Ch 4 - City of Silence

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There were many more people along the path to Tristyne than there had been on any other trip that he'd been on. Solaris kept alert for pickpockets and any would-be bandits, although it was doubtful that anyone would try to bother a man dressed in white and bright orange. Solaris stopped to check his map. Twice he'd roamed aimlessly, and twice either someone was attacked due to his presence, or he was attacked himself. He would take no more chances, detours, and as few rest stops as possible until he was away from most people.

He pulled out the old book given to him by the dragon and pondered Pinzu's words. He thought it wise to return to the ruins, but he was still after the mysterious woman and more knowledge about the elven prophecy. He stared intently at the book, paying little attention to where he was going, occasionally bumping into a few people. He entered the city of Tristyne, still focused on the book. His eyes began to glow, and the cover of the book began to shake slightly, as if it were about to fly open. He kept walking, and just as he was about to open the old tome, he bumped into someone, knocking them down. He looked up to see Romel sitting on the ground looking up at him.

"Well, fancy meeting you here," Romel said "you clumsy oaf". Solaris looked down at him and replied, "Well, I'm not the one sitting on my ass Sir PissAlot". Romel, having no suitable retort began with basic small talk.

"So, what brings you to Tristyne?" He asked Solaris "Still stalking that woman?"

"I'm not stalking. You make me sound like some kinda womanizer or something. I'm just… looking, I still haven't found her, though I did get some leads and information about myself, which is why I'm here, as you asked."

Romel seemed satisfied by this and continued "So….heading to the skydock?"

"The what?" Solaris asked with a curious look on his face.

Romel looked surprised, then annoyed. "You know, it’s pretty much the only reason anyone ever comes to this city. I suppose you'll need a guide. Did you have any particular city in mind as a destination?"

Solaris looked around and replied slowly "I was thinking I'd just come here and…." Romel cut him off. "And look for the girl…right?"

Solaris nodded and added "And I need to go to the elven capital".

"And exactly how were you planning to get there?"

Solaris replied in a questioning tone "Walking I suppose?"

Romel looked at him, then at his own bag, then down the road. "You, my friend, just got yourself a traveling companion. It’s just a little obvious that the only reason you aren't dead yet is because you happen to be incredibly skilled with a sword. I doubt you'll get by like that forever. That is if you don't mind a side trip here in town."

"So, let me get this straight. The little guy who damn near pisses himself when he looks at his own shadow is going to travel with ME, to keep ME alive and out of danger. And this makes sense HOW?" Solaris replied in a now slightly annoyed tone.

"Simple, I'd save you the blisters of trying to walk everywhere. Also between here and the elven kingdom, there is a huge area of darkness which would most surely be your demise if you tried to go through it. Oh, there’s a small sea too"

"Pffft, do as you want. But, if you make a nuisance of yourself, I could kill you. Remember, we still don't know each other very well."

Romel turned and stared at Solaris with a very serious look on his face. "Solaris, you may say you could kill me, and I don't doubt for 1 second that you can't actually do it, but you saved my family. You can't be that bad. I could've, and should've, been dead back then those weeks ago."

Solaris looked curiously at Romel, as if in thought. "Fine, you can tag along, but you have to look out for yourself unless something…strange….shows up".

"Define 'strange'" Romel said with a gulp.

"A big gold dragon named Quasar who needs a manicure and has a tail slap that put me out for 6 days. That would be strange."

Romel stared at him in disbelief, "I'm actually inclined to believe you, even if that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It was far too specific to be made up. WAIT the dragon told you his name?! OH never-mind". He buried his head in his hands and muttered to himself "What the hell am I getting myself into?" He looked down the road again. "I do still have an errand to run, and we should make sure we have supplies"

Solaris nodded in agreement and the pair of travelers headed to the multitude of shops in town. While stocking on supplies Romel questioned Solaris "So….about the dragon thing, you really were just making that up….right?"

"Nope" Solaris replied, and he told him the tale of his time in the ruins, leaving out the parts of speech between him and the dragon. He thought it was more than Romel needed to know. By the time he'd finished, they'd arrived at the sky dock.
Solaris looked up at an enormous airship in awe. Romel looked at him and teased "Careful there buddy, you look like you might piss yourself. What's the matter, never seen an airship before?"

Solaris kept looking up and mumbled "Nuh uh…"

Romel looked him with surprise and replied simply "Oh". After recovering from the small shock of Solaris's lack of knowledge of some things he asked "You been livin' under a rock or something?"

They found and boarded the airship heading for Algarost and Solaris replied, "No, but I do seem to lack memories of my childhood, I'm not even exactly sure how old I am to be honest."

"What in the world could’ve happened to you? You just get weirder and weirder every time I ask you something."

Solaris replied in a smart tone "Maybe you should stop asking me questions then. Ever think of that?"

"I'm sure my knowing more about you will benefit both of us in the long run. It could help me keep you out of trouble." Romel said quickly, unaffected by the previous comment.

"Or maybe it may land you in a bad situation," Solaris said as he pat the hilt of his blade.

"You make a mess of things here and you'll have hell going anywhere" Romel stuck out his tongue, having finally beaten Solaris in something.

Solaris stood quietly and looked over the side of the airship. "Everybody gets one," he said.

The airship shook upon taking off. Solaris fell to the deck. Romel laughed, "You know, I'm not sure if I should laugh or be worried. Traveling with you is going to amuse the hell out of me, but babysitting most certainly won't."

Solaris glared at him with glowing yellow eyes. "You callin' me a kid?!"

"Nah. I'm just commenting on the fact that you seem unaware of many things. It's weird coming from a man who apparently survived a fight with a dragon."

Solaris looked around, then looked at Romel "Let's keep that tale to ourselves. I seem to attract a lot of attention without stories of improbable things happening and my surviving them. Got it?"

"Sorry about that. You did say trouble seemed to find you, and here, it’s not like you'd have anywhere to run."

"True enough, and if I have to run, I'll assume you'd be coming too? Try and keep up." Solaris paused. "How long is this trip anyway, and how is this thing flying?"

"It’s about a day's journey by air, and a week or so on foot and by boat from what my parents told me, back before the dark blight. This airship is kept aloft by magic. I could explain everything, but its far more trouble than it's worth, and it would only confuse you I'm sure."

Solaris appeared content with the answer, and they both took an afternoon nap. They awoke that night, still airborne, under a full moon. Romel found Solaris sitting on the deck looking at his book. He took a seat nearby and started questioning again.

"So, what's the book about? I didn't really think of you as much of a reader."

Solaris kept looking at the book, staring intently, not realizing his eyes started glowing again. "I'm not, I can't open this thing."

The cover started to shake and move with the wind as if the book would blow open. Solaris dropped the book in surprise, and it again sealed itself shut.

"So, I wasn't seeing things that night in the barn. Your eyes really were glowing. That's strange indeed."

"There is much of me you don't know. You will find out in time, assuming you survive of course."

Romel gulped again "Why do you keep hinting at the idea of my dying? It’s bad for morale."

"I have yet to see you actually do anything aside from cowering in fear and showing me a battle scar from when you were robbed. I'm still trying to figure out how I let you talk me into tagging along."

Romel looked annoyed, with his face half-lit by the night sky. "I'll pull my own weight as best I can. I'm sure I'll be worth some use eventually."

"The sun's gotta shine on a dog's ass one day." Solaris teased.

Romel now looked like he'd just watched a kitten step on a thorn. "You know…..that hurt. You sir, are an ass."

"I know, I've been called such many times over the last few months, among other things. I don't usually get close to people. You, Valencia, and her brother Andrew are the closest anyone has ever been to me, aside from the chief of the village I came from." Solaris looked up at the moon. "May he rest in peace…"

"Mind if I asked what happened to him? Old age, or something else?" Romel asked curiously.

"He was…attacked by something. The blame was put on me. That's why I left the village. That, and the shop incident I told you about. I lost my temper near a powder keg, and punched a barrel, which held blasting powder. The results were explosive. Yet somehow no one was killed."

"How did a punch blow up a barrel again? You lost me."

"When I get mad, I get hot, literally…and very hot at that. I've lost at least 2 sets of clothes cuz' of that since we last saw each other."

Romel sat there looking just as confused as before the explanation "Oooookay…whatever. So, you gonna tell me more about this mysterious woman you've been stalking…oh, I mean, searching for?"

Solaris clearly wasn't amused by the attempt at humor. "I've told you all I know. She has long white hair, has apparently been spotted in this region, and has eyes similar to mine. I don't know her name, and I’ve have never actually met her. I feel as though if I find her, some questions about my unknown past may be answered. That and I feel some strange connection with her." Solaris looked back at the moon, he seemed nearly hypnotized by it as he spoke. "Also, she's appeared in dreams a few times. There's death and destruction, and then she shows up. To be honest, I might be looking for someone who may want to, and possibly could, kill me."

Romel patted him on the shoulder "Everyone has their questions and uncertainties in life. Yours just seem to be a bit….different from anyone else I've ever known. I'll be around to help you figure stuff out, as you said, if I survive."

"Thank you. It's nice to have help, I guess. It’ll take some getting used to. I'd better start getting along with you, or this will be one very shitty trip." Solaris said with a light laugh.

The sun began to rise, and they looked over the edge of the airship.  The forests below them were a green-less mass of twisted trees with piles of bones littering the ground. An occasional creature could be seen roaming the woods, though it was nothing either of them recognized.

"This would be the blight that you mentioned?" asked Solaris.

"Yes. And it would've been a 3 day walk at least. That area is why there's an airship route here at all."

"I guess you've earned your keep if you can help me avoid things like that," Solaris said with a quick smile.

Romel replied "That didn't take anywhere near as long as I thought it would" he said with a laugh "We'll be arriving soon." He pointed to the bow of the airship. The elven capital city of Aglarost was right in front of them. They looked back on the path they'd come. The blighted forest could be seen on the horizon behind them. Romel noted "that wouldn’t be a fun walk, and I’m not even sure if it’d be possible.”


The airship landed, this time Solaris didn't fall with the jolt. They looked at the planks as they were being moved to the vessel for unloading.

Romel looked at Solaris "So….."

Solaris answered "…Our journey continues."

Once outside of the sky port, they looked at each other, then around them, and back at each other.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Romel asked.

"Not really sure" Solaris replied. He stopped and looked around. Not surprisingly, there were elves everywhere. Romel caught one's attention.

"Do you know…" He was cut off as the elf replied in a language unknown to him. He stool there, bewildered. "Well, I'm fucked." He said and looked at Solaris.

"You are in the Elven kingdom, specifically in the Elven capital. You expected them to speak something other than Elvish?" Solaris asked.

"Well, I…"

Solaris laughed, "You're very useful now" he teased.

He turned to the elf that was looking curiously at them, and spoke in the same language unknown to Romel. The elf pointed at the road leading north.

"What the hell?! You've never seen an airship, but you speak elvish?!" Romel said, clearly shocked. "How or when did you learn that, and never traveled in an airship?"

Solaris looked puzzled. "Honestly, I don't remember. Anyways, he said go north up this path until we reach a 3 story building on the left. It's a church; they would likely have information on the prophecy."

They headed that way and received many curious looks. Romel finally commented on this fact.

"Why are they looking at us so strangely?" He asked

"I'm a human…enough, with the skin color closer to that of a dark elf, and have a hair color closer to that of a light elf. It's not normal. The 2 aren't said to mix very well" He answered.

"Is anything about you normal, and what did you mean by that comment 'human…enough'?"

"You will find out...should you survive"

"There you go with that 'if you survive' crap again. Let's try being a bit more optimistic about my living OK?" Romel sounded noticeably pissed.

"I am being optimistic. I could've said 'it's not like you'll live long enough for it to matter'"

Romel stopped in his tracks, looking as if he were in thought. "I don't think I really wanna continue this conversation."

"Good, cuz we're here." Solaris stopped and pointed at the church. They went inside and found a priest.

The priest heard them come in, yes wasn't looking. He greeted them in Elvish, and turned around when he received no reply.

"Oh, that explains the silence. It's customary to reply when spoken to around here. You to seem to be from elsewhere"

"We DO reply when greeted where I come from." Romel shouted out.

"My apologies if I offended you." said the priest. "Where might you be from exactly? You look to be from the human kingdom, you friend on the other hand, I'm not so sure."

"I am from the human kingdom" Romel replied.

Solaris had been silent since they entered; he finally spoke. "I found myself in the human kingdom. However I'm not so sure if I'm actually human. I'm not a beastman, nor an elf. I came seeking information about an ancient prophecy of your people"

"Again, forgive me. I have yet to introduce myself. I am Yohan, one of the priest of this temple. Which prophecy would you be speaking of?"

"I am Solaris, and this is my traveling companion Romel. We seek knowledge of the prophecy of destruction."

The priest froze. "It has been many years since I heard those words. It's something we take care to not discuss. Merely uttering those words validates your foreign to this land. You'd best wait here, I shall return in a moment."

He walked out quickly, though a door in the back of the room, and returned a short while later.

"This way please" he showed them to the back room where they found a man who seemed far older than the already aged Yohan.

He spoke with the voice which hinted at the wisdom he'd acquired over the years: "So you seek to know more of the elven prophecy?" He stood up and walked over to them, looking them up and down, as if inspecting them for their worthiness to know. He stopped at Solaris.

"To most, it is the coming of the end, the spread of darkness across the lands, changing everything as we know it now."

Romel's eyes widened, "That …doesn't sound fun".

"It isn't. All that you know and love would cease to exist. Wither and ruin would fall upon this world." The old priest said.

"What might be the cause of this?" Solaris asked

"We know not what the cause is, yet it has happened in ages long past, this world was nearly consumed in darkness. We fear it may one day happen again, and signs of it are showing up on the edges of our world."

"The blight?!" Romel shouted out.

The old man nodded. "The only things said to be able to stop it are beings that were wiped out long ago. It is only a matter of time before the prophecy is fulfilled. Now take your leave gentlemen. I have discussed enough troublesome things for today." He stopped Solaris just before he could leave the room. "You, remind me of something….though I can’t think of it right now. There is an interesting aura about you my child"

Solaris just shrugged it off.

Yohan showed them to the door after pointing them to an inn. They arrived at the inn and unpacked planned their next move.

"Tomorrow, we'll try the museum" Romel suggested

"Sounds like a plan." Solaris said

They awoke early the next morning and fumbled their way around town until they stumbled across the museum. They looked around at all the artifacts there. Romel seemed unimpressed "It’s just a bunch of old stuff"

Solaris on the other hand looked like he'd just walked into a candy store. "I have no idea why these things seem so familiar, but they do." He reached out to touch something that appeared to be a horn. He was stopped.

"NO TOUCHING THE ARTIFACTS!" shouted an old elf from down the hall. He approached as Solaris apologized.

"My apologies, they just seem so familiar to me. We came seeking information on the Elven prophecy, and anything you might know of the Razanden Ruins."
Romel added "…and of the blight."

The old elf looked up at them with suspicion, and much like the elder priest, stopped at Solaris. "We do not discuss the coming of the end, and I have no knowledge of the ruins firsthand. We have no artifacts from it as no one who was sent from here was able to find it. I can however show you what I know of the blight" he said with a sinister laugh.

Romel cringed. "That was a little on the creepy side, but sure, lead the way".

Solaris's eyes began to glow. "Something here isn't right. I feel a strong energy …." He stopped and looked over at the old elf who was glowing with a purple aura of magic. Solaris stepped away from the old man, who was now raising his arms with a staff in hand.

"Enjoy your trip blonde one" he laughed again with the same evil laugh as before. "You can try to kill me, should you return." He chanted something and Romel and Solaris were enclosed in a purple sphere.

"A teleport spell, stick close" Solaris told Romel.

They stood back to back, with their hands on their weapons, as the bubble dissolved, revealing a city, seemingly void of people. The skies were a strange mix of darkness and sunshine, dividing the village in dreariness and daylight, and the woods on one side of the village were twisted and mangled.

Romel gasped and was barely able to mutter the words "Where are we?"

Solaris spotted someone peeking from behind the corner of a broken shop. He rushed over in the blink of an eye and caught him. "Mind doing us a favor and telling me where we are? If you tell me, I promise we will leave you in peace."

The look on the elf's face was the look of one who'd lost hope in life. "Your threats mean nothing to me. I am one of the last alive in this village. I wait for the day the darkness consumes this place. I will tell you were you are, though it will mean nothing to you shortly I'm sure. This was the village of Xine. It is now known as the city of despair."

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