
In the world of Parallel universe

Visit Parallel universe

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Chapter 6

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Ruxx remembers that a long time ago, he heard a story about a young boy who accidentally wandered into the other realm and was unable to return. A powerful bishop of King Freyr was sent to bring him back. With this in mind, Ruxx ran off to the citadel to seek help from Freyr. He ran and ran all the way there, not stopping for anything, until he was face to face with the citadel guards, who demanded to know why he was running towards them so urgently.

"What is the problem, animal tender? Why are you running up to us with such haste?" one of the guards asked.

Having trouble catching his breath enough to talk, Ruxx managed to get a few words out. "Elysia went with a human."

The guards looked at each other and immediately grabbed Ruxx, bringing him to the King without delay. They escorted him so quickly that he didn't have a chance to take in the grand views of the inner citadel. Before he knew it, he found himself in the King's Throne Chamber, realizing that this was now a serious matter as he was about to speak to the King himself. The guards paused for a moment, with one of them holding onto Ruxx's shoulders to prevent him from going anywhere. The other guard approached the throne, bowed, and the King motioned for him to come closer. The guard whispered something into the King's ear, and the King fixed his gaze on Ruxx.

"I am in such big trouble. I have never even seen our king before, and now he is looking at me as if I am the worst Elf to ever live!" Ruxx thinks to himself, feeling the weight of the situation.

The king motions for the guard to bring Ruxx closer. Ruxx is pushed about four feet away from the steps leading up to the throne. The guard instructs Ruxx to take a knee and lower his head.

Ruxx obeys and waits anxiously. Suddenly, a loud and thunderous voice fills the chamber.

"My guards tell me that you witnessed an Elf going with a Human," the king says.

"Yes, my lord," Ruxx replies.

"Tell me what you know about this girl and why she would have done such a thing."

"She is my best friend, your lordship. She believes that by going with him, she can save our woods," Ruxx explains.

"How do you know that she thinks she is saving our woods?"

"She told me as she was entering the other realm, and I was too slow to stop her, my lord."

"So she went willingly? Tell me, what is this girl's name?" the king inquires.

"Elysia Greensprites, my lord," Ruxx answers.

"Greensprites, oh yes, I know her father and mother well. They are both very talented healers," the king acknowledges.

"Guards, please ensure that her parents are informed of the situation and let them know that she won't be coming home anytime soon," the king orders. Ruxx's heart sinks upon hearing this, and he can't help but burst out, "Oh mighty King, please! You have to save her! She won't make it out there!" He quickly corrects himself, "My lord, I mean."

The king looks at Ruxx and asks, "What is your name?"

"Ruxx Deerman, my lord."

"Well, Ruxx Deerman, Elysia made this choice on her own. No one here can bring her back unless she finds her own way back. Only then will she be worthy of walking in our halls again. Now excuse me, I have other pressing matters to attend to," the king dismisses.

Ruxx leaves the citadel feeling crushed, not knowing what will become of Elysia. All he can do is think to himself how he should have expressed his true feelings for her every day they were together, even if it meant risking their friendship. It would have been better than this overwhelming sense of love for someone he may never see again.

With in a few days the forest harvesting by the humans stopped and Ruxx was very excited. He thought Elysia would be coming home soon and ran to the edge of the forest to meet her. Only she never came, but he kept showing up every day to meet her.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Seasons came and went, and not a day passed where Ruxx didn't go to the edge of the forest and call out Elysia's name, hoping that her mission was complete and she would return home.

Humans who passed by in proximity reported hearing a mysterious voice calling out "Elysia," and that section of the woods became known as "Elysia's Woods" among them.

Years went by, and Ruxx continued his daily ritual of calling out her name. This time, however, he wasn't alone. Accompanying him was the tiny fawn he had once rescued, which had now grown into a healthy and majestic alpha buck. The two of them stood on the edge of the forest, gazing out into a realm they couldn't fully comprehend.

"Elysia!" cried Ruxx, his voice filled with longing and hope. In response, the deer let out a resounding bugle of his own, as if joining in the call for their lost friend.


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