Ch 22 - The Aftermath

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Eber found himself clinging to consciousness and laying over the back of a horse. He raised his head to see Romel in much the same position as himself. He noticed the bloodied wrapping covering Romel, and then the pain caught up to him, sending him back into unconsciousness.

Oddi, took notice. “It looks like the cold one woke up. He seems to have passed out again though. We should hurry. I’m not sure how long those 2 will last without proper treatment.”

Red nodded and glanced over at Romel. They rode a bit faster and Oddi continued with small talk.

“So, exactly what did I miss lass?”

Red remained silent, and pointed to the extra horse which was carrying supplies.
“It’s only a horse carrying supplies. That axe doesn’t look like one of ours.” The dwarf replied, sounding puzzled.

“That’s because it isn’t. How many people did we leave the manor with?” she questioned.

“I believe it was 6. There was myself, you, Romel, Eber, Solaris and…. Oh?! Where are Solaris and Pinzu? And for that matter, where is the 6th horse?”

“Solaris is nowhere to be found, I’ll explain what happened to Pinzu when we get back to the manor. Hermes was killed by all the flying trees.”

“Who exactly is Hermes?” the dwarf continued questioning.

“That’s the 6th horse you just asked about. It is kind of fitting, since we are returning as 4 people, or should I say 3 and a half.” Red replied, trying to crack a smile.

“Hey, I resemble that remark!”

“Don’t you mean ‘resent’?” Red glanced at him awkwardly.

“I meant what I said and I said what I meant, thank you very much!”

They reached the edge of the city of Azidon and much to their surprise, Neil was waiting for them at the gate. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of Eber and Romel.

“What the hell happened to them, and where’s Solaris and Pinzu?” The guard captain asked.
Red merely groaned after being asked the same question mere minutes ago. “Ride ahead to the manor and have the doctors ready. If we go any faster than we are now, we risk further injury to Romel and Eber. I’ll answer all the questions back at the manor. I’m still trying to piece things together myself.”

“Are you…OK?” Neil said with concern.

“Go!” she shouted back at him with teary eyes.

He turned off and rode ahead to the manor. They arrived a short while later and the doctors were waiting outside. Romel and Eber were carefully carried inside. Red was also helped off her horse and walked inside. Oddi was fine and merely walked in on his own.
Oddi made the rounds of the manor, learning his way around, as well as checking on his newfound comrades. A few days passed before they were well enough for him to be able to speak to them all. Oddi, along with Red, met up in Eber and Romel’s room to chat about the events of a few days earlier, and their injuries.

“Last time we all sat around and talked like this, we weren’t in beds, and it was around a campfire.” Romel laughed lightly, then the pain hit him “oow, damnit…”

“Easy there hun.” Red ran to his side.

“Damn, it hurts to laugh.” Romel said with a frown.

“Oh shush, you don’t have….aaaaagh” Eber groaned.

“Broken ribs, yeah, I know.” Romel finished the sentence for him.

“Yeah, I’m… not going anywhere in a while.” Eber nodded.

“Neil sent for some healers from the Algarost 2 days ago. They should return in a few hours actually. This should speed up the healing process considerably.” Red informed them.

“How long was I out for?” Eber said with a surprised and confused look on his face.

“About 4 days for both of you” Red replied.

“Guess we got knocked around pretty badly” Romel sighed. “Where’s Pinzu and Solaris?”

Red looked at Romel, and lowered her head “I don’t know where Solaris or Siralos vanished to. When I came to, they were nowhere to be found. I remember seeing Quasar right before I passed out.”

“What?! Quasar showed… oooooouch” Romel shouted before being stopped by the pain.

“Yeah, which I’m sure is part of the reason Sol, and Siralos are missing, and we’re alive.”

“What about Pinzu, you never answered that.” Eber questioned.

“Pinzu… is… well….” Red looked down at the floor as she struggled to bring herself to say it.

“Well?” Oddi questioned.

“He’s dead!” she shouted as tears filled her eyes.

“WHAT!?” everyone else in the room exclaimed.

“Pinzu is dead, he was there… on the ground, dead! It was horrible…” she fell to her knees and wept.

Oddi pat her back. “We’ll have to give him a decent burial wont we?”

“You should, Eber and I can’t exactly travel at the moment. It’s been a few days already; the 2 of you should hurry there.”

“Shall I arrange for an escort force?” Neil said as he entered the room, followed by 6 people none of them had ever seen.

“Well, I’m still in a bit of pain myself. A trip back now may be a bit rough.” Red replied.

“That’s why I brought these guys. Solaris and Siralos are missing, and Pinzu fell in battle, so we need to get you all back up to full strength as soon as possible.” Neil answered.

“So, these guys are gonna fix us up eh?” Romel questioned.

“That’s the plan. I told them what happened to Pinzu when I reached Algarost, and was immediately told that we’d be send the best clerics they had. I honestly didn’t expect so many” Neil said.

“Would you accompany us to the courtyard?” one of them asked Red. She and Oddi were led out, the other 4 remained in the room with Eber and Romel.

“I guess our injuries are a bit more serious” Romel nodded to himself. He was soon joined by 2 clerics on either side of him, as was Eber.

“You know, even the 6 of us who were sent combined, we were still weaker than Pinzu. I am curious, yet would be horrified to see the force that slay him, and did this to you and your friends” one of the clerics muttered.

Romel raised an eyebrow and replied simply “You don’t wanna know what we were up against…” He sat in silence, reflecting upon the battle, as the clerics began chanting.

Meanwhile, out in the courtyard, the injuries which Red and Oddi received had been healed off rather quickly. The pair just looked over a Neil, who shrugged.

Red smiled “So, about that escort party?”

“I can have them ready to depart within the hour” Neil replied.

“That’s awfully fast.” Oddi said with a hint of skepticism in his voice.

“Well, it’s not a particularly far trip. Supplies were ready from when we left to get the clerics, but we took the airship instead, so they were unused. As far as guards go, most of them are bored anyways, so in a sense, it’s a good thing they will have something to do, and the supplies will be put to at least some use. Also, the guards know they should be ready to depart at a moment’s notice.”

Red looked at Neil, who was leaning on his left leg. “You go injured at one point, right?”

“Yeah, Solaris and I didn’t exactly have the best meeting in the world…” Neil said with a laugh.

“Shall we take care of that?” the clerics asked. Red nodded and the pair of clerics began chanting. Neil just stood, astonished. “I never even thought to ask….and….” he stopped, and ran around in a circle, and jumped around a bit. “I haven’t been able to do this in quite some time, thank you both” Neil bowed.

“Since you can run now, might wanna get going, if we hurry, we can be back by nightfall.” Red nodded in his direction. Neil took off for the guards’ quarters and a short while later, 5 horses were ready for the 2 clerics, Red, Oddi, and Neil himself.

“I didn’t think you’d join us too.” Red said with surprise.

“Am I not wanted on this trip?” Neil said with a raised eyebrow.

“No, on the contrary, your presence would be quite welcome. We had a bit of a rough time last time we were out there.” She turned to Oddi, “You brought a change of clothes this time, right?”

“Shush you!” Oddi said and crossed his arms, staring off in another direction.

“There’s something bugging me, I’ll be right back” Red said as she dismounted and ran back into the manner.

She ran up to Romel and Eber’s room, walked in and looked Eber in the eyes. “I’ve got some questions for you ice boy…”

“And what might that be?”

“Well, we were planning to go give Pinzu a proper burial, but we have no idea where Sol or Siralos are. It would be more than a small problem to run into Siralos now, especially with you 2 in the condition you are in.”

“Where are you going with this?” Eber said with a raised eyebrow.

“Question 1: how long is it going to take for you guys to heal enough to travel?”

The sole remaining cleric in the room answered. “They’re injuries were quite severe. It’s a wonder they made it back alive. However, with them being healed by 2 clerics, they should at least be able to travel by airship within 2 days. I wouldn’t advise combat… no, they are not allowed to fight for at least another 2 weeks, and that’s even if they are being healed by each of us each day.”

“Well, that answers that. So then do you think Pinzu’s body will be in horrible shape since it’s been the better part of a week?” Red asked the cleric.

“Doubtful, at least no worse than it was I’m sure. I heard some of the details of the battle. Everything in that area was likely annihilated or scared off as far as wildlife goes. So it’s not like it’s been picked to pieces.”

“I guess keeping you around could have some advantages” Eber nodded. “Now, your second question?”

“Yes, Siralos was born in part from the darkness which used to reside in you. Therefore, in theory, you can sense him like Sol, right?”

“Well, yeah, I suppose, though I never really tried. Give me a moment, I’ll see what I can do” Eber focused for a moment, attempting to find Siralos. “Nope, I got nothing.”

“Try this” The cleric got up and took Eber’s hand, and raised his staff into the air. “Now focus. Envision what it is you are seeking”

Eber followed the directions he was given.

“I know you want to give Pinzu a decent burial and all, but wait until Romel and I can travel at least, I wanna pay my respects as well, and I’m sure Romel does as well” They looked over at Romel, who was sound asleep. “Also, I found him, or some form of him. His energy is surrounded by an energy much like Sol’s, but much larger. I’m assuming its Quasar.”

“Eh? Siralos is with Quasar? Wait, can you find Sol?”

Eber repeated the process. “I believe I’ve found him, though I’m not sure. He’s quite far away, I think he’s in the elven kingdom. In either case, I’d really you rather not go without Romel and I. Can you at least honor that request?”

“As you wish, I’ll tell Neil to hold off on that expedition for a couple of days.”

She headed towards the door, stopping by Rome’s bed. She quickly glanced over at Eber and the cleric, who were now chatting amongst themselves. She quickly kissed Romel’s cheek and made her exit.

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