensating Lily on her travels.

Velona left Lily in the call room to negotiate with Mage Ranito -with clear instructions to have her papers updated before joining her at the Temple- and left to meet with Sir Rasnah alone. 

She was taken to the General's office after only a brief explanation -apparently they were expected. General Rasnah stood with a smile at the sight of Velona, gesturing to the chair opposite her desk, but then a slight frown creased her handsome face and she asked, "Veon-Zih isn't with you? And the girl?" 

"Lily is at the Mages Guild registering as an ally and negotiating her continued sample donations. Veon-Zih is still at Hamerfoss with his student," Velona explained, taking a moment to examine the Halakon rug that was one of the only decorations in the utilitarian office. 

Rasnah sighed, resuming her seat and steepling her fingers on her desk, she asked, "So, she still won't go back?"

Velona shook her head, finally taking her own seat, "She was particularly adamant and honestly made a convincing argument, Sir Rasnah." 

"Just Rasnah is fine," Rasnah gave the Monk a crooked grin, "Though I admit I'm a little disappointed Veon-Zih didn't choose to come with you." 

"I'm sure he'll check in when he's done... Rasnah," Velona assured the Paladin, then continued, "I have chosen to take Lily with me on pilgrimage. It should keep her out of trouble, and I can keep you apprised of our location and status, if that will settle some of your worries." 

"I would greatly appreciate that. We still don't know if she managed to eliminate all the Warlocks in Clearhelm, and we have reason to suspect there may be more on the mainland." 

Velona sighed, running her thumb over the smooth wood of her staff across her lap, "If you do learn of more Warlocks, I hope you will consider letting me know as well? I truly believed we'd seen the end of their activity all those years ago..." nearly forty now.

"Us as well," Rasnah said softly, "I always regretted that we had to meet under such circumstances, but I was glad to have such trustworthy allies on that particular adventure. I would like to think that some good came out of it, even if we didn't fully succeed..." She sounded sad and Velona suspected it wasn't only because of the recent revival of the Warlocks.

Velona looked away, not wanting to meet the woman's eyes, "I met some fine friends on that adventure, Rasnah, and I do cherish those memories." 

"Veon-Zih-" Rasnah started,

"Made his decision," Velona interrupted, looking back to see the Paladin leaning back and scowling out her window.

"He's a fool," Rasnah muttered under her breath. 

Velona sighed, "We both are." the words drew Rasnah's eye and impressively arched eyebrow. The look reminded Velona of Veon-Zih -though she suspected this woman had mastered the expression far better than even the Monk. The thought made her smile. "Of the six Monasteries in the kingdom, half of them require a vow of celibacy. I knew that when I allowed him to allow me to tempt him to break it. Neither of us are blameless. After..." She took a deep breath that only shook a little at the memory, "I knew he would choose his training."

"But-" Rasnah whispered.

Velona shook her head, "I can't honestly say I wouldn't have made the same choice if in his place." For a fleeting few weeks, she'd been happy, but when the mission was over and what he'd done had truly sunk home, she'd known he would leave, and they would never have that time back. It had taken months. Months of feeling bitter and angry, at him, his Monastery, the word, and herself, but Velona had managed to move on. Except...

"So, have you found someone else to make you happy, Master Velona?" Rasnah asked. 

The Monk could only shake her head but smiled and changed the subject, "I have other things to make me happy, and can honestly say I look forward to this pilgrimage with Lily. I think we both have a lot to learn from each other." 


Lily didn't go into the Temple to find Velona or meet with the General. Instead, she waited outside and -supposedly- tried to talk to the Paladins guarding the gate. Velona suspected she'd started that way, but when the two on duty only responded professionally, she'd moved on to pestering them. Velona hid a smile and scolded, "Lily, don't make their job any harder than it already is, 

"Master Monk," both guards snapped to attention and saluted, making Lily roll her eyes. Velona bowed kindly, right fist in left palm, then gestured for Lily to follow. 

"If you're ready, we can go shopping and get a room for the night, then head out in the morning," Velona explained, pointing the way toward the shopping district. 

Lily hopped as she walked, grinning broadly enough Velona was surprised her face didn't split, "You mean at an inn? I've never stayed at an inn before, but they have the best food." Velona just smiled, shaking her head at her new student's enthusiasm for the little things. 

Lily had apparently gotten enough money from Ranito to afford not only an expensive fur-lined winter cloak, but also a down-stuffed bedroll, three changes of winter clothes, and a spare pair of thick boots. She even bought a ruby ring to match one of her necklaces, "As a memento of the city," she explained to Velona.

"Lily, how much-" the Monk started, but Lily stopped in place, then ran into another shop, coming out with a thick sheaf of paper and a small bundle of pencils. 

"For my letters!" she explained, shoving all of them into her tiny belt pouch with everything else. 

"Lily," Velona tried again, "You shouldn't sell yourself too much. It's..."

"They were going to take them anyway," Lily said with a shrug, "In the end, he agreed to a silver per strand of hair, ten gold for a pint of blood, and one hundred gold for each scale." 

The usually reserved Velona nearly choked. She hadn't realized that the Mages considered Lily's samples that valuable. Lily continued as if she hadn't noticed, "He said something about being nearly pure draconic and being so close to a breakthrough, but he's always saying he's close to a breakthrough," she shrugged, "I gave a lot more this time than I will later. I would rather do real work for my money, but this will fill in any gaps and pay for gifts and souvenirs at least."

"Yes, well..." but the Monk faltered at what more to say. Clearly, Lily wasn't going to be the type to take a vow of poverty. It looked like this journey would be much better furnished than Velona had expected... 

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