
Table of Contents

Part 1: The Early Days Chapter 2 - Firewyrm Chapter 3 - Magic Theory Chapter 1 - Paladin Power Chapter 4 - Learning to Train Chapter 5 - Madness Chapter 6 - Illegal Magic Chapter 7 - The Greatest Potential Chapter 8 - To Love the Gods Chapter 9 - Shifting Futures Chapter 10 - Hurry Up and Wait Part 2: Hamerfoss Chapter 11 - Road to Hamerfoss Chapter 12 - Catching Up on Lessons Chapter 13 - Shipping New Samples Chapter 14 - Ice Ice Baby Chapter 15 - Burn Baby Burn Chapter 16 - Aftermath Chapter 17 - Until Proven Guilty Chapter 18 - A Name Chapter 19 - Friends Chapter 20 - What is a Warlock? Chapter 21 - Day With the Squires Chapter 22 - Until Proven Inocent Chapter 23 - The Talk Chapter 24 - It Doesn't Matter Chapter 25 - Attack Part 3: Time Apart Chapter 26 - Mages Guild Chapter 27 - Samples... Chapter 28 - Out on the Town Chapter 29 - Back at Hamerfoss Chapter 30 - Discoveries Chapter 31 - Solstice in the City Chapter 32 - Hamerfoss Holidays Chapter 33 - Clearance Exam Chapter 34 - Results Chapter 35 - Road Patrol Part 4: Home Is Where The Heart Is Chapter 36 - Going Back. Chapter 37 - Time to Travel Chapter 38 - Home Chapter 39 - Sparring Match Chapter 40 - Winter Solstice Chapter 41 - Student and Master Chapter 42 - Goodbye for Now Chapter 43 - Hard Work and Dedication. Chapter 44 - First Steps Chapter 45 - Seniors Part 5: The End of an Age. Chapter 46 - Next Generation Chapter 47- Chosen of the Gods Chapter 48 - Wrapped in Ice Chapter 49 - The End and Beginning

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Chapter 34 - Results

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Winter 4986, 17 Shimoth

After what Vevi had called "A test of fear," Lily threw herself even more fully into her practice with the quarterstaff. Before, she'd wanted to learn the staff to round out her skills, and because it was fun. Maybe so she could be just a little bit like the Squires who'd been so kind to her.

Now she would master it. So she would have a way to fight if someone took her magic. Because more than anything, the test had shown her that when it came to magic users in particular, there was always the possibility that they would have a way to steal her magic. Shon had said as much... Why hadn't she listened more closely? Why had she just assumed that she would have her power as long as she didn't have a collar? It was a mistake she wouldn't make again.

On the morning after the mock attack, Lily had woken up early in Vevi's room and made her way down to the deserted cafeteria. After picking at her food for a full half-hour, she decided just to take the enchanted plate and cup with her down to the training room. 

When Vevi and Han had found her practicing, they only told her that the enchantment would need to be recharged eventually and she should refrain from taking another. It wasn't allowed, but they would make an exception and not tell anyone this time. Lily got the feeling they were pitying her, but for once didn't mind taking advantage if it meant she didn't need to eat with everyone else for a while. 

Vevi assured her that no real Warlocks could possibly make it past all of the defensive and detection spells on the tower, while Han reminded her that the facility was full of trained Mages who would all come to her defense in the case of a real attack, just as Vevi had. Vevi even offered to let Lily sleep in her room for as long as she wanted, and Han offered to put in a request for her to change rooms. 

The fact that Lily actually considered taking them up on the offers -even for just a moment- disgusted her. That was her room. She'd defended it as best she could and would do so again if necessary, and even more effectively if they ever let her leave to buy her own staff. To that end, she thanked them both but turned down the offers.

Still... She didn't return to the room until very late that night. And though she couldn't stand the thought of locking the door, she did open the window, letting the winter air clear the faint scent of char and soothe her worries. She pulled her chair to the window and curled onto it with her letters, reading through Shon's first correspondence again and again until she fell asleep. 

By the third day, the fear that lingered from the event had faded. But the annoyance and anger remained, and she continued to avoid the rest of the tower by continuing to practice in the training room. Han and Vevi knew where to find her, and they were the only two who mattered anyway.

On the fifth day after the test, Vevi came to find her, but it wasn't Han who was with her. The balding Mage, -now confirmed as the ranking Archmage of the Tarorn Guild- eventually cleared his throat as Lily continued to ignore them long after they'd entered the training room.

Lily didn't stop her form even then, working through it in rhythmic movements and focusing on not inadvertently speeding up in her annoyance. 

"Miss..." The Archmage finally said. Lily growled. "We have import-" 

"Are we being attacked? For real this time?" Lily interrupted without stopping.

Vevi answered while the Archmage spluttered at the interruption, "No, Lily, I told you that won't happen. We have defenses that-"

"Then you can wait." Lily interrupted again, moving on to another form seamlessly. They probably wouldn't notice that she'd already finished one and was just extending this out of spite. But whether they knew or not didn't matter so much as annoying them, or -more specifically- him.

She considered going on to a third but changed her mind after glancing over to see Vevi sighing sadly and the Archmage tapping his foot impatiently. She didn't like to practice with an audience anyway, and the sooner they told her of her failure, the sooner they would go away. Lily tapped her borrowed staff on the ground, turning to fully face the Mages and leaning on the stick. She considered attempting to arch her eyebrow like Shon but was afraid her amateur attempt wouldn't be as effective as she wanted, so settled for just staring at them instead.

"You're in quite a mood today." the Archmage snarked at her, and Lily's lip curled in a silent snarl.

She managed to rein in control of her face and instead smirked at him, "Well. I was locked in yet another tower after doing the right thing, after which I was screamed at by an instructor that teaches me absolutely nothing, then pressured for samples I was told I didn't have to give if I didn't want to, amongst other things..." she took a moment to cross her arms, letting the staff rest in the fold of her shoulder as she tapped her lip in mock thought, "And there was something else... Oh yeah!" she held her finger in the air as if in revelation, "I was attacked in my room as I slept by a group of men claiming to be here to take me back into captivity." Her sarcastically 'happy' attitude couldn't hold, and she snarled, "Not that it would be much different at this point." 

Vevi flinched at the accusation and stuttered, "It was all part of the test, Lily... Your instructor and Ranito were told to press you to see how you responded... The attack..." 

"Almost cost you your clearance." the Archmage interrupted, "You lit the ground on fire, endangering yourself, Mage Vevi, and the room. The radiant heat alone... If you had been in a wooden house..." he shook his head and continued, "You burned the Mage's robes and could have maimed or even killed them had they not been protected specifically against fire."

Vevi actually glared at the Archmage and countered the man's argument, "The ground wasn't actually burning, and she was well aware that we are in a stone tower and so such an attack wouldn't damage anything beyond what she intended. She was in control, Archmage. You saw that yourself, and you can't blame her for wanting to maim or even kill anyone who would attack her in her sleep." 

Though Lily greatly appreciated Vevi's defense, she'd locked onto the first word out of the Archmage's mouth and echoed it now, "Almost?"

The balding man humphed, looking away from both Vevi's glare and Lily's tilted head, "Yes... well... the council has decided that even in a case of extreme fear and possibly rage, you managed to maintain enough control not only to minimally damage the room but to protect Mage Vevi, who was unaware of the test. As such, the majority, a narrow majority mind you, have determined that you have earned your clearance." 

Lily's staff clattered to the floor as she gaped at the two Mages. Vevi smiled broadly and said, "Congratulations, Lily. You have your clearance. And on the first try. You can now use your magic as you wish, presuming you cause no damage to anyone or anything, and you can leave the Guild without an escort."

As if determined to damper any good news, the grumpy balding Archmage cleared his throat again, "There is still a curfew for all wards of the Guild. You must be back by seventh bell and..."

"What day is it?!" Lily shouted her question to Vevi, brushing past the Archmage completely and grasping the woman's sleeves instead of her hands in her excitement.

The Archmage stuttered, but Vevi answered curiously, "The seventeenth of Shinmoth..." 

Lily shook her head, "No, the day of the week," she clarified. 

"Oh, Soldag." Vevi answered.

With a loud whoop and a jumping spin, Lily rushed back to her fallen staff and returned it to the rack before sprinting from the room. 

"Where are you going!" the Archmage yelled after her.

Lily was happy enough now that she actually answered him. Turning around and jogging backward down the hall, she shouted, "Shopping! And I have a lesson with some tumblers!"

Lily sprinted all the way up the six flights of stairs to her room, and though she gasped for breath as she pulled out her desk drawer, she never stopped smiling. She needed to write to Shon and tell him the good news, but first, she needed to meet the tumblers so she wouldn't have to wait another week for the next Soldag. Before that, she wanted to buy her staff, but before that, she needed her papers to leave the Guild and... She couldn't find them... 

She shifted through the drawer again, then pulled it all the way out and dumped its contents on her bed. Her papers weren't there. Dropping to her knees, she wrenched her clothes box out from under the bed and pulled each garment out one at a time, shaking them and tossing them aside until the box was empty. Nothing. 

A gentle knock sounded on her open door as she started pulling books from her shelf, examining each as though she may have mixed it up with them somehow. 

"Lily?" Vevi's voice came from the doorway. 

Lily didn't bother to turn around; instead, speeding up her search and crying desperately, "I can't find my papers!" 

"I have them, Lily," Vevi said as she stepped in, holding the book out to Lily, who lunged for it. 

She opened the first page and saw the new writing at the bottom, detailing her clearance date. Lily closed the book and her eyes in unison and snarled, "They came into my room again?" 

"I came into your room." Vevi clarified, "I'm sorry, Lily," she rushed to explain, "I came here first looking for you and saw your papers on your desk. I knew you would want to leave right away, even just for a walk, so I decided to get all the necessary signatures taken care of so you could go as soon as we told you." She looked away from Lily's stare, rubbing her arm nervously, "Your door wasn't locked, so..."

Lily shook her head but had to take a moment to breathe deep before she spoke, "I don't mind if you come in Vevi. You're one of my favorites. You're always welcome. But... does this mean anyone will just walk into my room? I was told I wasn't allowed in other people's rooms without permission." But if she kept leaving her door unlocked, others could just walk into hers?

"They aren't allowed, and I shouldn't have either, I really am sorry, Lily, but if it bothers you, you really should lock your door. That's why we gave you a key." 

"I don't like locked doors..." Lily whispered. Her old door had always been locked. The fact that the Paladins and Squires never locked their doors had given her hope that she wouldn't ever have to lock herself in a room again. But if that was the only way to keep people out of her space... Was it even really her space if anyone could just walk in as they pleased?

Vevi took the few steps in to grab Lily by the hands, pulling her eyes back to her face before letting go, "You don't have to lock it when you're inside Lily. I understand, I really do, but it might make you feel better to lock it when you leave and take the key with you. There are spells that unlock doors, but if you have proof you locked it, then you can bring an official complaint to the Guild and even the Temple if you want. The Temple and the Guild will defend your privacy, except in very special circumstances when someone might need to get in."

"And those 'special circumstances' won't include coming in while I'm trying to sleep?" Lily asked. 

"Only if you are in very serious trouble or danger. I swear it, Lily. And if someone does come into your room without your permission, you have every right to defend yourself just like you did for the test." She smiled gently and reached a hand up to brush Lily's scaled cheek. Lily wanted to lean into the comforting touch but resisted for Vevi's sake. The Mage continued, "This isn't a prison, and you aren't a captive. The rules are in place for your protection, not to control you. So please... don't compare us to your life with the Warlocks. The last thing we want is to hurt you."

Lily didn't really believe that the Warlocks had wanted to hurt her either, but that didn't stop it from happening... Instead of voicing that point, she took another deep breath and nodded, "Alright. But right now, I have things to do outside." 

She turned back for her bed, and the contents of her upended drawer scattered across it. Taking up her bag, she shoved her papers inside and scooped up the multiple weeks' worth of money she'd accrued while grounded. Dropping it all in, she hesitated for only a moment before grabbing her previously unused room key. Turning back, she found Vevi standing just outside her door, waiting for Lily to come out and lock it before finally making her way out of the Guild tower and back into the city.


It was still a few hours until the time the tumbler teens had told Lily they would be performing. Even so, Lily had to resist running through the city and instead settled for an excited speed-walk with an occasional happy skip as she made her way towards the truly massive city walls and the weapons shops set up near the gates. She'd scouted out the merchants that sold staves and had priced their wares before Winter Solstice, so she knew exactly where to go now.  

It still took her almost an hour to choose the weapon she would purchase as her very own. At first, the shopkeep showed her his fancyest wares, but as she spun each and scrutinized the wood grain, he started directing her away from the decorative staves and more towards the practical. In the end, she ended up with a moderately priced stick of excellent quality but dull appearance. 

Lily could've easily fit the quarterstaff in her bag of holding but instead chose to walk with it as she killed more time just exploring the city on her own. She didn't have much money left but made a point of stopping by Rainbow Raiments to apologize to the proprietor for being gone so long and not having enough to make up for it just yet.

To her surprise, the woman gasped at her appearance. She even left another customer to grab Lily by the face with both hands and kiss her on the forehead before letting go quickly. Lily could only blink in astonishment as Jana shook her hands out from the heat and spoke in a rush. 

"I can't believe you did that, young lady! That was so dangerous. He could have had a weapon or friends in the alley, and you just... I'm just so glad you're okay." 

"How did you know?" Lily asked. 

Jana sighed, turning back towards her shop and walking around the racks, grabbing garments seemingly at random, "I know the Tomar family very well. They get all their costumes and practice garments from my family. My mother is an artist with the needle, but I do all their dyes. When they told me what happened and described the kind girl who returned their money, well, I knew it was you. I mean, you are quite... unique." 

"Then you also know I got in trouble for that." Lily pointed out as she followed the merchant to her table, watching curiously as she laid out five new shirts in various colors, all lacking sleeves for some reason. 

Jana sighed again, "Well, the Temple can't exactly make exceptions. As much as we wish they could." she gestured to the shirts and changed the subject, "They also told me that you would be practicing with them once you had your clearance, and since you're here without that handsome escort of yours I assume that's happened now?" Lily nodded, still very much confused by the entire exchange. Jana beamed at her, "Then these are for you. For practice. Sleeves get in the way. Or so they tell me." 

Lily had to force herself to take a step back from the shirts and kind woman, and spoke with a near whine of genuine regret, "I can't afford them right now. I'm sorry, I spent my money on my staff, and It will be a few more weeks before..."

But Jana was shaking her head, "These are on the house, as a thank you for saving the Tomar family's earnings and for always being such a loyal customer. 


"No 'buts'!" the merchant snapped her fingers, and Lily flinched.

Perhaps she'd seen or perhaps not, but Jana's next words were spoken softly, "You still need other clothes, and you'll pay for those when you can. These are a gift. Or if you prefer, payment for a job well done. Or even a bounty reward for catching a thief." 

Lily sniffed, not trusting her voice not to crack with the lump in her throat, and just nodded. How could she have ever compared her life here to that with the Warlocks?

She did use what little money she had left to buy another set of pants, these in the same cut that the tumbler girl -Ren- liked to wear apparently, and even changed into them and one of the new shirts before leaving the shop. As she opened the door and the winter air blew in to ruffle her hair, Jana called out, "I would tell you to stay warm, but I suppose that doesn't apply, does it?" 

Lily laughed out loud, shaking her head in answer before leaving. Somehow in an even better mood than she'd been when she was told of her clearance.


The show the tumblers put on each week wasn't nearly as complex or impressive as the one they did on the Solstice. Or at least that's what some of the other viewers told Lily as she gasped in awe at their flips and airborne twists. Lily could only imagine having the strength and coordination they displayed, so even the simplest moves made her whine in logging.

When the show was over, Lily waited for the crowd to clear enough that she wouldn't have to shove past anyone to get to the bag of earnings, and once there drop in her last three copper. 

"It is good to see you again, M'lady," the mother said, but then she bent and fished out Lily's money, holding it back out to her, "But I'm sure I told the twins to tell you; we don't need your money." 

"But-" Lily started only to have Ron take her hand in a sweeping bow and kiss the back of it.

It was just a quick peck, and he let go fast and moved on faster, "I distinctly remember saying I would much rather see you in an apron than take your money, m'lady, and that holds true. Have you somehow become even more beautiful since last we met?" 

His mother rolled her eyes theatrically though his father snickered. His sister, -apparently his twin- elbowed him in the ribs and hissed, "She isn't even your type. Seriously, give it a rest."

Lily found she had far too many questions she wanted to ask at that moment. Why wouldn't they take her money? What kind of work required an apron? What was Ron's type? When could they get started? In the end, she settled on, "My name is Lily. I'm not a m'lady and don't even know what that means." 

The father crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her in curiosity, asking, "You're not from around here, are you?" 

"I grew up locked in a tower in the forest with only four other people and a lot of history and theology books," Lily explained quickly. Preferring to get everything in the open so her ignorance didn't continue to catch these kind people off guard. 

"Locked?" Ren and Ron said in unison. 

Lily nodded, "I just got out recently, so a lot of this stuff is new to me. I'm sorry, it's probably very inconvenient to explain things that I should already know, but..." she shrugged, "I won't know unless I ask." 

Ron pointed at her with a huge grin and announced, "That's why you want to learn how to flirt!" 

"Oh gods, please don't let either of my boys teach you..." the mother moaned. 

"Hey." the father said, a little hurt, and she pat his arm soothingly. 

"You know perfectly well that most ladies don't appreciate you're forward nature, my love." 

"The only one who matters does," he argued, pulling her close by the waist and rubbing his nose against hers as they both smiled and their children groaned. 

Lily giggled. It was adorable. She could only hope to receive that kind of honest affection someday...

Shaking her head Ren turned her back to her parents and addressed Lily, "M'lady is a respectful term for a woman of high standing." she explained helpfully.

But that just made Lily shake her head and wave her hands in front of her face, "I'm not of any standing, though. Just call me Lily, I didn't have a name until recently, and I would really prefer people use it." 

The mother turned away from her husband and looked sadly at Lily again, "You didn't-" but her husband stepped in front of her and apparently read Lily's preferences better than the kindly woman could manage because he addressed her with a smile, 

"Well, Lily, you said you wanted to learn tumbling, and we are more than equipped to teach you if you want to get started." he looked her up and down, nodding, "And I see you already went to see our dear friend Jana. She said she would provide you with some work clothes." 

Lily blushed, pulling at the shirt, "She wouldn't let me pay..."

"You said you only get five silver," Ron said, shaking his head, "That's a pittance. You can't expect to buy a completely new wardrobe plus special exercise clothes with that." 

"And you saved our earnings from the Solstice and caught a thief," Ren added quickly, "the least we could do was pay for a few shirts." 

The mother hummed from the back then placed her hand on her husband's shoulder as she passed him, "Five silver really isn't enough to live off of m'la- Lily. Now that you have your clearance, do you think you would be interested in making more?" 

The father looked down at his wife, then to Lily and back, whispering, "Rodric, you think?" to which the woman only nodded, leaving Lily with more questions. 

Looking at each of them in turn and receiving no further clarification, Lily finally asked, "You mean like a job? I don't know what I could possibly do..."

The father grinned again, "Well, you're a fire Sorcerer aren't you?" he didn't wait for an answer before continuing, "We happen to know the owner of one of the local steam baths and, if you're interested, I'm sure he would love to hire you for a shift heating the water." 

The mother spoke quickly to clarify, "He could pay you half of what it costs him in fuel for a shift. It will save him money while making you a pretty sum in the process." 

Lily's jaw hung slack before she managed to find her words, "Re... really?" she stuttered, "He would hire me? You would do that for me?" 

All four of them shrugged, and the father spoke again, "When we're done with practice today, we can go get a steam bath and introduce you." 

Lily wanted nothing more than to hug all of them as tightly as she could. She managed to resist, bringing her hands up to clench in front of her chest as she bounced on the balls of her feet, "Thank you... I... I don't know what to say... I..." 

"It's nothing dear," the mother said. 

"Really, it's for everyone's benefit," Ren added. 

"And this way, I can come visit while you work, I promise not to distract you too much..." Ron winked. 

"You have shown us nothing but kindness since you first saw our show on Solstice, Lily," the father explained, "and even a little kindness goes a long way. Now let's get you stretched out and introduced to the basics..."

And so Lily started her training with the Tomar tumbler family, and found it even harder to regret coming with the Mages to Tarorn.

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