Ch 17 - The Binding of Frost and Flame

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Romel, Eber, and Renard made it back to the palace, with slight evidence of their fight with the creatures of darkness.

"You just couldn't keep from fighting each other could you?" Red asked.

"What can I say? Trouble finds us." Romel said with a laugh. Eber laughed too. Everyone raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on here?" Red asked. "You were at his throat during breakfast. Now you come back, scarred from battle, and with no guards."

"We ran into some 'friends' at the edge of town; a visit from creatures of the blight." Eber answered.

"Well, that explains things" Solaris finally spoke. "I thought you left your weapon here, where'd that come from?" He pointed to Romel's frosty blade.

Romel pointed. "He did it. I was surprised, and kina in a tight spot. He saved me, again, and gave me the weapon."

They all stood and stared at Eber and Romel with confusion, and suspicion. "I'm not exactly sure I understand this right, nor do I trust this situation." Red said skeptically.

The king gave another sly smile as they returned to their rooms for the night. Renard spoke to the king after they left. "Your highness?"

"Renard, just call me John if its us. We've been friends since our childhood after all. You may speak freely."

"What are you trying to do here exactly?" Renard asked.

"Make them help themselves. Those 2 are insanely powerful, I'm sure you know what I mean. You've seen it firsthand. We don't need people of that power fighting each other with the world in the shape its in. If they can't put aside their differences to save the world, we're probably all doomed. I have no intention of letting that happen. For now, its best that they help each other, they can kill each other for all I care… after they save the world."

"John, you're an ass, and a bit of an idiot at times. But you're wise, and sly, and it amazes me every time I witness it."

"Sorry for making you go along with my plan, and having to babysit those 2. Anyways, I'm off. Goodnight Renard." And the king retired for the night as well.

Everyone awake the next morning to the sounds of thunder echoing repeatedly throughout the palace. Everyone grabbed their weapons and rushed out to the palace courtyard. Eber and Solaris were exchanging blows.

"I knew we couldn't trust him!" Red shouted as she aimed an arrow straight for Eber's head.

Ebere lowered his weapon, and upon closer inspection of Solaris, it was noted that his weapon matched Romel's and was also made by Eber. Red and Romel approached with caution, and weapons drawn and ready.

"Mind explaining what's going on here?" Romel asked in confusion.

"Just a bit of training. I wanted to see how much weaker he's become. Compared to how he once was, its quite bad I must say." Eber replied. Solaris frowned.

"Ok, just how do you know this much about Solaris again?" Red asked.

"Well, this was a conversation I was going to have sooner or later I suppose. We'll take a break Solaris and eat while I explain things."

Solaris nodded and they all turned to head inside. The king stood at the door with Renard. "You know, we have a garden here. It's one of the few other undamaged places in this city. If you 2 are done sparring, you can all eat breakfast there. But be warned, if you harm even 1 of my roses, I'll call every guard remaining."

They all looked at each other and agreed to breakfast in the royal garden. They took their seats at the benches in the garden and were served.

Red started the conversation, unable to contain her curiosity. "So, how do you know so much about Solaris? Why are you acting all buddy-buddy with him. What exactly are you trying to pull here?"

Eber spoke, seemingly ignoring her words. "Romel, I'm sure you remember me saying that Solaris was the only one to defeat me on the day we met in the manor at Azidon. That was no exaggeration. Have you all been informed of Solaris's past, or his race for that matter?"

"I know he was sealed, and is a Flame Keeper, if that's what his race is." Red answered. Romel and Pinzu nodded, The king and Renard listened intently.

"But, Solaris was sealed away for who knows how long, you seem to know him from before. How is this possible?" Red questioned yet again.

"We grew up together, some number of centuries ago. It was a far different time. There weren't airships back then, and light and dark elves didn't get along. There were constant fights between them. No one really messed with beastman. They too have become more open, relatively speaking."

"How old are you Eber?" Red asked.

"Well, if you count from the day I was actually born, my age is lost somewhere in the thousands of years I believe, or maybe just hundreds of years. I was sealed as well though, so for all purposes, I'm 29, I think.

"Hmm, you're older than I thought" Romel chimed in. "So, you were both sealed a long time ago, you're both old, and you're stupidly powerful. Why is it that you seem to remember everything, and Solaris doesn't? And just how are you so familiar with Sol's strength and power?"

"I'll answer the 2nd question first. For starters, in case you are all wondering exactly what I am, I'm ¾ dark elf, and ¼ human. You seem to have some interesting company, so I'll assume you've gotten over the normal prejudice against those of mixed blood." He glanced at Pinzu and Red as he finished his sentence.

"You're a sharp one indeed Eber, I am in fact ½ elf." Pinzu said.

"And I'm ¼ elf" Red nodded. "You have a sense for it I see".

Eber nodded and continued. "We grew up in the Onis valley, near the Razanden Ruins. I was unusually strong for a dark elf, and very highly gifted with magic. The 1/4th human came in handy with close range combat. This is why I excelled at both. As you've noticed, my specialty, and strongest skills are all based around ice. I'm actually not very good with most other elements, and can't use fire at all."

"I'll keep that in mind when I get an attribute added to my bow again" Red muttered to herself.

"Do as you wish. I'm not expecting you to trust me just because of a talk and breakfast." Eber replied. "Anyways, I was eventually sent off to train by my village. My skills had exceeded everyone in the village, and in most of the surrounding area. The only ones nearby that were a match for me were the Flame keepers. Actually, they were more than a match, mostly due to the elemental weakness I have towards fire."

"So you found the Flame Keepers and got your ass kicked?" Romel asked.

"Pretty much. But it was around the time the Flame Keepers and Moon Guardians were being hunted down by some of the more sinister powers of the world. The strongest of the Flame Keepers went up against dozens of high mages and elite warriors that were assembled from all over the world. The ruins which are now known as the Razanden Ruins was actually the home of most of the Flame keepers, and the home of their guardian being, Quasar."

"That big talking dragon. I remember him." Red butted in.

"Yes, the very same one. I assume he's doing well if you've met him."

"Yeah, he's fine." Romel answered. "So, you were saying?"

"Oh, right. The high mages easily outnumbered the few Flame Keepers, as there weren't many of them to begin with. Most fought and fell to the high mages, since they brought mostly water masters to fight. Some of the Keepers were actually sealed. But their orbs were destroyed immediately afterwards. Solaris was surrounded by about half a dozen high mages, and didn't stand much of a chance. I tried to help him, but I couldn't stop them all, he was quickly subdued and…" Eber paused. Everyone was looking over at Solaris, who sat with tears in his eyes. "It seems he may be remembering these events. Are you ok with me continuing, or should I stop?"

"I remember as you speak. It hurts to remember, but I do need to know. Don't mind me, just continue." Solaris replied.

"I'll continue that part in a moment, and give you some time. On another note, Solaris was as you could guess, my sparring partner. He wasn't the strongest, but he was quite strong. It was said that when he became older, his true power would show; something which both intrigued and frightened some of the stronger Flame Keepers. Most of the strongest ones would not waste their time sparring with me, but Solaris was always up for the challenge. We would fight, and I would usually lose, but they were close fights, I think so at least. Over the few months that I spent there, we became close. We were friends, and rivals."

"But back in Azidon, you said you were considered a force of evil. This sounds all sorts of wrong." Romel said as he scratched his head in confusion.

"The mages considered me evil for siding with the Keepers, I fought, and killed several of them to defend the Keepers. But…" He looked over at Solaris. "Are you ok now, can I continue from before?"

Solaris nodded and Eber continued. Being of mostly dark elf descent, and looking the part, I was considered to be evil by the judgmental high mages. I saw Solaris fight the hardest I'd ever seen as he attempted to defend himself against the mages. He lay on the ground after being knocked around with various water spells and water attributed weapons. They surrounded him and prepared to kill him, and then Quasar appeared from the Ruins. I'd never seen him like he'd been that day. He was glowing as if he'd activated nova. He circled himself around Solaris and flew up, taking Solaris with him. There was a brilliant flash of light, and Quasar was seen holding a glowing orange orb. Solaris was nowhere to be seen. The mages then all attacked me at once, as I was the last remaining opposition aside from Quasar himself. As I lay on the ground, realizing the mages were actually attempting to seal me, I heard Quasar's voice. He said 'Solaris has been sealed to protect our last, I'll send you and him off to safety, I wish you luck when you awaken.' The last things I remember was Quasar flying down towards me, still clutching that orb."

They all sat and listened entranced by his tale. Red came to her senses first. "So, why or how did you become an asshole?"

"I'm not sure honestly, I woke up, and I wasn't exactly myself. My will and thoughts seemed to be possessed by evil. I apparently did become evil during the time I was sealed."

Pinzu spoke up. "The will and aura of those who sealed you blended together when they sealed you. While you lay dormant, that slowly corrupted you."

"That happened to you twice then, the 2nd time was when you were dormant in the blighted area" Romel added.

"I suppose so" Eber replied.

They'd all finally finished breakfast. Solaris got up and headed back inside. He turned to Eber. "Southwest gate right?"

"Eh?" Eber questioned.

"The creatures, there's probably more. We should take em' out." Solaris pointed in that direction.

"You think you're up for it?" Eber asked.

"Well, I have you, Red, Romel, and Pinzu to fall back on. I think I'm in good hands here."
Everyone smiled, and were all surprised by the fact that everyone was sharing a smile. Solaris added. "I don't remember some of the things I should apparently be able to do, but I do remember those last few moments of what it was like before being sealed, and before dying. Funny, you wee there for both, playing opposite sides."

"Yeah, sorry about that" Eber said, bowing his head.

"Oh, in case you were wondering, those fights were close. The record was in my favor: 45-44-3, if you count our last 2 fights its 45-45-4. The tie is cuz you escaped and I had help. Your win is cuz you were the last one alive" Solaris laughed as he walked out the door, dragging Eber's 2-handed Frost Fang behind him.

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