
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Early Days Chapter 2 - Firewyrm Chapter 3 - Magic Theory Chapter 1 - Paladin Power Chapter 4 - Learning to Train Chapter 5 - Madness Chapter 6 - Illegal Magic Chapter 7 - The Greatest Potential Chapter 8 - To Love the Gods Chapter 9 - Shifting Futures Chapter 10 - Hurry Up and Wait Part 2: Hamerfoss Chapter 11 - Road to Hamerfoss Chapter 12 - Catching Up on Lessons Chapter 13 - Shipping New Samples Chapter 14 - Ice Ice Baby Chapter 15 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 16 - Aftermath Chapter 17 - Until Proven Guilty Chapter 18 - A Name Chapter 19 - Friends Chapter 20 - What is a Warlock? Chapter 21 - Day With the Squires Chapter 22 - Until Proven Inocent Chapter 23 - The Talk Chapter 24 - It Doesn't Matter Chapter 25 - Attack Part 3: Time Apart Chapter 26 - Mages Guild Chapter 27 - Samples... Chapter 28 - Out on the Town Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss Chapter 30 - Discoveries Chapter 31 - Solstice in the City Chapter 32 - Hamerfoss Holidays Chapter 33 - Clearance Exam Chapter 34 - Results Chapter 35 - Road Patrol Part 4: Home Is Where The Heart Is Chapter 36 - Going Back. Chapter 37 - Time to Travel Chapter 38 - Home Chapter 39 - Sparring Match Chapter 40 - Winter Solstice Chapter 41 - Student and Master Chapter 42 - Goodbye for Now Chapter 43 - Hard Work and Dedication. Chapter 44 - First Steps Chapter 45 - Seniors Part 5: The End of an Age. Chapter 46 - Next Generation Chapter 47- Chosen of the Gods Chapter 48 - Wrapped in Ice Chapter 49 - The End and Beginning

In the world of Daanlin

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Chapter 35 - Road Patrol

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Spring 4987, 36 Buromoth

Winter was over. The newest Squires were catching up with the rest of the fortress during spring's watch weeks while the oldest prepared for their vigil and oath-taking ceremonies. But this time Shon, Thom, and Rerves weren't there to see it. Now in their third year, they were finally taken out on their first official road patrols with the Paladins. 

They wore their armor -now half-plate- and carried their preferred swords. Though Shon had to always carry his now. They hadn't had to wear their armor for this long since their first trip to Hamerfoss from Smilnda and it didn't take Shon long to remember exactly how much he hated it. Wearing it for the entire day was far worse than the two hours of practice, even with the extra two hours he'd started tacking on by using his break time as well. 

He resisted complaining, not only because he usually resisted, but also because within the first few hours on the road Rerves and Thom had already started sweating. He realized that even if they were more comfortable in general, at least he wouldn't overheat, and decided it was better to count his blessings.

They walked slowly, Ryuuko flying around them and darting between the trees to either side of the road for the first half of the day then settling on one of the horse's saddles to sun for the rest of the afternoon. The four Paladins leading the patrol had brought their warhorse companions but didn't ride them, letting their reigns hang loose over the horns of their saddles and trusting the divinely intelligent beasts to follow.

The Paladins lectured the Squires as they walked. Mostly to pass the time as the boys had already gotten lessons on the practical practice of road patrols.

"The land outside the cities and towns is extremely dangerous."

"That's why the roads are so clearly marked and frequently patrolled. The roads we patrol to the villages and the road to Smilnda are by far some of the safest in Clearhelm."

"They, and the roads outside Helmswarth, are the only ones patrolled exclusively by Paladins and Squires. The others are mostly enlisted with one or two Paladins at most."

"And yet we promise you, we will be attacked at least once." 

All four of them took turns talking, each one wanting to make sure the boys knew exactly what they were in for. This was the trip where they were going to draw their first blood. Make their first kills.

"This season, there's a chance we may run into some wolves or a hungry bear, but in that case, we'll just scare them off,"

"Even a standard enlisted or novice guard can handle a small pack or lone bear," 

"We don't have to worry about any bandits in this area so taking prisoners won't be an issue either."

"If it were though, you should know to always aim for capture rather than kill in the case of such misguided humans." 

The Squires all nodded their understanding, scanning the woods as they walked, adjusting their armor and weapons as necessary, and listening respectfully. Ryuuko purred soothingly and Shon suspected that even with all their alertness, it would be the pseudodragon, or even the horses, who'd notice something amiss first. 

"What we'll face won't be normal predators, but monsters."

"Drakwalves, draken, or kobolds most likely."

"We did face that giant two years ago, though..." 

"Yeah, but we'll hear one of those coming far enough off it shouldn't be too much of a problem." 

The Paladin's devolved into talking amongst each other for a while, going over some of their past fights while the Squires exchanged silent looks. Thom, in particular, looked nervous and Shon nodded resolutely to him in an effort to comfort his fears. This was what they were training for after all. 

"Monsters can sense strength and fear, and no matter how bloodthirsty they seem they aren't stupid." 

"But they are bloodthirsty, which is why we discourage civilians and even seasoned adventurers from traveling alone." 

"If they think their prey is too threatening, they won't attack, or they'll at least wait until they think they have the upper hand."

"Most likely at night, or once our backs are turned, so it's important to stay vigilant, not only on the road ahead and to the sides, but behind us as well."

Rerves took a steadying breath and nodded. Shon remembered similar talks even from Master Veon-Zih, who often traveled alone. Though generally, even he chose not to -unless he needed to get somewhere fast. The Master Monk had told Shon that monsters such as the drakwalves and kobolds could, in fact, sense the danger others projected. So they would often leave him alone. But draken were berserker brutes, constantly looking for a challenge, and sometimes attacked even him. To their detriment.

"Just remember your formations and stay calm, boys." 

"It's alright to be afraid your first time, just don't freeze,"

"And if you do, just try to fall back behind us and we will take care of it." 

"And remember, we are much better equipped and prepared than a standard traveler or merchant with a hired guard. We do these patrols for them and the glory of Hengist. Each abomination we kill is one less alive to attack a civilian."

The Squires all replied in unison, "Yes, Sir!"

It would take two days of walking to reach the first village. On the first night, they made camp just off the road in a clearing for that purpose. They kept their fire low and ate a quick and simple dinner before assigning watches. With four Paladins there would be four watches, that way everyone would get more sleep. Though they did explain the timing for a three-man watch as well.

They let the boys decide their own rotation. Shon left Thom and Rerves to choose their preferred schedule, agreeing to take whatever was leftover as he really didn't care one way or the other. Though silently, he prayed for second or third watch. That way, he wouldn't have to wear the armor if he didn't choose to change back into it when it was his turn -which of course- he wouldn't. 

Hengist must've been listening because Shon was given the last watch and turned in gratefully with three of the Paladins and Rerves while Thom and his Paladin took first watch. He woke up just enough to acknowledge the change in shift when Rerves took his turn but quickly fell back asleep with Ryuuko curled in the crook of his neck and shoulder, snoring contented purrs. 

When it was his turn, Rerves reached for him, but Shon sat up before he could be shaken awake.

"You good, man?" Rerves whispered to him.

Shon nodded silently, reaching for his boots and slipping them on before grabbing his sword and folding the blankets back over. He headed for the middle of camp with the Paladin who would be on watch with him. 

"Not going to wear your armor?" The Knight asked as he prodded at the hot coals, not bright enough to be a real fire. He didn't have his armor on either, which made Shon even more confident in his decision as he shook his head. However, the Paladin sighed in response, "I have defensive spells and healing if something happens. Are you sure?" 

"I'm better without it," Shon answered. 

"We'll see." was all the knight said in response. This would be Shon's first practical test in that regard. 

As the first hour stretched by, Shon considered unpacking his journal. This would be the perfect time to get some writing and drawing down, with the quiet snores of his sleeping companions and gentle crackling of the low fire the only sounds in the night. 

With a sigh, Shon looked across the fire toward the Paladin. The man seemed to be meditating or -more likely- praying. He didn't want to interrupt but just as Shon decided he could wait out the rest of his watch the man opened his eyes and smiled at him, "You want to do something to stay busy?" he asked. Shon nodded and the Paladin returned the gesture, "It's a good idea, go ahead, just stay cognizant of your surroundings." 

With another nod, Shon stood and took a few steps closer to the woods before dropping into his Monk stance to start his unarmed drills and kata. Ryuuko started out trying to stay perched on his sword but soon flew off and into the trees, the pine needles hardly rustling in its wake. Shon continued, but as he started his second kata, the pseudodragon reappeared, chittering madly.

Shon froze, and the Paladin's head shot up. Ryuuko pivoted in midair and flapped to stay hovering in place as it hissed toward the trees. A second hiss of steal being drawn behind him quickly followed by a stick snapping beyond the treeline was all Shon needed to hear. 

He sent a silent order to Ryuuko who dove for the sleeping Squires just as the horses let out warning neighs and the Paladin on watch called the alarm. The five sleeping men rolled from their beds, Ryuuko hurrying Rerves, and Thom along with nips and chirps. Every one of them went for their swords with a mix of practiced ease and nervous fear. 

More cracks and crashes from the trees sounded and out of the gloom rushed no less than eight massive draken. One charged him with a double-bladed ax, and Shon drew his sword, slashing in the same smooth motion.  

Covered in thick scales painted with blue swirls and standing a good foot and a half taller than him, Shon managed to cut the draken across the chest as he sidestepped the ax's downward chop. The attack wasn't nearly enough to slow or even truly hurt the monster but Shon wasn't done yet. Now to the side of the flailing lizardman, Shon took his sword in both hands and pivoted again back towards the other side and under the second ax swing, slicing the draken across the belly as he went. 

He could hear the others fighting around him. The Paladins calling out to Hengist to bless their swords, the horses neighing in rage, and Thom and Rerves shouting to each other, probably working as a team as they fought. But there was no way he could give them any more of his attention while he continued his own battle. 

The draken clutched at its stomach, the wound there obviously deeper than Shon's first attempt. Shon prepared to perry an incoming ax attack, but the draken didn't swing again, instead, it turned sharply and smacked Shon hard in the thigh with its massive tail. Even with a solid stance Shon couldn't withstand the strike and found himself falling over and onto the ground. His leg throbbing and matched only by the pain in his shoulder as he landed hard. 

As soon as he landed Shon rolled, and just in time, as the ax came crashing down where he'd been a moment before. The draken ripped the weapon out of the earth as Shon rolled onto his back again and kicked back up into a standing position. Lunging forward with a stab as he did and taking the beast in the neck before it could even register that its prey was no longer on the ground as it expected. 

Blood and spit flecked Shon's face as the draken flailed in its death throes, and Shon barely managed to dodge one such swing as he rolled to the side, just under the ax, returning to his feet as the beast fell forward, grasping its neck for only a moment before its clawed hands went limp.

He'd killed it... Shon had never killed anything before, and yet, the monster lay dead only a few feet away. A strange detachment seemed to hover over Shon as he turned to the other fighters, looking for any that would need help.  A part of him knew he should feel something at this moment. The moment he took a life. They had all told him he would.

But he felt only relief. Not only for his own spared life, but for the lives of all those this monster had taken before and would have taken in future. Had Shon not killed it. 

Three other draken were already down. The clean deep cuts in their hard scales showing that the Paladins had been the ones to dispatch two of them. The crushed remains of the third between the four horses showed that the battle-hardened mounts had also done their part. Thom and Rerves were indeed working together and Shon hadn't even managed a step in their direction before they had theirs down. Rerves locking its club with his shield while Thom hacked at its shoulder with his two-handed long sword. 

The Paladins were finishing off two more, and the last of the eight tried to run. Shon stepped to intercept but Ryuuko appeared as if out of thin air, its tail whipping forward and stabbing it in the soft flesh of its cheek. The draken swatted at the little pseudodragon -who dodged easily- but only managed another two steps before it swayed, staggered, and fell face first in the dirt. 

Ryuuko landed triumphantly on its back with a chirp, and Shon approached slowly to hear the monster snoring. Asleep...

"Is anyone wounded?" one of the Paladins called behind him. 

"My arm," Rerves said, "It's not too bad, though..." 

Shon stood over the sleeping draken, and Ryuuko flew up to take its place on his shoulder. The others continued to talk behind him. "Squire?" another Paladin called to him, "It was necessary work. It's normal to feel-" but he was silenced a moment later as Shon drove his sword into the neck of downed draken, ending its snores in a splutter of blood. 

Silence greeted the move, and Shon turned back to the group. Flicking the blood from his blade and sheathing it again, he said, "Yes, Sir." 

What was left of the night was quiet, and not only because they weren't attacked again. They dragged the draken corpses into a line just off the road for later disposal, no one speaking louder than a whisper. Shon could barely make out some of what Rerves and Thom said, mostly comforting, thanking, and complementing each other. The Paladins discussed the future disposal process but shot Shon occasional glances as they did, looking almost concerned... Or maybe afraid. 

"His eyes..."

"Do you think he felt anything?"

"Maybe it's just the ice..."

Shon moved out of range and back to their bedrolls, changing out of his blood-stained clothes and preparing to clean his sword. Ryuuko landed lightly on his shoulder and trilled quietly. Shon didn't look at it or any of the others, "It was necessary work." he whispered. And he would do it again, just as coldly, two more times before they returned to Hamerfoss. 

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