Ch 3 -The City of Azidon

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Solaris opened his eyes briefly as it seemed someone or something was moving him, passing back out after a few seconds.

He awoke in bed in a room he'd never seen before, bandaged where he'd had wounds. He lay there and inspected the room. It was as small room, plain with only a small table and candle on it. A picture of what he assumed to be a family was hung from the wall. He lay there for a few moments, thinking about the last things he remembered; the fight, the dragon’s words, and the tail slap that put rendered him unconscious.

He took another look around the room. On the other side of the room were his cracked sword, his bag, and a book that he'd never seen before. Suddenly Solaris heard the door creak, he glanced over and thought he saw a passing shadow. His muscles tightened, he knew he healed far quicker than the average person, but he was still weak from unconsciousness. He listened and heard the voices of people through the walls, then footsteps approaching. The door swung open and he sat up quickly, too quickly, and fell back onto the pillow. At the door stood a woman, and a man standing behind her, who towered over her.

The woman walked to the bed and looked down at him with friendly blue eyes. "You've been out cold for about a week. You'd do well to take it easy for a while, I did find you in a small crater after all."

"A crater?" Solaris replied, "Well, that explains this headache... damn dragon".

She looked at him with surprise. "You mean to tell me that a dragon did that to you, AND you ended up getting smacked hard enough to end up in a crater AND actually survived. Honestly, I’m surprised you are alive, let alone able to sit up.”

"Well, I couldn't stay up, so I guess I didn't do all of that, though I am still alive, I think. I'll assume this headache is proof of that. Plus, if I were dead, I'd expect hell to be a lot less pleasant, though that guy over there would be a bit scary for an angel in my opinion."

The woman giggled, and a deep voice could be heard from the door "Hold your tongue boy, I've squashed ants larger than you!"

Solaris looked back at the girl, "Ok, I'm not dead, so where am I, and who may I ask are you?" he said as he sat up slowly, propping himself against the wall. He looked at the girl once more "You're SURE I'm not dead? You could totally pass for an angel, and I'd just consider that guy over there like an archangel guard or something."

She blushed and smiled in embarrassment, and the large one by the door replied "Keep that up and I'll make sure you'll know exactly where you'll be going. I don't like your comments about me, and don't you dare touch my sister."

She raised her hand to silence him and replied, "I appreciate the flattery, just so you know, I'm engaged, and if my brother doesn't try to kill you, my fiancé will. It would be a shame considering all the trouble I went through convincing my brother to let you recover here. Anyways, that's my brother as you've noticed. His name is Andrew, and he's a bit on the protective side. My name is Valencia. You are on the outskirts of the city of Azidon."

Solaris looked at them both, "Well, that's oddly convenient, I was actually heading here, though I had every intention of arriving here conscious and under my own power. Thanks for the help."

He looked at his bandaged arm and began to remove the bandages. Valencia reached to stop him. "What do you think you are doing?! Your wounds haven't healed yet, it's only been…" She stopped as the bandage reached the floor and stared in disbelief at his fully healed arm. She stepped back into the wall in fear and Andrew drew his sword.

He turned to Valencia and said "So you brought a demon to the house and took care of him? Little sister, you have much to learn."

"About what?" Solaris said as he sat on the bedside removing the bandages from his ankle. "Oh come on, she was being nice. Who knows what kind of shape I'd be in had she not found me, am I right? Lower your weapon, I do owe you some explanations and answers myself. It’s the least I could do to attempt to gain your trust, especially since you felt the need to carry your sword with me here."

He reached for a small stool sitting in front of the table and placed it next to Valencia who took a seat. He began his explanation: "My name is Solaris…." And he retold the tale of the last few days, of the dragon, ruins, and why he was traveling. They looked at him in disbelief. He reassured them by showing the evidence of the cracked sword, singed bag, and the fully recovered arm and ankles.

"Well, that is quite a tale Solaris. You have proven within reason your truth." She turned to Andrew, "I believe you owe Solaris an apology."

"No need, I've been making jokes at his expense since I woke up, and I'm not going to apologize for them to be honest."

Valencia laughed, and Andrew looked like he was about to wring a chicken's neck. "Easy there Andrew, think of it this way: waking up in a place you've never been, seeing people around you that you've never seen before, after you've been out for who knows how long. It can be a little frightening, but I wanted to lighten the mood for my own sake. Exactly how long was I out for anyways?"

Andrew looked nothing near convinced. Valencia jumped in "About 6 days, now be nice to our guest big brother" she said in a sassy and rather commanding tone. He tried to fight back a smile and failed. "Oh, and I heard about a woman matching the description of the one you gave. Even as vague as it was, it was still unique enough to remember. I have a bit of information on those ruins as well."

Solaris looked at her in surprise. "This is awfully convenient, would you mind sharing?" He then looked down at himself. "May I ask a favor? I'm kinda lacking clothes and money…" he said in embarrassment. "I hate to be a burden…"

Valencia raised her hand to silence him and pointed to her brother who immediately left. He returned a short while later with a fresh set of clothes which were found to be far too large for Solaris, as well as a few silver coins.

"It’s all we have to spare," Valencia said with a sad expression. A knock could be heard at the door and she went off to see who it was. She returned with an even more sad expression.

"The tax collectors are getting restless, and are demanding our taxes, we have nothing left to give!" She started weeping and Solaris looked at the coins in his hands. Andrew chimed in, "It’s not enough to satisfy them, if they don't get all they want, they may as well be given nothing. They are greedy swine. Don't even get me started on the ruler of this city."

Solaris sighed and turned to them "You wouldn't mind if I left for the afternoon would you, I need to find the marketplace and the local map maker."

They nodded and pointed him in the direction of the places and he took his leave. He returned later that evening with a new set of clothes, a new bag, and things from the marketplace for them. He returned the coins to Valencia that he was given earlier, as well as a few more.

"How did you get all of these things?" she asked. He pointed to the burned map in his old bag at the dark circle.

"I mapped out those ruins, for a small fee. Seems no one dared go in or tried mapping them…and lived to tell".

That night, Valencia cooked a magnificent feast for the 3 of them. Andrew looked at Solaris with a light smile, the first he'd given Solaris since his arrival. Solaris spent the next few days there helping out in the fields and with other small household tasks. A few days later, they were visited again by the tax collectors, and the kings guards, who'd heard of a strange man and came to investigate. Solaris and Andrew were out in the fields and heard Valencia scream. They raced back to the house.

They returned to see her with a sword pointed at her face as the guards and tax collectors searched the house. Andrew raced to his sister's side and ended up in exactly the same position she was in. They yelled out to Solaris to leave town.

He stood at the front door holding an unconscious guard. He took his sword and dropped the man to the ground. He looked at the guard holding the sword to the siblings. "So, you come here using force and appear to have the intent to kill, correct?" Two more guards came from the back of the house, swords drawn.

"I'll take that as a yes. Then I may match your force. Just allow them to go to the back room, it’s me you're here for, right?"

They escorted the pair to the back and surrounded Solaris who kicked the guard blocking the door, denting his armor. He coughed up blood, much to Solaris's disgust. "You got blood on my new shirt, do you have any idea how hard it is to wash blood out of something?!" He rushed outside of the house, the guards gave chase. He stopped when they were both out. The commotion had created quite a scene and they were surrounded by onlookers. A guard exclaimed, "Come quietly or face death blonde one!"

Solaris's eyes began to glow golden and he replied simply in an angry voice "I…..don't …. like… being…. called…. BLONDE!" He rushed for the guard who swung at him. Solaris caught his arm at the wrist, crushed the armor and broke his wrist. He turned to the last guard and stared him in the eyes. "Go tell your ruler not to bother looking for me, I'll be gone by the time you get back to him to report. And leave these folks alone, 'cuz if I find out he's being a royal pain, I'll return, and I'll make sure to go pay him a visit. Did you get all that?" they stared at the guard who nodded in horror and ran away.

He walked back inside to deal with the 2 tax collectors who saw him and drew knives of their own.

"You do realize I just defeated or scared 4 of the king's guards out of here right? You 2 aren’t even wearing armor, just give up already."

The pair looked at each other, and one ran to Valencia and put the knife to her throat "If you don't do exactly as we say, I will kill her"

Solaris stared at the man with contempt and said, "Should you be asinine enough to do it, I will beat until you your own children can't recognize your corpse. These people have hearts of gold and here you sit taking advantage of them, pocketing extra money for your own gain. I should kill you where you stand, filthy vermin."

"Big words coming from a not-so-big man, we're holding all the cards here" said the collector, the other started to sneak around to Solaris back. Solaris, who was still glowing from his last encounter with the guards was fuming. The glow spread to his sword, and began to burn his new clothes. They were all taken aback by the oddity of a standing inferno, and Andrew seized the moment. In a flash he was facing the idle collector and pulled back his arm. He swung, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard as his fist connected with the would-be bandit's face. Another hook connected on the other side of his face, and the collector fell to the ground, unconscious.

Solaris gave a quick side glance and nod of approval to Andrew, then turned to the assailant. He reached into what was left of his smoldering pants pocket, took out a small bag of coins, and threw it a few feet in front of Valencia.

"That's what you came here for, right? Is it worth your jaw? How about her life, or perhaps yours?"

The collector looked down at the bag, which was all the distraction Solaris needed. When he looked up, Solaris had his wrist pulled clear of Valencia's neck. She fell to the ground sobbing. Solaris stared the man in the eyes. "I see your fear, and your greed. Remember this feeling next time you want to take another's money". Solaris plunged the sword into the man's stomach and left it there, broke the wrist holding the knife, and picked him up, carrying him outside. He removed the sword and threw him to the ground.

He looked at the pile of broken men lying before him. "Today is the day in which the weight of your sins becomes apparent. Will they help you, or will they let you suffer or die?" he looked at the remainder of the crowd of onlookers. "I bid you farewell gentleman," he said, then he turned to the tax collectors. "You know, I like those knives, I'm in need of new weapons, a new shirt, and actually quite a few things". He took their knives, "Such nice things here…", and began to empty their pockets, "… very nice things…." and removed their bags "You should really share". He stopped after they had only the clothes on their backs, opened the bags, and threw coins in the air all around him, the crowd rushed for them.

He returned to the house, left 4 bags of gold and 2 daggers on the table, turned to Valencia and Andrew, and asked "Where can I find clothes that are relatively fireproof? And any idea how much they would cost?" he stood before them, shirtless, and missing the lower half of his pants, much the same as when he was found. "I have a bit of a hot temper as I'm sure you've noticed" he said with mild embarrassment.

Valencia and Andrew looked at each other and nodded. "Between my skills as a seamstress and my brother's as an artisan, I think we can come up with something. I can’t promise it'd last too long against the things you have to deal with, but it should at least stand up to your temper, at least twice".

Andrew jumped in "You saved my sister's life, and probably mine as well, it's the least we could do to repay you."  They began creating a light set of armor for him over the next few days. Meanwhile, Solaris went around town asking for information and occasionally, beating the hell out of any foolish guards who came after him.

He thought it would be best to stay away from the house for a while, to keep the guards off them, though he stayed nearby, just in case something happened. He hadn't intended to stay in Azidon this long, or attract any extra attention to himself. However it was something that couldn't seem to be helped.

He visited taverns, shops, and random homes asking if anyone had seen the mysterious woman, and for information about the Razanden ruins, and about the book he carried. The search turned up nothing, except for a lead on an old man living in the mountains near the city. The man was said to have information on the ruins. Solaris decided it would be best to visit him with a guide, since his last trip went as it did. It was a few days journey there and back though dangerous mountain passes, so he gave Valencia and Andrew notice and took leave of the city with a hired guide.

They made it to the peak of a mountain in the small mountain range where they stumbled upon a cave with a small shack near the entrance. The guide looked at Solaris and told him they'd arrived. Solaris knocked on the door which creaked and groaned while opening slowly, revealing the emptiness of the shack. Glowing coals could be seen in the fireplace, as well as steamed fish. Someone had been there not too long ago. Solaris decided it was best to await their return and took a seat outside the shack. A short while later, an arrow came flying towards the guide, who narrowly evaded it. He retreated behind Solaris who stood ready to draw his blade.

A voice called from some nearby bushes "What are you doing here? Be gone! I have nothing worth stealing, save the fish inside the house."

"I'm not after you, nor your belongings, I seek only knowledge." Solaris said as he removed his hand from his weapon.

"What knowledge is it you seek?" said an old man as he stepped out from behind the bushes, bow in hand, ready to fire again.

Solaris looked back at the guide, who was peeking from behind the corner of the shack, then back at the old man. "I seek knowledge of the Razanden Ruins and was told that you know of them. I had an encounter with a dragon there, and was given a book." Solaris pulled the book out of his bag and showed it to the old man.

The old man's eyes widened. He lowered his bow and stepped towards Solaris, examining the book's cover. "And you said you met a dragon?"

"Yes." Solaris said, "His name is Quasar, he called himself the guardian of the citadel, he's gold, long, needs a manicure, and his tail knocked me out for almost a solid week."

The man looked at him with even more disbelief. He put his bow away. "If what you say is true, and you met this creature, and survived, there is nothing I could do to stop you from stealing my dinner. If you want it, it’s yours to eat."

Solaris walked inside, took the 3 fish and returned outside. He handed the old man and the guide 1, and ate 1 for himself. "Now, care to tell me what you know about these ruins, since you appear to know something. And what is your name, I'd really rather not just call you 'old man'".

"I am Pinzu, and if you laugh at my name, I will put an arrow right between your guide's eyes".

The guide nearly choked on his fish and hid again behind Solaris. "I won’t laugh, and don't shoot my guide, he hasn't done anything deserving of that," He gave the guide a quick glance "….aside from being slightly cowardly". The guide gave him a quick dirty look. "Anyways, I met some guy named Andrew, now his name was strange."

Pinzu let out a slight giggle. "In response to your first statement. I have seen the ruins once as well, I got lost in the valley one day while out investigating the area. I was seeking information on the legend of the Ruins, and how they may tie in with an ancient elven prophecy of destruction."

The sky above them grew dark. The guide spoke "a storm is coming, we'd' best seek shelter". Pinzu nodded and pointed to the shack. "It's modest living indeed, but it's better than being out here".

The 3 headed inside, and Solaris continued the conversation "Prophecy of destruction? That doesn't sound appealing at all. I'll ask about that later." He looked out the dirty windows of the shack at the heavy snow outside "it looks like we might be here for a while anyways. So, about the ruins, what can you tell me of them, and of this book?"

Pinzu looked at Solaris "Well young man, it goes a little something like this: Those ruins are a temple and home of a small group of very special individuals who carry the title of 'Flame Keeper'."

Solaris looked at the man with surprise, yet was too stunned to speak himself. The old man continued: "They are an ancient people whose origin is not of this world, and it isn't exactly known where they came from, nor how and why they were here. No one has seen a flame keeper in ages. They were hunted by mages and kings due to their strange powers. They had eyes much the color of yours, and hair that was…actually about the same. They had the appearance of normal humans, yet were said to glow with a brilliant light and energy at times. Some say they could even fly or control gravity. They were immune to fire in their glowing states and possessed speed and strength far above that of any human, elf or other race on this planet, with the exception of an angry pixie."

Solaris sat, still stunned. The guide finally finished his fish and sat listening intently.

"The flame keepers also were marked as such by a tattoo somewhere on their person. It was a 4 point star with a crescent moon off to the left side of it. They were truly a strange and magnificent people who were also slightly skilled in magic as well. As far as the temple, it seems to be based off of the sun, as are the flame keepers themselves. Other legends point to a parallel race that is moon based as well. Unfortunately, I know little about the elven prophecy of destruction, aside from the fact that this world would be brought to total ruin and chaos and despair would rule the land. If you want more information on the prophecy of destruction, you must go to Aglarost, the elven capital city".

The guide mumbled "I'm not taking him there".

Solaris paid the guide no attention. "And about the book?" He handed the book to Pinzu who inspected it.

Pinzu replied "The symbol on the book's cover is the same as the mark of the Flame Keeper. I have no idea how you got this, or what is in it. I can't open it. It is apparently not meant for us normal humans to see." He returned the book to Solaris.

The old man looked out of the window at the blowing snow and the coming of night. "Looks like you gentlemen will be staying here for the night, going out now would mean a near certain death, even if you did somehow survive a dragon's tail slap." Solaris and the guide agreed instantly and they all decided to sleep for the night.

Solaris had a hard time falling asleep, after a few hours he finally dozed off. He was dreamed of the land drenched in darkness, with death and destruction everywhere. He saw a red sky and a blood red moon shining in the sky. Then he saw a silhouette of a woman in the moonlight, with long hair and glowing golden eyes. He woke up in a sweating, clearly shaken from his dream. He mumbled to himself "what the hell was that, and who is that woman?" He buried his head in his hands, then looked up. His eyes were glowing as he looked around the room. He'd woken up Pinzu who looked at him with amazement, fear, and slight concern.

"Is there something wrong Solaris?" he said with a hint of compassion in his voice "You seem troubled, a bit lost, and very much confused."

Solaris, who was looking away, nodded. Pinzu hadn't noticed the glowing eyes. "We can talk about it if you'd like" Pinzu said as he looked out the window at the rising sun. "The storm has passed, let’s go out and get something to eat for breakfast so we don't wake up your guide."

Solaris nodded and agreed and they went out to catch whatever they could find. Solaris explained the dream, or at least the parts about the destruction.

Pinzu replied "maybe it was just a result of the prophecy I told you about last night".

Solaris looked clearly upset by this reaction. His eyes began to glow again, he shook nervously. "I want, no, I NEED answers, why were we hunted down, why am I hear, who was that woman I've been hearing of and seeing, I don't KNOW ANYTHING!!!" He was now glowing fully and he put down his bag so that it wouldn't burn, the book fell out, and opened after being hit with the energy from Solaris.

Pinzu stepped back in total awe at the sight. Solaris turned to him and removed what was left of his smoldering right sleeve, revealing the tattoo. Solaris said "The reason I was not killed by Quasar is because I am apparently the last of my kind. He gave me the book which none could open, and said I am 'not yet strong enough'. Now that I've told you everything, is there anything else you can tell me?!"

Pinzu stepped forward slightly, still in shock at the sight of a living part of a legend. "Well, you haven't exactly told me EVERYTHING. However if there is a link between Flame Keepers and the prophecy of destruction, that dream you had would likely be evidence of it. Now, give me some information on this woman you mentioned."

Solaris sat down and stared off down a nearby stream. "That's just it, I told you pretty much all I know about her. She has long pure white hair, and eyes that are like mine. She's shown up in my dreams a few times, even now I have no memory of ever meeting her. I feel some strange indescribable link with her, and also those ruins. At least the ruins make sense to me now." Solaris's glow began to fade, and he looked down at the puddle that he was now standing in. He looked at his clothes, or what was left of them. "Sorry, this happens a bit too often, I know some people in Azidon who are going to make me some clothes to deal with that a bit better."

Pinzu assured him it was ok, and they took their catch and headed back to the shack. On the way, Pinzu rambled off a bit. "You know, this woman sounds like she may be from the lunar side of the legend. You exist as proof the solar side and of the legend itself. The sun and moon are tied inextricably in most prophecies and folklore. Perhaps you and her are tied together somehow, paired if you will?"

Solaris looked at him with curiosity and laughed slightly. "I'm a loner, always have been, trouble follows me too much to get attached to people. Those I get close to, I endanger somehow, so I keep my distance from everyone. It wouldn't make sense for me to be paired with anything."

Pinzu sighed "You don't have to get defensive here, I'm just throwing out a possibility."
Solaris looked at Pinzu with a look of annoyance and said "you know, if you want to find out more about these legends, you can come with me, you're aim with that bow seems good enough, I don't think you'd have much trouble".

They made it back to the shack, cook and ate breakfast. The guide looked at the partially clothed Solaris with surprise. Solaris pointed to the tattoo on his arm and spoke before the guide could say anything "Yeah, I'm one of those. Tell a soul and I'll split your skull with my sword, got it?"

The guide nearly choked on his fish again, and nodded. Then mumbled after clearing his throat "Why the hell does everyone keep threatening to kill me, this is my last trip in the mountain with you sir."

Solaris and Pinzu laughed, and Pinzu gave him an extra shirt as well as a small wrapped item, and replied to Solaris's previous statement.

"An old man like me would only slow you down. I'll make it there on my own time, if that legend doesn't come to pass before I expire. Keep this old thing, I'm sure you have better use for it than me, it's the only thing I considered slightly valuable of mine, but after meeting you, it is clear that this isn't for me to have."

Solaris nodded, and thanked the man. Then they left, heading back to Azidon. Solaris mumbled to himself "Well, now I know why I've been hunted, though now I have 2 more things to question." The guide looked at him.

"I'm definitely going to start studying these legends once I get back."

"Good, maybe you can tell me stuff too" Solaris laughed and said with a smile. They made it back to town and parted ways. Solaris opened the small packaged Pinzu gave him. It was an old dusty circlet with a sun emblem on the front. He placed it in his bag with the book, more things to examine later.

He went back to Valencia's house and picked up his newly completed clothes, which he put on immediately. He asked about the girl who Valencia said she'd seen. They'd forgotten about it after the collectors showed up last time. Valencia described all she'd seen, which was no more than he'd already known, and said she'd headed northeast, to the port city of Tristyne. Solaris thanked them and went on his way in the same direction, stopping to take time and catch a random royal guardsman to tell him he was leaving town, and which direction if the king wanted to pursue, then he knocked the guard unconscious and exited the city, with a brand new map and flame resistant things.

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